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How Much Rating Do You Give Warframe?


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In a nutshell:

For a game that is being continually develpoed, id say 7/10 and increasing. It can be buggy, and awkward at times, but it looks beautiful and the concept is rare. (I alway had an affinity for Guyver/megaman/iron man/whatever suits of power genre) The frames and weapons are diverse and exciting. The idea of a (quasi-)lateral balance of progression instead of bottom to top progression(like clasic RPGs) is a huge undertaking, with high risk and high reward(has lots of balancing issues, but can benefit from a diverse population of playstyles). This last point is where the bulk weight of my scoreing is influenced.

It will get a better score once balancing/game mechanics is hashed out, lore is completed, and end game/continuous events are in place.

Also, the relays openned up the relm of 'feels like an MMO', which was a huge step in the right direction too.

But personally, id give it a relative 10/10 considering, for the past 2 years, its the only game that has pulled me away from replaying the classics that never get old; and is used as the fallback when a new game gets boring.

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For a F2P game it's pretty amazing. The repetitive gameplay isn't so bad if people actually enjoy the combat/gameplay system which I presonally do. Thing is this game has so many big changes coming (new startchart / void mechanics. New bosses, updated movement , probably some kind of damage 2.5, more Trials etc...). So all in all, it's just too soon to rate the game. DE did make the game available very early and to this day it still has a lot of things in the works. You can bet your bottom we'll be seeing more and more enemy variety in the future.

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+ The aesthetic is unique and pleasant to look at

+ As a shooter it performs better than most other shooters

+ Optimized so well that older machines can play the game fairly well.


- The game is downright hollow with its content. Sure, quests are in but they don't do anything different than the basic gameplay since closed beta, with a few tweaks and minor additions. (This is a huge reason why the score is below 5.)

- Criminally excessive use in RNG. 

- Normal methods of movement including parkour are either janky, ineffective, or boring. (This is getting fixed soon, but it still counts.)

- The lore is interesting enough but the plot and the events taking place within it are bad and don't make sense. (This is obviously important for games that try to have plot.)

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concept is great, i put some heavy money on it so i must consider it good 10/10, but concept alone wont hold game together.


State of balance 2/10, its a mess, nothing is at its place and exploits are actually required to clear high end content, i didnt put 1/10 due to low lvl gameplay being actually somewhat balanced but it doesnt persist for long.

Artistic merits 9/10, tilesets are generally well designed, so are weapons, frames and archwings, though npcs, specifically bosses design kinda got lets say overblown as the game got bigger.

Graphics 6/10, everything looks great, except for animations, sticky wallrun still haunts me at night.

Gameplay 3/10, guns doesnt feel powerful, theres barely any feedback upon using them, recoil is visible only after you apply ludicrous amounts of rof on very few specific weapons, melee combos have no use and devs havent considered state of balance when introducing melee 2.0 thus thats the end effect, parkour so far is pointless.

Audio 5/10, npcs in general sound good, enemies make believable sounds, but then guns and abilities, theres no power in their sounds.

Content 4/10, majority of content additions consists of grindwalls, if youre into it theres always something to do, but i feel like game should be about something more than grind.

MIcrotransactions/dlc and price 3/10, there are only 2 steps lower than mobile freemium with waiting, you can restrict access behind premium currency and introduce pay2win, even without those its as customer unfriendly as it can get, then these things arent even that cheap.


Which gives us average of 5/10 and ill deduct a point for legendary korean lvls of grind which in the end gives us 4/10

Edited by Davoodoo
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I would give it a flummox out of bajoongomanate. Because that's how meaningless scores are.

Also DE, you can totally use bajoongomanate as a name for the next super rare ubiquitously required resource.

Edited by belcebub
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Open beta start: 7\10
Update 11: 9\10 

Now: 4\10
+ Awersome music sound
+ Good F2P model
+ Good design of charecters\enviroment\LvL

+decent Graphic

- Bad writing of the world.
- too many Bugs
- lack of content for veterans players( no end-game\late game content)
- Worst weapon balance i ever saw
- nogame mechanic evolutio like it was in U11

- The whole point of the game is GrindFest

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Warframe = 10/10 -- GOTY 2014, and possibly 2015 for me the way things are looking thus far with close contenders being MK X, and / or Bloodborne.  I really enjoy Evolve too, but it simply doesn't have the content to compete.  I REALLY love Evolve though! :-)  If that game had more variety it would be amazing!  


That is simply my opinion.  


For a Free to play, this game is insannnnnneeee, and actually is better (in my opinion)  than alot of Pay to play games out there at the moment.


Again, this is my opinion.  I can't get enough of it.  Been here since day one of ps4 launch, and the amount of work that goes into keepiing this game fresh is astounding!

Also, moving this to feedback.

Don't worry DE never put loyalty questioned of their moderators)

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6.5/10. Good ideas, but a lot of hyping something up instead of actually making it good, often left in buggy states for long periods of time (Kubrows, Archwing). Guns also don't feel like they have a lot of impact, though the modding system is pretty good if a bit overwhelming at first. Okay parkour system, though I'm looking forward to parkour 2.0. But my biggest problem is that there's no meaningful end game. It all boils down to you farming and grinding the heck out of a gun, but no pay off. You could call raids an "end game", but honestly they feel more like a gear check than anything else.


TL;DR: some good ideas, but usually abandoned shortly after, no meaningful end game. 

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Its my favorite game so i probably should give it 10/10 but as it still got the potential to get even more awesome I say 7/10 with 10 being the potential it could reach with:

better parcour

More awesome stances like blind jistice and tempo royal

more endgame vailable weapons

the new starchart like steve wants it to be

a little more endgame

expanded pvp

expanded and rewarding archwing missions

less repetitiv grind.

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My hope for Warframe is that the sentients expansion/patch really nails the failings in this game (lack of story, no motivation, no grand scheme, boredom/grind/repetition due to the previous problems, as well as really filling out the back story of the game).


If sentients don't fix the games major problems I don't think they ever will be fixed, and once the competition kicks up that's not gonna go well for a game as hollow as warframe.

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