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A Few Thought's On Parkour 2.0 Showed In Devstream 55


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You must be living in the distant future if you can explain 10% of the technology in Warframe.

Don't underestimate science! Only far fetched thing in Warframe is void powers and frame ability to utilize them. Everything else is advanced but far from mind blowing.

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As many ppl say - new parkour is nice buy its too slow ....

Being ninja, climging on walls, almost flying in the air - all this losing its "magic" when its THIS clumsy.... Yes it will be harder it they speed it up but it will be worth to make some affort in learning it...


Why do we like comptering? Because we can move FAST and become more deadly because of it.

Edited by Kripion
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The only thing I have a question about, is they said that the stamina bar is going bye-bye.


Archwing missions use the stamina bar to limit how much boost you have.


Will the bar still be there in those missions, will the bar change, or will it be gone completely?

In a previous stream they said that if they remove it for regular missions it will be removed in Archwing as well.

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I really dislike double jumps, in all games... I'd rather prefer a "charged jump" instead. Also, even if I like the more fluidity and control, I can't stand the wall jumping instead of the wall running

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They can't really call it Parkour anymore though.


They need to make up their own name, like Slowclimb, Snailcrawl, Turtlehopping.  Something along those lines.


In the meantime, I am impatiently waiting for my Prisma Walker so I can get ready for Parkour 2.0 and feel like a really old man and not a hyped up Tenno.

It would explain that pic floating around of Ash Prime in a wheelchair.

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it's slow and I can't see any reason to use it on any tileset aside from the novelty of it, which will run out in 20 minutes, tops.


I would be fine with it if it didn't remove the most efficient and widely used method to move around that existed since the game launched. Grinding is boring enough when you're going fast.

All my this.

I'm imagining how long all the non-endless missions would take if you're stuck to walls, stuck to sprinting and wall hopping, and even though it might be fun, it just won't be efficient due to the grind

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No this ain't no doomthread, just a Tenno giving his view on upcoming parkour changes as for what was shown in last Devstream.

The good

1. I love the increased mobility- I said mobility not speed (i'll get to that later). I greatly enjoy the added control we get to our jump in combinations with the incming double jumps. THis allows exploration to be much easier and reaching to high area's much simpler. I am a fan of the control the new system gives you

2.Bouncing off enemies has alot of potential Being able to create your own kockdown and be mobile at the same time opens up alot of possibility to further melee play.

3. Double jumps look cool - IN addition to being able to use everything as "wal"to jump on, being able to double jump appears to be great way to maintain midair control.

The Bad

1.It's far too bouncy- Make no mistake, i do enjoy the wall skips and double jumps but i also enjoy the look of Fluid wall running and control the (old) Parkour.20 promised us. To replace it all with what appears to be Sonic on space drugs. Why not have a compromise of the 2 systems?

Allow us to control the direction of our wall run (up and down on horizontal wall and left and right on vertical walls can't just directions on a whim, you now have to "latch" then proceed in opposite direction). But as you continue to wall run you gradually lose speed, you then perform a "hop" (as shown this stream) to regain some speed. This is but an idea, but the idea is to mix both system- The fluidity of the old parkour 2.0 wall runs with the bounciness of the new parkour 2.0

2.It looks quite slow- While i certainly am no speed junkie, I'd expect parkour 2.0 to allow us to replicate the speeds of coptering throught a skill based mechanic. But it appears t give us more control but take away our speed. Now while i was all for coptering to be removed, unless sprint speeds are increased across the board, slower frames are still going to be left behind. So let's try to brainstorm some idea?

JUmping off surfaces give you a smallspeed boost fr X seconds, when you latch onto another surfrace if you jump off it in X amount of time, you get another speed boost that will stack ontop of any previous boost. DOuble jumps will provideadditional seconds for you to find a latching point to maintain your speed boost.

Other extra thoughts

-Can we be allowed to jump from enemy to enemy? Because from what we're shown enemies at best are just walking jump pads. Being able to move between enemies will be such a massive buff to melee play.

- Latching onto walls willseem pretty useful for spy missions, I do hope that it's kept

-Will the wall running speeds be affected by warframe sprint speeds? If so well i'm sorry anyone who mains frost/rhino.

But enough of myramblings, your thoughts?

OP  about the speed of coptering


2.0 shouldn't try to do that at all;


Coptering is a bug , therefore the speed induced by coptering is an anomaly. It shoudln't be an objective

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OP  about the speed of coptering


2.0 shouldn't try to do that at all;


Coptering is a bug , therefore the speed induced by coptering is an anomaly. It shoudln't be an objective

DE made a mistake when they allowed coptering to stay in game. People got used to coptering, and it became movement mechanics. If coptering was removed from the start, we wouldnt have these pointless threads.

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DE made a mistake when they allowed coptering to stay in game. People got used to coptering, and it became movement mechanics. If coptering was removed from the start, we wouldnt have these pointless threads.

At the same time, so what if people are immature and make doom threads? They aren't going to quit because of coptering.

I don't think DE works too much about doom threads

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DE made a mistake when they allowed coptering to stay in game. People got used to coptering, and it became movement mechanics. If coptering was removed from the start, we wouldnt have these pointless threads.

They embraced coptering as a mechanic long ago, they even removed it and brought it back. Keeping coptering was far from a "mistake" but as far as longetivity for the game, the map tilesets were not meant for the speeds coptering provide.

And really? "Pointless threads?"

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They embraced coptering as a mechanic long ago, they even removed it and brought it back. Keeping coptering was far from a "mistake" but as far as longetivity for the game, the map tilesets were not meant for the speeds coptering provide.

And really? "Pointless threads?"

It's really funny to see people labelling coptering as a exploit or anything near to it, when it was universally accepted by the devs.


Anyways parkour 2.0 look slow to the point where it's almost painful to watch.

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Couldn't they just... keep the new stuff and also engineer in the stuff they were working on before?

Like, if you want precision, use the new stuff (which I honestly don't see the reason for all the flak, and plenty of people welcome it with open arms).

Or, if you're going for speed, then use wall running to gain momentum, or do something with the charged jump thing they were working on (what happened to that?) or make some type of charged sprint, like a dash of some sort. 


At any rate, for the new parkour to seriously have any type of impact in the meta, it needs to have some sort of accuracy reduction in the enemies that is significant and correlates to your momentum fairly. I remember they did an update to the AI back in like Jan. but we all know that clearly does not work, as regardless of how fast I'm moving, I'm still gonna get aimbot-oneshotted flinging across the room by a nullifier. A chance to dodge damage, accuracy reduction, however you want to call it, it needs to be there and it needs to be fluid with combat, reward skill, and function as intended. 

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bring back the ears, bring em back! there's a lot of bunnies hopping around here.. back I tell ya...


 all my years I have never seen  a ninja double jump, not even in a video game from its birth..

DE shouldn't be trying to follow the status quo anyway. That would make the game extremely boring.

I've never seen a ninja harden thier skin and stop time but that doesn't stop DE.

Double jumping is totally fine,it just juts somepolish on animations so that it looks abit smoother and some more visual indicator on "how" it's done

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