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Power Leveling A Bad Thing?


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I fear that the press 4 mesa and greedy mag combo may impair this game. It's true that DE is trying to entertain us by dropping a godload of weapons, but in my opinion it this idea of leveling is a bit skewed to me. 


So I have an idea

-cap all xp gain from mobs killed by mass clearing ults, like mesa's or even excal's and saryn's

-BUT boost the xp dropped by enemies and increase the multiplier for killing higher level enemies

-Most importantly though, make lets make weapons need exponential growth to level (but not too insane you know)
   EX. Lv 1=1 xp, lv2 = 2 xp, lv3=4 xp and so on.


Overall, I want to encourage gunplay, and detract the idea of equipping only one weapon and bringing a mesa and greedy mag. DE would make the xp system, but that's another story. So what do you think?


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Its fine the way it is now.

But if you really want it to be changed would be much better to make total xp split b/w non-maxed weapons/frames.

This way you can bring all 4 weapons and kill with your maxed weapons but all xp will go to non-maxed weapons/frame instead of the maxed weapon.

If some find this too op, we could counter balance it by removing xp gain from ability kills.

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-boost the xp dropped by enemies and increase the multiplier for killing higher level enemies

-Most importantly though, make lets make weapons need exponential growth to level

- making higher Level Enemies more valuable can't hurt, to try to inventivize Players to go for more Challenge, rather than how easy it is to play Warframe like a phone game.

- Equipment already takes more XP to go up a Level than the last one, i don't see why making the bar longer is beneficial at all.

by making the bar longer, you just make Players with less hours per day to burn into Warframe actually need to AFKfarm even if they don't want to.

the two AFKfarming Gamemodes also will spawn an infinite number of Enemies per second.... this is a pretty good place to start, by giving it a reasonable cap since every other Gamemode in the game only spawns so many in a short time period, why are those two exempt and left to infinite....

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- making higher Level Enemies more valuable can't hurt, to try to inventivize Players to go for more Challenge, rather than how easy it is to play Warframe like a phone game.

- Equipment already takes more XP to go up a Level than the last one, i don't see why making the bar longer is beneficial at all.

by making the bar longer, you just make Players with less hours per day to burn into Warframe actually need to AFKfarm even if they don't want to.

the two AFKfarming Gamemodes also will spawn an infinite number of Enemies per second.... this is a pretty good place to start, by giving it a reasonable cap since every other Gamemode in the game only spawns so many in a short time period, why are those two exempt and left to infinite....

Afkers would get no exp, and what im trying to do is to get a player jumpstarted on a weapon. Have a weapon super easy to level up in like 10-5 levels, but have each consecutive level have a bit more xp to encourage optimal modding. 


No kidding. That makes the most sense.

yeah... Enemies were once like level 120 on pluto then DE condensed it, also lowering the leveling rate. 

Its fine the way it is now.

But if you really want it to be changed would be much better to make total xp split b/w non-maxed weapons/frames.

This way you can bring all 4 weapons and kill with your maxed weapons but all xp will go to non-maxed weapons/frame instead of the maxed weapon.

If some find this too op, we could counter balance it by removing xp gain from ability kills.

I'm not sure how PS4 is doing right now so I won't judge your situation at all

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1. Hell no.

2. I could roll with that.

3. Again, hell no. They already need increasing XP to level, it doesn't need to be exponential.

for number 1, I mean for situations when someone just equips one weapon and goes peacemaker in a t4 def and asks if his greedy pull mag can join in. yeah not happening when he gets shot by a nullifer and has level 0 gear. I'm not reviving him, I'm going to make him wait through all 40 waves. So yeah Caping the people who ult spam to power level is needed.

For number 3, It would still be the same amount of XP, It's just that level, 1-15 would be easy and level 15-30 would be hard. Mods are everything to a weapon, so give the player a taste of real gunplay, and lessen the feeling of the weapon being a pain in the &#! when leveling the it from rank 0. 

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1. Make high level mobs actually worth XP so people don't just sit around and wipe low level maps

Yeah enemies on pluto use to be like lvl 120, and DE kinda condensed it lowering the XP multiplier. It still has to be fixed, and its like what 6 updates late? Anyway numbers are numbers they should just let them hit the 200s

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but have each consecutive level have a bit more xp to encourage optimal modding.

but Games already design 'Level' systems like that?

every Rank on Equipment in Warframe already takes more pointamajiggers than the last one to fill the bar. the first 10-15 Levels are very quick to Level, and the last 5 or so take quite a lot of pointamajiggers.

we already do that so i don't understand why you are specifically trying to 'add' that to the game.

