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What Is The Weirdest, Most Horrible And Unexplainable Dream You've Seen?


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So far, the majority of the dreams could find explanations directly from the days & activities done before...


Also, a lucid dream is a dream you control! When the outcome is up to you...

Or simplier : a dream where you know you're in.(true self-consciousness)

Overlord may have this : being able to wake up "on demand" is a good indication.


I often dream of random guys trying to kill me, and I started some years ago to counter it. When it happens you wake up sooooo satisfied man... :)

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So far, the majority of the dreams could find explanations directly from the days & activities done before...


Also, a lucid dream is a dream you control! When the outcome is up to you...

Or simplier : a dream where you know you're in.(true self-consciousness)

Overlord may have this : being able to wake up "on demand" is a good indication.


I often dream of random guys trying to kill me, and I started some years ago to counter it. When it happens you wake up sooooo satisfied man... :)

Honestly after the lizard sewer people dream I went Inception on myself(the pain made me go, awwwww hell no, this ain't happenning again; it severely freaked me out). Realizing that I "wake up" in the middle of a dream was the first thing. Also, it seems that my dreams are different than other people, in how others tell me that is looks too real they can't tell. Light sources for me are over blinding(so in dream lights actually wake me up if they are too bright) also, my eyes see the world in HHHHHHHHD so I can tell when the blurry mess that I "see" is just a dream.

Once that is done I go the same as you. If there is going to be a serious of nightmares, I might as well be the badass chasing them/it.

Also, I seem to be able to recall each dream in a night if I choose to. So after the first one I am actually able to see and feel the transition to being dumped in the middle of the next dream.

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here's a good one from the ye old vaults of my mind.


it starts off with me in moss covered stone maze. there are a bunch of storm troopers walking inside of it who utterly confused on where they are as they wonder about.


so I run over and grab my friend. (that is all they are my friend. I don't know what they look like or what they sound like or even there gender. they are just my friend.) I point at the storm troopers and shout "Look at those id*ots! they don't even know where there even going!"


I then fall to the floor laughing. the storm troopers see this how ever as one of them yells "rebels! blast them!' but using the famous terrible aiming that only a storm trooper can have they miss every shot.


suddenly I transform into gandalf and jump into the maze as I slam down my staff and shout "YOU SHALL NOT PAASSS!!"


my friend then transforms into suraman and we both start to doge the storm troopers shots as we kill them with magical blasts from our staffs.


after killing a few more of them I slam my staff into the ground as lighting arcs out killing the rest of them and ending the dream.


yeah.... I think my brain must have been on some imaginary crack when it thought of this...

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I once had a dream where I was running on top of a train. When i got into the end cab I jumped to another train which was right behind the first train, got  in, and started to beat the crap out of Mickey Mouse.

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I know I just posted a dream of mine but there is another I had today that I really want to share.


the dream starts of with me being me for once. I walk down a set of stairs and enter a underground stadium. its sort of like a football stadium only much much smaller. and it has Orange leather seats.(I don't know why I remember that part so well)


anyway the entire thing was a underground (not sure if illegal but I think it was) robot on robot fighting match called robot wars (yes I do know there is a real thing called that) and people were yelling shouting and spilling giant red and white stripped buckets of popcorn every were.


and there were black speakers above the death ring as they called it (a giant steel cage were the robots fought in) blasting heavy metal, it was awesome!


after I little while I got really into it and started to bet on one of the robots. it was called sponge-bob and was dresses up really poorly to look like him.


there were also some that looked like Pokemon and others that looked just like normal robots. (if you could even call this normal)


so the robots slam into buzz saw and shoot each-other for a while as they are cheered on and booed at. (yes some people managed to get guns in there, one guy had welded an uzi to his.)


another thing I remember is that I was short on money at the time.



anyway the dream ends shortly after with a bunch off other people looking sad and defeated from losing money on bets as they leave.


I however am grinning and beaming with joy from betting on sponge-bob (yes sponge-bob was the winner...) and  winning heaps of money.


and that was the end of the dream.

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I know I just posted a dream of mine but there is another I had today that I really want to share.


the dream starts of with me being me for once. I walk down a set of stairs and enter a underground stadium. its sort of like a football stadium only much much smaller. and it has Orange leather seats.(I don't know why I remember that part so well)


anyway the entire thing was a underground (not sure if illegal but I think it was) robot on robot fighting match called robot wars (yes I do know there is a real thing called that) and people were yelling shouting and spilling giant red and white stripped buckets of popcorn every were.


and there were black speakers above the death ring as they called it (a giant steel cage were the robots fought in) blasting heavy metal, it was awesome!


after I little while I got really into it and started to bet on one of the robots. it was called sponge-bob and was dresses up really poorly to look like him.


there were also some that looked like Pokemon and others that looked just like normal robots. (if you could even call this normal)


so the robots slam into buzz saw and shoot each-other for a while as they are cheered on and booed at. (yes some people managed to get guns in there, one guy had welded an uzi to his.)


another thing I remember is that I was short on money at the time.



anyway the dream ends shortly after with a bunch off other people looking sad and defeated from losing money on bets as they leave.


I however am grinning and beaming with joy from betting on sponge-bob (yes sponge-bob was the winner...) and  winning heaps of money.


and that was the end of the dream.

did you by any chance read about my dream before you dreamed this? mine was the one with underground alien machines fighting humans

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I remembered another one I saw.


