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Any High Mr Or Veteran Players That Haven't Done Raids?


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So far i haven't seen any relation between MR and performance in raids as any MR seems to be capable or uncapable.


When i host, i don't make any requirements other than the usual " no newbies, no noobs, no 1st timers, no pretenders" but i do add an extra layer of security, i always reject players that state the MR when trying to join.


When players want an invite, want to help, will answer any raid questions and are in the mood to contribute, those i let them in.

The acceptable players are usually the ones that state they have a badge, nontheless and like many, i still ask them how to do certain parts of the raid, doing a raid isn't reaching the end, it's knowing what to do and that a badge can't tell.

Then the ones i reject and likely put on ignore, the ones that state how many weapons/warframes they leveled up (aka stating MR), sadly those kinds of players can't be trusted and i won't even give them a chance.


Results have been very, very good


As for reasons to why i did raids, i quickly saw the potential of certain arcanes that didn't afect the way i played (barrier or grace), payed alot for having them as soon as possible and that instantly raised the prices at what players were selling them, so while i did lost some plat, i quickly recovered by selling the ones i had.

Went from 4500 pl to 3000pl, after selling the arcanes i had gotten, i quickly went above 7000 pl.

So yeah, the profit was very nice and it still is.


Yes it took some team effort, but getting something that was worth 250 plat at the time was nice.

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SAMEEE other than the two years part more like two months but SAMEEE.

I've seen some MR19s with rank 7 serrations - not that that's bad at all, but people play the game in different ways. MR has just a bit to do with it.

So add me and we'll do a raid right :3 ?

Sure! Will look forward to it.

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I'm MR 18 and I don't do them out of fear of being a liability.


same.. mr18, came back a couple of weeks.. i decided not to play raids(normal/NM) 'cause i might ruin the run.. cant run with friends because all of them are retired, clanmates are inactive atm too.. :(

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Not really interested in the Arcane stuff or the resource BPs


Too much of a hassle


You spent a lot of resources, time, RNG, Grind Wall, and patients doing it.


I just go to trade if I want something and it works 100% of the time.


I wish it came with a solo version just for fun :\

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MR19 here...  I shared many of your sentiments about the raid before, and I don't believe I'm a good raider, BUT...  I think I've completed it about 10-12 times now?  (both regular and nightmare)  I know it's not a lot.


Those who haven't tried it yet, it's worth giving a go.  You do need to have a decent host to get a good experience with the raid and honestly, there's not much room for Rambos and Heroes...  It's really about taking a role and completing the objectives through teamwork.


I avoided the raid for the first couple of months it was released.  Then I saw everyone's raid badges and wanted one.  hahaha.


I watched a video by Mr. Qynchou, a long time player of Warframe and active community member.  It was very helpful, along with Mogamu's guide to the raid too.  Going into it, I still am learning things about it and the kind players I encounter are really nice to explain how things work.


Honestly, the best way to enjoy this game and particularly the raid is to play with friends...  The worst way to play a raid is with people losing their cool and berating each other for making mistakes, the only two raids that I've failed in were usually due to two players arguing with each other trying to take the lead of the mission.  There should only be one squad leader, that person understands all the mechanics of the mission.  That person is usually very calm and doesn't really get upset if something goes wrong.


I am very lucky to have met some really awesome players, who were kind enough to invite me to their raids...  I also want to say that some of the best raiders I've met were MR12-13, and more recently I've joined a very "pro" team with players ranging from MR13-19 (and I think one of them is MR5?)  So...  having high MR isn't really everything.  XD


I say all this as a very casual player of Warframe.  I'm an enthusiast and have powerful gear, but as a player my skills are only mediocre.  I enjoy modding, cosmetics, run and gun, melee combat, etc.  Puzzles and timing are not my forte.  Lots of people complain about U16 not having enough content, but I feel those folks haven't tried the raid out.  I believe it wasn't easy for DE to devise it, and I very much look forward to learning the new raid when it comes out.


The rewards are meh, but something about beating a challenging level of a video game just feels so good.  I mean, even though the guys I played nightmare with recently play it almost every night, I see them still happy and proud of completing it.  (I've only done nightmare 3 times and yeah I was that guy who stepped off the pad in phase two of escorting the formorian core resulting in an insta-fail.)


If I were to change something it would be to give more rewards.  I really think that regular mode should reward 2 arcanes, while nightmare should give 3.


Bottom line...  Don't knock it till you try it.  ;)

Edited by sushidubya
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I am MR 10... going 11 soon... played 4 weeks... 12- 15 hours a day of game time. 


Tried raid once. Didn't like it at all because of the players involved.


Apparently some players try to show off whenever they have the chance, and when you are new in Raid, they dont bother to teach, and instead they tell you to : "ALt tab and read up now and stop leeching off us "


The world is a better place without these people.

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1) Need a group of eight players, preferably not randoms. This is impossible for me to do with friends due to timezones, real life commitments, etc. 

2) Mostly a solo/duo player anyway, so it already excludes me.

3) Toxicity amongst randoms.

4) Having to take top tier weapons removes any fun for me.

5) Enemies scaled that high aren't fun nor challenging, just annoying.

6) Rewards are uninteresting.

7) Disliked raid content in pretty much every game I've played with them (despite being one of the top raid healers on one MMO I played)

8) Peer-to-peer hosting for eight people... no thanks.


That's all that I can think of off the top of my head. But hey, people kept asking for raids, so now we have content that excludes a good chunk of the playerbase with promise of more to come!

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 MR10* I think.... or maybe I'm MR11  I dunno I don't really pay attention anyway don't be fooled by the MR its mostly because I don't buy weapons and frames only to rank up and dispose of. I still have nearly 1500 hours game time.... anyway it's because A my net sucks B I refuse to use weapons that so many would seem to say are mandatory and C because I Refuse to use stuff like overextended and so on... which again people keep telling me are needed for dealing with lvl 80+ enemy's.

Edited by evafan002
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MR18.75, play solo a lot, my clan is very small, don't wanna drag people down, don't have a mic, and too much RL stuff to make it s priority.

It seems like a hassle. From what I've heard there's a lot of poor communication and just starting takes about 30min. I'm sure there are plenty of people who have quick, easy runs but I don't have that kind of community.

Also, the rewards don't really interest me. Not yet, but at the moment I don't seem to care.

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One-  I have mediocre internet so don't won't to be that guy that disconnects when you get to the final part and causes them to lose.


Two- I really don't want to deal with the hardcore players and them being like you need to have this and this and this modded with this and this. I would rather go with a group of casuals and fail 5 times, then go with hardcore players and finish it, but have them get mad over little mistakes people commit or because of my loadout choices.


Three- I'm really more of a lone wolf player. I can play with others, but I like playing solo alot more mainly because I find it more challenging. Then usually even playing with others I still go off on my own, but try to stick atleast nearby. I just guess that this probably won't be appreciated with others during a raid because it involves teamwork. 


I honestly wish DE released a raid that can be done solo and meant for people like me or love playing solo.

Edited by rasdor
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I've only done the raid twice and there's a couple reasons behind that.
The raid really isn't that difficult... IF you know what you're doing.

Trying to find people who know how to actually play takes more time and effort than I am willing to put in.

Also, as I don't have many friends who play Warframe, I usually have to team up with randoms, and one or two bad randoms can throw the whole thing, and a whole lot of time and effort gets wasted.


Basically risk=/=reward.

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