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Proposed Starchart Changes [Megathread]


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I do agree with the OP and for that I will express my opinion with spacing an paragraphing you guys like so much.


The problem with the game right now is that DE has not had a specific plan for the future which results in the game now going through some drastic changes which can be seen as highly controversial. This is first of all to be seen in the way the game is "expanding and second of all this can be seen in the way storyline is added at the moment while it is contradicting the older storylines. The result of this is seen in the players losing direction in the game as newer players find themselves with tons of stuff to do and veterans are getting bored with RNG.


To start off we see that the "expansion" of the game has not been completely thought through when the game was created and there have also not been any real guidelines which have been followed. This can be seen as at first the game was set to expand and expand. With new planets and missions being added and the Void as an extra addition the game grew and expanded. It was in the early solarmap the way things moved along was also very easy to see, however I will return to that topic later on. 


Then after a while a new plan was created where the game did not really added more maps, but improved them with operations and events like the Prosecutors to obtain beacons. Like this the solar map became more popular as it has lost people to the Void. However, as seen with the prosecutors of today, these events and operations were only good for a short amount of time and the aftereffect was even less activity on the higher levels solar maps. This due to all the veterans completing Hydroid after a while, giving them no further reason to play, and all the newer players only doing selected operations or events. Alongside with the Void RNG systems, which got more annoying as DE released content, but did not increase the Void, taking up so much time for veteran player which made most of them play as efficient as possible this resulted in some missions being completely abandoned. 


Now we see that DE is heading to yet another direction, making everything smaller. As we have seen with the removal of Frost, Latron and Reaper prime, DE has shown us that they do not want to expand the void, or make a better use of the Derelict, but remove some prime parts to make up space for a new item. This is all nice and well, but again it is not a sustainable solution as either fewer and fewer prime content has to be release, or more and more prime content will be completely unavailable to new players, or players will literally starve behind their computer as they face an even more screwed up RNG. 


The second indicator of DE not having a real direction in mind is the storyline. As we have seen ealier on the Warframes were meant to be characters on their own, but after squad with 4 excaliburs were formed, this idea was abandoned and the real idea of what a warframe really was was left in the dark (or in the Void , hehehe). This can also be seen in the original warframes released after the first wave of them as the were all released without a certain story on them and the codex just indicating their abilities. There was no story needed as the frames were just added as assasination rewards and people were left to speculate for themselves.


However with the change of plans and the halt of expanding the Solar map, there were no new assasinations to added new frames to, while the community demanded new frames to be released. This resulted in Quests where warframes were acquired by completing the quest. However, as a quest was not as simple as just slaying a boss and needed a story to be based on, DE had to create stories around warframes and to do so they had to define the warframes. This first resulted in some random quests, like limbo and mirage which created a big division in the lore of Warframe with certain parts contradicting both the suit and the energy theorie. 


So now, DE found themselves in quite a mess with more and more random storylines coming up and they created an idea for themselves. This can be seen in the introduction of Spy2.0 where they first set up a quest which would have a continuation in the next quest. Also with the introduction of Warframe China and new lines said by Ordis DE had most likely decided to choose the Warframe suit theorie and create content according to that. However, now they are left with loose ends and contradictions which some energy-lore supportes will most likely explain to you.


Both of these factors result in the players losing direction in the game and having no real idea what to do. As straightforward as the old Solarmap was, pointing out which way to go after unlocking a mission, so confusing the situation is right now. No longer have new players any clue of where to progress and with the Region and Recruiting chat only discussion Void, they tend to think that the Void the goal of the game. This results in them leaving the original solarmap as soon as they can and leaving many content locked, resulting in abandoned missions. To improve this, I'd recommend a system like the old solarmap, though I like the neatness of this one, but this will at least give new players an idea of where they have to go, instead of them having little clue on how to unlock planets and having people who done many assasinations getting stuck with tons of navigation segments


Furthermore with the current RNG which is overloaded as there is no extra void released, veteran players have to spend all their time on the Void. When starting with the void this is not a real big deal, but when you have to play two weekends straight T3 Surv 40/60 mins to obtain the final Volt Chassis part and you only end up with orokin cells or forma blueprints, you ain't gonna spend any time doing the original solarmap missions. This causes less veterans to be on the solarmap, making it even less attractive to play.


