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Any High Mr Or Veteran Players That Haven't Done Raids?


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Me(Playing since 05 April 2013.) Tried to do raid 3 times.

1st time: Everyone leaves before we even got to 8 players in the lobby.
2nd time: Host lags, everyone lags.
3rd time : Name calling because player B doesn't do what Player A wants. Player B quits. Chain reaction, everyone quits.

Edited by arche
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MR13 almost 14. Been playing since U7 (on another account). I have multiple reasons for not doing raids;

1.The fact that people judge you based on your MR is pretty stupid as it is not a proper indication for skill.

2.The rewards don't seem to be really worth it at this point in time, and there's the issue of having to craft several "arcane enhancements" to make them useful (yes, one could run the raid several times to get them, but the rng would most likely make me give up on it).

3.While I do understand the reasoning behind it, I hate the fact that most(if not all) raids groups want specific frames. Now, before people jump me and tell me to make my own group...I would love to. But people still ask for those same frames, and to be honest, it's quite annoying. I want to use a frame that I enjoy using,and just because it doesn't follow the so-called "meta" doesn't mean I wouldn't be able to make it work.

4.Because of the above mentioned reasons, I haven't even looked up any videos or guides for raids. So I'm going in unprepared, and I'm sure no one wants that.

I want to do raids, I really do. I'm willing to follow the "meta" for a few runs to get the hang of it, as long as I get to go with my own choice of frame later on. I can ignore that the rewards aren't really worth much as long as I can choose what to bring with me.



Yeah, judgment by MR is really dumb. I'm only MR 11, so I feel your pain - I get barred from alot of lobbies with elitist hosts. It's hard, because I can understand their perspective; an MR19 is gonna be much more likely to know what they're doing than an MR 11 and down. All that really matters is mods + game knowledge, though. 


The frames that should be fine are Frost, Mirage, Loki, Nova, Trinity, Banshee, Vauban, and maybe Mesa, Volt, Valkyr, and Nyx. I guess it's kinda limiting, but that's just the nature of late game content. Unfortunately, not many people want an Ember or Ash running around :P. 


I really do recommend picking one of the "meta" frames for your first run or so, but once you get the hang of it, you can run anything! I'm still looking to host an 8player Valk raid. 

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Would like to. But I do public games all the time and have no mic so coordination will be difficult. Watched videos of the raid and that's about it. Closest I ever came to was joining the raid screen and the game decided to bug out there. 

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I don't get the "artificial difficulty" some people are throwing around, do you even know the game you are playing? you must know since you are a veteran/high mr player, that's a really bad excuse for not playing raids


~350k credits, arcane(worth some good plat if you dont know), and a potential amount of boosters from rare containers, tell me again how this is a bad reward.

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Yeah, judgment by MR is really dumb. I'm only MR 11, so I feel your pain - I get barred from alot of lobbies with elitist hosts. It's hard, because I can understand their perspective; an MR19 is gonna be much more likely to know what they're doing than an MR 11 and down. All that really matters is mods + game knowledge, though. 


The frames that should be fine are Frost, Mirage, Loki, Nova, Trinity, Banshee, Vauban, and maybe Mesa, Volt, Valkyr, and Nyx. I guess it's kinda limiting, but that's just the nature of late game content. Unfortunately, not many people want an Ember or Ash running around :P. 


I really do recommend picking one of the "meta" frames for your first run or so, but once you get the hang of it, you can run anything! I'm still looking to host an 8player Valk raid. 

Playing the game for 2 years, I'm only MR 12/13? Why? I just can't be bothered with getting all the weapons. I only get the weapons and frames i like. Everytime i look at recruitment chat, I see " Looking for MR above 14 for raid!!" and I shake my head.

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Playing the game for 2 years, I'm only MR 12/13? Why? I just can't be bothered with getting all the weapons. I only get the weapons and frames i like. Everytime i look at recruitment chat, I see " Looking for MR above 14 for raid!!" and I shake my head.

SAMEEE other than the two years part more like two months but SAMEEE.

I've seen some MR19s with rank 7 serrations - not that that's bad at all, but people play the game in different ways. MR has just a bit to do with it.

So add me and we'll do a raid right :3 ?

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Raid is a package of many boring game modes, then you have to a kill a boss we all already know perfectly, that is still like a mecachicken of KFC.


And all of that in the sole purpose to gain "eventually" a 1/10th of an item you have to craft for a gigantic price while the bonus is nearly NO EXISTING.



So nope, i never have done it. And there is like 0.5% that i will do it once.


Haha, and about the Nightmare Raid lmao... It is only for furious masochists.



I have a word for the whole raid concept on this game: disappointment (DE could have created a real maze with new ennemies and a real new Boss with real drops... But nope, they just have recycled old things. LAME.)



Sad story


I don't do raids for the loot.

I do it for the badge.


I must collect all badges.

I still got the old slingstone and survival badges to my name.


And I have never failed or miss a single Stratos emblem to date as well.

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~350k credits, arcane(worth some good plat if you dont know), and a potential amount of boosters from rare containers, tell me again how this is a bad reward.


Well if you have all the credits and plat you would ever need those rewards are no incentive. Same for a few min booster.

