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I Still Don't Get This...


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After a bunch of posts complaining about strun wraith, i still don't get why DE didn't nerf that thing.


It is definely op and it doesn't requires any kind of skill except spamming the mouse button. I've already made a post trying to complain but idk, maybe "too irony" is dangerous, so it was deleted; nevermind.


Let's go to the point: 


Actually, everyone could say: "Uhm, it's a shotgun, it has to kill in one shot at close range". 

No. No. NO!


Why? Because shotguns have to be NORMAL weapons at close distance, not killing machine that one shot everything, and be useless at far distance/ mid distance( this is why we have secondaries). 

In every game work like that and this is why most of the FPS/TPS's shotguns are not so common to be used.


Ok, shotguns have to be deadly at close range, but not "that deadly", also because there is no dispersion of the bullets and the circle you use to aim is too accurate.


 And close range is 3-5 metres, not 20, at least for me.

The maps don't help you; they're so small compared to the mobility  that players have.


So it's not balanced, because there is no weapon that can counter this at close distance ( talking about time to kill, or I shall say "time to reaction to somebody that is shooting at you whit the strun wraith") - ( except a lucky shot of daikyu) and also midrange ( except braton, another gun that for me has to be balanced).


With the Bo prime mobility, that every annoying dude need to have in the combination, togheter with volt speed/shield and super fluo colors, close range doesn't exist:


You can actually reach everything in a second. 

This is why it has to be NORMAL at close range, dealing less damage and not one shot.


Because also meele weapons need close range, but they don't kill you in the same time as the strun actually does (always talking about time to kill). 


This is my arguing, I hope nobody will post something like "Mh I do what I want because I do what I want" because I want argumentations and not stupid sentences.


Thank you

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God damnit, these posts confuse me every time! I see the post, I click it, I read it, it's talking about an overpowered weapon that is actually absolute crap, and then I realize it's PvP feedback.

Seriously, put a [PvP] tag in the title! It's not that hard!

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It's a shotgun.. They suck at range. If you see a tenno using it, take them out from range. Honestly, It's not OP if it's meant to fill you with bullet holes when you're near by.


I'm dreading the Hek getting added. Because it'll be this but with longer range, and that means more complaint threads.

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Wraith, Vandal, Prime, weapons supposed to be special items and the reason for not nerfing them is the exclusivite of those weapons and the work spent on events.


Those items are granted for us for our work time if they decide to nerf them then why should we work for a weapon which is someday could be useless?


The normal version of weapons facing with this dilemma.

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Let's go to the point: 

Actually, everyone could say: "Uhm, it's a shotgun, it has to kill in one shot at close range". 
No. No. NO!
Why? Because shotguns have to be NORMAL weapons at close distance, not killing machine that one shot everything, and be useless at far distance/ mid distance( this is why we have secondaries). 
In every game work like that and this is why most of the FPS/TPS's shotguns are not so common to be used.


I disagree. If you weren't afraid of shotguns at <20m I'd say they were broken.


A precedent of people NOT using whole categories of weapons in other games is not really a great metric of how well designed they are..

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I mostly wonder why is the Strun so bad compared to it's Wraith counterpart.

Strun is bad, yes.

But mk1-strun is as strong as wraith - but it is more difficult to use (lower mag+firerate, but 20% more dmg) ;) .

Edited by Feyangol
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The reason on why its op, its because its really hard to dodge some one with strun whraith if you dont choose a bo/p for mobility.
While to reach some one to close range its so easy, its like old channeling complaining while bo/p was op and killing all dudes in no more than 2 shots/hits.
Right now Strun whraith its like Pre Nerf of Hek (PvE) jisus, it is like a Sniper Shotgun, his spread its not really high so it leaves the weapon viable on medium-long range, if we have the excuse on "its a shotgun" i dont see the boar prime working like that.

Edited by Grimlock-
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Why hasn't anyone complained about the Tigris, yet?  It's pretty much one-shot at point-blank if you use the duplex-shot, even on Rhino.

Yep, I usually switch to the Tigris when I see a bunch of people running with the Strun Wraith, makes jousting a little more tense, and its much more rewarding when you out gun them in less shots.

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Although it should be good at close range, I think the time lag between each shots should be increased.


Because it should be a bit more punishing for bad aiming even at this close range - you got to give high damage at close range with some sort of aiming but not blindly firing a bunch of bullets and let the luck do the thing.


Besides, the mobility of tennos means that it's very easy to get in close range to enemies. Therefore some drawbacks is actually need to it. IMO.

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Yep, I usually switch to the Tigris when I see a bunch of people running with the Strun Wraith, makes jousting a little more tense, and its much more rewarding when you out gun them in less shots.


I'm really enjoying Tigris lately, it's teaching me to make my shots count, its ammo economy and reload time really make it so you can't waste shots, but when you make them, daaaaaaannngggg....

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I'm really enjoying Tigris lately, it's teaching me to make my shots count, its ammo economy and reload time really make it so you can't waste shots, but when you make them, daaaaaaannngggg....


Its almost, but not quite the shotgun equivalent of the bows, except there is no killing from range. Well, at least ammo economy wise, and the fact that it has limited shots per magazine.

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That's not stopping people from complaining about the Daikyu.


It works like this: 


weapon X being probably secretly OP --> some people make threads complaining about it --> every tryhard lurking the forum reads about it and starts to use it --> more people make threads complaining about it --> more tryhards use it --> ??? 


then DE nerfs it. 


then weapon Y is discovered to be OP and the whole cycle starts again. 

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It works like this: 


weapon X being probably secretly OP --> some people make threads complaining about it --> every tryhard lurking the forum reads about it and starts to use it --> more people make threads complaining about it --> more tryhards use it --> ??? 


then DE nerfs it. 


then weapon Y is discovered to be OP and the whole cycle starts again. 


If Daikyu does get a nerf, then your equation is correct, heh.


As far as I've seen, the forum is fairly balanced between people saying the current Weapon X is balanced and OP.


The only people that are saying it's OP are those that don't like the one-shot aspect of it, even tho there are countermeasures...measures that they don't seem to want to have to utilize.  Speaking of, I need to start using the Paris Prime...it isn't always one-shot, but it's got a little more room for error.


The ones that don't think it's OP are those that believe one-shot weapons can be balanced against how hard the weapon is to use.


Can't wait till DE introduces hitscan snipers like the Vectis.  I hope that's in the next update.

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