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but Games already design 'Level' systems like that?

every Rank on Equipment in Warframe already takes more pointamajiggers than the last one to fill the bar. the first 10-15 Levels are very quick to Level, and the last 5 or so take quite a lot of pointamajiggers.

we already do that so i don't understand why you are specifically trying to 'add' that to the game.

needs more emphases 

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-Most importantly though, make lets make weapons need exponential growth to level (but not too insane you know)

EX. Lv 1=1 xp, lv2 = 2 xp, lv3=4 xp and so on.

from what i can understand you would like to duble each level the exp needed to level your gun right? Have you done the math dude or you have choose a casual number? Because i've done the math. to level up one weapon you'll need around 1.073.741.824 exp point only from level 29 to 30, duble that number minus 1 and you obtain the total exp needed from level 0 to level 30. And you also want to put a cap on the exp gained via ability kills. So my answer to your proposal is no for the level up, no for the exp cap via ability kill and yes for increasing the exp given out by higher level mob. Sorry for my bad english, i'm italian and i'm writing on my phone

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I say make the non-endless game modes worth more xp, (exterminate, capture, sabotage, deception, invasions rescue, So many to do!) that way people can have alternatives to the, sit in one spot and spam ultimate abilities meta that we have now.  I dont like doing it, but when im trying to 4x forma something, or trying to level junk for mastery, im going to go the fastest route to get it done!


You dont need to make them give more than endless, just make them competitive.

Edited by Vanroe
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I'm pretty sure that peacemaker kills from mesa give no xp to weapons, it goes 100% to the frame. Same applies for mag and any other damage ability. Whenever I went with a low lvl weapon with my mesa or mag, it barely got any xp because i got most kills with abilities....


So what you suggest is already there?

Edited by Demon.King
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It's true for Mesa but not the others.When my friends wants to xp something,i take mesa, and my weapon level very slow.

But their weapons gets at least 21-22 level in 4 rounds even more i think.Even for Mag.Because yes she deals damage with pull but she's not killing a lot so she stills get tons of xp.


Honestly it's boring ,i used to xp my weapons by going on lower interceptions but enemies don't spawn that much and the xp is very little past lvl 10.

But when you don't have all tghe time you want to play and need to xp that weapon fast before formating it,you have to power level.And that's honestly anoying to be honest at a point..

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for number 1, I mean for situations when someone just equips one weapon and goes peacemaker in a t4 def and asks if his greedy pull mag can join in. yeah not happening when he gets shot by a nullifer and has level 0 gear. I'm not reviving him, I'm going to make him wait through all 40 waves. So yeah Caping the people who ult spam to power level is needed.

For number 3, It would still be the same amount of XP, It's just that level, 1-15 would be easy and level 15-30 would be hard. Mods are everything to a weapon, so give the player a taste of real gunplay, and lessen the feeling of the weapon being a pain in the ! when leveling the it from rank 0. 


1. I have no idea with what kind of people you are playing but:

-Mesa can equip entire set of weapons/'sentinel with unranked weapon' and stand for 40h killing level 15-20 mobs (with infinite energy provided) and the progress on those weapons won't move by 1exp

-I'd really like to see someone who died early sit through 40 waves of T4 when he can simply extract...

-Not reviving your teammate you should be covering? (considering how mesa works) You're a S#&$ty teamplayer then because why take them for T4 in the first place? (or stay in such a team)


3. 1-15 levels ARE easy and 15-25 are mediocre but last 5 levels are hard, especially after 4th or 5th forma you've put into a weapon. (cause you're sick of it)


Overall, I want to encourage gunplay


No you don't, you just dislike Mesa/Mag combo or any nuker in general.

If you would want to encourage Gunplay you would opt for giving more weapon polarities on start (a lot of weapons have no innate polarity slot or have D), changes to mods or simply increased exp for using the weapon. What you're proposing is simply making power leveling harder.


Tell me, what rank are you? How many weapons have you gone through? How many were Formad more than once? Once you start going through Mastery Fodder you don't have a choice but to power level unless you are someone with a loooooooot of free time.


The only thing I'd agree with is that higher level enemies need to give more exp, much more.

