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Sorry De....uranus Water Tileset - Impossible


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This is somehow a really interesting thread o.o

Not only because the main "Please more 'realistic' usage of the different terrain of the planets in the Warframe solar-system that is cleary based on our solar-system without a doubt"-topic.

The way some Tenno hear present some science-things is sorta cool too in my opinion^^ (and really interesting to observe :3)


Soooo all I can say when I read this thread is:


or to say it really clear:



But I personally still don't care a lot how the tilesets/terrain is ingame compared to our real life solar-system.

Yes, DE choose our solar system, and they ,maybe, should sometimes think more about the single planets when they try to create a new tileset.

But I like every new Tileset they made. Every single one is -in my opinion- awesome, special, yadayadaya....

And since it is a sci-fi game, they are allowed -to some degree- to be...well...to be creative^^ That is a good thing in my opinion....and the alltime "little lore"-problem we sorta have in Warframe leaves a lot of things without clear answers (the so called "spaceninjamagic" ^^)...


Mhhh...I think I lost what I wanted to say in the middle of the last sentences...oh well....I think it was something like that:

- Science good

- Warframe good

- more explanation about ingame technology and why some things are how they are in Warframe would be good too

- Uranus will probably be moist (yea I said it again)

- nothing is really impossible in Warframe...sometimes it is just hard to believe


Okay, now I really need to sleep (wow, I say that really often lately....mhhh...I digress...see ya)

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The big twist:

This isn't Sol.

This is a alien system, one of many that Orokin terraformed to make it look similar to the humans first system. But there are a few things beyond change. The size of moons and the composition of planets. Various problems solved.

This system just happens to be the Origin of Tenno. So we know it as the Origin system. Not the Orokin origin, not the true earth.

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but i dont want to just ''go'' with it



If they really did terra form Uranus.........atleast explain that orokin or grineer have such technology

i dont care even if its billion years in future

it needs to be explained

otherwise it doesnt make sense

Why does it need to make sense.



80% of warframe is unknow.


DE put insane effort into background lore/information you'll have to dig to find out why there is a base on neptune's moon.

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DE could make Uranus a dust blown desert if they wanted to ~ its their game and setting, nothing has to be as its in "RL" in a scifi game

Depends on how hard you're aiming for your science fiction to be, actually. If they're trying to aim for hard in certain areas, then they've gotta think a lot of this through, and an array of other Fun.

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Dunno if this was mentioned earlier, tl;dr, but they made Uranus the underwater lab because of Tyl Regor. Lore purposes I guess. If not they have to swap bosses and change the levels in those planets and thats no fun.

Edited by (XB1)TsK x BraVo
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Well atleast it's more realistic then Venus being an ice tileset

You'd take a structurally stable lab complex deep within an ice giant (we're talking about enormous pressure here) in an environment of a theoretical ocean of liquid flammable chemicals inhabited by lifeforms over a rocky and snowy terrain on a typically rocky and hot earth-like terraformed planet?



DE could make Uranus a dust blown desert if they wanted to ~ its their game and setting, nothing has to be as its in "RL" in a scifi game

Science fiction has nothing to do with pure fantasy.


Mars is apparently iced over...

Excuse you sir?


Doable with earth-like planets. Completely impractical and pointless with giants.

Let me also add that DE had tried hard enough to actually make a Jupiter Gas City tileset instead of going "it's solid deep down deal with it". 


Dunno if this was mentioned earlier, tl;dr, but they made Uranus the underwater lab because of Tyl Regor. Lore purposes I guess. If not they have to swap bosses and change the levels in those planets and thats no fun.

Uranus in-game is a "sector". Titania (one of the most likely places to found water nearby Uranus) would technically be within the Uranus sector. There, problem solved.


Everyone always seems to forget that Uranus and Neptune aren't typical gas giants, but they instead fall into a category known as "ice giants".

That doesn't mean they necessarily contain water and ice in traditional sense. The classification is only there to show difference in their composition - "ice giants" contain heavier elements than hydrogen and helium found in typical gas giants. Whether or not Uranus has liquid "water" or how deep that "water" would be located is unknown.


De confirmed that the "water" is made up of liquid helium, methane, and ammonia. All of which is very possible and in fact logical.

So it actually works just fine. No space magic or absurd amounts of belief suspension needed.


Then we're left with pressure.

I'm sorry, we just have to explain at least something with space magic here.


The flyby video shows the top of the facility, and you can see what appears to be Uranus rising in the background, as if you were looking at Uranus from one of it's moons.

If you're telling this by the scale of the planet in question, I wouldn't bother, DE can't get that right either. At all.

The moons of Mars and Jupiter when seen outside Liset are so not to scale it's kinda scary.

I really do hope that it's actually Uranus and we're looking at it from one of its moons. But then there's that article clearly stating otherwise.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Still, no explanation for the caves.


Other minerals with higher melting points condensed and cooled by the pressure into stone-like formations?

It's not uranus it's on of the moons uranus is even in the skybox.


Visual confirmation, please?

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That's not Uranus.




This is Uranus.


 probably one of the following:




My guess would be either the second from the left (Ariel) or either of the ones on the right (Titania or Oberon)

Edited by Morec0
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In the reveal there's this: "Explore the Sealab, hidden away in Uranus' vast ocean of helium, methane and ammonia."

So that water isn't technically water.
Though that doesn't explain why it doesn't turn into gas the moment it "leaks" in the tileset as I doubt Grineer have that kind of pressure or temperature in their base.
But yeah... it's really just space magic and that bit about the ocean being liquid ammonia/methane just raises more questions than it answers.
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That looks more like Triton




But possible it could be other moons of the ice giant - I didn't look through all of Uranus' moons.


I'm afraid Triton is a moon of Neptune..


If anything, I'm willing to bet that the object is Miranda... though such an object so close to the planet seems odd.

Edited by CaptainSherlock
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