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Speed In Parkour 2.0


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No one in this thread has stated to be pro-coptering or talked about "racing around at half the speed of light", so you can really avoid comments like "I understand that you don't even care about looking at what game you play".


Speed shouldn't be related on how much you hop, this ain't Bunny Simulator, it just doesn't feel like something a space-ninja would do.



Uhm... yeah...

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if you look at dev stream closely, you'll notice there are certain points where vaulting increases in speed

I vaguely noticed that at some points. It almost appears as though double jumps cancel the speed addition. So, maybe, and I'm just guessing here based on what we've seen and heard: each wall jump resets your ability to double jump, and each wall jump adds to the momentum you previously had, but each double jump resets your momentum to base.

So we can either climb through wall jumps and double jumps, or we can speed up horizontally by only doing wall jumps.

If that's the system they are building, I think I can get behind that.

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It's a big open area. Parkour will be non-existent. Parkour requires walls & surfaces. If you don't have those things, then you won't have parkour. This goes for any game with parkour aspects. This is normal real world logic. You can't parkour in a desert if there's nothing to parkour on. There's no fixing that. 


But yes, a boost in sprint speed would be nice.

Agreed and exactly my point. I'm not a rusher, but I'm not a slow player either. While I do have a Volt Prime with maxed blind rage for speed I don't enjoy running at light speed. Personally I find Ash's sprint speed with a maxed rush to be just about right, and Excalibur with a maxed rush mod to be tolerable. Any slower and the pace of the game is just ruined for me.

I'm not a power spammer I don't run to the next room and press one button to wipe, etc. I enjoy smart placement, agility and running and gunning. Parkour 2.0 just seemed to make us float in the air... No 9.8 meters/second feels. XD

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OK I think the people on the forums are a little confused on what is actually going on. Wall hopping is no more slower than wall running. It uses more animations and gives of a sense of being slower because it looks slower. Not because it is actually slower. The tenno is actually launching quickly then stopping for a split second instead of doing the usual 1 animation wall run.



So no Wallhopping is not slower it just looks slower. Which is what we have a problem with, this could be fixed easily by replacing the animation with something that doesn't require as much animations.


@RoboDoge their is a reason you can launch off enemies, very skilled players will get to a point that they can endlessly jump off enemies heads actually killing them after a while. Rebecca stated that in the current form of Parkour 2.0 you can kill level 15 enemies in a few jumps so like 3 jumps is enough to kill a enemy. 

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OK I think the people on the forums are a little confused on what is actually going on. Wall hopping is no more slower than wall running. It uses more animations and gives of a sense of being slower because it looks slower. Not because it is actually slower. The tenno is actually launching quickly then stopping for a split second instead of doing the usual 1 animation wall run.


I think though we can all agree that it is still very much as if Tenno go from stylishly dashing through the environment to hopping and skipping like rabbits along it.  There is more stop and go, less fluidity.   Aesthetically, it looks more awkward than wall running.

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I sadly kind of agree, yeah, it's going to make warframe a whole new game, but if I wanted that, I wouldn't be playing warframe would I? I was most excited about parkour 2.0, but now I'm more dreading it than anything else, and if they end up removing the wall latch, I may just cry..... not really, but I'll pout at my screen, how 'bout them apples.

Edited by ra9una
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OK I think the people on the forums are a little confused on what is actually going on. Wall hopping is no more slower than wall running. It uses more animations and gives of a sense of being slower because it looks slower. Not because it is actually slower. The tenno is actually launching quickly then stopping for a split second instead of doing the usual 1 animation wall run.

More animations would make something look faster.

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So, from what DE showed in today's devstream, am I the only one feeling that everything looks really too much slow? How is that supposed to replace coptering and directional melee? I understand that stamina is gone, but there's no point in being able to run endlessly if it takes double the time.


I was also pretty disappointed in seeing that the new wall jumps had such short distances, not being able to jump from one side of a not so large hallway to another didn't really looked either fluid or ninja-ish.

its horrible.  parkour 2/0 is a joke. >.<

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What is also adorable is the post he quoted, which seemed to be nothing but anti-copter sentimentalism.

