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How Do People Feel About Ordis?


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Is there ever going to be a possibility of being able to get a new ship sephalon bcuz ordis just aint doin it for me he dries me up the dang walls. I want the ships voice from hitchikers guide to the galaxy.

Edited by Logos87
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Is there ever going to be a possibility of being able to get a new ship sephalon bcuz ordis just aint doin it for me he dries me up the dang walls. I want the ships voice from hitchikers guide to the galaxy.



I love Ordis, but think his pop ups should be hidden when he is muted.



Should have gone with Simaris.  Dashed my hopes that the damn dialogue box wouldn't keep interrupting me even on mute.

Where were you people when I needed you to support my topic?!

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Ordis is incredibly annoying. He is more annoying than even the ultra screen hog that is Simarus (although only because Ordis pops up more often). I'd love for DE to allow us to swap him out with one of the cephalon from the PVP mode.

I vote we swap him for Vol. (the one who wants to "hug you until your organs rupture" or "squeeze your shiny face until your skull collapses" XD)

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That piece of trash needs to be deleted and the harddrivez/data cluster housing his name thrown into an artifical quantum singularity that is then hurled into the sun at light speed.

So, not a fan you could say...

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and I would be right behind you with a bucket full of paperclips just in case the first one breaks.


and if the paper clips don't work than kat kittag. jat kittag fixes everything, but more importantly it really fixes ordis >:)

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He's really annoying and useless. I wish I could kill him.

worst part is he makes it look like you can kill him in the tutorial. but nope its never an option.


it was very frustrating for me since I basically wanted jeeves the English butler robot from world of warcraft, not ordis.

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