To conclude, the problem of the current situation lies inDE not really having a plan to start with and them taking all sorts of moves which ended up in this situation. As can clearly be seen with the expanding-not growing-declining politics they use on the solarmap as well as the storyline which ahs to deal with many loose ends and contradicting parts. As to the empty solarmap levels, which is mainly caused by new players having lost direction by the current solar map and the veteran players being caught up in the RNG of the Void, the solutions thought up to solve this (operations, beacons, hives, etc) have only resulted in a temporarily increase of the activity on the solarmap and have now resulted in an even worse lack of players on certain missions. 


To solve this issue I'd recommend that the solarmap will be changed, with a mixture of the current layout and the straightforwardness of the old one. Also I'd like to recommend that the storyline is being revisioned and every bit of the story told in the game is considered and made towards a point with no unintended loose ends and little to no contradiction. As to making the solarmap more popular, I'd recommend against removing missions, but instead giving meaning to missions. As we have seen that missions with meaning, like operations now attract most of the attention on a planet, I'd say, create the following missions on a planet in the idea of a couple which go though the main path on a planet (as seen with the old map, these would be the missions straight on the path towards the next planet), for these missions create a campain which guides the players through the story of warframe ( this will consist of all different kinds of missions). Then you've got your main path, you still have some nodes left. For those use some as to either alerts or operations and the others with some good rewards, as those are really missing. As to those rewards think of a good void key farm, or a place where weapon parts can be farmed which can be used for the next planet, or a good XP farm for the average level on the planet, like we see draco being so popular, or even a credit farm. 


This will give meaning to the missions on the solar map, making them interesting again and increasing the activity on there without getting rid of  a stupidly huge amount of missions and limiting the players' options. Also combining the story within this will solve the lore problem now and will make warframe more than a grind, grind, RNG, rage, grind, grind game, and really make the player feel the sensation of the game.


This is what I think of the current situation and I hope you liked reading it, I would most certainly like it if someone from DE read this and did something with it, but with the chance of that being about the same as me winning a Lamborghini today I don't expect them to do so, instead, let's just discuss you points of view on this. Cheers

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DE has had a lot of bad, unpopular ideas. And made a lot of bad, unpopular decisions. This easily takes both cakes...

, if you will.


I can understand the reduction of nodes. There are a lot of redundant ones that have no real reason to exist. It seems to me, though, that a more appropriate solution would be to eliminate those nodes, so that one of each type present on a given planet or tileset remains. This rotation and removal of choice solves nothing and ruins everything.


They say they don't want this to be like alerts, where snoozing equals losing. There's no way to do that, that I can think of, that won't ruin the game even more than the drastic reduction in nodes would. The most obvious is longer-lasting rotations... suddenly, you have people doing nothing and hating the game for full rotations of missions that don't interest them... and leaving to find other games. Then, cause DE forced them to find other methods of entertainment... they forget to come back to the crapshoot the game became.

Edited by Siubijeni
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After some thinking I now believe there is a way for all of us to be happy.

Just make a small switch at mission select : "Quick Map" / "Advanced Map"

This way We players will still have a choice, what we want.


1. At default it could be Quick Map - and all of the changes that DE proposed, so just few nodes to play - node roulette, all of them full of players (if You're a Newbie it would be good), so no problems with finding a team, and with much much better rewards (DE's words this last one) - Yeah that's the bait here. Easye peasy acces to mission with actual people in them and SUPERIOR rewards.


2. Since genetic foundry will be able to be upgraded, then I propose to do same thing with map selection. Building advanced map module will get You acces to "Advanced Map" mission select screen (the very same we have now) where You could choose tileset and mission type of Your choice. Of course rewards in this mode will stay what they are now. But You will be able to farm a certain key or resource if need be, without waiting for it God knows how long. Players from Quick Map could join You at any time if the node will be displayed on their daily roulette, but of course they will get different (buffed) set of rewards.


ps. dear DEvs just don't do something eXtreme and lock the advanced map module behind some time wall. Just make it a quest. Or even better straight build - if You have credits and resource You can build it instantly ... and please ... 1h build time max.


pps. Crafting a mission type ... Nope. I think it's a bad idea !!


So this is the only reasonable idea I came up with. Yay or nay ?

Edited by tocorro
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Seems like a direct attack on farming as a whole. Can't really go to your favorite defense to get neural sensors if you have to randomly get it. Also can't build for specific missions which makes everyone run vanilla builds to compensate.

The lattice style star chart was simple and effective, this is a case of breaking something then breaking the broken thing further.

