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De Please Answer Us! Will You Buff Any Contents Inside The Founder Pack?


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I think all primes should have bonuses or none at all.  Including Excalibur Prime, I can never have him but it doesn't make sense to keep him as just another skin.


Heh, why not actually implement that faster shield recharge that was a rumor for so long?

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I don't see excalibur prime getting any sort of buffs other then receiving the prime passives. It would be unfair to give people such an advantage over other excalibur players just because they played from the beginning. As for the weapons, I feel like they will just stay as a social status more then anything for the same reason.


That being said, some texture updates would be nice.


Not that it really matters, but I am a founder.

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I got an idea.


Buff Excal P and....

Make it farmable.


Existing Excal Prime in Founder's inventory will have extra passives and renamed.

I'll call it Legacy Buff.


And maybe throw in extra Founder only helmet or skin.


Everyone get their Excal P, Founder will still have all the exclusivity.


Off Course DE should first message all founders and do a poll.

This man, i like it !! ANOTHER !!!

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Like someone in this thread already have said:

The demanding of rereleasing Excal Prime is creating salt.
The demanding of buffing an exclusive E-Prime is creating salt.

Just let the things untouched. No greed, no envy. Honestly and objectively the best way is the way right now.

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This thread is amusing for terrible reasons.


1)  Let's not bring law into this.  I'll be willing to bet none of us are contract lawyers, so everything we vomit forth on the subject means less than Baro Ki'teer's promises to have better stuff next time.


2)  As a Founder, I like my exclusive shiny as much as the next Founder does, but I honestly don't care if it gets buffed or not.  I don't really use Excal, and if I start using it more I'll use the Prime variant just for swag value.  That's why I got it after all.  My only concern is that I'd like it to at least be equal to the best publicly-available thing of its type, which means if some sort of Prisma Excal comes out that's strictly better than Excal Prime then I'd be upset.  I think this is also why Prisma Skana upset more Founders than usual - Not because it's equal but because it's better.


3)  If you really want to campaign to buff an old-player exclusive, buff the Snipetron.  It sucks.

Edited by Trylobyte
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You can sue DE, go on.



That doesn't mean you'll win or your case will hold up in a  court of law. And if you think it will, that's hilarious. As you clearly don't understand what you agreed to.



Legally speaking, DE owns the right to everything in anyone's account and can use it as they see fit.  If they want they can bring back excalibur prime by just using a loophole. They can release an Excalibur prime reskin that buffs stats that can be applied to normal excalibur.



See how easy it is? However DE values it's relationship with it's founders so they won't do something so low.



But don't even try to bring legality into this.

The funny thing is Founders dont seem to value their relationship with DE if they constantly threaten to sue.

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When the primes were first introduced they were only skins. As things progressed they gave the newer prime weapons/warframes larger and larger buffs over their originals. We now have a Prime (volt) with 85 more armor (from 15-100) and double his originals energy pool. That's a tad more than a skin....


I do not want this kind of difference between excal and excal prime but I would like a small buff over the regular version. Say, 50 armor and 25 base health.

Edited by Avenwing
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i would like to see values, i respect founders as i respect everybody which behave without the attitude "i have to be and wanna be special against all others"


do we talk about "founder of warframe-theme" or funding/founding as it happens in worldwide economy ? thats for first and this is not really clear for me ...


and then i wanna relate: founder/s bought pack, payed 250 bucks


then i have to relate: player/s bought all primepacks since s/he started to play


and there big differences start appearing, and then i see the best idea for balancing (by reading above) this theme ones and forever:

excal prime for everybody (years gone by) and some special skin/helmet for the founders


voting would be interesting too as well as if there is a voting everybody which play warframe should be able to vote, because we are not living in a doctrin, we live in democratic regions ...




ps: i dont like discussions like them here, this stuff gives me a more then strange impression about values at DE in general even that DE does its best at this "high sensitive theme" :-)


making a frame to smth special for only a few ... thats madness ...

