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What Warframes Did You Choose?


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And I don't mean your first warframe.  I'm curious how people's interest brought them to different Warframes over time.


For example:

-I first started with Volt, tolerated it, but never really felt that it was my favorite warframe.

-Built and loved Rhino before realizing he's quite basic.

-Built Nyx because her Chaos was insanely strong back on Xini days, loved her.

-Nyx nerf.

-Got Frost Prime and loved it, really felt like a Warframe that matched my playstyle.

-Built Nekros, another warframe that I really liked and matched my playstyle.

-When Oberon was released, I hesitated because one of my friends claimed it to be his Warframe (and I have a huge hipster complex)

-Friend quit Warframe,

-Quickly & sneakily build Oberon




-Comfortably rotate between 3 forma Frost Prime, 3 forma Nekros, and 6 forma Oberon


Life is good.

Other people's stories?

Edited by AuraMau
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Get Excalibur Prime and have a bit of fun with him

Farm Vauban, new favorite confirmed

Oberon releases, hate him at first but then new favorite confirmed

Zephyr drops, new favorite gameplay wise but stop using her cause I hate how she looks

Hydroid drops, new favorite once again

Mesa drops, oh hey a new favorite

Limbo drops, semi-favorite, everyone says hes useless so I decide to try and prove them wrong, end up maining him


I'm a @#&*. Currently maining Limbo and Nekros.

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Other TH about, ur fav Frame, who is the most frame u use, etc ,etc ,etc.


Such superior!

Wow cool wow! You read forum threads liek this one?

Noob, y u no say favrit?

Repeat thread is best thread!

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i started with excal...

i was not a fan, 

bought slots, got rhino and valkyr


sold excal to make space for nyx


started farming for plat to buy slots

currently, im one chroma away from owning every warframe short of primes. need ember p and loki p...


My main is nova prime, and saryn, but i can see myself using banshee.

depending on the mission though, Il rotate my frames and pick whichever one i need

Limbo for rescue

saryn for carry

nekros for survival

frost p for defence

Nova is for everything

Loki for cap

Saryn for interception


Still working on mesa and volt p..

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Got Excalibur Pirme... got every other frame... 800+ hours later or some junk... Still play Excalibur Prime.  I think the spread is like 86% Excalibro, 4% Booben, %4 Loki Prime, 2% Volt... and then whatever margin of percentage the other 20 some frames are.


EDIT:  Nope I was blatantly wrong... I guess 41% Excalibro, 12% Loki, and every other frame is like 1-4% usage.  Anyway feels like I pretty much always use Excalibro.

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Started with Loki, kept him. Completed most of the star chart.


Farmed Trinity, realised that old trinity was terrible even with 100% immunity blessing. Leveled up to 30, forgot about her existence until update 13(or so)

Got Rhino, modded him for vitality and redirection,steel fiber despite people pointing fingers at me for not building around iron skin (back it was 100% immunity)


Now i have every warframe and switch between them from time to time.

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I started with someone I can't remember who I sold later.


I went and built Frost Prime, ignoring the original. This was for no good reason other than I thought he looked cool. PUNS PUNS.


I built Oberon on the side but didn't start using him until two months later.


I got a Loki, his only purpose now is to do Spy 2.0


Two months had later passed and I used Oberon. It was at that moment true love commenced. Never before had Metheria been so enthralled with a virtual character. They continue to dominate Metheria's solo mode usage to this day.


 I then gradually obtained Vauban. Ran him for a while, but right now he is gathering dust in my Arsenal.


I picked up Mirage because moar Dakka. Actually used her consistently for a while until we sort of drifted apart.


I bought Mesa, painted her like Django and shooteder things in the face.


I got Zephyr at some point.


I got Trinity because why not. Actually run her consistently still.


I built a Excal.


I built a Banshee.


So yeah right now the only frames I actually use are Oberon and Trinity cause healing easy mode and stuff.

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-started with excal
-instant love <3
-still my fav frame
-rhino seemed interesting but EVERYONE was using him
-building rhino only now after 800+ hours of gameplay
-every other warframe i've built is on my number 2 spot, i love them all the same, still play with them regularly
-limbo is one of the most op frames, but n00bs can't play him properly

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>First frame Excalibur.

>Trashed him for Rhino (I regret that).

>Then get Loki.

>Get Trin Trin, I love her.

>Accidentally sell Loki.

>Get Valkyr.

>Sells Valk because 2 boring.

>Gets Ash.

>Sells Ash because 2 boring.

>Repeat this about 100 million times until.

>Get Loki Prime.

>Love all over again.

>Get Mirage.

>Favorite frame <3.

>Get Volt, love him.

