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Let's Be Positive About The New Starchart.

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What I find vague and likely contributes to why I have a hard time finding positivity in something I'm only left to assume. Is that regardless of the amount of populated nodes we have and desolate nodes. Those populated nodes are likely to have players with the same intent in mind. Meaning I don't have to try to find players in recruiting or forumlate a squad within my often inactive clan. I can jump in and there are players who will at least do 20 waves or 20 minutes.

Sure there's always the chance some player is there to just get the node completed, but that's just the nature of random pub matches. However, I can just restart that node, no biggie. But with the upcoming change, this guy who wants to activate every life support drop while at 95% and wants to quit at the 5 min mark becomes a big deal. It's not like I can restart the node for that mission mode. Therefore, as a solo player that doesn't mind playing with random players, this doesn't seem like a good thing.

Again, I'm not sure if some of the same game modes will exist in the new star chart, all I can use is what is already here to base what it might be like in the near future.

So if DE's intent is to prioritize friend finding and committed squads, I guess this is the way to do it.

I'm not negative about it the upcoming change, just indifferent.

You don't need 300 nodes to find what you want. You need 20 nodes, tops.

5 different noobfriendly nodes, 5 midfriendly nodes, 5 hard nodes and 5 grind nodes. Add in random alerts for variety and mission crafting for that something special and you're good.

You don't also need another 280 empty nodes that don't actually even do anything different.

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You don't need 300 nodes to find what you want. You need 20 nodes, tops.

5 different noobfriendly nodes, 5 midfriendly nodes, 5 hard nodes and 5 grind nodes. Add in random alerts for variety and mission crafting for that something special and you're good.

You don't also need another 280 empty nodes that don't actually even do anything different.

okay, I see. So the assumption is we'll still be able to play a specific mode, not just pick a node and 5 random modes with in that node will/could pop up? It's just random tile sets/maps. That I don't mind.
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From what I can gather thus far, I think that this new system might actually work out well. That would just be because I won't have to hunt for people to do random nodes with me so that I can get to the boss on the planet, or a node from a quest everyone else has finished (f'ing Mutalist Alad V missions, I'm talking about you!) So I think the new system would help me out with that aspect.

However, I also think I'll miss my choice to do any mission I have unlocked so far (especially Void missions). How will I farm for my precious Loki Prime if I can't choose that one Void mission I need? Maybe that's actually the point for integrating the Void into the solar map like DE mentioned in that devstream, but then anything Prime would become like the illusive Booben, making itself available once in 27 lifetimes for only two hours or something.

It may not even be that bad, but it'll still be a pain in the glutes, most likely.

Hopefully, I'll at least have choice in mission type and resources. Which, given the 20 choices we'll be given, won't likely be a problem. That actually leaves me with the best positive in this proposal: it'll force players to do missions they haven't done in forever. Like, maybe you need some neural sensors and it's only available from a hijack mission. You'll do that now, and have lots of fun doing a mission you don't normally do. You could also hate it, but you now can't say you haven't tried.

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I don't understand why people are losing their minds over 20 nodes while currently people only run about 5-7 nodes in the starchart.

I like how they are complaining about limiting player choice while they are limiting their own choice already in the first place.

The problem with start chart is not there is too many nodes, but the real problem is there is too little good nodes.  Even if DE decrease the nodes in starchart to the number of mission type per planet and give player their 'choice', the problem will still stand. Noone will ever do Earth defense/survival because the rewards are garbage. People will still concentrate on nodes with good rewards while new players will still continuing to cry about how barren the star chart is.

The main focus here is not the number of nodes, what we really have to think about is the reward system. Will it intensify vets to do different nodes? Will it be balanced between mission types? And will it improve the grinding experience of both new and old players?

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-The game will feel more like mini events,bosses will feel like mini-events, and not just speed run spots for resources." Everyone come defeat Vor- he has "X" this time" could you imagine actually being excited to fight Vor again? or any other boss? 


- Discovering a new high XP spot. I wont have to go to the SAME exact farm spot to level, i can play something different and not have to worry about going solo. No one has ever tried to do something other than draco, only to find EVERYWHERE else is empty? so you're basically forced to play Draco anyway? player choice? yeah right.


