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Guides Of The Lotus ~ Program Launch Replies (Split From Original Faq)



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I think the '500 hours of game-play logged' requirement is fair. But I would add having participated in a few raids as another requirement.


I found this site recently which references all the raids played since last September : http://wf.christx.tw/

By curiosity, I have typed in some of the names of the community moderators, and the results were scary !

I mean how can you teach when you haven't even given a try to some of the High Level content ? (Or maybe they use other accounts that i dont know of :/)


If not raid participation, i'm sure DE can find some other criteria that show the proficiency of the applicant. They have access to logs and stats that we dont.

I have completed the raids dozen of times, and "IIIDevoidIII" as well as "(PS4)IIIDevoidIII" ping no results. Probably PC only.

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I feel like if we had something like, a bright purple star above our heads, then we would be easier to spot. because the whole sigal thing is cool and all, but there is too much stuff going on in-game that you wouldnt even care to look at anyone else's customization. if i saw a big star above someone's head it would be hard to ignore.

sorry for my terrible english btw

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I think the '500 hours of game-play logged' requirement is fair. But I would add having participated in a few raids as another requirement.

I found this site recently which references all the raids played since last September : http://wf.christx.tw/

By curiosity, I have typed in some of the names of the community moderators, and the results were scary !

I mean how can you teach when you haven't even given a try to some of the High Level content ? (Or maybe they use other accounts that i dont know of :/)

If not raid participation, i'm sure DE can find some other criteria that show the proficiency of the applicant. They have access to logs and stats that we dont.

Well thats...creepy.

The Guides offer advice on more than just raids and don't need to have tackled that content to be qualified to explain modding, damage types, companions, quests, planet progression - anything related to the game that's nor just raids.

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Well thats...creepy.

The Guides offer advice on more than just raids and don't need to have tackled that content to be qualified to explain modding, damage types, companions, quests, planet progression - anything related to the game that's nor just raids.


Plus, most people can get their information on the raids from the wiki, complete step-by-step guides included (with video, no less).


I myself have pushed to make sure I have done everything in the game at least once (I once let myself die to Zanuka Hunter so I could do the Recovery mission, which was pretty fun because I was leveling some stuff with Spy missions on Loki Prime at the time), but guides shouldn't have to do this because it could potentially take a VERY LONG time to get everything, especially because of RNG's fickle nature. This being the logical extreme of what Protideus suggests, it would take far more work than its worth, even if the guide knows all about the content just through research.


In a specific case, if you don't have a clan with an Energy Lab, you straight-up can't contribute properly to The Jordas Verdict due to not having access to the Antiserum Injector. It's part of why it has a fail rate around 45%, because people need to farm parts for the injector as well as the clan research.

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Plus, most people can get their information on the raids from the wiki, complete step-by-step guides included (with video, no less).

I myself have pushed to make sure I have done everything in the game at least once (I once let myself die to Zanuka Hunter so I could do the Recovery mission, which was pretty fun because I was leveling some stuff with Spy missions on Loki Prime at the time), but guides shouldn't have to do this because it could potentially take a VERY LONG time to get everything, especially because of RNG's fickle nature. This being the logical extreme of what Protideus suggests, it would take far more work than its worth, even if the guide knows all about the content just through research.

In a specific case, if you don't have a clan with an Energy Lab, you straight-up can't contribute properly to The Jordas Verdict due to not having access to the Antiserum Injector. It's part of why it has a fail rate around 45%, because people need to farm parts for the injector as well as the clan research.

Only two things in this game I haven't done would be the Zanuka Hunter mission (She only spawns in PUG for me and the other teammates want her parts) and LoR nightmare. :/

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I think the '500 hours of game-play logged' requirement is fair. But I would add having participated in a few raids as another requirement.


I found this site recently which references all the raids played since last September : http://wf.christx.tw/

By curiosity, I have typed in some of the names of the community moderators, and the results were scary !

I mean how can you teach when you haven't even given a try to some of the High Level content ? (Or maybe they use other accounts that i dont know of :/)


If not raid participation, i'm sure DE can find some other criteria that show the proficiency of the applicant. They have access to logs and stats that we dont.


And that site is incorrect anyway.


It shows that I've never completed the Nightmare LoR (shows I attempted once but failed which was due to testing with Crackle), but if you look at Prime Time 72, I completed with Rebecca and Megan and the others.



But anyway, we are getting off topic.


Good luck to everyone who enters in the current recruitment and looking forward to seeing the new guides.

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there is only one entry for me.. the list is also likely not official... Why would Raids determine how well suited you are as a guide?



I have completed the raids dozen of times, and "IIIDevoidIII" as well as "(PS4)IIIDevoidIII" ping no results. Probably PC only.



