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Pc 16.9.0: Excalibur Feedback Megathread


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k guess we could solve the spam issue with energy cost, maybe like 3 energy per wave( just as 3 energy per second for the skill) for every wave thrown when not hitting anyone in melee range with the exalted blade sword (not the wave). but then we'd need the spin attack back. i for one, couldn't see myself going in melee range without spamming the blades just solely because the spin attack is restricted. plzzz give us spin attack on EB DE!!


we should get a 3 energy cost for every 15 hits (should be tested) parried too. just to prevent perma facetanking.


Oh please no!


Excal is fine, he's great, and actually fun to play!


The hype will die, but we are left with a great frame.  Don't ruin it for the rest of us.


You want to start charging energy for melee?  You'll ruin the frame, he won't be fun to play anymore.  Does mesa cost energy for each bullet he shoots?

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Oh please no!


Excal is fine, he's great, and actually fun to play!


The hype will die, but we are left with a great frame.  Don't ruin it for the rest of us.


You want to start charging energy for melee?  You'll ruin the frame, he won't be fun to play anymore.  Does mesa cost energy for each bullet he shoots?

3 energy dude... 75% energy cap makes it less than 1 energy... how is that so overly nerfed and ruined? there should be exploiting limits. and on top of it, making it free when you hit with the exalted blade sword (melee range). it's all to prevent just spamming the waves. if it costs 1 energy i'd be encourage to actually use the sword as a melee AND the waves but not like the spoiled players now just spamming all they can the waves with only the back vulnerable lol.


at most it would result in wasting the most energy for nullifiers.. maybe like 15 assuming it takes that much depending on which high level.. we do have the only unique warframe that is capable of killing nullifers after all, there should be SOME tiny downside to it atleast.. imo


and i said they should apply that change along with giving us spin attack back, not without it. as i said i can't possibly even go in melee range in EB mode without the spin attack. sliding alone is way too slow and i cant help but just hit them with the wave as it's faster. i hope its changed


and actually mesa taking 10 energy every 30 bullets (15 triggers) is actually cheaper than his current state;15 energy per SECOND.

Edited by SomeCrackHead
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3 energy dude... 75% energy cap makes it less than 1 energy... how is that so overly nerfed and ruined? there should be exploiting limits. and on top of it, making it free when you hit with the exalted blade sword (melee range). it's all to prevent just spamming the waves. if it costs 1 energy i'd be encourage to actually use the sword as a melee AND the waves but not like the spoiled players now just spamming all they can the waves with only the back vulnerable lol.


at most it would result in wasting the most energy for nullifiers.. maybe like 15 assuming it takes that much depending on which high level.. we do have the only unique warframe that is capable of killing nullifers after all, there should be SOME tiny downside to it atleast.. imo


and i said they should apply that change along with giving us spin attack back, not without it. as i said i can't possibly even go in melee range in EB mode without the spin attack. sliding alone is way too slow and i cant help but just hit them with the wave as it's faster. i hope its changed


and actually mesa taking 10 energy every 30 bullets (15 triggers) is actually cheaper than his current state;15 energy per SECOND.

no thanks at the moment the skill needs its bug fixes first besides it needs survivability then it can have its cost looked at

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excal was never bad. now he is just so much fun to play. casting radial blind on the run has endless possibilities, his ult is really fun if you use it that way. like an ult. and slash dash can do some nice damage, i think he has good synergy in his abilities too, and everyone is like, "meh back to valkyr" when im just discovering some crazy good builds with him. 

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excal was never bad. now he is just so much fun to play. casting radial blind on the run has endless possibilities, his ult is really fun if you use it that way. like an ult. and slash dash can do some nice damage, i think he has good synergy in his abilities too, and everyone is like, "meh back to valkyr" when im just discovering some crazy good builds with him. 


Excalibur was good, they just nerfed it to death.

