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Coming Soon: Devstream #55!


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Are there any plans to make more dual-wield weapon types?  like dual-whips, or whip+sword, or spear+shield, or nikana+nikana, or dual-greatswords, or SHIELD+SHIELD!!  I'm also really interested in the way the new dark sword/dagger fit together, more info on that?


And restored Valkyr skin when!?  I need it!   neeeeeed.

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Will there be a regular G3 golem to fight that isn't part of a raid?


Valkyr skin, when and how will it be released?


Any update on the Frost rework or upcoming reworks for other frames?


You tease us with the under water tile set in Eris alerts. So I was wondering will the tile set be released soon or around U17?


Will scythes eventualy get a nice buff especialy hate and reaper prime?


Any progress on boss weapons besides the sword and board? Such as lephatins' scythe and infested spawner?

Edited by Postal_pat
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While I am excited for "Sharkwing" Part of me is disappointed that we wont be seeing swimming as a regular maneuver for ground missions, Is there any chance that we will see regular swimming in the future that isn't Archwing-assisted?




Can we see more organic tilesets? Ones that don't revolve around a faction's art-style? The best part of new tilesets for me are the new unique designs and environments, But they start to become repetitive due to added faction architecture, Do you think it would be possible to see tilesets like the Europa's ice caves without crashed corpus ships? or Orokin jungles without grineer structures?




Can we see more mesh-changing weapon skins? Ones that change the complete look of a weapon like the Manticore or Brokk skins instead of just changing the texture of a weapon ( Something like the new arrow skins but for whole weapons ).




Charge attacks? Melee 2.5 update please? :D




Do you have any concepts on the next relay changes if there are any? Things like: More rooms? Mini-games? Parkour room? 



Any concepts for the expansion of the orbiter compartment?

I personally would like to see more customization of our orbiter compartment, Things like new rooms and more decoration options, It would be awesome if it turned into something like the SSV Normandy sr2... But that's just me...

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Q1: I remember awhile back you showed off this weird infested mine thingy that would grab and pull you into it, then spit you out somewhere else on the map. What happened to it? will we see it in the J3 golem trial?


Q2: how far along is the orbiter compartment? and more importantly does it have chairs!?


Q3: last devstream (I think it was) steve said that they now have an idea of what the hell the Focus system is. do tell.

Edited by McDuffMan
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1) Clipping has been an issue for a very long time now. The increase of the number of syandanas, more recently the ones with cloth physics hasn't resolved it still. Can we get the option to hide sheathed weapons so we can look better while you guys are trying to fix the issue? There are a lot of great ideas here:



2) When are you releasing Primed Chamber? A lot of people are waiting for it. Since Vectis prime is coming, it's a great time to re-release the mod.



3) Are the old skins going to be fixed? There are a lot of pixelized boarders highlighted in these threads:



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With the new attention payed to excali-bro, I've seen some talk about excal prime. This reminded me that with you plans to prime every frame, excal will be left the sole one without a publicly available prime variant.


Is there any plan for a public release of an improved excal for the masses, ie dex excal?

Would you switch it around, founders get dex/prisma/founders excal and the masses would get excal prime?

Or are you just leaving the system as is?

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1- is there going to be another skill rework for warframes  or is it going to stop at Excalibur?


2- is there going to be a new mission type after the release of the tomb of the sentient update? and can we get an ETA on it?



3- should we expect a rework also for the current enemy races visually and skill wise or are they going to stay as they are and not evolve? 

Edited by Bakimono
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Hi DE!

Now, I know you've already been asked this question a million times, BUT:

Have there been any new developments regarding PC to PS4 migration? The community has been asking for this opportunity for a long time after 2014's short window closed, and seeing as the console itself has been maturing over the past year, it would seem like a good time to open the floodgates again. Also, the one year anniversary of the service's opening (July 21st) is fast approaching! What better time to do it than then?

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hi ...

1. since only few augment mods that really bring real upgrade on frame, are there any chance to separate augment n warframe slot so we can experiment aument more without sacraficing important mod on frame? ^_^

2. any chance for lightsaber sword type weapon coming to game  ... o.o

3. any plans for expand void mission type like hijack or spy in future ? 

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Will you guys be adding more rooms to the Dojo and fixing the Hall of Honor so you can chose different warframes per-room?


Any chance of another Double XP/Credit/Resource event this year?


Besides Frost rework, who will be the next warframe that gets revisited?


Any Archwing updates coming?


This is more of a suggestion to help with trading, but Tenno Auction House? perhapse on the relays?

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Hey  this is a bit long but just wanted to say that I love this game and i've been playing since open beta and I love it I keep coming back to it every update has something new and interesting that keeps me playing! That being said i do have some questions two in fact both being about chroma. My first question is now that you've said stamina will be taken out of the game how will that affect Posin chromas elemental ward seeing as it buffs chromas stamina regen currently. My second question is in the last devstream you showed a bit of the yin yang frame and mentioned that it will have so to speak Three frames in one and will be able to switch between the three at anypoint mid mission. My question is seeing how chromas is and “adaptable” frame can chroma have this same mechanic for his elemental colors like being able to switch between fire, electricity,posin and ice in mid mission? And as always thank you for all your hard work and a great game!

Edited by SilverWing013
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Now Excalibur received Exalted Blade. Any idea on Valkyr?

Melee mods effect to Exalted Blade but don't to Hysteria. Sometimes Hysteria is even weaker than other normal melee weapons.

Hysteria has life drain and invulnerability but not good at killing and moving fast.

I won't say "OMG Give Valkyr energy wave too!" but she looks need some tweak.


And Frost rework and other future reworks.

Abilities gain rework like Frost's Snow Globe has Augement, Chilling Globe. As revealed new mechanic of Snow Globe, it seems Chilling Globe's fuction would conflict with new Snow Globe. Augements that its original ability has reworked will also be changed?

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Can we ever expect to have elemental specific immunity for Frost, Saryn, Ember, Volt, and...Rhino [:)]? It makes perfect sense for each to be resistant to their specific "element."


Are there any plans to allow clan emblems to appear on the Liset skin?


Can you guys add the ability to trip enemies with slide? or at least with Maglev? (maybe people will actually use this mod)


When will Maglev ever actually be useful?


Are there any plans to make a Mimicking/ Copy cat/ Chameleon / Shape Shifter frame?




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