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Sechura or Akkad (same spot everytime) > Join > Camp until wave 5 looking at you phone/tablet/double screen/whatever you have if you're bored > It won't take more than 5 to 6 mins with a good vortex + torid or mesa > Get 20 to 23k depends of the Dark Sector > Repeat everytime > Repeat > ... > Profit > ? > Boredom > Death.

yeah, raids are better it seems

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erm.. i am calm ? i dunno what gave you the impression i was that i was mad or frustrated or something!


im just saying i understand that everyone has their different experiences on whats fun and whats not but the majority tend to do what i mentioned above!


Ps. try not to just read someone's replies in one way.. try reading it in many different manners. 

I tried, the ! mark at the end of your sentences made me read your line as a shout in my head.

Let's just say it was a miscommunication.

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I simply can't be bothered.


I'd need to research it so I'm not a liability.

I'd need to find a full team that aren't going to crash and burn.

I'd have to use 'meta' gear which gets old after about ten seconds.

I'd have to find a few hours to sit and play it with no interruptions.


It's basically why I don't have the patience for raiding in any game topped off with rewards that are insulting for the effort required to get them. I'll probably give the raids a go eventually but I'm prepared to not be amazed.




~350k credits, arcane(worth some good plat if you dont know), and a potential amount of boosters from rare containers, tell me again how this is a bad reward.

1. There are far more efficient credit farming methods that don't need a group.

2. Arcane enchantments are not raid quality loot. They'd be better suited as loot in standard missions and have raids award things that are worth chasing.

3. Rare containers are nice but they hardly make up for the poor quality of the rewards elsewhere.

Edited by Cybernetix
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I'm MR 18 and a 2.5 year vet.  I have a Raid Key crafted but have yet to use it or even try to find a squad. I was reading tips and tricks about it on wiki to prepare and I thought to myself, "This sounds very boring."



"Raids" in Dragon Quest were awesome.


Find 3 others. Enter an arena. Fight a few waves of enormous monsters and bosses. Get loot and Tokens. (TOKEN SYSTEM!!!) Took 20 minutes max. 

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MR19 here. I tried to do raid the first week it was release. Decided that I didn't like to constant yelling at clueless people. Maybe people were much educated now but the drama I received back then still leave a bad taste in mouth that I just don't wanna bother about raid anymore.

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2+ years of playing, MR 18 run my on clan (2 active members). Haven't raided because I don't have the numbers. Mate and I tend to solo/2 man all the stuff and cbf making a group with randoms. It's too much effort.

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Founder/MR19 here. Have not and will not touch the 'raid' with a barge pole.


1. I loathe content that forced teaming, if I want to team I'll team because it's more fun, not because DE can't be bothered to scale some content.

2. I play this game to shoot bad guys in stylish ways. I do not find herding cat's to be a suitable substitute. I don't run a daycare center so I don't find organizing a toddler day-trip to be fulfilling. 99% of the so called 'difficulty' of this content is getting other people to do a simple thing (like stand in place) at the right time, that is not fun in the slightest.


I have no problem with this game having rewarding team content, but IMHO everything... _everything_ (including rewards) should scale down to a single player.

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Yeah, judgment by MR is really dumb. I'm only MR 11, so I feel your pain - I get barred from alot of lobbies with elitist hosts. It's hard, because I can understand their perspective; an MR19 is gonna be much more likely to know what they're doing than an MR 11 and down. All that really matters is mods + game knowledge, though. 


The frames that should be fine are Frost, Mirage, Loki, Nova, Trinity, Banshee, Vauban, and maybe Mesa, Volt, Valkyr, and Nyx. I guess it's kinda limiting, but that's just the nature of late game content. Unfortunately, not many people want an Ember or Ash running around :P. 


I really do recommend picking one of the "meta" frames for your first run or so, but once you get the hang of it, you can run anything! I'm still looking to host an 8player Valk raid. 

players always seem to need some kind of "gate" to segregate themselves from the rest of the community. they are almost never an indication of skill, but rather a "how long have you played, or how much money have you paid" depending on game. whether it be an achievement, gear level, character level, or anything else, its normally pointless. and it normally ends up pooling a bunch of average (at best) players together hiding behind their false wall of achievement. and this is what normally ends up ruining group play for a lot of players. the most elitist players, are normally just average. 


the MR requirement really gets on my nerves. i originally played on console because i had friends that refused to buy PCs. but now that i have gotten most of them to come to the light, i started a PC account, which is only MR8. so then I get excluded from content i have already done in the past. 

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MR19 here. Been playing for 2 years now.


I only did 2 raids. My gripe with them is... that I really can't be bothered to try and get a decent team together. The 2 times I played them was when most of my friends had time to play one (which is rare since usually some of them are away for work/school or other things) and we got the most garbage arcanes out of all of them.


That infinitely demotivates honestly, getting the crappy resistance arcanes. And it doesn't help that you need 10 to rank them up to their maximum potential. That coupled with absurd droprates, as usual, makes me not want to touch them anymore. We had fun figuring the stuff out for the first time but repeatedly farming them is even more dull (CC all day... *yawn*) than spamming the same void mission over and over again.


Also raids were supposed to be hard. Once you get the hang of it it is literally CC spam until you do the boring puzzle. A teammate not doing what the puzzle requires is more dangerous than the thousand of enemies flooding the room, because hey, you can just press a button to disable them all but if someone steps off a pad you get fried.

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