This bye bye sinai and neural sensors will become even more rare now since well mission types will be rotated and therefore there won't be any GUARANTEE that you will get a specific DEFENSE/SURVIVAL/INTERCEPT mission in Jupiter which then forces you to just do whatever mission DE decides to feed you for that day.

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Anyone got a tl;dr? Im not reading that brick lol

tl;dr we don't like the proposed 20 nodes thing as it will lessen our options and further limit us to what missions DE wants us to PLAY that day. Also means a nerf on farming as a whole with an introduction to more RNG added to the absurd amount of farming required with new weaponception and frameception ideas DE has implemented so I feel the newer players are gonna suffer more and take the heavier blow than us veterans that have everything already.

I do agree with the OP and for that I will express my opinion with spacing an paragraphing you guys like so much.


The problem with the game right now is that DE has not had a specific plan for the future which results in the game now going through some drastic changes which can be seen as highly controversial. This is first of all to be seen in the way the game is "expanding and second of all this can be seen in the way storyline is added at the moment while it is contradicting the older storylines. The result of this is seen in the players losing direction in the game as newer players find themselves with tons of stuff to do and veterans are getting bored with RNG.


To start off we see that the "expansion" of the game has not been completely thought through when the game was created and there have also not been any real guidelines which have been followed. This can be seen as at first the game was set to expand and expand. With new planets and missions being added and the Void as an extra addition the game grew and expanded. It was in the early solarmap the way things moved along was also very easy to see, however I will return to that topic later on. 


Then after a while a new plan was created where the game did not really added more maps, but improved them with operations and events like the Prosecutors to obtain beacons. Like this the solar map became more popular as it has lost people to the Void. However, as seen with the prosecutors of today, these events and operations were only good for a short amount of time and the aftereffect was even less activity on the higher levels solar maps. This due to all the veterans completing Hydroid after a while, giving them no further reason to play, and all the newer players only doing selected operations or events. Alongside with the Void RNG systems, which got more annoying as DE released content, but did not increase the Void, taking up so much time for veteran player which made most of them play as efficient as possible this resulted in some missions being completely abandoned. 


Now we see that DE is heading to yet another direction, making everything smaller. As we have seen with the removal of Frost, Latron and Reaper prime, DE has shown us that they do not want to expand the void, or make a better use of the Derelict, but remove some prime parts to make up space for a new item. This is all nice and well, but again it is not a sustainable solution as either fewer and fewer prime content has to be release, or more and more prime content will be completely unavailable to new players, or players will literally starve behind their computer as they face an even more screwed up RNG. 


The second indicator of DE not having a real direction in mind is the storyline. As we have seen ealier on the Warframes were meant to be characters on their own, but after squad with 4 excaliburs were formed, this idea was abandoned and the real idea of what a warframe really was was left in the dark (or in the Void , hehehe). This can also be seen in the original warframes released after the first wave of them as the were all released without a certain story on them and the codex just indicating their abilities. There was no story needed as the frames were just added as assasination rewards and people were left to speculate for themselves.


However with the change of plans and the halt of expanding the Solar map, there were no new assasinations to added new frames to, while the community demanded new frames to be released. This resulted in Quests where warframes were acquired by completing the quest. However, as a quest was not as simple as just slaying a boss and needed a story to be based on, DE had to create stories around warframes and to do so they had to define the warframes. This first resulted in some random quests, like limbo and mirage which created a big division in the lore of Warframe with certain parts contradicting both the suit and the energy theorie. 


So now, DE found themselves in quite a mess with more and more random storylines coming up and they created an idea for themselves. This can be seen in the introduction of Spy2.0 where they first set up a quest which would have a continuation in the next quest. Also with the introduction of Warframe China and new lines said by Ordis DE had most likely decided to choose the Warframe suit theorie and create content according to that. However, now they are left with loose ends and contradictions which some energy-lore supportes will most likely explain to you.


Both of these factors result in the players losing direction in the game and having no real idea what to do. As straightforward as the old Solarmap was, pointing out which way to go after unlocking a mission, so confusing the situation is right now. No longer have new players any clue of where to progress and with the Region and Recruiting chat only discussion Void, they tend to think that the Void the goal of the game. This results in them leaving the original solarmap as soon as they can and leaving many content locked, resulting in abandoned missions. To improve this, I'd recommend a system like the old solarmap, though I like the neatness of this one, but this will at least give new players an idea of where they have to go, instead of them having little clue on how to unlock planets and having people who done many assasinations getting stuck with tons of navigation segments


Furthermore with the current RNG which is overloaded as there is no extra void released, veteran players have to spend all their time on the Void. When starting with the void this is not a real big deal, but when you have to play two weekends straight T3 Surv 40/60 mins to obtain the final Volt Chassis part and you only end up with orokin cells or forma blueprints, you ain't gonna spend any time doing the original solarmap missions. This causes less veterans to be on the solarmap, making it even less attractive to play.


