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Best Frames To Have.



Hi. I wanna build my arsenal of frames (4 or 5) and I want to know the best for each job (stealth, tank, support etc). I got loki and rhino right now. I'm planning to get other 3. Can u recommend me other 3 frames to get?

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You have choices here, and since I'm sure you will inevitably be suggested every frame, I'll just focus on my preferred role which is



Support/Healing-Capable Frames:

Nekros - both D-Crate to make HP orbs and the Soul Punch augment to insta-rez. Also the whole loot bonus thing.

Broberon - 3 and 4 both heal, 2 and 3 cleanse debuffs.

Trin-Trin - Has no "omfg" panic button to attack with, but is kind of capable of making a team 99% invincible at the touch of a button and can keep a team's Energy reserves almost perpetually maxed out, allowing others to use Blind Rage with little concern.

Chroma - Using Fire Ele, allows him to heal team mates. Vex Armor before rezzing someone nearly assures that you will not get taken down in the process.


Also Vauban is made of support, pure, condensed and formed into a Warframe.

God I love Vauban.



Actually y'know let's tack something onto this, as I have neglected to cast in my vote for the Kitty Hat (Valkyr).

In pretty much any squad or mission type I've ever been in, I feel more secure when there's a Valkyr-chan around. And that's while playing a healer frame.


Edited by DiosGX
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Frames you NEED (meaning that they're always in demand in the recruit channel, you'll always want their utility otherwise you might need other people's help to progress your game): 


Frost -- defense mission is almost impossible without him. 


Nekros -- you NEED that loot and resource drop. Arguably Hydroid can do it too but he's not as efficient as Nekros. 


Trinity -- NEEDED in all kinds of special alerts, high level missions, raids, you name it. 

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I would also recommend a frame for utility that will make players want to have you in your squad and you can reap the benefits. For example, a greedy Mag is good for rep farm or survival camp, Vauban and Nova are also for camp and also very useful against infested. Nekros is a little soft, but is an absolute must in survival missions. Mesa is also a newfound queen of rep farm, but you won't get much benefit being her.


Other frames that offer good utility:

Loki (disarm)

Frost(snow globe)


Edited by curtisngl
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I have many frames (20 of them), yet I don't have Vauban yet... one of the parts eludes me every time. Other than that I really like Nova. Going into defense missions with Nova's M Prime is a GREAT way to level up weapons, and she is very useful in almost every mission including one of the best for spy missions.

EDIT: I also use Nyx a lot and did use Banshee for a while, but IIRC Nova was one of the first frames I got and being that you only have 2 that was my suggestion because it is an easy one to get that is very useful

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Stealth-Ash..Loki has a longer invis but for stealthy type missions I find ash's powers to be more fun.

Crowd Control-tough one....most likely Loki but I'd recommend Nyx with a short duration and power efficiency to utilize chaos and absorb.



Weapon Only-Excalibur. For when you don't won't to rely on powers.

PS: ember doesn't suck.

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My go-to frames and why they are good to have:


Nova (Prime): Nova has all-around versitility. The slow Molecular Prime build completely destroys the Infested and provides good crowd control against the other factions. The explosions can even damage Nullifiers through their bubble. The fast Molecular Prime build synergizes well with the combination of Loki's Radial Disarm (without Irradiating Disarm) and Vauban's Vortex for Defense missions. The damage bonus is helpful for one-shotting higher level Wardens in Rescue missions, and Wormhole allows you easily evade guards and traps in Rescue and Spy missions.


She's also very easy to mod. Molecular Prime scales almost exclusively off of duration (strength for the slow effect caps at +45%, and range only affects the explosion radius), and Antimatter Drop scales almost exclusively off of weapon damage (strength only effects the base damage, which is negligible compared to absorbed weapon damage).


Loki (Prime): Loki is one of the best crowd-control frames with Radial Disarm, Invisibility, and Decoy, and Irradiating Disarm is one of the best ability augments currently available. A build for power range can almost completely cover the smaller Defense and Interception maps. With Hushed Invisibility and a power duration build, he's a monster at solo weapon leveling due to the stealth bonus. If you can maintain the bonus for the entire mission, Pantheon on Mercury can get you a whopping 60,000 affinity in a single run. None of Loki's abilities are affected by power strength so he's also easy to mod. Loki Prime even comes with four polarized mod slots out of the box.


Rhino (Prime): Let's face it, face-tanking your way through lower level missions is a great way to relax. While Iron Skin's usefulness falls off sharply with increasing enemy levels, Roar built with strength and duration and Rhino Stomp built with duration and range don't lose their usefulness. Iron Skin and Rhino Stomp also make a great combination for synthesizing targets for Simaris.


Mesa: Mesa is an amazing tank with Shooting Gallery to prevent nearby enemies from attacking and Shatter Shield to deflect damage coming from farther away. With the correct positioning and proper support from your squad, Peacemaker completely destroys enemies of any faction in Defense, Mobile Defense, and Interception.