Edited by ---Excalibur---
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k guess we could solve the spam issue with energy cost, maybe like 3 energy per wave( just as 3 energy per second for the skill) for every wave thrown when not hitting anyone in melee range with the exalted blade sword (not the wave). but then we'd need the spin attack back. i for one, couldn't see myself going in melee range without spamming the blades just solely because the spin attack is restricted. plzzz give us spin attack on EB DE!!

we should get a 3 energy cost for every 15 hits (should be tested) parried too. just to prevent perma facetanking.

Then they should nerf valkyr's ability since its much better than excal's

Just why ? Excal was horrible and u wanna keep him horrible ?

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A place to house all our constructive Excalibur thoughts.

Please ensure you put your thoughts into words in a constructive way with as many specifics and details where appropriate.

Thanks, Tenno!



# of targets for Slash Dash on cast.


Exalted Blade sometimes removing ability to Melee.




Fixed Excalibur's Exalted Blade not inheriting any melee mods. This fix now allows the damage of Exalted Blade attacks to scale based on the mods of your Melee weapon.

Fixed the benefit of Channeling Mods occurring without actively using the Channeling function (default Left Mouse Button). Note that all Channeling mods work, they just need to be activated via Channeling.

Exalted Blade Wave Attacks - right now we are seeing a ratio of about 1/16th to 1/20th the damage of an physical attack, and are investigating to resolve this low ratio of wave damage and get it up to a more reasonable amount!

Exalted Blade visually not appearing when cast.

Exalted Blade does not show full damage numbers when used as a Client.

Casting and then exiting Excalibur Exalted Blade can cause the player to be unable to properly melee attack.

First let me say that new Excalibur is Very good ! (Please Don't Nerf him he is perfect)


A few worth Information about the audibility 

Elated Blade : the mode of New Loka  http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/New_Loka Bright_Purity  http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Bright_Purity Dost Not  Work any more as i test it now after the hot fix


you can Test it for yourself i did and it 100% not working (the Proc) but the Damage multiplier dose work for you will get the Extra 100% Damage on Elated Blade.

So i ask if it was a bug that it work with the Skana and the DEV fix it or they broke this now, either way it was nice that i was able to proc this Bright_Purity in Exal Ulti.


According to wiki it working http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Excalibur_(Warframe)?cb=3078


but i did not see any proc so far with it now !


for the Redial Blind there are still this bug that you cast more then one time the Blind fro some Reason.


One more BUG Slash Dash some time if being cast near to a wall or a fans you get stack in the animation for a sort duration of time and you are not able to get free of this until the animation brake or something else are happen.

Edited by TopSpeed
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Then they should nerf valkyr's ability since its much better than excal's

Just why ? Excal was horrible and u wanna keep him horrible ?


I said it the other way around: why nerf Excalibur's abilites, when several other frames do the same.

He was not less horrible as then he is now. The light twig is just a  undemanding, unsophisticated execution of an idea.

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I said it the other way around: why nerf Excalibur's abilites, when several other frames do the same.

He was not less horrible as then he is now. The light twig is just a  undemanding, unsophisticated execution of an idea.

I think you are just not Correct my freind 

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Would be really cool if we got Custom Finishers that flowed with his Power 2.  Since the finishers we have now were not made for continuous usage.


In question to Excal Custom Animated Finishers 

Yeah it's fitting, the longsword stealth/behind finisher animation is a bit stiff and clunky.


But honestly, I would love EB to have a neat "fast and powerful" finisher that would synergize with Radial Blind, as in being able to chain finisher much faster than right now.