To conclude, the problem of the current situation lies inDE not really having a plan to start with and them taking all sorts of moves which ended up in this situation. As can clearly be seen with the expanding-not growing-declining politics they use on the solarmap as well as the storyline which ahs to deal with many loose ends and contradicting parts. As to the empty solarmap levels, which is mainly caused by new players having lost direction by the current solar map and the veteran players being caught up in the RNG of the Void, the solutions thought up to solve this (operations, beacons, hives, etc) have only resulted in a temporarily increase of the activity on the solarmap and have now resulted in an even worse lack of players on certain missions. 


To solve this issue I'd recommend that the solarmap will be changed, with a mixture of the current layout and the straightforwardness of the old one. Also I'd like to recommend that the storyline is being revisioned and every bit of the story told in the game is considered and made towards a point with no unintended loose ends and little to no contradiction. As to making the solarmap more popular, I'd recommend against removing missions, but instead giving meaning to missions. As we have seen that missions with meaning, like operations now attract most of the attention on a planet, I'd say, create the following missions on a planet in the idea of a couple which go though the main path on a planet (as seen with the old map, these would be the missions straight on the path towards the next planet), for these missions create a campain which guides the players through the story of warframe ( this will consist of all different kinds of missions). Then you've got your main path, you still have some nodes left. For those use some as to either alerts or operations and the others with some good rewards, as those are really missing. As to those rewards think of a good void key farm, or a place where weapon parts can be farmed which can be used for the next planet, or a good XP farm for the average level on the planet, like we see draco being so popular, or even a credit farm. 


This will give meaning to the missions on the solar map, making them interesting again and increasing the activity on there without getting rid of  a stupidly huge amount of missions and limiting the players' options. Also combining the story within this will solve the lore problem now and will make warframe more than a grind, grind, RNG, rage, grind, grind game, and really make the player feel the sensation of the game.


This is what I think of the current situation and I hope you liked reading it, I would most certainly like it if someone from DE read this and did something with it, but with the chance of that being about the same as me winning a Lamborghini today I don't expect them to do so, instead, let's just discuss you points of view on this. Cheers


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Anyone got a tl;dr? Im not reading that brick lol

Someone fixed OP (it's even on the same page)


I agree with most of what you wrote so I'll focus on what I disagree with ^^


Making a story "without contradictions and loose ends" is pretty easy. Making an interesting story (interesting being very subjective) is much harder. When I read what you wrote about the story it felt like it would end up like all those boring and monotonous hollywood movies or games nobody remembers two years after release. Making interesting characters, which DE needs to do more of (they've shown that they can) is a great way of adding story. During devstreams they've said that they don't like pushing a story onto the players, but that players need to make their own. Again, this is very noble, but very difficult to pull off. Telling the players; "this is how it is, go kill the enemy", isn't very interesting (in my opinion) and has been used way too much.

The syndicates are an important piece in this. They all have their own policies and beliefs, nothing is black and white. Of course, most players choose because of the rewards, but that's a whole new can of worms. I might have misread what you wrote, but this is how is interpret it. 



"Then you've got your main path, you still have some nodes left. For those use some as to either alerts or operations and the others with some good rewards, as those are really missing. As to those rewards think of a good void key farm, or a place where weapon parts can be farmed which can be used for the next planet, or a good XP farm for the average level on the planet, like we see draco being so popular, or even a credit farm."

This goes against what (I think) DE want the solar map to be. This encourages players to run the same nodes over and over, and won't help the 'story nodes' in the main path staying alive and active. There will be no reason to run these nodes again once done. Do you want these nodes to be non-endless and the 'farming' nodes endless mission types? If they're missions suited to 4 players some players might not be able to complete the node and if not, you'll push players onto the 'farming' nodes.

What if a player wants to play defense on a specific tileset (planet) but only gets parts they have no use for? If a player really doesn't like the tileset on Venera (for defense) why should (s)he be forced to play through it to get better gear for the next planet? Or should the players be able to choose which endless mission type to play? Then you'll end up with the current number of nodes, just in a new package.