Other frames I don't use as often but are still good to have:


Mag (Prime): Shield Transference keeps her alive against the Corpus and Corrupted, and Greedy Pull is almost a staple for farming. Pull and Crush are also good crowd control.


Chroma: Chroma is incredibly versatile. I play him with a solo Heat build that focuses on Elemental Ward and Vex Armor and synergizes well with any of the syndicate procs that regenerate health, like that of my Vaykor Marelok, Hek, and Burston Prime.


Good to have:


Trinity: Blessing and Link make her nearly invincible, and Energy Vampire keeps your squad's energy reserves topped off at all times.


Vauban: Bastille and Vortex give you your choice of crowd control depending on the situation.


Frost (Prime): Snow Globe is almost a staple for Defense, though a similar effect can be produced with Volt's Electric Shield or Limbo's Cataclysm with different benefits and drawbacks.

Edited by Inarticulate
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all in 1 frame : Trinity 

why : 

-> self energy regen ... ( more spam) 

-> -99 % dmg ...

->kill mobs at 45 m . ( with and without cover)

-> - 99% dmg ( during 30 sec Oo).


And -99% dmg for all the team .....


trinity ... What else. XD

Edited by affropiaf
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Ty for the replies. I think i'll make:

loki: stealth/solo

rhino: bully/solo

trinity: healer/suport

frost: tank/makes defence A LOT easier

nekros: farming

Since they're so many, I want to get the sixth one and i cant decide between Mesa, Nova and Mag. What are each's benefits?

Or i can take 2 of them and removing rhino, cause i have frost.

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Mesa, Nova and Mag. 


Mesa: A stationary turret. People want Mesa for farming reps and doing low-to-mid tier tower defenses. If you play Mesa yourself, you're not getting much xp. And you do most of the work. But her abilities look cool though. 


Mag: Nowadays people want Mag for the Greedy Pull augment, basically making her a deluxe-sized vacuum cleaner to pick up loot. Not much fun to play this way. But she can do more, especially against Corpus.


Nova: I believe she's DE_Steve's favorite. You can bet they'll continue buffing her with all kinds of interesting augments. Useful in any situations, defense, spy, long survival, raids, credit farming, rushing low-level maps, tactical alerts, basically anything.

Nova primed version has much higher energy bank but the three V polarities are a pain to mod. 


TL;DR: get Nova because she's the most useful of the three. 

Edited by elele
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Ty for the replies. I think i'll make:

loki: stealth/solo

rhino: bully/solo

trinity: healer/suport

frost: tank/makes defence A LOT easier

nekros: farming

Since they're so many, I want to get the sixth one and i cant decide between Mesa, Nova and Mag. What are each's benefits?

Or i can take 2 of them and removing rhino, cause i have frost.

 NOVA MESA and G mag all aer a  MUST

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Hi. I wanna build my arsenal of frames (4 or 5) and I want to know the best for each job (stealth, tank, support etc). I got loki and rhino right now. I'm planning to get other 3. Can u recommend me other 3 frames to get?

Healer/support/tank/melee = Trinity

Farmer/healer/ CC = Necros

Tank/Defence = Frost

With Necros the optional, I just like him for farming resources and such.

I'd recommend trying to play all the frames though :)

Edited by (PS4)D-onlinekilla-4D
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Hydroid for farming resources and T1-4 Survival. (t3-4 is only good for ~30-40 mins)

Mesa for soloing T1 defense when you need Forma BPs. 

Limbo for farming R5 cores on Triton. Doubles as pod protection in a group for high level defenses.

Loki for stealth scanning/spy missions. Doubles as AoE CC with Disarm and even a decent speedrunner.


^ are the 4 I'd most highly recommend. Others include:


Trinity for a high level go-to frame; can build for team damage immunity, team energy generation, or even insta-kill priority targets. 

Banshee for damage amp; doubles as a melee frame for anti-humaniods (use savage silence to open finishers which deal massive damage).

Mag for anti-corpus and loot collection.

Vauban for Infested defense missions, especially ODD.

Rhino for soloing bosses (other frames work too but he's the easiest to use).

Volt for speedrunning capture missions.

Ash for soloing long T3/4 survival (to make the most of keys).

Saryn for nuking, and speedrunning Exerminate missions on solo.

Ember for speedrunning invasion missions in a group.



That's like... 13 of the 23 different frames, best in their field at that specific job. If you have questions about any of this, feel free to ask and I can explain more fully, but most of it is straight forward.

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These are the roles I would want represented, if I had very limited frame slots...



The Immortal - Preferably Valkyr, but possibly Trinity, Limbo or Chroma.

