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Guides Of The Lotus ~ Program Launch Replies (Split From Original Faq)



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I like the idea of this, the only problem I see is, that some experienced players are helping a lot of new players with anything they might need, but not on the forums, but rather through in-game messages or through social media.
I myself, has used a lot of time in a warframe facebook group, where I have helped a lot of players, but that doesn't get their attention at all. I'm not seeking to be a "guide of the lotus", but there are other ways to help players than on here, which is more or less the only way DE can keep track of who is helping, and who is not. Or am I completely off?

Edited by (PS4)AbrahamAntonisen
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The way I see it is, if you're helping others for the sake of helping others then it doesn't really matter how DE keeps track of how you help others (or if DE is keeping track at all). The only plausible reason you'd care about how DE is keeping track of how you're helping others is if you want to become a Guide or at the very least, have DE notice your efforts. Because if you don't care about becoming a guide or DE noticing your efforts then there's no reason to care about how they keep track of who is helping and who is not.

It's like a year-end eval. If you know or don't care about if you're getting a potential raise or promotion then you won't bother to ask about the evaluation procedures or how it's being conducted. The only reason you'd ask is if you cared.

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First and foremost do not confront the troll in open chat.  They are usually attention starved individuals who are eagerly waiting for you to respond so that they can retort.   If someone has a question that can not very easily be answered then either open up a new tab with them or ask them to open one.  Questions that are helpful to alot of people like "When is the trader coming" should be answered in open chat.

Secondly,  only answer those questions that actually appear to be helpful for someone playing in warframe.  Sometimes you get someone asking about your gear and these fall into the grey area but I try to answer them.  Don't answer those "What you gonna do about it" questions.....lol.
Ignoring the troll is your best bet.  If you ignore them they will go away.  They may spam you with invites to games.  They may xbox message you (for those xbox guides), etc but eventually they will go away...
If they ask about how to become a Guide I forward them to the forum.  This line of questioning could be someone actually wanting to be helpful but more often than not is a troll wanting to open that last lock on the door to your sanity.
If the trolls make it so impossible to help other in the chat then I see no need to even stay in the relay.  I post one more time that if someone needs help to PM me on Xbox and I leave.  Usually, if you leave, run a mission or two and come back a lttle while later the trolls have crawled back into thier holes.


I'm not disagreeing with anything you said exactly, to each his/her own. Personally, as long as it is Warframe-related, I will answer the question. After my "advertisement" message stating what I'm doing and what I am, if trolls get to breaking the CoC, I give them friendly warnings and ask them to please stop. If it persists, then I simply screen shot what is in chat coming from said bad Tenno and send it in to my Senior Guide for Xb1 or directly to Danielle and I let them decide what should be done to the troll/player.


Obviously, this is not my main duty and I should not really spend much time trying to report others, but the thing is, I simply don't deliberately go into chat looking for people to aggravate or "hunt down". I am fair to everyone and I treat everyone as an equal. Now if I had beef with someone in the past, prior to being a Guide, you can guarantee I would give them a piece of my mind in Party Chat (XB1) or in a Xb1 message.


Lastly, if you only go into the Relays for a moment to type your message and hope for the best and leave, it makes it harder for new players to send in their questions to you as they may not know a thing about searching for players and can't find your name to PM you in the associated Chat tab.. Guides are supposed to stay stationed on Relays and wear the GOTL Sigil while helping others, unless your in a mission helping others. I am not sure what applies to Region Chat but when I check it I am in Relay so that I can help out as many as I can in a single time period.


Just throwing my comments in there Swag, so please don't take anything I have said offensively.

Edited by (XB1)xXx STR1FE xXx
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A few questions out of curiosity for the Guides on here. Generally how long are guides required to stay on relays when they are online? Also if you start to answer someone's question but then wanted to let's say run a game (like something you personally wanted to do) can you leave the relay at anytime as long as you are still answering those individual's questions or are you confined to the relay for a certain period of time? Finally how does a Guide handle random pings/invites? For example I get random pings quite a bit to join someone's game. As I am not a Guide, I naturally turn a lot of these down. As a Guide how do you handle that? Do you also just turn a lot of these down or do you assume they are from people who noticed that you are a Guide a therefore are asking for help?

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A few questions out of curiosity for the Guides on here. Generally how long are guides required to stay on relays when they are online? Also if you start to answer someone's question but then wanted to let's say run a game (like something you personally wanted to do) can you leave the relay at anytime as long as you are still answering those individual's questions or are you confined to the relay for a certain period of time? Finally how does a Guide handle random pings/invites? For example I get random pings quite a bit to join someone's game. As I am not a Guide, I naturally turn a lot of these down. As a Guide how do you handle that? Do you also just turn a lot of these down or do you assume they are from people who noticed that you are a Guide a therefore are asking for help?





