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Coming Soon: Devstream #55!


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Are there any plans to change the description and art for Mag's Augement Shield transference. As it no longer gives you that cool bubble, and instead just gives you over shield.

I feel really dumb, because after watching Rob's (AGGP) review of this syndicate mod I went out and bought it for fifteen plat only to be severly dissapointed when I found that it was changed after doing some research.

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Q1 - Will the new star chart be part of U17?

Q2 - Any Animations for the Rapier and Mios?

Q3 - Any PA (Prime Access) Teaser in this Devstream even though we already know who it is?

Q4 - Any updates on the Catbrows

Q5 - Any Updates on Stalker 2.0?

Q6 - Can Baro Ki Teer sell more stuff rather than having 4 items only to show

Q7 - Is there any close image for the Sentients?

Q8 - Is there gonna be more capes (like cape hoodies) possible on the future

Q9 - Is it possible for katana and wakizashi / in other words dual katana (technically it is not supposed to be called like that)

Q10 - Any News for the Yin Yang Frame?

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Q1: Can you add Health Bars and Revive icons for the Syndicate Operatives? Enough of them have died from this missing feature.

Q2: Restored Valkyr skin, when?

Q3: Progress on U17?

Q4: Sharkwing?

Q5: Animus?

Q6: Possible Dojo Room similar to the Similacrum, but can also spawn bosses, would it be possible?

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In the past, you had mentioned Clan-created quests being added into the game. Is that still a planned feature? If so, has any progress on it been made? Also, I would love, love, LOVE to get an update on the rapier weapon.

Edited by Storkchild
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I love the Augment Mods, but when you want to use certain ones and have to sacrife power, health, or sheilds to do it, it seems not worth it. Would you ever make it possible to have more Aura slots (like maybe determining your overall mastery score is how many slots you would have or maybe get one slot from a big event for a very limited time) that can make you put augment mods there instead like an Aura Mod? Not wanting anyone to take anything the wrong way to make everyone's warframes OP, just thought it may be useful than deciding on health or augments. 

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I've always been a huge fan of the Assassin's like G3, Stalker, or Zanuka, but it seems as though they've lost their fear factor.


So will we ever see enhanced versions of these assassins or any new ones? Perhaps an Orokin version of stalker or an Anti-Lotus that hunts and abducts Tenno, a "Black Lotus" of sorts. Something that makes the squad go oh crap, here comes an assassin.

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Here is a flurry of questions I have about the new parkour 2.0.


With the release of the new parkour, will this increase the survivabilty of more fragile frames due to the increase of maneuverability? Will this mean that enemies have a less likely chance to hit you while moving around the place, bombards rockets lose trace of you, and most stuns won't effect you? Will hoping off an enemy make you invulnerable to Heavy units knockdowns? How do maggots effect the movement of the character? Can scorpions and ancients still  grab you out of the air? Can Grineer commanders switch teleport you mid flight? How is this new parkour system better than just sitting behind cover? Is this parkour just be viable in getting from point A to point B faster, or does it have any other additional gameplay benefits? Do enemies have a less chance of hitting you?


Plus, who can we expect to see next in conclave? Speaking of caonclave, is there a chance we get to see cosmetics buyable with conclave standing? Does Simaris have any syandanas waiting for us?



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Q1) Can we look forward to new game modes being added to Archwing?


The multi-objective gameplay from the Eyes of Blight event has been the most compelling mode so far, but has not been seen since the event. Space combat sims such as Xwing/TIE fighter had multiple game modes that could provide a frame of reference: Escort missions (re: hijack), Space station defense (relays?), Disable/capture/scan enemy vessels, command ship offense (eyes of blight/sabotage),  Elite squadron dogfighting (boss fights/assassination), just to name a few.


I really want a reason to get my friends to give archwing another try.




Q2) Can we look forward to more complex gameplay (such as excavation, spy 2.0) offering better in-game risk/reward management?


Excavation as a game mode allows players to make relevant choices that impact their reward outcome ("stay and defend this point, or go grab more power cores, or move on to the next dig site") while moving around the map in the default state of gameplay ("parkour" + "kill all the enemies"). Contrast this to defense or extermination which provide a very flat experience: wait for more enemies and kill them, or move to the next room and kill all the enemies there, rinse/repeat.


Of relevance is that the player can achieve better or worse outcomes over the course of a single mission session by choosing to do more difficult things and having their success and failure have real impact.


Warframe needs more of this.



Q3) If you started holding your Devstreams at 4pm EDT, would that mean instead of beer, you could start passing a spliff around 20 minutes in? There's been enough shots at Sheldon on past devstreams that it's hard to pretend it's a secret anymore. puff puff pass, people.


Q4) Can the new catbrow instead be called "dudebro" "sunbro" "unibrow" or "chichihuabrow" ? 


Q5) Now that we're getting downright silly, can we see what's under Steve's hat and maybe have him ride a pony?


ok i'm done here.

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In new maps, Moon, besides the normal missions ... There will be missions with lunar vehicle on the platform?
(maybe even races for tennos?)
In normal future missions to the moon, there will be parts of the structure to be reached along the space in gravity 0 °?
Random gust of meteorites on the moon during missions outdoors?
Edited by LaxusBlade
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The gender neutral 1st declination of Animus/Anima would be Animum.  How silly is that?

How much more must I train before I become okay at drawing?

Can we expect to see some easier events coming that are not scaled for maxed out players, the purpose of which to make the timed aspect feel like a festival?

Will you make a Prisma Kestrel?

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Hi, would like to ask also for a rework on augument mods because as sayed they arent powerfull enough to replace the other mods out there, so how with the idea i think i read it somewhere in the forums when each ability would have an augument slot where you can mod only augument mods to change this specific ability! that would also make more builds for the wf's

my second question is whil there be more Weapon Augument Mods? because it would be fine to revive some of the other weapons with augumented mods because they are some superior weapons out there and the only solution i see is a nerf on them or an augument buff on the others! 
Boltor prime for example is the king of the primarys for to loong! 

Also it could make snipers more Playable like an augument mod like explosiv bullets to get aoe dmg on them because they arent very viable at the current spawn rate!

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Do you have in mind creating an auction list?


Is there a chance to create a configuration switch in naviation tab? I've seen a lot of people who thought they are using the right one but actually they were not...

Edited by BiroTx
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is there gonna be a fix for trolling limbo (aka putting someone in the rift and never taking them out)


will there be a way to escape fire damage by rolling or being in water in water (I mean it would be kind of logical)


and finally with ember being fire, frost being ice, volt being electricity and saryn poison shouldn't they have somewhat of a extra resistance to their own element (like having shields cut when you're frost in the cold)


I would have thought they should get a power buff as they are in their "home ground" or a buff in power efficiency.

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