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Ps4: Tubemen Of Regor (16.5.9 - 16.7.2 +Hotfixes)


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Let's step back a moment.

So, what the belief is is that DE is purposefully 'stomping' on/ handing the PS4 Community the short end of the stick?

What led to this conslusion?




When asked about any differences between the PS4 and PC versions, Steven said that there would be none because “our goal is updating the PS4 version in sync with the PC version with all the same content, features and events. For those things to happen – for the ecosystem to be shared – we cannot diverge.” This means that any new content they add to celebrate the launch of the PS4 version will also come out on the PC at the same time, and (Miami) vice versa.





Rhino / Ember Prime access:

PS4 Tenno,


We fully understand the frustrations that Prime Access has caused the PS4 community. We hope to clarify some of these issues. Our intention for the new Rhino Prime Access was to address the Community feedback regarding the Ember Prime Access that only offered the most expensive pack.  The frustrations we saw with only offering one option of Ember Prime Access pushed us to brainstorm a better way of offering the packs for PS4 using the parameters we have to work with on the PSN Store.


The solution -- to have two options that would offer some choice at different price points. Players are telling us this feels incomplete –it is true there is disparity in the maximum possible Platinum purchasable between PS4 and PC, and even though the price reflects this, we hear your feedback that it’s not good enough.




Steve officially apologizing about holding patches for the PS4 in devstream 43:




Update size:

Making one big update stating we never had to manually update anymore, yet the next two updates still made us download the entire patch again


Sanctuary update:


PSA: We are aware that the patcher is currently re-downloading all of the updates (again). We're looking into fixing the problem. 



"we are looking into fixing the problem" does not suffice as a reply Drew, care to enlighten the people currently downloading 11.271gb patch?



I'm pretty sure they wouldn't put off looking into an issue like this. Give them some credit.



What is there to give credit for?



Any news when the update will be fixed so it does not install all updates again i really want to play but my internet is that bad i cannot download that much at once.


A whole week now with NO comment whatsoever with regards to this issue. Great going DE. Ignoring a problem does not make it go away!!!!



No Eros Arrow skin on PS4 and no answer regarding any questions about it



The empty promise that XB1 will never hold back any PS4 updates



No platinum discount in the login rewards



No founder pack of similar options for PS4



These are some of the things that led to the conclusion. I could probably find more things if not all my post regarding many issues are now archived. So if you been around for quite a while and watched a lot of devstreams and participated on this forum you really should not be so surprised that PS4 users might feel they get the short end of the stick.

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For those of you who are upset about the delay with the Nemesis skin release, the PS4 update passed through certification much faster than expected, and we released the update immediately. The quick release means that PS4 is ahead of schedule. Our plan was always to release on both console simultaneously because it means less work for us and allows us to keep working on the next console update - so you can have things like the Excalibur rework as soon as possible. We apologise for the delays with the skin. We're excited to get it into your hands, and we appreciate your patience with its release.

When we eventually do get the excal rework will we also get the Proto skin back like PC did?

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I agree with Chiefs. The PS4 playerbase crying about an alt skin is pathetic.

All the FREE new content that gets pumped out for this game and people are still impatient is stunning.

I'm betting most of the people crying about the skin don't even use nyx normally anyhow.

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I am loving this update, thank you so much DE..  Smaller updates more often like this would be amazing, because the turnaround on that was insanely quick!  I am not sure how the entire cert process works or what it requires of both Sony / Microsoft and DE's part, but this is definitely a nice, awesome change of pace!  -  


Note: I am still seeing reports of some crashes, mostly by hosts, but I've yet to crash myself since this latest update.   I have however, been in an ODD when my host crashed.

I have crashed three times so far, but I think it was just a system overload due to the new stuff added in the event. I was host 2/3 times.

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I agree with Chiefs. The PS4 playerbase crying about an alt skin is pathetic.

All the FREE new content that gets pumped out for this game and people are still impatient is stunning.