The current system covers these problems, but has way too many nodes. You want enough nodes to keep players engaged, but not so many that 80% becomes filler players are forced to play through. Players play for different reasons and I can't see how this system can cater to players. Making the starchart exciting and rewarding is the goal (RNG also being a major part of this). I can't see how 'farming' and 'story' helps this. I cannot imagine even half the players actually like playing Draco, Viver and Xini. 'Farming' nodes like these shouldn't be in the game, since they should not be necessary. If the starchart gets made properly (and RNG is fixed) most of the nodes you want to add will be filler and you might as well just do what DE is trying to do.

The balance between a fun starchart and a rewarding starchart is difficult to find, but simply adding nodes with the sign: "farm here" isn't the way forward. 

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The only thing i see positively about this is the key crafting part.

Making your own missions and have a clear vieuw what reward you get seems like a great way to decrease RNG.

However there shouldnt be crafting time for this, else we would just replace a grind wall with a time wall.

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Instead of daily farming favorite missions we will have to wait for them to randomly appear and THEN farm the hell out of them?


This won't make me enjoy hive and hijack but I'll probably play them if rewards happen to be worth the effort.


Obviously this will make them being played more which looks good in statistics...



This should not happen before making syndicate missions what they were promised to be - unique and challenging, with syndicate specific agenda.


Red Veil = stealth only, Suda = scan objects, Meridian = protect cargo etc.



Limiting nodes won't help or fix anything without making objectives feel important. Time limited events like potato alerts are obviously unfair for all who can play for an hour daily because real life happens.


Limiting choice and making time locked missions is straight forward locking access to more lucrative content like Mesa parts. Having this on daily basis when farming basic frame components as a new player seems like a tedious chore that was once made more fair for a reason (like having obligatory part drop from a boss).


Now we may not know how tall the grind wall is thanks to RNG yet we climb it tediously but newcomers won't even be certain if the grindfest ride would be open after login to the game.

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I don't know if any of you played Star Wars Galaxies, the developer pushed and forced a major change that everyone thought was a bad idea (NGE update), it literally killed the game over a short period of time, lead to droves of players quitting and killed the game completely within a year.


This was a previously very successful MMO.


I'm not saying this is the same thing, I'm saying it could be and that DE should take this more seriously than they are here, when a dev says "we know players are going to be really really mad about this but we are going to do it anyway" that's worrying.


I would advise DE to read up on the NGE update on Star Wars Galaxies to see how fast a successful game can be destroyed with a really bad desicion.



Edited by Spindle99
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They say they don't want this to be like alerts, where snoozing equals losing. There's no way to do that, that I can think of, that won't ruin the game even more than the drastic reduction in nodes would. The most obvious is longer-lasting rotations... suddenly, you have people doing nothing and hating the game for full rotations of missions that don't interest them... and leaving to find other games. Then, cause DE forced them to find other methods of entertainment... they forget to come back to the crapshoot the game became.

Alerts generally last for 45 minutes, so I imagine that the new nodes would change up every day. That way you don't have the issue with alerts where you miss a catalyst because of timezones.

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I don't know if any of you played Star Wars Galaxies, the developer pushed and forced a major change that everyone thought was a bad idea (NGE update), it literally killed the game over a short period of time, lead to droves of players quitting and killed the game completely within a year.


This was a previously very successful MMO.


I'm not saying this is the same thing, I'm saying it could be and that DE should take this more seriously than they are here, when a dev says "we know players are going to be really really mad about this but we are going to do it anyway" that's worrying.


I would advise DE to read up on the NGE update on Star Wars Galaxies to see how fast a successful game can be destroyed with a really bad desicion.



Preach on my friend we are just concerned players worried of an impending catastrophic aftermath that this may cause to the games player base.

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I really fear this is being done for other reasons than what is best for the game, I hope that isn't the case but since they know almost everyone is against this (or at best is taking a wait and see approach) I can't see it any other way.


I really hope I'm wrong but if they are doing it for the reasons I think they are it won't work if you lose a lot of players, you can make a game more profitable easily without ruining the core experience.

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Oh and I forgot to add in one detail besides the fact that we have no choice in mission selection anymore due to the RNG based daily rotation system it will also force us to craft our own keys to access specific mission nodes and game play types for things we want? so that's more farming cause we don't know what type of resources (cough cough argon) +MORE TIME WALLS and therefore more plat costs to rush to do what a SPECIFIC MISSION you want to do which WE PREVIOUSLY HAD ACCESS to?