- having GUARANTEED neurosensor rewards instead of depending on RNG to give you some after another tedious boss run. am i the only one who thinks there will be LESS RNG with resources to an extent? 


- Hopefully they do away with those x5 invasion missions


-hopefully the void will feel special again. 


-non-endless missions may become more rewarding to do.


-hopefully rewards wont be as strictly tied to specific missions, maybe we will have a bit more control over WHAT we do to get certain rewards. Like if i want a Volt chasis, maybe i can attach that reward to different missions, with a key, instead of having to do t3 survival over and over. 

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You know what? It's not even out yet, and you guys are already trying to fix that. Stop, let it come to us! Then, you will be able to make real judgments. We only had a word about an uncomfirmed concept...

We are just pointing out obvious problems that need to be addressed.

It is like we are at a car dealership and we are dismissing a new car because it's mpg is terrible. You are the salesperson saying "come on man, you haven't even test drive it yet. You haven't listened to the sound system. " But we know that we don't need to test drive it because it had an obvious flaw that made it dead on arrival from the start.

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We are just pointing out obvious problems that need to be addressed.

It is like we are at a car dealership and we are dismissing a new car because it's mpg is terrible. You are the salesperson saying "come on man, you haven't even test drive it yet. You haven't listened to the sound system. " But we know that we don't need to test drive it because it had an obvious flaw that made it dead on arrival from the start.

No, it's more like you're at a car dealership and see a car with an automatic transmission and go

"this car is terrible. It removes my shifting choice! How can I go fast with an automatic? Is impossible. And I bet the radio doesn't even work! It probably only gets 5 mile to the gallon because car dealers are always trying to rip me off. The Windows probably don't go down! I will NOT drive a car if the Windows don't roll down! This is an outrage! How do they expect us to use a car without Windows!"

Edited by Hypernaut1
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We are just pointing out obvious problems that need to be addressed.

It is like we are at a car dealership and we are dismissing a new car because it's mpg is terrible. You are the salesperson saying "come on man, you haven't even test drive it yet. You haven't listened to the sound system. " But we know that we don't need to test drive it because it had an obvious flaw that made it dead on arrival from the start.

That's the dumbest analogy I've ever read.

Better would be if there was a married guy with 1-2 kids, who uses a bus as his everyday car. And the salesperson tried selling him Toyota Highlander.

Edited by osuman
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Ok, so the new starchart obviously isn't looking good, but, since it's just a concept as of now, why don't we think of all the good things it can bring us?




I'll start: Hopefully less confusion for newbies.


We hardly know anything about it, and yet everyone is freaking out.

It's in the works... just a concept... We haven't got a precise idea of how it's gonna look like... maybe not even the devs themselves. Why is everyone so upset?

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It'll give me a lot more free time and more money in my wallet. Also, if I'm looking to play other games, more of my friends will be available for them.


Sorry, these really are the only positives I can see. Farming the game to death will be fixed, but at the cost of choice.

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It'll give me a lot more free time and more money in my wallet. Also, if I'm looking to play other games, more of my friends will be available for them.


Sorry, these really are the only positives I can see. Farming the game to death will be fixed, but at the cost of choice.

What choice? If ask you did was draco, then I'm glad players like you will be leaving

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There isnt anything positive about it to me. I never have problems finding groups on the nodes i play.


20 nodes just isnt close to enough, 100 nodes might be better.


If they remove my "choice" of what and where i want to play and replace it with anything close to more RNG I will walk away from this game without a second thought.


It sounds like they want to change it to something like Payday, which is a terrible Idea. That game sucks and the way missions are done is one of the worst parts.


I guess the only POSITIVE is I will have more money and more time, because i wont be playing this game anymore.

Edited by ChuckNorris405
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Imagine a world, were you can't just join whatever mission you want, whenever you want, so you can not just farm Draco/Sechura/Any Defense Mission and may have to try a sabotage mission once in a while.


You are about to enter the Twilight Zone.


I probably wouldn't play in that world.

