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Parkour 1.0 Vs 2.0 Prediction


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here why i gonna love parkour 2.0




GOD I LOVE DE STEVE! He takes your stupid comments on a fancy dinner, flirts with them, then takes them home and throws them out the door laughing at how stupid you where to think he wanted you.

Edited by Feallike
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A better mobility system.


Not melee dependent.

Not only High atack speed weapons.

More choices when melee talks.

Movement its based on how you move, no on how you mod your weapons.

This have to be on day 1 DE.

But finally, why people dont want coptering gone?

I will never going to understand it.

I started polishing my Fragor after I saw it...

And my Atterax too

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My issues with coptering are numerous, it's a pain to pull of reliably (For me anyway), it's really wonky in terms of your acceleration, and it looks stupid (Don't even get me started on how gear dependent it is). I'm not necessarily crazy about Parkour 3.0 (Keep in mind they went in a totally different direction from what they first proposed for 2.0 so I've taken to calling it 3.0) because it seems like it'll have the same issue as coptering with regards to the acceleration (At least you can aim it now I guess), I like the added element of interacting with enemies though. My biggest issue with parkour 1.0 is  that it's sticky as hell (Considering your locked in either travenling horizontaly or upwards) and extremely finicky about how you have to approach the wall for it to accept your input (Much like Coptering in that regard).  If they take the functionality they were proposing in the initial pitch (More freedom when it comes to wall running and the ability to brake a wallrun whenever I want) and added in the launching/bouncing mechanics they're proposing for 3.0 I would be SUPER happy, as it is I guess I'll just have to settle for playing Rhino Pinball.

Edited by Basilisk1991
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Being able to reliably predict the distance of my copters is going to improve my melee, not diminish it. Slides attacks are quite powerful, but it's difficult to pull them off effectively if it means you're going to go flying into the other side of the sun. 

It's interesting your joke (ho ho) brings up Sonic. The Sonic franchise is notorious for not being able to decide if its' a platformer or a game about running quickly. Instead it plays like a frustratingly floaty version of Mario. 

Parkour 1.0: Uncontrollable Sonic
Parkour 2.0: Elegant Mustache Mario~ 

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