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Why So Much Hate Against The Lotus.


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I know she might be annoying in many case.


But to the point of hating her.. i don't get it.


I saw someone say that he would rather join the grinner or the corpus than continuing to follow the lotus.


Seriously what did she has done to deserve this.

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They are rebels, living on the edge. The grineer got to them before the Lotus can, causing them the hate towards her.


Or they just don't like how mysterious they are and why we do the things we do just because she tells us to do them.



P.S. I'm not against anything of the Lotus. I will continue to follow her blindly for as long as I can

Edited by (PS4)BornThisWay41
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My own personal theory is that the Lotus is an A.I. that serve a lost cause, and serve a master, I think she is a puppet of some kind of Organization that is using the Tenno (infested people with technocite) for their own purposes, and that the Tenno have lost their memories and we are fighting some sort of war that we do not belong.

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Probably because she tells us to go into missions without really any reason as to why other than the ambiguous: "the grineer/corpus/infested are doing some bad again" to which we follow obediently because of gameplay.


If you think about it, we pretty much kill legions of people/clones/merchants/robots/whatever because that's what lotus tells us to do and there's really no refusal to do it since morals and reasons aren't exactly questioned. The enemies we fight are portrayed as bad so therefore it makes it "okay" but we don't really know more than what lotus tells us. People hate her because she's this sort of puppet master who tells us to do things that aren't completely transparent in why we do them.


I personally don't mind since I quite enjoy destroying entire platoons indiscriminately so my jet hammer levels up and I can jam another golden puzzle piece in the thrusters.

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I know that in most of the mission we have no idea what is the purpose of doing them.


The Lotus being silent about her motivation.


We feel like simple tools.


The main reason we don't question her order is because we despise the grinneer and find the corpus annoying.

Edited by angias
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Lotus is love Lotus is life, no matter what happens or what evils she had to commit for our good, i'll stand besides Lotus. When everyone has lost hope on her, just like everyone seems to hate Ordis, i'll love Ordis and the Lotus forever, no matter what.

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I hate her because she always gives me useless informations like: playing in a grineer titleset ''IT'S THE GRINEER''; bombard spotted ''HEAVY UNITY APPROACHING''; looking for a terminal ''WE GOT TO FIND A TERMINAL''; playing on Europa ''I'M DETECTING ICE''......



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Whatever peoples tells me i simply can't dislike any of her action

I hate her because she always gives me useless informations like: playing in a grineer titleset ''IT'S THE GRINEER''; bombard spotted ''HEAVY UNITY APPROACHING''; looking for a terminal ''WE GOT TO FIND A TERMINAL''; playing on Europa ''I'M DETECTING ICE''......



That is not the point.

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Because people always hate the narrator/quest giver character in almost all games.  When I ask in game, it usually breaks down like this...


40-60% of the people hate her for game mechanic reasons.  She narrates what's going on and reminds you of objectives and generally acts like Navi from Zelda:OoT.


15-35% of the answers are 'cause they think she's evil.  Not because of anything she's done but just because they have no narrative for her existence and people's drama-sensors warn them of an impending betrayal.


And a sold 25% of the time, damn near every time I've asked in game.  I hear that they don't like being ordered around by a woman.

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-Some might hate her because they think it's "edgy" and "cool" to "hate" things without giving it much thought.


-Others might hate her because they're too bored of the gameplay and its repetition but they can't break away from it, so it turns into resentment towards a guiding character with a limited amount of lines.


-And others mght hate her because we're never really told what we're doing or why we're doing it. (Do you ever wonder about the purpose of a Mobile Defence or Deception mission? What are we extracting or delivering every time we carry a datamass? I do, and I don't know anything about it, so it obviously freaks me out.)


However, to me at least, hating the Lotus would be something equal to hating my own mother - and that's completely out of question. That doesn't mean I don't roll eyes every time I hear "It's the Grineer" or "Stay away from the fire". (Seriously? Seriously?! I have full Redirection, Vitality and Steel Fiber on, and you're telling me the fire hurts? No, let me step on it a while longer, watch me.)

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