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Even though I was nearly finished with my reply when my computer decided to reload the page and I lost everything, I still like to reply to you :(

But oh well,


I agree with you, but let me just defend some of my points


What you said about the story, I agree that it should not be a straightforward hollywood/CoD story which allows no imagination. In the beginning warframe was pretty much like: here is the game and feel free for your own interpretation. However, now they have started to link the quests to each other and like so (and with current China advertisement)  they have made a few things concrete and removed a bit of the imagination part. This is fine, however this contradicts to some things earlier said. Also what I meant with loose ends, I mean unintentional loose ends, loose ends that don't really are expected to ever come back.

What I meant with writing a story combining the loose ends was something in the idea of One Piece. I am not sure whether you know the anime, but as I have seen, there are lots of anime watchers on the game, so they probably know what I am talking about. Namely, as the content of the story is irrelevant to this topic, the story is written in a way that it allows lots of room for imagination and speculation. However it is famous for not forgetting anything, aka everything it has said or done will in some way always come back, and it feels like one story which has developed over it's 15yo run, but is not in some way all patched up like I feel with Warframe


As to what you said on the Story path, I can get it that these missions will not be repeated a lot. However, looking at the current situation, there are many mission nodes which are kinda abandoned. So if we accept that these will still be not as active there won' be a negative effect, however this does take new players all the way up to the end of the galaxy and gets them going to more of the solar map missions.

Also what we see in the game is that there is never a lack of player on mercury, even though you'd expect there only to be new players, which is exactly the case. What I am trying to say with this is that there is a sufficient amount of players to keep missions alive, but the mostly fade away after mercury, either to the Void, quitting or the Rrgion chat

Also the reason why people do not play many nodes is that there are so many the same. If there are 3 survival nodes on the same planet which offer the same rewards, I am not likely to play them all 60 mins. So imagine that one is part of the storyline, so you play that anyway, one offers a nice rewards to continue on to the next planet and the other is used as an event/operation or alert. Then you'd play them.

When it comes to tileset, the current system shows something, which is the cause of rage to some players, namely that most tilesets do not or little differ from each other. of course Corpus and Grineer tilesets differ, but the one Corpus map on the one planet looks just like the one on the other planet. So when the only difference between these maps, it would be the level of the enemies. Yet, as the missions grant rewards which are meant to be for the level of the current mission and 1 planet above, these maps will be used to let these players grow and get to the higher levels more easily. As well as that more experienced players will join for the mastery if a weapon drops.

That what I have stated above I think will help to make the solarmap awarding (as well as making it a bit more clear that unlocking nodes will give you mastery points). Story and farming will give some meaning to a mission, nothing is more boring that a standard capture mission you have seen hundreds of times from which you get 3000 creds. Whether half of the players like or not like playing Draco, it still remains a fact that it is a mission node where very easily players can be found.


And it won't be about adding nodes, I'd like to replace them, create this new system and if the potential is there, it could expand.


If things are still a bit unclear, plz post again, cuz as this my second version I may not have let things get come across as good as I can

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Instead of removing all the nodes, DE could just add their weird new system in ADDITION to the current one, when you go to your solar map, you could have two choices:


Quick mission: Whatever DE currently has planned with their strange RNG-based mission selection stuff which kind of sounds like "click to play a random mission just for the sake of playing the game"


Normal mission: The current and much better system.


That's how I see it owo DE is happy because they can implement their idea which only a hand full of people will like and the community will be happy because we still have the freedom to choose what we want to do. Don't remove stuff DE, add stuff.

Edited by DJ_Vauban
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No, i respect the new start-thing but NO... 


coz u quit some of role playing game from warframe, and i want me freedom

And if i want to enter in a "auto load random map", ill go to Battlefield (or Battlefront in nov)


This system is a part of the escence of Warframe

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Thanks for clarifying, I can see where you were going now =) It makes much more sense to me, I had a picture in my mind of the starchart you were talking about and it just didn't seem right. It's much better now. 

I know about One piece, but I haven't watched it. The things you pointed out would be very cool to see, especially when you have a character like Vor who is both seen early and late into the game (starting quest/Mercury and Void). 

I'm guessing you're using the light theme for the forums? I'm using the dark theme, so your post was impossible to read without putting it in a quote. Just a small pointer ^^

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Why not add "Choose Planet-->Choose Mission Type-->Choose difficulty" and let tileset be randomly generated as it is now? That would work better than what DE is planning.



Tho we all know why starchart is getting RNG part.

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