Edited by Khampa
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i would like to see values, i respect founders as i respect everybody which behave without the attitude "i have to be and wanna be special against all others"


do we talk about "founder of warframe-theme" or funding/founding as it happens in worldwide economy ? thats for first and this is not really clear for me ...


and then i wanna relate: founder/s bought pack, payed 250 bucks


then i have to relate: player/s bought all primepacks since s/he started to play


and there big differences start appearing, and then i see the best idea for balancing (by reading above) this theme ones and forever:

excal prime for everybody (years gone by) and some special skin/helmet for the founders


voting would be interesting too as well as if there is a voting everybody which play warframe should be able to vote, because we are not living in a doctrin, we live in democratic regions ...




ps: i dont like discussions like them here, this stuff gives me a more then strange impression about values at DE in general event that they do there best at this theme :-)


Lol, no point in even putting it to a vote if you include non-founders. The overwhelming majority will vote to re-release Excalibur, Lato, and Skana Prime.

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Why change anything at all? Just because Excalibur is getting an overhaul? Excalibur prime has always been founder-exclusive, which was pretty much the whole point of getting the founders pack in the first place, on top of supporting Warframe. Right now there's really no noticeable difference between Excalibur and Excalibur prime, skana and lato prime have never been insanely powerful and it has been like this for two years. Why change it now? Making Excalibur Prime noticeably stronger than his non-prime counterpart would be unfair towards anyone who didn't know about Warframe when the founders' packs were available. This has always been more of a cosmetic thing and was never about power. Why change that? Why should money buy power? Demanding stuff like that makes all founders look entitled and whiny. I don't like it.

Edited by Berserkerkitten
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Out of curiosity, what would founders consider adequate concessions were their primes to be made publically available?

I ask because I made that topic myself once, and only got nope-brigaded instead of people actually answering the question.

Edited by Yezzik
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Out of curiosity, what would founders consider adequate concessions were their primes to be made publically available?


Assuming Excalibur Prime were ever made publicly available, I'd like the founders' version to look unique. Perhaphs by giving them an exclusive skin or a helmet, as has been suggested before. Just a little something to say, oh hey, I've been here since day one and supported the game. Just that. Fluff. Cosmetic stuff, really.

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Out of curiosity, what would founders consider adequate concessions were their primes to be made publically available?

I ask because I made that topic myself once, and only got nope-brigaded instead of people actually answering the question.

It would look like me never purchasing anything from DE ever again. Mainly because I wouldn't be able to trust any of their promises.

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Why does it seem like founders are a bit... Elitist.. Or entitled.. . Like I'm not generalizing I know a few Arnt most of the gentlemen who usually complain about this give out that.... Aura...

Because the founders in this thread who believe excal should be buffed, and who threaten to sue DE dont even care about warframe at this point they just care about being a special snowflake rather than DE which is what they supported  in the first place, they also believe they should get something they didn't pay for like a buff that would make there exclusive gear better. 

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Elitist in what way? I have asked for some QoL buffs due to both the weapons I was given becoming complete S#&$ with damage 2.0 and that's pretty much all the majority of us have asked for.

that's just it. I'm neutral in this situation no one on console has them. So I'm more of a third party looking in and I try to see both party views and we'll... No they don't need buffs. You shouldn't get a buff because it will put you above anyone else that isn't a founder in turn would make this... Kind of pay to win. And DE does NOT need to be pay to win. They don't need to be giving out that vibe. But back to your original talking point buffing it shouldn't happen you should be happy as it is with the Prime look. You might not like my opinion but I'm not a politician so I don't care if you like me or not. I'm just telling you the truth. Your just proving my point by further arguing about it.. Edited by (PS4)Mazda_07_
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For $250 I'd expect my Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, and Skana Prime to be better than they are right now.


Give those early backers some love, DE.

with that said since I bought multiple prime access DE should also give frequent access buyers some love and buff my stuff just because they can....
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with that said since I bought multiple prime access DE should also give frequent access buyers some love and buff my stuff just because they can....

Well since your stuff isn't exclusive that would be perfectly fine, although it would take away a lot the reason for you to play if a new version of your stuff came out that was better 10+ updates later and your gear got buffed right up to it.

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Well since your stuff isn't exclusive that would be perfectly fine, although it would take away a lot the reason for you to play if a new version of your stuff came out that was better 10+ updates later and your gear got buffed right up to it.

No i mean just for people who constantly buy alot...
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