I'm betting most of the people crying about the skin don't even use nyx normally anyhow.

It was that they said we were suppose to get it one day but cert failed. That's okay, it happens but when the cert passed and we still didn't receive it of course is going to make players upset after they were told a few days before hand they were getting it.


Free content or not the Nyx skin is a cash item and they have a bunch of players who want to pay for this skin.

Edited by (PS4)Yugureki
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I don't care when we get the Nyx skin, as long as we get it...

Can we get this thread focused back on the issues with the current build? Namely:

1.) Wall Climbing/Running is broken. Not sure what happened, but it's a heck of a challenge to climb up a wall and get on top of it now. You can't run straight up a wall, if you're right next to it, nor can you grab the top half the time.

2.) Shotgun Mods Not Added To PvP Drop Tables. Can anyone confirm they've received a single shotgun mod in PvP? This was missed on PC on this build as well, so I fear someone forgot to add it for us too.

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When asked about any differences between the PS4 and PC versions, Steven said that there would be none because “our goal is updating the PS4 version in sync with the PC version with all the same content, features and events. For those things to happen – for the ecosystem to be shared – we cannot diverge.” This means that any new content they add to celebrate the launch of the PS4 version will also come out on the PC at the same time, and (Miami) vice versa.


Rhino / Ember Prime access:

PS4 Tenno,

We fully understand the frustrations that Prime Access has caused the PS4 community. We hope to clarify some of these issues. Our intention for the new Rhino Prime Access was to address the Community feedback regarding the Ember Prime Access that only offered the most expensive pack. The frustrations we saw with only offering one option of Ember Prime Access pushed us to brainstorm a better way of offering the packs for PS4 using the parameters we have to work with on the PSN Store.

The solution -- to have two options that would offer some choice at different price points. Players are telling us this feels incomplete –it is true there is disparity in the maximum possible Platinum purchasable between PS4 and PC, and even though the price reflects this, we hear your feedback that it’s not good enough.


Steve officially apologizing about holding patches for the PS4 in devstream 43:


Update size:

Making one big update stating we never had to manually update anymore, yet the next two updates still made us download the entire patch again

Sanctuary update:

PSA: We are aware that the patcher is currently re-downloading all of the updates (again). We're looking into fixing the problem.

What is there to give credit for?

A whole week now with NO comment whatsoever with regards to this issue. Great going DE. Ignoring a problem does not make it go away!!!!

No Eros Arrow skin on PS4 and no answer regarding any questions about it

The empty promise that XB1 will never hold back any PS4 updates

No platinum discount in the login rewards

No founder pack of similar options for PS4

These are some of the things that led to the conclusion. I could probably find more things if not all my post regarding many issues are now archived. So if you been around for quite a while and watched a lot of devstreams and participated on this forum you really should not be so surprised that PS4 users might feel they get the short end of the stick.

Dang i didnt see it that way
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TBH, Sony probably negotiated a cut of the profits for WW distribution at initial launch. Platinum discounts aren't feasible within this business model.

Dealing with the fairly static architecture on platforms also presents challenges.

I'm still amazed at the quality of the product and find these to be very minor inconveniences.

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For those of you who are upset about the delay with the Nemesis skin release, the PS4 update passed through certification much faster than expected, and we released the update immediately. The quick release means that PS4 is ahead of schedule. Our plan was always to release on both console simultaneously because it means less work for us and allows us to keep working on the next console update - so you can have things like the Excalibur rework as soon as possible. We apologise for the delays with the skin. We're excited to get it into your hands, and we appreciate your patience with its release.  

Can we get an explanation as to why the skin couldn't be released independently?

