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U17 With Words From De Steve. Gone:copter-Flying, Stamina, Wallrun!


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For me It was pretty obvious once they added air attacks as an alternative that coptering will probably go one day, not a big surprise on my side.

I'll still miss it though : /



Sprinting is incredibly slow.

Sliding is even slower than sprinting.

Wall-running is going to be "changed" along with coptering, and wallflinging is the only fast way to use it, which will also likely be gone.

Air dashes are almost there, but they have a significant period after using them in which you can't use melee attacks. Also, most weapons' air dashes are pretty poor.


You should maybe give Front Flip + Air attack (or dash as you call it) a try.

Since I've discovered it ,it's been my favorite move in warframe.



It does not go as fast as coptering but It has other advantages :


-You have way more control on where you go, you can aim vertically or more horizontally.


- It work with almost every weapon (at least I didn't encounter one that wasn't giving good results), Here's a comparison between coptering and FrontFlip+Air attack with the galatine :


Copter :


Air : 




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Everyone is talking about coptering, but does anyone remember the "wall kick" which is also a bug? Immediately let go after starting a wallrun and get launched like from a fricking Trebuchet. Not very fluid if you ask me.

Now, remember that lava corridor from Grineer asteroid tileset? The one with walls clearly designed for wall hopping? Yea, good luck with that. This I hope the new system will fix

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Update 2.




The wallhopping we saw in stream 53 is the new parkour 2.0


Wallrunning is dead, say hi to wallhopping.


Someone use G-mod and make a vid using Super Mario sounds and stuff.


BTW Dev stream 53 go 20 minutes in.

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You ever play Tribes? Skiing originated as a bug that a lot of people liked and made the game really fun to play, and the devs said "hey that's pretty cool" and made it into a core game mechanic.

In Warframe, coptering originated as a bug that a lot of people liked and made the game really fun to play, and the devs are now saying "stop having fun" and neutering it.


Well if you're so hooked on it and bringing up games based around an original exploit then why don't you go make a game that's based around spinning in circles within the air and play that instead of trying making this game based around one bug.

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Actually , if these people quit because of coptering you the slow poke will be the one cry'ng since there will be less people to clean up your mission ;)

Think it'd actually be the opposite. Slower players get left behind to deal with and clean up the chaos copterers leave behind. Rushers generally do not clean up anything apart from hitting the objective then sitting at extraction.

Edited by Naith
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Oh...the tears of copter abusers...they will be delicious!

Tbh i wouldnt have known it was a bug till Steve said it was.   Pretty sure i see it in almost every prime time.   N Pretty sure  Rebecca plays more than Steve.  Not mad at the removal since I dont really get as mad as the time they tried to balance conclave by doing wat they did.    I'm sure we can adapt. WF if flavor of the month after all. Parkour 2.0 will most definitely b neat, but, it will also open up a world of new bugs n new exploits to expiriment with. No doubt there every 2.0 ends up being as broken as the OG.0 ie star chart 2.0 conclave 2.0 Parkour 2. 0  even UI  2.0   UI 3.0   Ui 4.0.       I give credit to melee 2.0 n damage 2.0  they did those right. O wait Viral glitching is still a thing nvm

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Best thing is to wait and see. If things turn ugly, and i mean "stamina rework of U10" ugly, there will be rage ( crapload of it anyway ). If things turn good, majority of players will be satisfied.



We can only speculate since we dont have much info right now.

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anti-copter people are boring. I see the problems in pvp though bit not co-op. we're not here to have fun we're "forced" to grind, preferably ad fast as possible.

1 minute exterminates with saryn > 5 minute exterminates using your cool Opticor while doing hip moves.


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Best thing is to wait and see. If things turn ugly, and i mean "stamina rework of U10" ugly, there will be rage ( crapload of it anyway ). If things turn good, majority of players will be satisfied.



We can only speculate since we dont have much info right now.


The stamina rework was just lowering the amount stamina you had and slow the regen.

This is totally changing the way the system works. This doesnt have a reset button.

This is going to be like when they added the mod system.


This thing is either getting on with Hopkour or getting out. 

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anti-copter people are boring. I see the problems in pvp though bit not co-op. we're not here to have fun we're "forced" to grind, preferably ad fast as possible.

1 minute exterminates with saryn > 5 minute exterminates using your cool Opticor while doing hip moves.


Oh the horror of staying in a mission for just 4 more minutes.


As for coptering I'm glad it's going, it looks ridiculous and its annoying going into a mission and I'm left behind by other players using coptering because I would rather use a melee weapon I enjoy, not to use a bug. I personally never used coptering always used the slide jump and directional melee when it was added. It may not get you as far but it doesn't look derpy as all hell either.

Edited by OumaNoUta
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The stamina rework was just lowering the amount stamina you had and slow the regen.

This is totally changing the way the system works. This doesnt have a reset button.

This is going to be like when they added the mod system.


This thing is either getting on with Hopkour or getting out. 

It was more about the "feel" of update, than about "stamina".

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How am i gonna escape people that get the jump on me in Conclave without the Bo Prime's flying abilities? Or get to half of the energy without getting shot to pieces...


Now you'll have to actually be good at the game.


What ever will you do?

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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