>Get Chroma.

>My true love.

>Accidentally sell Trin.

>I regret everything.

>Get Mag Prime.

>I love.

>Get Excalibro with Radiant Finish.

>I love.

Edited by sappinmahsentry
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Limiting it to frames I especially use often, since I've got almost every frame (only missing two primes) for mastery and collection reasons. The order of these might be a little off simply because I don't remember the exact order.


-Pick mag for start, like her appearance. Also enjoy playing as her and eventually get mag prime, but still use regular mag's helmet because it's cuter.

-Get Nova because she's also cute, and have fun blowing enemies up. Especially used her for rushing invasions.

-Get and build Nyx for mastery, but find her extremely useful, especially for defense.

-Get Trinity and build for max efficiency and duration, use for nightmare alerts. Trin usage pretty much dies after nerf.

-Get Nekros for survival and loot farming, often run into issues with me doing more killing than my allies by 35 minutes in survival.

-Get Valkyr for S#&amp;&#036;s and giggles, but end up finding her different playstyle very enjoyable.

>Nova rework

-Initial dismay, and I end up maining other frames for a while. Eventually go back to Nova and realize that it was overall more of a buff than a nerf.

-Nyx prime comes out and I immediately grind it out along with Hikou Prime so I could be Stalker prime (Paris Prime, Hikou Prime, Reaper Prime).

-Nova Prime comes out and I find her to be absolutely adorable, and farm her parts immediately, alongside soma prime because soma. Nova Prime more or less becomes my main.


-Mostly switch between Nova and Valkyr, with occasional Mag for corpus and greedy pull loot farms. Nekros, Hydroid, and Trinity get occasional use as well, but usually for specialized farming. Nyx and Mesa retain loadout slots (Hydroid and Trin don't have one, at least not yet), but are only used every now and then, though I might start using Mesa more once I get around to putting in some forma on her.

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-Started with Loki, found him too hard, put him on the shelf for later.

-Bought Volt, favourite frame. Rhino, Oberon and Loki can't replace him.

-Didn't think about using female frames until I met a Valkyr player, built Valkyr, loved Valkyr.

-Built Nyx, new favourite. Screw Loki.

-Built all other frames and Primes for mastery and whatnot, kept some, sold others.

-Built Loki Prime and Nyx Prime. Can't decide between the two, too much bling.

-U15.5, fought Infested Mesa, loved Mesa, farmed hard for Mesa. Yet new favourite.

-Currently thinking about going back to the start and maining Volt Prime. RNG says 'nope'.


So, yeah, Mesa.

Edited by MartianJellyfish
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all of them. but srsly i started as excalibur, stopped playing the game, came back and mained volt, then got loki and have never looked back. :D at periods i tell myself another frame i'm using will become the one, but I always come back to my glorious trickster bby golden greek god boy. 

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Mag: Didn't know how to use this frame at first, until much later

Frost: honestly just bought the guy at the time since I had no idea how to build a frame

Frost Prime: First prime and frame I legitimately built, with reaper prime.

Nyx: spamming chaos on Xini before the map change

Banshee: OMG how the hell do I use you?! *delete (rebuilt after 10 MR later...)

Rhino: I got bored with this dude real quick

Loki: being invisible was fun for a while

Volt: Spamming shock was the best thing I ever seen.

Sayrn: I hate you. 

Valkyr: Dunno

Nekro: I don't want to keep spamming desecrate, and hated SOD

Mag Prime: Guess this is the one I'll main...

...few more frames

Chroma: This guy is awesome! But man do I hate his 1, no I don't give a dam about it being a status squirt gun. Increase the range. 

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The first one was Excalibur, then Ash (I don't use non-Prime Warframes so I had and have to wait a lot for his Prime counterpart), then Nyx when I realised she was the female version of Excalibur, and then every Warframe with a particular theme that's not completely horrible (Ember, Frost, Rhino, Valkyr). 


But certainly my favourite one is Nova. She's cute, and elegant and I like her concept. Nova Prime is also better. I coloured her using shocking colours (pink and blue, on a black background) and gave her Mesa's noble stance. She's so KAWAIIIIIII!!


Edit: Here's my new love.


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My first warframe was Mag. Had a pretty good time with her, but she had a few issues, and this was especially the case around U10 when I got on board.


My second was Trinity, since, well, she looked interesting. Most of my grinding/farming phase was done with Trin and...


My third was Banshee. I spent a lot of time with Banshee, but didn't really have the mod base early on to allow her to become what she could be. She was off and on for me for some time, while Trinity farmed up the means to advance in the game.


