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Corrupted Ancients


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I seemed to notice Corrupted Ancients alot more in the void now, Have they been buffed or something recently? Because I can say doing a T4 mission and having your generally 'High tier' Multi forma weapons doing 16 damage per shot is somewhat annoying, Even if you do manage to take out the ancient with the Aura, there are massive amounts of them too.


I think I might now have an enemy I despise more than the Nullifier. The damage reduction is flat out annoying, especially when already bullet sponge enemies (Looking at you Corrupted bombard) become even more resistant to well, everything.


Normally I can get to 20 or 40 easily with an organised team with multi forma gear. However just now we actually lost a T4 def due to this. Which hasn't happened in a long time.


Also do the auras stack?


Anyone else noticed this?

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They didn't have the damage reduction aura untill a few weeks ago.



Their damage-reduction aura got fixed. Now they function the same as in Infested missions. 


Ah thanks for the info. Thought something was different.

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Yeah, I noticed the seemingly increased spawns too. Before, they seemed rare-ish. Now, having four of them guarding the same group of enemies is a common occurrence. 



They are destroying the void all right!


It's almost as if they want the players to stop using the void? Heh. xD


I'm not too sure how I feel about this actually. I don't seem to like it much at all. It gives you no choice between things, If a Bombard is going to kill you in high T4 and there is a Ancient, you better take out the ancient and get downed by the bombards.

I basically find the damage reduction aura's somewhat cheap in comparison to other enemy auras. It doesn't provide much fun for anyone and just brews frustration.

Edited by Latiac
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So they increased the spawns and gave them the damage reduction aura?


Would be really annoying if void already had some form of AoE nullifying unit that absorbed damage and prevented ability use, huh?

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So they increased the spawns and gave them the damage reduction aura?


Would be really annoying if void already had some form of AoE nullifying unit that absorbed damage and prevented ability use, huh?


and a certain unit that locks you into knockdowns 24/7

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A large group of enemies is in front of you, your weapons deal as much damage as a slightly sharpened spoon. An ancient must be nearby, but he's hiding behind the line of enemies and the domes of several nullifiers. Can't kill the enemies, can't kill the ancient, can't get past the nullifiers with your abilities. What do?

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That may be so, but personally with their spawnrate I think it's 'punishing' players who worked hard to 6 forma their weapons.

What if the Corrupted ancient was in a Nullifier bubble with 3 bombards? You'd then have to deplete the bubble, which let's face it, with the damage reduction is going to take more time than normal, all while dodging the bombards rockets and hoping the Ancient doesn't pull you into the bubble to get 1 shotted by the nullifier itself.

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That may be so, but personally with their spawnrate I think it's 'punishing' players who worked hard to 6 forma their weapons.


It's more like punishing the players who didn't 6 forma their weapons, simply because those who did were OP.


But in truth, I think it's just consistency being applied without too much thought to the consequences.

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These particular mobs needs to spawn a little less often with this new buff. At times you'll have like 4-5 guarding a pack of mobs that take 0 damage until they are all dead. If theres a bombard in that group its pretty much gg with 2 rockets. You may get like 2 or 3 down but by that time ur on the floor bleeding out. I like the new mechanic since healing was pretty useless (enemy TTK is extremely low) but there are way too many of them to deal with at the moment unless u spam a huge aoe constantly.

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