The Guides offer advice on more than just raids and don't need to have tackled that content to be qualified to explain modding, damage types, companions, quests, planet progression - anything related to the game that's nor just raids.



Plus, most people can get their information on the raids from the wiki, complete step-by-step guides included (with video, no less).


I myself have pushed to make sure I have done everything in the game at least once (I once let myself die to Zanuka Hunter so I could do the Recovery mission, which was pretty fun because I was leveling some stuff with Spy missions on Loki Prime at the time), but guides shouldn't have to do this because it could potentially take a VERY LONG time to get everything, especially because of RNG's fickle nature. This being the logical extreme of what Protideus suggests, it would take far more work than its worth, even if the guide knows all about the content just through research.


In a specific case, if you don't have a clan with an Energy Lab, you straight-up can't contribute properly to The Jordas Verdict due to not having access to the Antiserum Injector. It's part of why it has a fail rate around 45%, because people need to farm parts for the injector as well as the clan research.



And that site is incorrect anyway.


It shows that I've never completed the Nightmare LoR (shows I attempted once but failed which was due to testing with Crackle), but if you look at Prime Time 72, I completed with Rebecca and Megan and the others.


Indeed , that listing is incomplete, it's not official and it only shows PC players. But it's the only one I have access to.

Still, my point stands.


The FAQ says : "- You display extensive knowledge of the game and keep up to date on the latest content."

That comment is rather vague, but I think it means a GotL must be well-rounded. That should mean :

- Having raised a few Kubrows

- Having scanned mobs

- Having played some Archwing

- Having tried some PVP

- Having played Sorties

- Having installed an arcane

- Having played some raids

- Having found all Kuria (Nah , I'm just joking on that one)


I don't get what's so ludicrous about it. The key isn't hard to get or make. Im not even saying winning it or make a good time but know what's it about by at least trying.

Raids is the least advertised content of the game and one of the most profitable. If someone doesn't say to the new players "Go look in that corner of the market, there is a key", then they wont know it exists.


Are the GotL only here to answer low-level players or should they also be able to help mid-level ones ?


I agree that the foremost quality of a GotL is Motivation, closely followed by Patience and Understanding. But there seems to be a multitude of applicants, who all say they are motivated. So why not give their chance to those who best know the game ?


To be perfectly clear, I'm not applying to the position. Managing my clan eats up too much of my time. Nor do I know players who do, or at least they haven't confided in me that they did. So I'm not saying this to further anyone's application.


I have said my piece. I won't come back on the subject.

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Are the GotL only here to answer low-level players or should they also be able to help mid-level ones ?

To answer your question, yes, actually. A Guide's main functionality is to assist players who are newer to the game. Sure, there's nothing stopping a Guide from helping out mid to high-ranking players, and we're definitely on the lookout for people who understand many aspects of the game, if not near everything.


Setting hard requirements on what a Guide has experienced, at least right now, doesn't seem to be very viable. We are under-staffed, and, realistically, trying to fill as many gaps as we can in. 

In the future, when we feel comfortable in coverage, I could see having stricter requirements, but not now.

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~snip snip~


The FAQ says : "- You display extensive knowledge of the game and keep up to date on the latest content."

That comment is rather vague, but I think it means a GotL must be well-rounded. That should mean :

- Having raised a few Kubrows

- Having scanned mobs

- Having played some Archwing

- Having tried some PVP

- Having played Sorties

- Having installed an arcane

- Having played some raids

- Having found all Kuria (Nah , I'm just joking on that one)


~potato chip~


By these additional requirements, if the were set, I still qualify. (internal cheering)

I also like to brag about my accomplishments in video games.


I have 3 Kubrows in total, one of which has a Lotus-pattern and is called Kubrow Prime (got lucky with RNG on it).

I have an almost-entirely-complete codex.

I have 5 Archwing weapons left and the Elytron. All others are complete, though I'm still leveling a Rathbone.

I am rank 3 I think (at work so I can't check) in the Conclave syndicate.

I've done all the sorties up to this point (may have missed one, but that's it).

I have a max Arachne arcane on my Yomo Syandana.

I have played a decent amount of LoR raids (including NM) and a few JV raids.

I have all 56 Kurias and consider myself in-character to be a disciple of Olemedi (the dude who messages you in verse when you're 50% and 100% done scanning them).


EDIT: Proof I have all 56.


Edited by MrBubbleSS
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I found it(70 pages of memory lane), ty for links(I'm sure it will help other people too), also didn't know I could just change the page number in url like that

you can also click on the Page -- of -- button and it will allow you to type the page number you want in

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Indeed , that listing is incomplete, it's not official and it only shows PC players. But it's the only one I have access to.

Still, my point stands.


The FAQ says : "- You display extensive knowledge of the game and...


Extensive =/= complete.

Complete seems to be what you're looking for.

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