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no thanks at the moment the skill needs its bug fixes first besides it needs survivability then it can have its cost looked at

yes ofcourse, it was just a response since they started talking about the spammability. there could've been a much worse suggestion. if 1 energy is too much it could be looked into and reduced.. simple as that. i play him myself, ofcourse i dont wanna suffer and struggle for energy orbs either, but i don't wanna overdo the spammability either and actually encourage melee range with EB. 


as i said also i wanted that radial blind+slide attack fixed so that it gives us spin attack as well, so you could say it's a tweak with few more tweaks to it. if they leave it like this then nothing should be changed about charging more energy, seeing as we can't spin attack yet.


either DE is having a holiday or something or we're not getting any more changes lol. so far this weekend nothing happened.


i think ill stop playing excalibur for awhile now, feels like my eyes are being damaged by his flash effect

Edited by SomeCrackHead
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i think ill stop playing excalibur for awhile now, feels like my eyes are being damaged by his flash effect


I think we can all agree here. The single most irritating thing about the skill is the damn flash on every spin attack, I actually close my eyes before every spin now. Maybe that's DE's idea of discouraging coptering? Either tune down the visuals (makes sense, it's the weaker version after all) or remove it from spin attack. Once again, repeating two suggestions: Make a short combo for it (E, backwards + E) or move it to slam attack (it isn't used nearly as often).  

Edited by tisdfogg
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So, Excalibur in his current state after the hotfixes is both great fun to play, and actually a very decent Frame overall.

I'm in no way unhappy with the armor changes. However, as Excal got an armour buff, i think it's only fair that Rhino and Frost gain more armour. Quite how they have less Armour than excal is beyond me.

Anyway, onto specific ability feedback:


Slash Dash

Slash dash feels overall a lot better now. It feels like it flows better in melee combat, and even gets a buff (i believe) from Exalted Blade, as well as being increased by Melee mods. However, it feels very unreliable sometimes. I can clearly have 5 or so enemies in front of me and it'll hit 2 of them. This is without pressing E to cancel the dash, too. Not sure why this is happening, but it seems unreliable in that regard. Nonetheless, a much better ability considering the ability to aim the direction as well as being usable as a travel utility.


Radial Blind

Now, the change concerning being able to move during casting is great. As is the finisher integration. However, many times we don't even want to do finishers. They slow down combat drastically and aren't really needed until units reach level 60+ or so anyway. I'm not sure how to suggest a change for this other than a separate contextual button for Finishers. Despite this, it's a much better ability overall, and the LoS is easily manageable. But please, take a look at a way to separate finishers from normal melee attacks.


Radial Javelin

Not much to say here. Decent as a low-to-mid-level crowd clearer and maybe a brief stun, but other than that, the rest of his kit has much better synergy with each other without Javelin. Still has it's uses though and is decent for a third.


Exalted Blade

Hands down the most interesting thing to happen to Excalibur. It has perfect synergy with Slash Dash and Radial Blind, which makes Excalibur overall much better. You can pair Radial Blind with Exalted Blade and get some crazy finisher numbers, which makes him scale better than he did with his old kit. You can even blind enemies and get extra damage with the Energy Waves that the ability produces with each swing. Talking about the energy waves though.... the blind damage is the only thing that makes these things kinda scale. If the blind damage aspect were to be removed, you end up doing a measly 80 damage to heavy gunners of level 30 (Rough estimation from what i've seen, no dedicated testing done). If this blind damage is a bug and it gets taken away, the energy waves at least deserve to ignore armour. The waves produced by Exalted Blade are the main thing that scale badly without using Radial Blind. The extra stealth multiplier damage from blinding enemies further encourages usage of the rest of his kit though. 

Also, the fact that it will auto-block bullets from the front is great. It may sound overpowered at first, but it makes sense considering Excal is melee-based and he's using an energy blade. Valkyr can have complete invincibility, so blocking damage just from the front is a great thing for Excal to have during Exalted Blade.


I partly like the fact that Exalted Blade and Slash Dash scale off of Melee mods, rather than the weapons. But, i partly don't. I really do think there should be a method of modding Excal's energy blade like you can a normal weapon. Otherwise you're always forced to put crit mods on your weapons (Even if your favorite weapon has no crit chance) to get the most damage. This can make people's melee weapons suffer whilst they're not using Exalted Blade if they're not using an already crit-based weapon. 


Excalibur is no longer a terrible frame!

Good job DE, he's a fun and a (i believe) much more viable frame now.

