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Coming Soon: Devstream #55!


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Please explain more about parkour 2.0, and what will happen to coptering? Also would like to know progress on Nexus mobile app, i would like to craft things from my mobile phone. A little suggestion regarding foundry:

- options for QUEUE, so that we can multi craft 1 item , or a sequenced craft..

- options for AUTO CLAIM or MANUAL CLAIM, per item crafted, and/or per item type, especially weapons/frame, because some of us dont have sufficient slots ,and its pretty boring to claim gears over and over again

Will we be able to manage our inventory from mobile app? Like selling stuff or buying stuff? Trade between players on mobile and on pc/console?

Oh, and will Darvo ever ever ever sell somethings on ps4?

Edited by (PS4)ATreidezz
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Are there any information about when the Frost rework will hit the game?

Scott already explained how exacly the rework will turn out, so the planning phase seems finished.


Also, Rhino got a small rework even before Frost, which makes me qustion how important Frost is to the devs.

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How does Warframe now compare to your original vision of the game? Also Is there any ideas (environment, mechanics, gamplay etc) for Warframe that you would really like to see in the game but just not possible yet, e.g. The engine doesn't support certain elements; the technology is not quite there yet etc.


P.S Good job!

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Two questions


1. How is full body lotus coming and when will she be released into the game?


2. Any chance there is a better trading system heading our way? Trading is one thing that i think needs some love because for some of us that just want to sell some extra parts have to sit in trade chat for hours just to see if any one wants to buy a part we have. It would be super awesome if you guys could come up with a more efficient way for players to buy and sell things with each other. 

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Are you making any progress with the constant crashes (and glitches they cause) on PS4 during Law of Retribution? It feels like over a third of the runs I do fail because of some issue with the game.


Else, with a bunch of VR headsets coming out over the next 12 months for PC alongside Morpheus for PS4, has DE given any thought to doing something with VR for Warframe? Not necessarily full VR support for the full game, but maybe a side mode like Wyrmus?

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Excalibur 2.0 was great. i really love how active he is as DE Reb mentioned in prime time. My question is: Will this type of rework (especially making ult more active) be implemented to other frames (like ash) any time soon? 


any progress on frost's rework?


I think DE Scott and ofcourse everyone else behind them is on the ball with some of these reworks. keep up the good job!




progress with snipers and shotguns?scythes?


dual nikanas? another weapon evolution like nikana to dragon nikana (i think this is a more justified and better accepted version of building a weapon from a previous weapon)?


akjagara buff (very expensive; might need to be worth it)?

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Will there be more vanity attachments like armor pieces syandanas?                                                                                                                                  Will we have nyx nemesis skin?

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What are your plans to get more people in playing PVP?


Stays the akjagara in their beeing as unloved stepson? Expensive in creating and not equal in achieved output.


Next to all the Cosmetics you do. Lets talk about functionality


Will there soon be some more Communication functionality?

I miss a quick way to return to a pm that have been send to me. In other games you could reply with a key instantly.

Also it would be really nice to have a transparent chat window during the gameplay...


Also come on it is about time to Create a better way to trade with other gamers, than to communicate through a simple chat stream ... I mean what about an auctionhouse where Clan members can set up a base price and you can haggle with investors.



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Q 1) Are there plans on somehow incorporating the Warframe Forums in-game to advertise Threads, or for other reasons?


Q 2) With the release of the Mios in the possible U 17.5, will there be an infested Warframe to accompany the weapon, possibly Typhus, the Parasite-Frame? Or is it confirmed to be the teased 'Ying-Yang' Warframe or other?


Q 3) How will Parkour and Movement 2.0 affect Chroma's Toxin Elemental Effect? Will it result in a new use of the Toxin effect altogether for the Warframe?


Previously Commented Questions from the previous DevStream:


Q 1): Any new update on the full implementation of the new textures?
Q 2): Will there ever be player-customizable cosmetics for Warframes, weapons or others alike?
Q 3): Have you any thoughts on a new Weapon Contest for players, similar to the previous which brought us the Silva & Aegis, the Kronen and the quick approaching Mios!?

Edited by Pyro15232
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