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Update 7.11.0: Vauban!


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Rhino was my favourite, right now it's useless in high level missions. Farming Loki, I guess.

Aside from that, I think that changing some weapons to BP isn't that bad, but even the crappy ones (Burston)? Prices are fine for me, but new players may get alienated and get to feel like it's a grind for a new weapon. I like the idea of giving some of the lower tier weapons for just credits to test out specific weapon types : )

Another thing, did you change the sliding or something? I can't really explain it, but it feels a little bit faster for me sometimes, especially when sliding mid-air, it's a bit floaty if you end it early. (Rhino +25% sprint)

Anyway, thanks for the update.

Edited by Patrynio
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I strongly disagree with the new pricing. Too many of them are off the charts expensive. Yes, I earn a LOT more credits through alerts than before. But I have a rank 30 warframe with a reactor. Unlike a new player. A new player the credit increase for alerts is a _minor_ improvement to the old alerts.


I thought the strategy to earn money was to get new players hitched to the game to such a degree that they spend money on platin.


Thumbs down.

Edited by Frendh
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The Rhino made the game too easy. But at the same time, the nerf was a bit too much, especially since his other skills aren't as good as the similar skills from other warframes. So when you nerf the Rhino's signature ability too much, you get this outrage.


Do not give the Rhino back his invulnerability, but if ANYTHING, give him his resistance to knockback and ancient disruptors and poison, as this much makes him a decent enough warframe. Either that, or give the Rhino more armor, or better points in other areas be it the skills or stats. Just please balance this out.


This update would be the one time I'd have to disagree with DE's decisions. I should also mention I'm a bit mad at the pricing of the Marketplace. New players are going to have a hard time switching to any new weapons. The new mod update already absorbs a lot of the credits to begin with, and now most weapons can only be made as a BP, which not only takes time, farming, and resources, but more credits on top of it. At least have more of the weaker weapons available as credits without needing to craft it. The stronger weapons can remain as is.

Edited by Xelorx
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While I couldn't care less about weapon related changes, you guys really messed up by nerfing Rhino and Banshee so badly.

I certainly hope you fix this complete @(*()$ mess once you get a financial hit because of people quitting the game.

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I think i m play a bit still , and leave the game as i said earlier , the price of guns is insane ,the plat price is crazy to,i do have the money to get plat but 

i feel getting ripped off that one of the reason this game will get uninstall soon 

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I hate to sound like a nerf complainer, but clearly taking away rhino's ironskin is taking away the ONLY thing that made rhino interesting compared to other classes, and I mean as it was: 100%, no knockback etc, not only is his survivability drasticaly reduced to the point that trinity, ash, frost and others can tank more than the rhino, but the ironskin that is left is just plain unusable, when would you use ironskin? When you are in trouble, that means low health, since it lasts only 15 seconds it helped in case you got overwhelmed, now you are supposed to plan ahead while you stil have enough health that you are going to be in trouble before you are? Nonsense, and the fact that you get knocked down makes it even worse what is the use for it, you use that ability wich was very short for a reason, to escape for exemple a knockdown rush, lets say several infested anciens, now it is just rendered absolutely USELESS. I am surprised how the creators of this game are so distant from theyr created characters that they did not see how much of a ruining mistake this would be, and this got me worried about the game in general, I am not alone to think so, and since I liked to play the rhino I am very disapointed, you could have shortened the time for ironskin or doubled its energy consumption or both, to make it more of a rare ability, but this, this is just plain BS.

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there seems to be a problem with Vaubans Vortex ability. You can see the Grenade boucing but after that nothing happens, i tried to rebuild vauban and such stuff, nothing happens. Vortex won´t go off and suck enemys in it.

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they do not care about bunch of unhelpful hyperbolic comments since it is not physically possible to deduct from them anything else except the fact that 90% of people haven't even tried it out and are only mad because their god mode got taken away


Fixed that for ya

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[insert generic Rhino complaint here]

Pretty much everyones stated some really good reasons why the Rhino nerf was too extreme.  I agree and would like it restored back to at best, full invincibility, or at worst 80-95% damage reduction, but either way the need to restore KB resistance, poison immunity, and distrupt immunity (whether that was intended or not) is a MUST to allow this "tank" to actually accomplish what it was meant to do: TANK.  That usually means melee, and it was one of the most enjoyable things about the frame.