Now, you just have to try and resist nerfing him again.

Edited by XxCurtennoxX
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Just leaving this here, Excal's ultimate should have an innate life steal. I keep finding that survivability is his biggest weakness, and radial blind is only so reliable with it's LoS restriction. It's not uncommon to find yourself using RB on a hoard of enemies, going to melee them, and then getting gang banged by a few enemies that pop around the corner. If there was an innate life strike, even if it was just on the melee portion and not the shockwaves, you would at least be able to regen enough health to make a getaway or cast RB again after the initial surprise of getting jumped.


Life strike seems like an inadequate bandaid to this problem. It works, but it costs energy, and that's kind of bad when your ultimate already consumes energy while active and often when you are attacking a group, just trying to get some health back, you often end up with no energy.


So please, even if it's just for the melee portion, let excal have innate life steal.

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Now all we need is multi enemy finishers for melee to make combat flow better when using radial blind. Or switch finishers to the "use" button.

Edited by Lukap99
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I 100% agree on the finishers being more of an annoyance than helpful in almost all general play. Only above level a certain level is where it becomes usefull and to be honest you can't find this on the starchart unless you stay in survivals for 40+ minutes.

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I 100% agree on the finishers being more of an annoyance than helpful in almost all general play. Only above level a certain level is where it becomes usefull and to be honest you can't find this on the starchart unless you stay in survivals for 40+ minutes.

I only found myself using the finishers when enemies got to level 60+. Before that i was frantically spin-attack-blinding to get stealth multipliers, as well as using the Blind damage on the Energy Waves.

The finishers are more annoying than anything on low level enemies. It'd be helpful being able to hold E for half a second to trigger a finisher, without it interfering with my E spam.

(My melee is set to E, can't remember if it was set as default to something else)

Edited by XxCurtennoxX
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Regarding the mod thing - you forgot something people have mentioned before: Excalibur is the one frame who, mechanically, suffers from equipping a glaive that is actually using glaive mods. Because they do nothing whatsoever to EB. You're effectively working with four or five mods after subtracting those.


E is default, yes. As for Exalted Blade wave damage - I'm not sure if it's a bug, but apparently it may now suffer from the opposite of its original problem (where it would only inherit base damage mods on waves)... taking everything EXCEPT base damage for waves. That may be the source of its issues.


Radial Javelin is still the least interesting part of his kit now, though. Apparently it now has a target cap - which is bad, especially because I doubt you have any way of selecting which targets it punches holes in. Or tries to punch holes in. I liked a suggestion I saw that involved making it an actual set of projectiles, the way it might have been once (wasn't around for it), but with better tracking - as opposed to just being a press 3 nuke the way it is now.

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However, as Excal got an armour buff, i think it's only fair that Rhino and Frost gain more armour. Quite how they have less Armour than excal is beyond me.

This I agree with 500%. I was surprised to see that excal is technically now more tanky than good 'ol frosty.


I partly like the fact that Exalted Blade and Slash Dash scale off of Melee mods, rather than the weapons. But, i partly don't. I really do think there should be a method of modding Excal's energy blade like you can a normal weapon. Otherwise you're always forced to put crit mods on your weapons (Even if your favorite weapon has no crit chance) to get the most damage. This can make people's melee weapons suffer whilst they're not using Exalted Blade if they're not using an already crit-based weapon. 


I actually just tried to do a non-melee-weapon-equipped Exalted Blade build a bit earlier, and I have to say, it was a tad bit underwhelming. It worked, and got the job done, but not at a similar efficiency as having a normal melee equipped.


Scaling off of the mods rather than the weapon is a good thing, but I do agree that there should probably be a way to 'mod' the energy blade without having a melee equipped. It would make for some rather interesting Excal loadouts, in my opinion.


Apparently it now has a target cap - which is bad, especially because I doubt you have any way of selecting which targets it punches holes in. Or tries to punch holes in. I liked a suggestion I saw that involved making it an actual set of projectiles, the way it might have been once (wasn't around for it), but with better tracking - as opposed to just being a press 3 nuke the way it is now.