You need someone who is capable of surviving in situations you have no real right surviving in. When everything goes to hell, it's up to you to revive the team, activate life support, capture targets, and intercept Bombard rockets with your face. The immortal can carry you through missions, nightmare alerts and horrible events (looking at you, False Profit event!) that you're otherwise ill-equipped for.



The Defender - Preferably Frost or Zephyr. Narrow Minded Limbo can also work. And maybe Volt?

Sometimes it's not enough to be immortal. Sometimes you need something other than yourself to be protected from harm too. The Protector excels at Defense, Mobile Defense, Excavation and Rescue missions.



The Ghost - Loki or Ash.

It's just very handy to have a frame that can be invisible. They make for easy Spy missions, quick XP farming with stealth, rapid completion of Sabotage/Deception/Capture missions and Simaris farming. Also, some events are just so much easier with an invisible frame, like that 75 Manic alert we had semi-recently.



The Farmer - Preferably Nekros, but Hydroid can sort of work at low levels.

Aside from their role of making Survivals easier, Nekros and Hydroid are notable for increasing loot. Having one of these guys is how you can keep your Neurode, Neural Sensor and Orokin Cell levels nice and healthy.



The Supporter - Trinity. Just Trinity.

Being able to supply the team with infinite energy, overshields, heal health and shields, and provide damage resistance, there's really no competing with Trinity. Having her around is a game changer.



The Controller - Nova, Loki, Nyx, Mirage, Banshee, Mag... anyone with wide AoE crowd control, really.

At higher levels, survival mostly comes from enemies not hitting you. To that end, you want a frame that can keep enemies slowed to a crawl, blinded, disarmed, off their feet, or shooting each other.



The Nuker - Saryn or Mesa.

Simple, really. Your job is to kill everything around you as fast as possible. When you want to get through the 5 Exterminate/Crossfire missions of an Invasion as fast as you can, or rapidly deplete waves in a Defense, you bring one of these.




So with only 5 frames, and with you already having a Loki, I'd go with:

Trinity - immortal, support

Loki - ghost, control

Nekros - farm

Frost - defense

Mesa - nuke

Edited by OniGanon
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These are the roles I would want represented, if I had very limited frame slots...

The Immortal - Preferably Valkyr, but possibly Trinity, Limbo or Chroma.

You need someone who is capable of surviving in situations you have no real right surviving in. When everything goes to hell, it's up to you to revive the team, activate life support, capture targets, and intercept Bombard rockets with your face. The immortal can carry you through missions, nightmare alerts and horrible events (looking at you, False Profit event!) that you're otherwise ill-equipped for.

The Defender - Preferably Frost or Zephyr. Narrow Minded Limbo can also work. And maybe Volt?

Sometimes it's not enough to be immortal. Sometimes you need something other than yourself to be protected from harm too. The Protector excels at Defense, Mobile Defense, Excavation and Rescue missions.

The Ghost - Loki or Ash.

It's just very handy to have a frame that can be invisible. They make for easy Spy missions, quick XP farming with stealth, rapid completion of Sabotage/Deception/Capture missions and Simaris farming. Also, some events are just so much easier with an invisible frame, like that 75 Manic alert we had semi-recently.

The Farmer - Preferably Nekros, but Hydroid can sort of work at low levels.

Aside from their role of making Survivals easier, Nekros and Hydroid are notable for increasing loot. Having one of these guys is how you can keep your Neurode, Neural Sensor and Orokin Cell levels nice and healthy.

The Supporter - Trinity. Just Trinity.

Being able to supply the team with infinite energy, overshields, heal health and shields, and provide damage resistance, there's really no competing with Trinity. Having her around is a game changer.

The Controller - Nova, Loki, Nyx, Mirage, Banshee, Mag... anyone with wide AoE crowd control, really.

At higher levels, survival mostly comes from enemies not hitting you. To that end, you want a frame that can keep enemies slowed to a crawl, blinded, disarmed, off their feet, or shooting each other.

The Nuker - Saryn or Mesa.

Simple, really. Your job is to kill everything around you as fast as possible. When you want to get through the 5 Exterminate/Crossfire missions of an Invasion as fast as you can, or rapidly deplete waves in a Defense, you bring one of these.

So with only 5 frames, and with you already having a Loki, I'd go with:

Trinity - immortal, support

Loki - ghost, control

Nekros - farm

Frost - defense

Mesa - nuke

Thank you very much guys. All the replies helped me

I think i'll go this set of frames, and i'll add a nova or mag.

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Tank = Valkyr - High armour and life strike plus invulnerability built into her ult.

Support = Oberon - Can CC, heal, and remove proc's

Stealth = Loki - Invisibility, plus can teleport with his decoy to get to hard to reach places.

Defense = Frost for team defense (Snow globe), Nyx for absolute defense of pods (Absorb)

Damage = Nova - M prime can make even weaker weapons viable, also combined with Wyrms radial blast can wreck in T4.

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