I don't mind coptering going away, but speed is an important factor of warframe and the current system has it, but the 2.0 is missing it, the current system has clunky transitions but it has speed and fluidity, opposite to the demo of parkour 2.0.

That is what a lot of the complaints are about, more control is nice but the loss of speed is a big negative, it just so happens that coptering offers the most speed out of all the methods right now, but even the current clunky parkour is faster and actually feels more like a parkour and 'ninja' that what we were shown in the stream.


I nenver tried to hide I hate coptering and I want to return to the old movement system. If you're smart enough to notice the first thing, you should notice the second one too. Which answer to your statement, following which my post is 'anti-copter sentimentalism'. 


That said, did you ever try to run without coptering? And without Volt's speed of course, that doesn't count. Because just sliding, using any Warframe with 1,1 basic speed, I can go as fast as people who copter, if they're not pressing the hell out of Ctrl+E. 


Devs are still working on parkour 2.0, maybe there will be a speed increase (Drew already highlighted it on his hot topics, that means they're interested in it). Which leads us to another conclusion: maybe I'm a sentimentalist, but probably you're just scared by new things, as always. Following what people wrote, the new UI that came with U14 should had been terrible and inefficient. We still use it.


Furthermore, an overall reduction of 'speed' is justified. Coptering wasn't mean to be a thing, Warframes weren't mean to rush a mission that fast. So the whole argument is invalid.  


Summa summarum, I don't care about people frights if it means to stop exploits users. 

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anti-copter sentimentalism

Good to know you completely ignored what I said and focused solely on the word 'coptering', even more accusing me of defending it or 'being scared by new things'.

I don't care about coptering going away, but the parkour we have now (note, parkour not coptering) has movement that feels a lot more fluid, agile and definitely is faster than what we were shown, sure the transitions are harsh and clunky but that's what I expected DE to fix with parkour 2.0, not replace everything with a bunch of hopping around. The increased control and options are nice but speed is an important factor in warframe, coptering is only the best feature we have right now of it (perhaps exagerated) but has nothing to do with the issue of parkour 2.0 being slow, it's that 1.0 is much faster and doesn't look as silly as what we were shown.

That is my concern with the new system, is unnecesarily slow and clunky in terms of agility and is hardly any more 'ninja-like' than the current system (personal opinon), it takes away what is good about the current system in exchange of control and just that.

Let's hope you can get what I'm saying this time.

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Good to know you completely ignored what I said and focused solely on the word 'coptering', even more accusing me of defending it or 'being scared by new things'.



I nenver tried to hide I hate coptering and I want to return to the old movement system. If you're smart enough to notice the first thing, you should notice the second one too. Which answer to your statement, following which my post is 'anti-copter sentimentalism'. 


This is for you. 



That said, did you ever try to run without coptering? And without Volt's speed of course, that doesn't count. Because just sliding, using any Warframe with 1,1 basic speed, I can go as fast as people who copter, if they're not pressing the hell out of Ctrl+E. 


Devs are still working on parkour 2.0, maybe there will be a speed increase (Drew already highlighted it on his hot topics, that means they're interested in it). Which leads us to another conclusion: maybe I'm a sentimentalist, but probably you're just scared by new things, as always. Following what people wrote, the new UI that came with U14 should had been terrible and inefficient. We still use it.


Furthermore, an overall reduction of 'speed' is justified. Coptering wasn't mean to be a thing, Warframes weren't mean to rush a mission that fast. So the whole argument is invalid.  


Summa summarum, I don't care about people frights if it means to stop exploits users. 



This is for people who wrote the game will be slowed down without coptering.

You, second person plural. There is a reason if I put paragraphs.

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What I saw on devstream reminds me of this video:



You're too young to remember when we actually were space ninjas, wallrunning all around and climbing everywhere, but I do. I do and I miss those days. 

Nowadays the only thing new players can do is rush pressing E and Ctrl. It's lame. 


Will parkour 2.0 be more slow? Maybe. But certainly it will be way cooler than it is now. This is a game, not a race and not a job, so enjoy it, learn to do cool things even if it takes time, even if it's not 'efficient' (I hate when people speak about how 'efficient' a way is to run a mission; that's ridiculous). 