After these three, I started thinking about what I actually wanted out of a warframe and that resulted in farming up Nyx and Saryn at about the same time (since they were both in the outer planets then). Nyx was the key, Saryn mostly because she was nearby and if you couldn't find a Nyx team, then with Saryn you usually could. Saryn didn't really come into her own until Regenerating Molt was introduced.


After that, it was farming up Mag Prime (just because) and picking up Valkyr when she became available with the AladV event(s). It gets blurry from then on, mostly just picked up new warframes when I felt like something new or needed a boost of mastery. I really need to get down to brass tacks and farm up Mesa, but...eh, time, time, ask for anything but time.

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- Started with Loki, he's still my 2nd favorite frame to date

- Second was Rhino because he's a lot easier to use when you have S#&amp;&#036; all for mods

- Third was Nyx and she's my one true love of warframe. And the queen of CC is even more regal now with the prime version.

Forget the order or reasons for the others but I do have every frame (sans a few duplicate prime/non-primes), variety is the spice of life after all! 

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Lol its been such a long time since I first picked my Excal.

Anyway started with Excal and loved him.

Then I think I got ash, but always whent back to Excal.

Then I got Nyx and she turned into my female main.

Then one day I just decided to get all the frames in the game. But I've always found myself going back to Excalibur and Nyx.

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-Started with Excalibro, having him was just like having Solaire by my side (insert Gwynevere's theme)

-Got myself a Volt next, by far my second favourite <3 But getting him from J3-Golem back then was pure buttrape when purple orbs were a thing for Warframe components, got stuck at getting Volt Systems for a week+

-Bought Vauban with plats (sold him some time later due to needing Warframe slots, but got him back not long later)

-Got Trinity next to fulfill a supportive role for my friends (though eventually they all left....)

-Frost Prime, because a friend was using Frost and we sorta had this policy of not using the same frame:3 absolutely adore him

-Rhino, got him too late to able to use Radial Blast by then :'(

-Got meself a Banshee next (dear lord Xini)

-Soot, because ninja

-Grabbed meself a Nekros when Update 10 came along, totally not a Desecrate-type of player and I gave him a general build

-Trolling with Loki. Overfarmed control modules from old Hyena till I got enough components to build him.

-Magtimus Prime, glorious ragdolling effects of Pull (also same frame policy)

-Then came Saryn, helped a friend farm for her and I got all her components. Just decided to build her some time later. Pretty meh imo and a Miasma build just makes it even more dull to use her

-Valkyr (4444444444444444444444444434444444)


-Ember Prime, same frame policy

-Wreckin Nova, thought I might give her a shot and boy did Molecular Prime wreck T3 Survival for me

-BROBERONNNNNN because paladins

-Zephyr the moment update 12 popped in

-Tentacle Rape, because hentai

-Rhino Prime after Loki Prime came along cuz his price goes down in trading :B

-Mirage once Update 14 came

-Limbo once Archwing came out

-Loki Prime after Nyx Prime came out so his price goes down in trading :B

-Mesa because Peacemaker

-Nova Prime, got two of her parts from random Void runs and decide to buy last two parts from trading

-TROGDO- I mean Chroma because FUDGING DRAGON

-Nyx Prime cuz i had S#&$tons of plat to spare


Normal variants of Frost, Mag and Ember were mastery fodder since I acquire them after their Prime variants.

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Excal first, then Volt.

Found Rhino, main'ed it for ages.

Tried Zephyr, good for the stats and speed, used her a lot.

Came back to Rhino.

Tried Oberon, really good, but not that special.

Wanted to see the fuzz about Loki, new favorite.

Wanted to see the fuzz about Nova, heart split between her and Loki (still my most used pair, so much can be done with them).

Wanted to try new things:

  - Frost (not my thing),

  - Banshee (didn't click),

  - Nyx (nice, but no contest with Loki/Nova),

  - Vauban (good for D, much better than Frost to me, love using him with a good squad in ODD),

  - Mesa (loved her, my new utility/level things up frame, right next to Loki and Nova),

  - Rediscovered Volt, really like him with my Amprex, it is just ridiculous: 100k damage tags all over the place, some in yellow, some in red.

Currently leveling Ember (ok, I guess) and Chroma (has not clicked yet)

I play Excal Prime for fun, no agenda at all, from time to time, I think he is the one that best fits the soldier profile (Radial Blind and Braton P, better than COD/BF)


I boosted my gear during the double affinity weekend with Nova/Loki.

I Solo'ed the False Profit with Loki.

I farm Dark Sectors and Void with Nova.


That says a lot about my favorites. Still come back to Rhino every now and then, I use Mesa, and Broban as well.


Wish list: Valkyr, Trin, Mirage, maybe Nekros.

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