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May 19Th: Hot Feedback Topics


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And again, we have those who can read and those who cannot.


Those who can read, ignore this please.


Those who cannot read, I am going to try again and I will use small words.
















































In summary, an unexpected and very disruptive bug. Not planned, nor expected no matter HOW much the PvPers may crow in triumph that THEY got what THEY want.



Can you read THIS? Understand it?


No? Ok, I give up. Go back to your screaming.


We know that. We want full invulnerability back.

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We know that. We want full invulnerability back.


Okay, maybe you did.


Funny that. Half the screams I have read... On about oh, half the pages of this thread, say that the immunities are the problem, not full invulnerability. Evey SINGLE suggestion thing that I have read says SOMEWHERE 'Bring the immunities back!' DUH!


I personally am upset about Banshee a LOT more than Rhino, but then again, I play Banshee a lot more than Rhino. Rhino was boring. Press Iron Skin and 'I WIN!' He needed help with his other abilities. But in my opinion, Iron Skin was OP.

Edited by Kalenath
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I wasnt joking.

If you want to do it I'm down.

We should call it


Mak Gohae and Goozilla Present

A Rhino Study or: How I Stop Worrying What Other Attacks Do and Began to Love Mine.


I get top billing because i will, of course, draw more people in.


So we doing this?

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thanks Developers we apreciate that

But jus one thing

please Keep the crafting Cost as it is ... Cuz it was just buying weapons .. and now we should craft them and lose materials .. its ok .. But increasing the cost so we will pay more money and use more materials to craft .. i dont agree !!

and also there is another reason .. Dojo is around the corner .. we cant waste money and materials/resources to just get a weapon !!

thanks again DE

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8) ... and Banshee? What about her Sound Quake?


I believe the damage Sound Quake now does is working as intended... but being vulnerable during the casting animation is problematic. Will inform and suggest invulnerability be returned.


Not to sound mean, but I hope this suggestion gets dismissed. There are other ways around blatant invulnerability...


Introduce reverberating staggers to enemies while casting, would make sense given the awesome animation


Make it possible to move, and break the effect after the first wave hits


Also, people could use it as an actual attack, rather than an, "omg need invulnerability nao" In other words, either take cover first, or get backed up by a Snow Globe, Heal, you know teamwork... If you don't have any friends or soloing, then don't Sound Quake in a pinch... Try Shock Wave... Really, people just give up too easy.

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Not to sound mean, but I hope this suggestion gets dismissed. There are other ways around blatant invulnerability...


Introduce reverberating staggers to enemies while casting, would make sense given the awesome animation


Make it possible to move, and break the effect after the first wave hits


Also, people could use it as an actual attack, rather than an, "omg need invulnerability nao" In other words, either take cover first, or get backed up by a Snow Globe, Heal, you know teamwork... If you don't have any friends or soloing, then don't Sound Quake in a pinch... Try Shock Wave... Really, people just give up too easy.

No. We give Soundquake the ability to push back mobs with each wave that hits them.

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This RNG system is just ridiculous, that or it isn't 100% RNG.  Vauban systems BP finally shows up as an alert, NATURALLY it shows up when most people are either asleep, getting ready to go to school/work, or already there. Granted, thats RNG for you, but its amazing how 90% of the orokin catalyst BP's also show up at roughly the same times.


I understand that this game is a bussiness for you guys, but considering I've had off the last few days and been playing a good portion of the day/checking the alerts hoping I might be around for an alert (be it this one or catalyst/reactor BP's) just to have the vast majority of them show up when people with any sort of real world obligations simply can't get to them, is absurd. But hey, its okay. After all, I love getting useless artifact alerts all day long.



Edit: I started typing this constructively and it just kinda...came out wrong. My suggestion as far as this system goes would be the same as several people already mentioned, either allow people to choose from several randomly picked rewards when a ? alert comes up (which would at least make people WANT to participate) or opt for a token type of system. Any progression/hope that people might be able to get what they want vastly increases a desire to play or at least join in now and then, even if its a slim chance.

Edited by Fallast
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Will you ever invent Unicode or just cyrillic support to the native client version? Doesn't those ******* looks wierd and annoying for non-CIS players? I'm waiting for this feature from Update 5.0 and still hoping you'll hear us...

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Will you ever invent Unicode or just cyrillic support to the native client version? Doesn't those ******* looks wierd and annoying for non-CIS players? I'm waiting for this feature from Update 5.0 and still hoping you'll hear us...



Although it has been said that the chat system is based on irc, so who knows what they are doing with the encoding. I guess something , that allows Russian client use a font with all the cyrillics and denies that to the original... 

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It's called the shake, not the Harlem Shake.


This is the Harlem Shake, stop doing it wrong, if you're gonna do that garbage at least do it right, if not then don't call it the Harlem Shake:


Man I swear the rest of the world is so stupid some times.


That's mostly krumping, here's a vid of the straight up Harlem Shake.


As you can see the only difference between what is done in the video and the original dance is that instead of learning forward they just lean back. So this is really just a variation of the Harlem Shake which isnt that far off and, of course, they are also playing it up for laughs.

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Link doesnt deal dmg?


No, dude, outside of Link she has nothing. Link is the only thing she has to actually be offensive.

Rhino can  knock people off him whenever he wants with all his other attacks while Trinity can just run away.

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Link doesnt deal dmg?


It does, but only if you manage to draw aggro. Which isn't reliable at all, and requires you to get into the crowd if you want to use it as offensive ability... And then you end up in the center of attention and with no protection. True, with some skill it's not a problem, but "some skill" isn't the best excuse here, since *with some skill* you can make current rhino work.


Provided they give the status immunities back.

Edited by GTG3000
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Continual degredation of movement controls not addressed. =(


Jumping is still problematic and has gotten worse

Sprinting transition to wallrun automagicly even with 'hold jump to wallrun' enabled first started showing up with 7.11 and is frustrating a large number of players.

cannot use ability in air still showing up when players are on the ground.

automagic rolling upon landing was improved a few updates back and seems to have gotten worse again with 7.11


These are fundamental control issues that should- at lease in my opinion- still take priority over anything else especially in a third person shooter with some platformer elements.


I'd also like to see major balance changes run by the design council- as right now it seems to exist only to get sneak peeks of new stuff and vote on which new stuff you want implemented first- which is why i don't see the point in bothering to upgrade my founders package to master.


I can see that other issues have been addressed though, and I'm glad rhino and banshee will be getting another look

Hopefully patch notes in future updates will be more complete as every update till now has had many stealth fixes, adjustments, and additions. New granieer tiles and extraction points are awesome but went completely unnoticed by most people posting the forums.


I'm also glad marketplace adjustments will be reviewed as well as grinding for materials. I don't know if multiple accounts is against the ToS, and can't be assed to look- but if it's not- i may consider making a second account in order to provide feedback regarding how changes affect new players as I have no interest in doing a reset personally. I rather like holding onto what i've acheived thus far and my choices on plat spending good and bad are mine alone, though the option is nice for those *cough*<friend'snamewitheld>*cough* that spent all their starter plat on revives instead of slots for weapons and warframes.

Edited by AnalogAnomaly
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