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Dang i didnt see it that way


He left out one part. You know how some older PS4 players say that DE doesn't care about PS4? There's a reason for that. For the first three or four months of the PS4's release, there was almost zero communication between the PS4 players and DE. Rebecca and Megan would post the patch notes, but that was it. It also seemed like every topic created by a PS4 player in General Discussion was moved to PS4 Specific Feedback. There was even a topic made by a PS4 player that was moved to PC Specific Feedback, where the creator couldn't even reply to it. PS4 players weren't really welcome in General Discussion then, so we stayed in PS4 Specific Feedback and made it our General Discussion. We were so surprised to see [DE]Drew since someone on the staff was actually talking to us. 

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I don't care when we get the Nyx skin, as long as we get it...

Can we get this thread focused back on the issues with the current build? Namely:

1.) Wall Climbing/Running is broken. Not sure what happened, but it's a heck of a challenge to climb up a wall and get on top of it now. You can't run straight up a wall, if you're right next to it, nor can you grab the top half the time.

2.) Shotgun Mods Not Added To PvP Drop Tables. Can anyone confirm they've received a single shotgun mod in PvP? This was missed on PC on this build as well, so I fear someone forgot to add it for us too.

Cannot say for sure on what is going on with shotgun mods but as for the Climbing/Wallrunning aspect of the problems list [DE]Drew said they were looking into what is causing the problem, you'll find the reply + topic here > https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/478007-parkour-vertical-wall-running-and-grabbing-ledgesstuff-with-hands-not-working-properly-since-hotfix-jun-19th/ <



As for the remainder of this thread, yes we did not get the skin as of yet as we are awaiting the Xbox players to get the update as well so they can release it on both. Sure it is frustrating but complaining constantly about it will not change the speed in which it is released any differently then the current time.  As The_Moustache said it was a long time before PS4 players really felt welcomed in the forums and back then there was a similar amount of complaining about the wait on either patches and content...


In short, lets all take a deep breath and enjoy the game for what it's worth rather then complaining about something purely cosmetic. (P.S I do want the skin badly myself but I can wait :P) Also, if you wish to complain, at least do it constructively, find bugs and post about them so we can all have a better playing experience. 

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He left out one part. You know how some older PS4 players say that DE doesn't care about PS4? There's a reason for that. For the first three or four months of the PS4's release, there was almost zero communication between the PS4 players and DE. Rebecca and Megan would post the patch notes, but that was it. It also seemed like every topic created by a PS4 player in General Discussion was moved to PS4 Specific Feedback. There was even a topic made by a PS4 player that was moved to PC Specific Feedback, where the creator couldn't even reply to it. PS4 players weren't really welcome in General Discussion then, so we stayed in PS4 Specific Feedback and made it our General Discussion. We were so surprised to see [DE]Drew since someone on the staff was actually talking to us. 


Drew's post about his announced dedicated presence on the PS4 forums was one of the posts I actually was looking for to highlight that issue. I have also experienced several of my posts moved to PC feedback. Posting in PS4 specific feedback was just as good as not posting at all.


Either way as time passes more players move along and new players join so I guess it is harder to relate unless you been a long for the bumpy ride. The fact that people can be very vocal about issues and not afraid to voice their disappointments is a credit to the game as they would not do so unless they actually are passionate about the game.


The complaint was not about a single issue like the Nyx skin but rather the way DE has failed to handle the PS4 Tenno properly since we started fighting for the Lotus a long time a go in a galaxy far far away...... wait.... that is another story

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Drew's post about his announced dedicated presence on the PS4 forums was one of the posts I actually was looking for to highlight that issue. I have also experienced several of my posts moved to PC feedback. Posting in PS4 specific feedback was just as good as not posting at all.


Either way as time passes more players move along and new players join so I guess it is harder to relate unless you been a long for the bumpy ride. The fact that people can be very vocal about issues and not afraid to voice their disappointments is a credit to the game as they would not do so unless they actually are passionate about the game.


The complaint was not about a single issue like the Nyx skin but rather the way DE has failed to handle the PS4 Tenno properly since we started fighting for the Lotus a long time a go in a galaxy far far away...... wait.... that is another story

A fast and sad history >>> they don't care about us =( T-T . Plz where's the excalibur rework ?

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