There were some small PROTRUSIONS I was hanging from and I was going towards a LARGER CLIFF. I can't quite remember what it was, but I was RETRIEVING SOMETHING from the CLIFF. Once I reached the CLIFF, it started shaking, and was clearly about to FALL DOWN any moment. Obviously, that got me SCARED S#&$LESS, and I found myself PETRIFIED BY FEAR. I started calling for help. Then, MY FATHER showed up on the edge of the CHASM. He was holding some CRAPPY LOOKING STICK, and telling me to grab it so he could PULL ME UP. I couldn't REACH the stick though, and the CLIFF I was on started getting S#&$TIER all the time. Just before IT FELL I woke up.

I SHAT MY PANTS several times after that dream.

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Most of my dreams are about me running away from something, I don't always know what or who's behind me, I just know that there is something behind me, so, I just run. In the end, I usually end up killing myself (in the dream),waking myself up in the proccess or get myself into another chase.

I particularly remember this one dream in which I was in my room, it was dark and all the stuffs were packed into boxes, and there was this human-size doll resting on a chair in the middle of the mess. Its presence was unsettling, naturally I backed off. The thing then got up, and ran towards me. I ran, I jumped out of the window for some reason and crippled my legs, the next thing I know, I grabbed a random eletric cable and eletrocuted myself. What happened next was blurry.

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Most of my dreams are about me running away from something, I don't always know what or who's behind me, I just know that there is something behind me, so, I just run. In the end, I usually end up killing myself (in the dream),waking myself up in the proccess or get myself into another chase.


Thanks for reminding me about this.


It is common to have these type of dreams were you are running from someone/something without knowing what it was. 


A few years ago I was having a similar dream(again) and decided to finally turn around. It was the face of what appeared to be an absolutely beautiful women...once. Parts of her hair were mixed and discolored bit balding area around one of her sides with like sunburn skin on it. Her face looked like it had gone through a bad chemical peel in uneven swirls around her face. Along with that her entire body looked like she had some type of flesh eating desease with sort of circles with very fresh exposed flesh on her skin.


She had clothes that for some reason reminded me of someone that I actually met in RL, but I couldn't remember who it was(still don't). The clothes wasn't tatered just hanging off of her and faded as it was used non-stop for years. There was blood on the tip of what looked like a linen scarf she had on her left shoulder wrapping, or just sort of falling, down the front of her chest.


What I felt about her was that she wasn't trying to harm me. She had this face that I have only seen little kids have of being terrified for their life. She wanted me to help her somehow.


After I saw her, the pitch black surroundings we were running through came into focus. Turned out we were in a type of slum. The type with cardboards for walls and metal tin sheets. Dim orange glow of a sun that wasn't there. Only thing that I could hear was my breathing and light wind.


Only thing after that was that I was still shaking as she ran to me. I managed to say "Why are..." and woke up with my hands and elbows pressed against my body in a cold sweat.

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When I was young (somewhere between 6 and 12 years old) I had two dreams about a creature.


The first took place in my hometown-a small village of about 1000. There was a pool party at a house where my church was usually located. They sky was a sickly purple-red, but no one noticed. None of the people looked remotely familiar.


At some point, a man pulled out a match and lit it. A bolt of lightning came from the sky and hit the match. There was a flash of light. Standing where the man was, there was a creature about the size of a large cat or small dog. It had a ratlike head with needle sharp teeth, and glowing red eyes. Its body was covered with armadillo-like plates and spines.The entire creature had a sickly albino color palette-pinks, whites, and reds.


The creature leaped up into the air and curled into a ball, spinning very quickly. It spun through the air like this, and shredded everyone at the party. I was walking down the street, to the party. When I got there, the beast was gone. All I saw was the pool, red with blood and gore.


Somehow, I knew exactly what had caused the carnage, and knew what to do. For some reason, the only way to be safe from the creature was by standing at the top of a hill. I was with someone else, and we ran to the nearest hill. I looked behind me, and saw the creature spinning after us. We reached the hill and looked down-The creature paced at the bottom of the hill, then ran into the woods.


In the second dream, I was in a black minivan on an endless stretch of highway, surrounded by forest. For some reason, my fifth grade science teacher was driving the van. I saw a red gleam in the woods, and we stopped. I got out of the van, and my teacher drove away without me. I wandered a little ways into the wood, and saw the creature.


It rushed towards me, without leaping into the air and spinning. As it got closer, the edges of my vision grew increasingly black and quivery. I looked down and to the right as hard as I could, into the blackness. When I looked back up, the creature was gone.


Pretty weird, I know.

Edited by Darkjackal_2031
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Before I start, I'd like to note that I tend to experience my dreams in 3rd person, so I'm often seeing myself in the dream as oppose to seeing out of my own eyes. I see myself in the dream, but I still experience (or think I'm experiencing) whats going on.

I've had a few weird ones, but this is by far the strangest:

In this dream, I was in some sort of sewer, underground. For some reason, I had the ability to float, about an inch off the ground, whilst going around this sewer. The weird thing about it was that I was floating face-down, planking, staring at the floor as I hovered around. It was the most unsettling and frustrating experience I've ever had. I couldn't look around, had no idea of where I was going. I was just floating with my nose nearly scraping the ground. Multiple times I would go over sewage water, have to breath in disgusting air, but I couldn't recoil or move away from it - I could only float just above it.

I hated that dream.

By the way, how do you all experience your dreams? 1st person or 3rd person?

Edited by IANOBW
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I had a dream where there was a strawberry ice cream with hairy arms telling me on the count of 10 that it would ripp me to shreds if I didn't get out of the house on time. For some reason I was slow as a turtle and didn't make it and got ripped to shreds.


I had way worse dreams than this but the others are so horrible that I don't want to tell them cause they are just to horrifying and strange.



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