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Update 7.11.0: Vauban!


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RIP Rhino ;-;


If you're to take away the one thing that makes rhino worth having, then at least give it some manner of damage output or movement speed... 1 is still sub-par to excali slashdash with with max rank and max focus and 3 and 4 are a @(*()$ joke, 0/10 will not equip, especially in the face of vauban's bastille... and even with a max rank rush this dude is still slower while sprinting than some while walking.


I completely agree.  The Rhino with this latest change has no quality that stands out and certainly doesn't tank as well as even some of the non-tank frames...


I feel like DE doesn't test these changes nearly enough internally before rolling them out to the public if at all.

Edited by Tegajinn
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The massive price increase for weapons is a big No No. Unless if you balance this a little by increasing drop rates and credits at end of missions, then how can a new player feel comfortable playing this as a FUN game rather than another f2p GRIND for credits. Personally I kept coming back because this game has been amazingly FUN, because of the variety and that I could access it with just a moderate and respectable amount of grind for credits etc to access that said 'variety' (the weapons and BP's). If anything I think you guys shoulda seriously considered adding orokin reactor/catalyst BP for like 500k credits, that way everyone can access them at some point and it provides the challenge. Off course by doing this people with no access to paying with real money will be playing for longer which is needed in a F2P game as they will help make the game populated and retain interest for the wider audience, be it paying players or new players.



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But he was nerfed to uselessness. No longer will anyone pick you up from those 10 toxics/disruptors (unless someone like banshee packs sonic boom, which I personally like)

What about his other 3 skills?

Seriously, people only played him for easy mode invincibility, now you get to know how all the other Frames feel when having to deal with those situations...OH WAIT....every frame has a skill that helps in those situations, including Rhino, which is his fantastic AoE stun that keeps enemies airborn, especially effective against ancients since it leaves their weakpoint (the boot) wide open.

You guys damn well know full blown invincibility was overpowered. Combined with the right mods/artifacts, Iron Skin will still be amazing even tho it's now at 80% damage reduction and without all the fancy immune effects.

Edited by Rixxie
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What about his other 3 skills?



Seriously, people only played him for easy mode invincibility, now you get to know how all the other Frames feel when having to deal with those situations...OH WAIT....every frame has a skill that helps in those situations, including Rhino, which is his fantastic AoE stun that keeps enemies airborn, especially effective against ancients since it leaves their weakpoint (the boot) wide open.

What, you mean the radial blast which is more or less low damage, and low aoe, or the stomp which disrupts in an ok area for only 9 seconds at the cost of 100 energy? I don't really feel like his 4 is worth spending ~7 mod points on to disrupt enemies for a short while. As for rhino charge, I like it, I agree with another person (sorry forgot your name!) that it should either (more or less) throw and then knockdown enemies (charging through them) or it should just ignore unit collision.


edit: and what about trinity? she has the very OP link + energy vampire combo, and ember now tanks beter than rhino... (with a full leveled focus mod)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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What about his other 3 skills?

Seriously, people only played him for easy mode invincibility, now you get to know how all the other Frames feel when having to deal with those situations...OH WAIT....every frame has a skill that helps in those situations, including Rhino, which is his fantastic AoE stun that keeps enemies airborn, especially effective against ancients since it leaves their weakpoint (the boot) wide open.

You guys damn well know full blown invincibility was overpowered. Combined with the right mods/artifacts, Iron Skin will still be amazing even tho it's now at 80% damage reduction and without all the fancy immune effects.

His best ability rarely gets used do to the cost. I can tell you haven't played the Rhino or haven't played him long enough and far enough to realize his skills deal low damage and are mainly for defensive purposes only.


I guess you haven't tried Iron Skin out in Pluto where there's more spawns and enemies that shoot faster.

Edited by Zarozian
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New Warframe: VAUBAN - The combat engineer!

Are you a crafty Ninja? Then this is the warframe for you. The highly tactical VAUBAN uses his powers to create deadly traps that can zap, imprison and dimensionally crush enemies!

Get him today in the Market with Platinum, OR purchase the Blueprint and await the drop of his components from "?" Alerts!



New Frame looks awesome, can't wait to try it out!

However my favourite part of this update is...

  • Added "Invite Only" matchmaking mode. Session can only be joined if host has directly sent an invite to client.

^THIS MAD ME SO HAPPY!  Thank you guys so much for listening!

Edited by Furyoushounen
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What about his other 3 skills?

You mean the other three skills that are lackluster at best? Charge which is like a poor man's slash dash with strange hit detection and a tendency to get stuck on enemies? Radial blast, which is like his ultimate except infinitely worse? Rhino stomp, which looks hella cool but ends up being ridiculously weaksauce compared to most of the other ultimates?

In fact, let's compare him with his closest competitor: Frost.