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All I care about is, will the change make it so that I'm always able to play in a PUG as soon as I log in? 


I sometimes play solo, for a change, but mainly I like playing in PUGs, because real, living people are always entertaining, even when they're annoying.


The thing I don't like about the Star Map as it is, is that so many nodes just have no interest from other people, so you can't do them with a team.


So long as I have map variety and mission variety and being able to play with other people, I don't mind how it's done.


I'd like to retain some illusion of being a Tenno in a Liset free to roam space at will, but I'm willing to sacrifice a bit of that if it means I can jump in and play with other people at the drop of a hat.

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What I find vague and likely contributes to why I have a hard time finding positivity in something I'm only left to assume. Is that regardless of the amount of populated nodes we have and desolate nodes. Those populated nodes are likely to have players with the same intent in mind. Meaning I don't have to try to find players in recruiting or forumlate a squad within my often inactive clan. I can jump in and there are players who will at least do 20 waves or 20 minutes.

Sure there's always the chance some player is there to just get the node completed, but that's just the nature of random pub matches. However, I can just restart that node, no biggie. But with the upcoming change, this guy who wants to activate every life support drop while at 95% and wants to quit at the 5 min mark becomes a big deal. It's not like I can restart the node for that mission mode. Therefore, as a solo player that doesn't mind playing with random players, this doesn't seem like a good thing.

Again, I'm not sure if some of the same game modes will exist in the new star chart, all I can use is what is already here to base what it might be like in the near future.

So if DE's intent is to prioritize friend finding and committed squads, I guess this is the way to do it.

I'm not negative about it the upcoming change, just indifferent.

But I hear Draco, Ceres is the amazing new spot. Everyone just seems to be asking for it. Everyone can't get enough of it. Why not just make Draco your primary place for everything. Everyone seems to want to go there. People are always asking to go to Draco and take Mesa, Greedy Mag, Nekros and Frost. It all makes sense now.

Don't do or go...

...Beyond 20 minutes in Survival. You're wasting your time.

...Beyond Wave 20 in Defense that's just ridiculous. You're wasting your time.

...Beyond 500 Cryotic in Extraction. It's just too difficult.

...What's this? You're going beyond one round in Interception! No don't do that.

Edited by Kinjeto
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While there are many nodes that are not used for the current map setup, at least those missions are there if folks want to do them. If someone wants to run a defense mission solo or with pugs, they can choose that node and not have to worry about having a key to make sure that is the mission they wanted. Likewise, with how rng is in this game and how lowering the nodes means dynamic missions, I wouldn't want to be forced into groups with folks on the off chance that the mission might not be what I was looking for. Even worse would be to run a mission solo with a frame built with low shields hoping to do an exterminate or sabotage mission, but have to abort and roll again because it is a hijack mission.

While change can be a good thing for the game and most are speculating on what could happen when the map changes, you will always have folks being pessimistic about the situation until it finally takes place.

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But I hear Draco, Ceres is the amazing new spot. Everyone just seems to be asking for it. Everyone can't get enough of it. Why not just make Draco. Everyone seems to want to go there. People are always asking to go to Draco and take Mesa, Greedy Mag, Nekros and Frost.  It all makes sense now.

Don't do or go...

...Beyond 20 minutes in Survival. You're wasting your time.

...Beyond Wave 20 in Defense that's just ridiculous. You're wasting your time.

...Beyond 500 Cryotic in Extraction. It's just too difficult.

...What's this? You're going beyond one round in Interception! No don't do that.

Draco in randoms and Draco from recruiting are vastly different. While Draco is the farming spot for leveling and T4 key farming, in random pub Draco runs, you get what you get and I hardly see Mesa's or Gmags. I play a lot of Draco in my Nova, sometimes I need to wait a few moments at the elevator shaft for players to enter, but I don't see this claim of particular frames frequent to be there. However, most of the random groups rarely make it to that T4 key and there is usually one player that needs to be picked up frequently.
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What choice? If ask you did was draco, then I'm glad players like you will be leaving


Never touched any farm spot like Draco, please don't lump me in with that crowd. I simply enjoy playing what I want, when I want to - not being told what and when I have to play.

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