(This statement could be told to you by probably any Guide)


Guides can come and go from Relays as they wish. Guides only go to the Relays in their spare time or just whenever they want to. How long we stay is up to us. We could come in for 5 minutes and leave and that would be ok. The same thing could be said about a Guide staying for several hours at a time like I generally do. Keep in mind that this is purely volunteer work and we do not get paid for being Guides.







(Statements below are my personal ways of doing things and it does not conflict with the GOTL guidelines)


If someone asks me a question in a PM and I start running a mission, I either wait to finish or reply as soon as I am able, whether in a mission or coming out of one.


As for the random invites, I personally do not ever accept "random invites" unless this person has come to me and asked for help and I am able and free to do so. If I ever get spammed I simply inform the person that I don't accept random invites without reason to go. If this becomes a major issue, I simply turn my invite setting to where I can't receive invites from anyone. I try to help everyone I can, but I am most useful at answering questions and helping with technical issues. If I ran every mission invite I received I'd never be in the Relay   xD






Hope this stuff helps answer your questions!

Edited by (XB1)xXx STR1FE xXx
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A few questions out of curiosity for the Guides on here. Generally how long are guides required to stay on relays when they are online? Also if you start to answer someone's question but then wanted to let's say run a game (like something you personally wanted to do) can you leave the relay at anytime as long as you are still answering those individual's questions or are you confined to the relay for a certain period of time? Finally how does a Guide handle random pings/invites? For example I get random pings quite a bit to join someone's game. As I am not a Guide, I naturally turn a lot of these down. As a Guide how do you handle that? Do you also just turn a lot of these down or do you assume they are from people who noticed that you are a Guide a therefore are asking for help?

The Guides have no set requirements for activity.

Should you leave the Relay while answering someone's question, it is only common courtesy to finish answering their questions.

I do not accept random invites unless I'm very familiar with the person inviting me. Random12345 will get a turned down invite every single time unless they PM first. I assume they are just one of those who spams the entire chat list for invites.

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Hopefully I can be apart of this. I would be honored to help people! =D


I do have one question though, in order to become one of the guides, do I have to join a clan?

Edited by teehehe
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Good Stuff.


I stop in periodically to the relay throughout my online time but do not camp there for more than 1/2 hour at a time.  In my real life job I am not one to sit still either....lol.  I come from a long line of pacers and maalox drinkers.  This is probably why I like warframe so much in that ii can capture my interest so fully that I can actually sit down (in real life anyways).


Most often when I return and open the relay chat my messages from my last visit remain but I repost just in case.


Used to be in charge of an IT helpdesk in a former job.  I find waiting for people to come to me for help somewhat boring.  I am more hands one I suppose.


I get a fair amount of repeat customers that message me mid-mission and such.   Have even answered a question or two from work using xbox messenger while on break....lol.

Edited by (XB1)SwagScapegoat
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Hey Guide goers! 


A new section to the FAQ has been added about Junior Promotions: 


Q: How do you determine a Junior Guide is ready to become a Senior? 

A: Junior Guides that have shown they are dedicated to the program and have assisted Seniors in moderating chat to the best of their ability will be placed on a month trial period as a Senior Guide. At the end of their trial, they will be reviewed and determined whether they are qualified to keep the position. Guides that do not complete the trial period successfully will simply return to being a Junior Guide. 

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Hey Guide goers! 


A new section to the FAQ has been added about Junior Promotions: 


Q: How do you determine a Junior Guide is ready to become a Senior? 

A: Junior Guides that have shown they are dedicated to the program and have assisted Seniors in moderating chat to the best of their ability will be placed on a month trial period as a Senior Guide. At the end of their trial, they will be reviewed and determined whether they are qualified to keep the position. Guides that do not complete the trial period successfully will simply return to being a Junior Guide. 

Thanks for the update/answer, Danielle!

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Hey Guide goers! 


A new section to the FAQ has been added about Junior Promotions: 


Q: How do you determine a Junior Guide is ready to become a Senior? 

A: Junior Guides that have shown they are dedicated to the program and have assisted Seniors in moderating chat to the best of their ability will be placed on a month trial period as a Senior Guide. At the end of their trial, they will be reviewed and determined whether they are qualified to keep the position. Guides that do not complete the trial period successfully will simply return to being a Junior Guide.

When they return to be a junior guide,do they have the chance to repeat the trial again?

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Wonder who will the next guides be?

Let's draw them from the all-knowing hat!

*draws self*

...wait a minute. Oh that's right, I don't know until Danielle knows. I'm sure she's already scoring through their posts and names. XP

What I'm really looking forward to are some of these trial Seniors, though. Not only will they ease my workload, they'll also be able to massively help areas that need it badly, like XB1, and the other-language platform areas.

Expansion is the most difficult part, however, and these players need to be carefully picked so that we don't get someone that only appears helpful.

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