Frost has a pretty good spammable lockdown power in the freeze bolt. He's got okayish AoE in freeze wave, though like RB it still kind of sucks. He's got snow globe, which is now massively better than IS because it actually provides effective protection vs high level enemies. He's got avalanche, which locks down enemies almost as well as rhino stomp but also clears out trash mooks and deals a fair bit of damage to tough ones like ancients.


Seriously, people only played him for easy mode invincibility, now you get to know how all the other Frames feel when having to deal with those situations...OH WAIT....every frame has a skill that helps in those situations, including Rhino, which is his fantastic AoE stun that keeps enemies airborn, especially effective against ancients since it leaves their weakpoint (the boot) wide open.

If I "wanted to know how all the other frames feel", I would play the other frames. In fact, I oftentimes do, because outside of IS, all of Rhino's other skills are barely worth the mod point cost and aren't worth the energy to use.


You guys damn well know full blown invincibility was overpowered. Combined with the right mods/artifacts, Iron Skin will still be amazing even tho it's now at 80% damage reduction and without all the fancy immune effects.

No. The immunity to ancient effects and the ability to regenerate shields without breaking contact was the main draw. You know what was overpowered? How you could spam it cheaply for as long as you've got energy. Temporary invulnerability in of itself isn't OP. Indeed, why would it be? Particularly taking into account how Rhino's other powers are generally pretty bad, he relies on his guns and such for DPS, and unlike, say, Excal, he can't hit 4 once and wipe out pretty much an entire room of enemies.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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You mean the other three skills that are lackluster at best? Charge which is like a poor man's slash dash with strange hit detection and a tendency to get stuck on enemies? Radial blast, which is like his ultimate except infinitely worse? Rhino stomp, which looks hella cool but ends up being ridiculously weaksauce compared to most of the other ultimates?

In fact, let's compare him with his closest competitor: Frost.

Frost has a pretty good spammable lockdown power in the freeze bolt. He's got okayish AoE in freeze wave, though like RB it still kind of sucks. He's got snow globe, which is now massively better than IS because it actually provides protection. He's got avalanche, which locks down enemies almost as well as rhino stomp but also clears out trash mooks and deals a fair bit of damage to tough ones like ancients.


If I "wanted to know how all the other frames feel", I would play the other frames. In fact, I oftentimes do, because outside of IS, all of Rhino's other skills are barely worth the mod point cost and aren't worth the energy to use.


No. The immunity to ancient effects and the ability to regenerate shields without breaking contact was the main draw. You know what was overpowered? How you could spam it cheaply for as long as you've got energy. Temporary invulnerability in of itself isn't OP. Indeed, why would it be? Rhino's other powers are generally pretty bad, he relies on his guns and such for DPS, and unlike, say, Excal, he can't hit 4 once and wipe out pretty much an entire room of enemies.

Like what this guy said^

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His best ability rarely gets used do to the cost. I can tell you haven't played the Rhino or haven't played him long enough and far enough to realize his skills deal low damage and are mainly for defensive purposes only.


I had a level 30 Rhino, so yes I used him. AND THANK YOU...Someone gets that Rhino is a tanky+crowd control warframe not a kill everything within 21482 yards in 20 seconds warframe while taking zero damage, but his invincibility was still overpowered hence why it got changed.


And not using a power due to the cost?...That's silly. Every power has it's purpose in different situations, you should be using them in those situations, and not spamming them whenever.


What, you mean the radial blast which is more or less low damage, and low aoe, or the stomp which disrupts in an ok area for only 9 seconds at the cost of 100 energy? I don't really feel like his 4 is worth spending ~7 mod points on to disrupt enemies for a short while. As for rhino charge, I like it, I agree with another person (sorry forgot your name!) that it should either (more or less) throw and then knockdown enemies (charging through them) or it should just ignore unit collision.


edit: and what about trinity? she has the very OP link + energy vampire combo, and ember now tanks beter than rhino... (with a full leveled focus mod)


They mentioned Trinity being the ultimate boss killer in an previous livestream. If that was meant to be good or bad, who knows, but Link is Trinity's only attack power everything else is full support so Trinity would excel in defensive situations, not much so in a situation where there's multiple foes, unless you had a decent melee weapon, but the same could be said about many Frames.


Each Frame should not be superior to another, just superior in different situations. With Iron Skin granting full invincibility against...everything...it made it capable of handling anything and everything, making it superior to most frames.



You mean the other three skills that are lackluster at best? Charge which is like a poor man's slash dash with strange hit detection and a tendency to get stuck on enemies? Radial blast, which is like his ultimate except infinitely worse? Rhino stomp, which looks hella cool but ends up being ridiculously weaksauce compared to most of the other ultimates?

In fact, let's compare him with his closest competitor: Frost.