Just to enlighten; RJ used to have an enemy cap, it was removed for the sake of making it a 'better' ult and better power in general. The javelins also used to acutally be projectiles that traveled out to enemies from excal, as the centerpoint. This was changed because the tracking was horrendous, and the javelins often got stuck in terrain and not hitting the enemies, making it one of the most useless powers in the game, and it was supposed to be an ultimate at the time.

Edited by GhostSwordsman
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Regarding the mod thing - you forgot something people have mentioned before: Excalibur is the one frame who, mechanically, suffers from equipping a glaive that is actually using glaive mods. Because they do nothing whatsoever to EB. You're effectively working with four or five mods after subtracting those.


E is default, yes. As for Exalted Blade wave damage - I'm not sure if it's a bug, but apparently it may now suffer from the opposite of its original problem (where it would only inherit base damage mods on waves)... taking everything EXCEPT base damage for waves. That may be the source of its issues.


Well that only adds to the reason to dislike the whole "It uses melee mods" issue.

And yeah. i've noticed that the damage doesn't seem to actually use Pressure Point, Spoiled Strike, or Bright Purity (On Prisma Skana). Is this actually true or am i noticing wrong? Also the damage isn't increasing when i channel and release energy waves, for some reason. 

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Just to enlighten; RJ used to have an enemy cap, it was removed for the sake of making it a 'better' ult and better power in general. The javelins also used to acutally be projectiles that traveled out to enemies from excal, as the centerpoint. This was changed because the tracking was horrendous, and the javelins often got stuck in terrain and not hitting the enemies, making it one of the most useless powers in the game, and it was supposed to be an ultimate at the time.

What I've read suggests that RJ has the enemy cap back. Which, if true, is a problem.


Also, I really do think it's a bug that the waves don't get base damage now. If they took every mod the way they should, they would be fine.

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Scaling off of the mods rather than the weapon is a good thing, but I do agree that there should probably be a way to 'mod' the energy blade without having a melee equipped. It would make for some rather interesting Excal loadouts, in my opinion.


Sadly this might require more time than DE are willing to commit to this small (but maybe complex) change.

It'd be a very welcome change, but i feel like we'd see 20 nerfs to Excal (again) before we get a change like that.

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yes ofcourse, it was just a response since they started talking about the spammability. there could've been a much worse suggestion. if 1 energy is too much it could be looked into and reduced.. simple as that. i play him myself, ofcourse i dont wanna suffer and struggle for energy orbs either, but i don't wanna overdo the spammability either and actually encourage melee range with EB. 


as i said also i wanted that radial blind+slide attack fixed so that it gives us spin attack as well, so you could say it's a tweak with few more tweaks to it. if they leave it like this then nothing should be changed about charging more energy, seeing as we can't spin attack yet.


either DE is having a holiday or something or we're not getting any more changes lol. so far this weekend nothing happened.


i think ill stop playing excalibur for awhile now, feels like my eyes are being damaged by his flash effect

If I came across as rude at your post that's not my intention just every time DE get involved with how energy should work they make it worse


World on fire

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If I came across as rude at your post that's not my intention just every time DE get involved with how energy should work they make it worse


World on fire

i agree for the absorb one because it could go down from 8 energy to 2 energy or so instead, they overdo it.

wof idk, its main problem is how its affected by different powers (str, range, duration) imo




So please, even if it's just for the melee portion, let excal have innate life steal.


if DE thought its too powerful maybe DE should've just toned it down a bit instead of removing it. our mod gives 5%. maybe it should have innate 1% instead?. basically most of my hits are 7-10k, and a whoopin 3 k... if i'm built for the wrong faction.. so we'd heal about 70-100 hp every hit and seeing as the waves punch throughs, if it did, we'd heal more, i think 1% is reasonable. when we really need to boost the heal more we'd just activate channeling

Edited by SomeCrackHead
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