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At What Point Is It Good To Stop Putting Formas On A Warframe?


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On a Warframe it's 9 (you can forma the aura slot too).


But to answer your question, it's up to you.


I know it's hardly an answer, but the thing is, everybody has their own play style, their own level of commitment (resolve against grinding) and their own time availability. If you have all the time in the world and you want to build your own perfect version of your loadout, Forma everything. My Excal has 6 Formas, I can use it on high level missions. My Opticor has 6 Formas, it destroys bosses. Some guys are good with going vanilla. Most Primes you don't have to Forma. Boltor Prime hardly needs Forma and can still go on Raids.


TL:DR = If you think it can be better and you want it to be better, Forma.

Edited by ErudiusNacht
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I think 8 is over kill really. Most frames can get by with just a forma or two. If you really want to deck out a frame for some special build(s) then you might need more. I do have 6 forma on both saryn and excal though. But, again they are fitted out for special builds and those three different builds for each frame needed certain polarities. That is when it might be necessary.

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i don't think you could possibly, ever, need more than 5 (not including Aura, assuming Aura is a mismatch, otherwise 4).


even if you use Redirection, Steel Fiber, Vitality, Blind Rage, Narrow Minded, and the rest 5 Rank Mods, you could totally make that fit with 6 Polarizations (assuming no innate Polarities, there's no such thing though).


so that means 4-5 is tops.

my recommendation would be to NOT Polarize your Aura Slot, and add Polarities for Mods that you will likely be using, not necessarily the most expensive ones.


the reason for this, is that you still fit everything, but you also have a very flexible Polarization layout then. you can Equip any Mods you want, and still be able to make it fit.

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Back when PVP was first introduced I was under the impression that I'd have an advantage over other players if I had all of my abilities forma'd as they'd unlock faster, so my main (Ash) has been Forma'd 11 times. Then Ash PVP turned into just casting Bladestorm on everything and insta-winning and I found the entire thing unsporting and stopped playing. 

Uhh... Forma your Warframe as many times as you need to in order to get it to do what you want. You might consider leaving your aura slot unpolarized or 'normal' so that you can freely switch it out as your group composition and needs change. I don't usually mind re-leveling a character as it gives me something to do, so I tend to expend Forma on frames without much second thought. 

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Are all of your equipped mods maxed?


>If yes: No more Forma is needed, wait for new mods to be added and switch/add polarities as needed.


>If no: Add more Forma.

Edited by Ailith
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Just depends on what build(s) you're planning to have on a single Warframe.  If you're like me and you have a finalized build idea with tons of maxed out Corrupted mods on while being flexible between multiple Auras, then... well... up to 7 forma.  

But on average, I'd say 4 forma, but that's going to vary A LOT between Warframes and how you want to min-max them.

Edited by Sonitorum
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It's only nessasary if you aim for a specific playstyle.

For example: i just formad my ash for the 6. Time, running a melee build with a - aura polarity so i can actually choose between ALL - auras for specific missions.

It all comes down to your mods and choice.

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4 polarized slots in a frame is about the limit if you still want to be able to have flexibility and use other mods that don't match the polarity.More than that and you really start getting locked into a particular build.

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You can get up to 8 polarity slots filled, but is that necessary? And in what case?

In any case where you have an Aura that matches your polarity, you could have up to 74 mod capacity (with Reactor).  


If they ever released 8 separate mods with a total cost of 16+, and you wanted to equip all of them on your frame, you would have to Forma all 8 slots.


If they ever released 8 separate mods with a total cost of 19+, and you wanted to equip all of them on your frame, you couldn't without an aura which grants 10 base points (doubled to 20).


The possibility is there, but currently there is no need to go above 6 Forma (assuming you're keeping the Aura slot's polarity) on conceivable builds.

Edited by Thaumatos
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