Learn to be a space ninja. That's what you are, if you're a real Tenno.

That video looks familiar. I may have seen it a long time ago. I actually use a couple of those parkour spots in addition to others that I found whenever I play.


I'll miss being able to clear rooms quickly with a few well placed jumps though. Coptering was never really my thing. I only really used it if I needed to get away from something quickly or if I'm running the same mission over and over again and it was getting boring, like the Tubemen event. The new parkour systems looks like it doesn't really give you much distance. It does seem slow to me, and I'm not someone who uses the Rush mod or travels by coptering. I'll have to try it out first before I can say which I like more though.


I have to agree with some of the people on the animation though. The running up the wall animation looks off. Maybe it's because the speed doesn't look constant.

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I'm not trying to defend coptering or directional melee, but I also feel like that what DE showed us today isn't good enough to justify the changes.


Geoff mentioned that it "feels like a new game", but to me it looks just like a slightly better version of what we have now, more like a Parkour 1.5 rather than a 2.0

Except it is an entirely new way to move. No more stamina. This is the part people keep forgetting. You can do this S#&amp;&#036; infinitely. Wall to wall. You never even have to touch the floor. And I mean, there's still polish to be done. Values to be tweaked. I almost don't want to play until it's released after seeing this. Sticky wall running is lame. and inefficient. And even with the coptering/springboarding nerf, it still would have been.

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Close the door when you'll leave please. 

Sure, why not ... It's just a door.


From what I've seen, parkour 2.0 doesn't offer more control than first version, but it is easier to learn and it is slower. Yes, you can say that parkour 1.0 looks awefull, you can hate coptering and directional melee, but it is more usefull, more fun (and don't come at me with these idiots, who only use coptering+directional melee - you won't believe it, but there is more to the current parkour ... ) and at least I am able to control my movements exactly.

I could describe what the problem with the current and the new parkour is, but I don't think that this matters anymore ... At least I can say that I'll go as a space ninja and not as a space bunny.

Edited by Feyangol
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Except it is an entirely new way to move. No more stamina. This is the part people keep forgetting. You can do this S#&$ infinitely. Wall to wall. You never even have to touch the floor. And I mean, there's still polish to be done. Values to be tweaked. I almost don't want to play until it's released after seeing this. Sticky wall running is lame. and inefficient. And even with the coptering/springboarding nerf, it still would have been.


I literally mentioned it in the OP, like the fact that the jump distances are so short that you can't just move without touching the floor. It doesn't matter not having stamina when all the movement system comes to mashing the space bar and endlessy hopping like a kangaroo, it's almost as silly as coptering.


Let's also talk about using enemies as platforms, where the cool animation they showed us went? Now you literally just jump on enemies' heads like Super Mario, it just looks silly.

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Certainly alot of different opinions regarding the new parkour system.

There is certainly one thing that is a true fact here, and that is if a new thing is implemented, or changed or fixed, there is always a number of people that will complain, or will exaggerate a specific part of a problem.



Personaly, what do i think of the new parkour system? I love it. How it works and how fluid it is can make some interesting stealth missions (They are ofcrose going to retrofit the tilesets to match the new parkour).

Is it slow? No, it just look like it since the animations are slower. I am certain that faster frames like Mirage or Loki will make you think otherwise.

We have yet to see those 2 in action so, only time will tell.

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Sure, why not ... It's just a door.


From what I've seen, parkour 2.0 doesn't offer more control than first version, but it is easier to learn and it is slower. Yes, you can say that parkour 1.0 looks awefull, you can hate coptering and directional melee, but it is more usefull, more fun (and don't come at me with these idiots, who only use coptering+directional melee - you won't believe it, but there is more to the current parkour ... ) and at least I am able to control my movements exactly.

I could describe what the problem with the current and the new parkour is, but I don't think that this matters anymore ... At least I can say that I'll go as a space ninja and not as a space bunny.


If you think there is any lack in parkour 2.0 or that it isn't well-realized go to feedback subforum and post your thoughts. Complaining doesn't solve anything. 

Edited by Latronico
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