Frost has a pretty good spammable lockdown power in the freeze bolt. He's got okayish AoE in freeze wave, though like RB it still kind of sucks. He's got snow globe, which is now massively better than IS because it actually provides effective protection vs high level enemies. He's got avalanche, which locks down enemies almost as well as rhino stomp but also clears out trash mooks and deals a fair bit of damage to tough ones like ancients.


If I "wanted to know how all the other frames feel", I would play the other frames. In fact, I oftentimes do, because outside of IS, all of Rhino's other skills are barely worth the mod point cost and aren't worth the energy to use.


No. The immunity to ancient effects and the ability to regenerate shields without breaking contact was the main draw. You know what was overpowered? How you could spam it cheaply for as long as you've got energy. Temporary invulnerability in of itself isn't OP. Indeed, why would it be? Particularly taking into account how Rhino's other powers are generally pretty bad, he relies on his guns and such for DPS, and unlike, say, Excal, he can't hit 4 once and wipe out pretty much an entire room of enemies.



Like I said before, each power has it's own purpose in different situations. You're not going to be using them to kill everything in a mission. Most of your kills should be from your weapons.


Excal may be able to take out 4+ foes with ease, but they have to be very close together in a line, and his only defense skill is an aoe blind.


Frost's Snowglobe is only helpful on ranged targets, it may slow those inside the globe but it also blocks ally fire from going into the globe along with enemy fire.




What made Iron Skin so overpowered was pretty much what you said about it, it granted full immunity to damage and control effects with a spammable cost. Invincibility in any game is pretty overpowered, in most games that have it it only lasts 3-5 seconds, or wasn't immune to CC effects, but in Rhino's case, it lasted about 10 seconds at lv 3, even longer with a duration mod with immunity to everything. THAT is overpowered. You can say what you want about his other powers, it doesn't change the fact Iron Skin was blatantly overpowered.


I'll admit, now that they made it 80% they should of at least kept an immunity to some kind of CC effect, and it seems they wanted to but it's not working right now, as stated in the hot topic thread. He should be immune to knockback but isn't.


It's pretty simple really...if you don't like the powers on one warframe then that warframe's playstyle may not be for you.


I've said my 2 cents on the matter, that's it from me. D:

Edited by Rixxie
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I had a level 30 Rhino, so yes I used him. AND THANK YOU...Someone gets that Rhino is a tanky+crowd control warframe not a kill everything within 21482 yards in 20 seconds warframe while taking zero damage, but his invincibility was still overpowered hence why it got changed.


And not using a power due to the cost?...That's silly. Every power has it's purpose in different situations, you should be using them in those situations, and not spamming them whenever.



They mentioned Trinity being the ultimate boss killer in an previous livestream. If that was meant to be good or bad, who knows, but Link is Trinity's only attack power everything else is full support so Trinity would excel in defensive situations, not much so in a situation where there's multiple foes, unless you had a decent melee weapon, but the same could be said about many Frames.


Each Frame should not be superior to another, just superior in different situations. With Iron Skin granting full invincibility against...everything...it made it capable of handling anything and everything, making it superior to most frames.

Eh I think rhino's weakness was a lack of energy (compared to someone like trinity, who is better at tanking than rhino), and his slow speed. He was great vs infested as they run to him, but when corpus or grineer are all spread out, he has a much tougher time, especially with limited energy.

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My radial blast can kill anything under 30 in one hit, plus it has the coolest animation in the game

When I use Flow I can radial blast 4-5 times in a row if I so pleased, which is more than enough to vaporize most enemy groups


Cool edit, too bad I saw it

I'm referring to people saying Rhino is completely useless now, which just plain is not the case

Iron Skin really needed a nerf, because 20~ seconds of complete invincibility just plain isn't balanced

Now, I do see that you still get knocked down and stunned and whatnot, I don't like that but I would think they might change that back

And even if they don't, 80% damage resist is a LOT, do you even realize what that amounts to

Take your health and shields and multiply them by five, that's what you have when you iron skin now, and for a guy like me that has Redirection 8 pretty much nothing is a threat, even without iron skin

Rhino was &!$$ easy before this patch and he's still &!$$ easy now, if this tiny nerf is enough to make you quit the game then good riddance, maybe a better player will take your slot in my match

You know what? Go test it even with mid range tier enemies shooting at u. 80% dmg reduction? Whats the point? I dont even see the mechanics of it.

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lol like all the people whining about this rhino nerf and the shop, I mean making everything a blueprint just means they need to work a lil more for something they want o3o


Anywho, I'm loving Vauban so far o3o my only quirk/suggestion with him is if you are wall running and stick a bouncer to the wall it does nowt o3o but my idea for that is instead of just having it be a bounce off wall, turn your whole warframe into a projectile so on the off chance you hit someone launching off a wall that way you do a tonne of damage or something o3o

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lol like all the people whining about this rhino nerf and the shop, I mean making everything a blueprint just means they need to work a lil more for something they want o3o


the new market REALLY hurts new players.



(quoted post editted out)



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