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ARGH! all I see is "RIP Rhino" and "Rhino is completely useless" and "Why did you nerf Rhino?" I'm getting annoyed.


IT IS NOT A NERF! IT IS A FIX! did any one ever read the power mod description? it says "Rhino hardens his skin, greatly reducing damage for a short time." NOT "Rhino is invincible for a short period of time"


Unfortunately, they broke the power as well as he doesn't have immunity to knockback/down, power drain and poison. It is actually these things that made the skill useful. In my opinion, poison should do about 1 hp damage per tick.


Everyone says his other powers are useless. Radial Blast can completely obliterate enemies if it doesn't knock them down (it should always knock them down, Devs please make it so and). Rhino Charge should be buffed to "trample" enemies so you go through and maybe knock them down. Rhino Stomp has the most powerful effect with time slow but it has nothing else that makes it a bit sad.


Oh my, why so many bugs with Vauban?


Also feeling sorry for the newbies and reset accounts stuck on mission 3

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with me i think rihno have a hard neft.

i am not a complainer but rihno with that neft can't be a tank.

with fist skill rihno deal just a little dame and can be stuck if too close of enemy

second skill make rihno become a tank but now with big neft he become a junk. i think at least get him still invicible but only 4-5s ot increase mana for skill.

skill 3 suck and skill 4 is super suck. rihno so bad with skill 3 and 4. dame like mosquito - duration like a flash.

Only skill 2 make rihnos are tanks and now rihno come to R.I.P.

Thanks for update and make rihno disapear

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Hey I have one problem, Well its not personally my problem its my girlfriends... Before the update she could play warframe fine no lag no performance issues etc... But it seems that after the update the game is really laggy for her.. Even when she puts the game on low settings its still laggy for her, she says its unplayable... Shes tried to restart her PC, Exited the game multiple amounts of times and also Shes even exited steam and logged back in to check if that would be causing the problem..


I just wanna know has anyone been experiencing performance issues with warframe after this one huge update? Before this update occured her warframe was running fine and she could play with no issues @ all. We both been playing it together for some time now.. Thing is Im playing on my laptop and my gfx card isnt working so the game is currently running on my intel hd 3000 ye sucks i know but it seems to run fine on low settings with bloom and colour correction + texture memory on high no lag @ all.. Probably the ODD fps drop at certain parts but thats it really.. BUT where as she has a Desktop PC and her Graphics card works obviously shes getting performance issues :\? Someone able to help me out with this ?


is she the only one experiencing performance problems after the update?


Thanks anyway :p

Edited by S3DZOR
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Well if they made Focus work with Iron Skin i wouldnt mind the patch =[ but...since Ember has more tankiness compare to Rhino it really sucks lol


oh well i just hope they make Focus work with Iron skin =^-^=

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My opinions on this


Get the CB market prices back, it's old but gold


Get that Rhino Iron Skin back, it's the best thing for him, other than his crowd control abilities

Get him invulnerable again, I don't care if you reduce the duration and/or run speed by a large amount for balance, just make him unkillable again


Don't you guys think 300 Plat is too much for Vaub? I was kinda expecting the price range to be about 175-250

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After reading so much about that they got knocked down and drained by ancients while iron skin, it sound more like a bug to me. I tested it on the Defense Map Io i was standing in a big Wave of infested with disruptors and healers and nobody knocked me down or drained me. So it seems like a bug or some guys just assuming things here.

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Apparently she does more damage with Sound Quake now, but she can get damaged while doing it.


I'm not too sure I understand why they took away some of the bundles too. The Stay Frosty, Wrecking Rhino and Poisonous Attitude packs are gone.

Wrecking Rhino pack lol... They gave us all that pack for free. Updated with balance.

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