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Yeah enemies on pluto use to be like lvl 120, and DE kinda condensed it lowering the XP multiplier. It still has to be fixed, and its like what 6 updates late? Anyway numbers are numbers they should just let them hit the 200s


Well the problem isn't that the enemies don't scale high enough, it's that XP scaling is logarithmic.


Just an example taken from the wiki, a level 3 Napalm is worth ~600 XP, and a level 100 one is ~1200. Even though a level 100 Napalm is fastly, absurdly more difficult than a level 3 one, it only gives twice the XP. So why bother going to a map where killing a couple enemies is a challenge, when you can wipe a whole horde of low level enemies for what comes out to be basically the same amount of XP? I mean, which is easier for you: killing 8 level 3 Napalms or 2 level 100 Napalms? 

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Completely disagreeing with the OP, I gotta say:


a.) The current mechanic of how XP is gained and distributed is just stupid and fun-impairing, this needs to be changed!


b.) What pullmag and mesa can do, can be done with many other classes, saryn, even excalibur can still do it if done right, mirage can make it even easier with mass CC and/or dmg boost, limbo makes a great addition too, or even frost/volt, or nova, just to name a few....

You better not nerf all good classes and combos just because someone feels leveling stuff is too easy(!)

Edited by Taipion
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Why is everyone focusing on my last point? It could just be 1.5, 2.25, and so. I just chose 1, 2, 4, and so on because it's an easy number to get the idea across, I didn't mean exactly that pattern. That's what I meant by not too insane. Maybe a exponential growth factor of a number between 1 to 2, but that depends on the other There are also the other two points I mentioned about such as higher multipliers XP multipliers and caps.


And too many of the people out there who believe I hate on Mesa's playstyle, how is it a game anybody has fun? Anytime a new weapon gets out, people only equip one weapon on there mesa and bring their greedy pull mag friend to Seimini, Ceres. It's true it brings butloads of credits, but this idea of power leveling and farming has gone way too far. The mesa and mag didn't even take out their guns. they just stood over the pod, mesa in peacemaker the whole time and mag spamming one. What kind of mindset is this? Anytime anybody gets a new weapon.

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Completely disagreeing with the OP, I gotta say:


a.) The current mechanic of how XP is gained and distributed is just stupid and fun-impairing, this needs to be changed!


b.) What pullmag and mesa can do, can be done with many other classes, saryn, even excalibur can still do it if done right, mirage can make it even easier with mass CC and/or dmg boost, limbo makes a great addition too, or even frost/volt, or nova, just to name a few....

You better not nerf all good classes and combos just because someone feels leveling stuff is too easy(!)

Im not saying combos, Im saying about a person who just stands on top of the pod and spams 4. It's great if its in combination with running and shooting. like volt's shock, or even saryn's miasma, but the way some people in this form believe that bringing a mesa and standing on top of a pod is a playstyle is false. Rhino's old god mode use to be considered a great support, until people never really used rhino as a tank to support their teammates.  It's people they abuse a perfectly ok skill, just for power or growth. 

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I say make the non-endless game modes worth more xp, (exterminate, capture, sabotage, deception, invasions rescue, So many to do!) that way people can have alternatives to the, sit in one spot and spam ultimate abilities meta that we have now.  I dont like doing it, but when im trying to 4x forma something, or trying to level junk for mastery, im going to go the fastest route to get it done!


You dont need to make them give more than endless, just make them competitive.

That's what I'm trying to avoid. When people are just trying to level they're weapons, they spam they're ulti like mad, and put the weapon away. It's ok to use an ulti for survival purposes, but this idea of racking up the most kills for xp is going to far. I want to cap the Mesa and mag combo, and reward players for actually figuring out how to use a weapon in high level content.


So What I want is more xp multipliers in return for the cap on the mesa+mag combo,

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It's true for Mesa but not the others.When my friends wants to xp something,i take mesa, and my weapon level very slow.

But their weapons gets at least 21-22 level in 4 rounds even more i think.Even for Mag.Because yes she deals damage with pull but she's not killing a lot so she stills get tons of xp.


Honestly it's boring ,i used to xp my weapons by going on lower interceptions but enemies don't spawn that much and the xp is very little past lvl 10.

But when you don't have all tghe time you want to play and need to xp that weapon fast before formating it,you have to power level.And that's honestly anoying to be honest at a point..

Support me then. Throw away that boring leveling strategy for having fun to level something, I said the cap on levels gained from strategies like mesa and mag, but in exchange I want higher level multipliers. 

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