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Crewman Synthesis Is Done


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So the picture starts becoming more clear.

There are laws/rules of preservation for the Orokin Empire.

Orokins put themselves at risk by creating Sentients. Breaking these laws.

Tenno fulfilled their role in the battle with Sentients.

Tennos following these laws executed Orokins responsible.

Also, who knows what did Sentients discover in the Tau system? Maybe something that made them evolve this far?

Since they are said to subdue technologies, how did they didn't become more familiar with the Void by building Solar Rails?

What did happen to Solar Rails in the Tau System? Did them got destroyed during the Sentient War?

Why did Sentients come back to the Origin System? What were they looking for?

Since the Origin System was a crumbling wasteland how did surviving populations made it to the actual Tenno Era we are playing in?



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I can't help but think that Sentients and Warframes share a common link in their technology/biology. It could be possible that the Void having an effect on the Sentient creature and RPC Proto-Rhino is because they share something in common. I'm thinking the creature stopped it's rampage because of the Void energy radiating from the Zariman room might have affected it enough for the original host to regain consciousness.


Sentient creature(or modified version) + integration with human host = RPC Proto-Rhino beast with creature in control


Sentient creature(or modified version) + integration with Void-infused human host = RPC Proto-Rhino beast BUT host retains consciousness thanks to being a walking Void field and remains in control.


Ignoring Stalker until we learn more about him but maybe this is why Tenno are the only effective pilots for Warframes? 

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I can't help but think that Sentients and Warframes share a common link in their technology/biology. It could be possible that the Void having an effect on the Sentient creature and RPC Proto-Rhino is because they share something in common. I'm thinking the creature stopped it's rampage because of the Void energy radiating from the Zariman room might have affected it enough for the original host to regain consciousness.


Sentient creature(or modified version) + integration with human host = RPC Proto-Rhino beast with creature in control


Sentient creature(or modified version) + integration with Void-infused human host = RPC Proto-Rhino beast BUT host retains consciousness thanks to being a walking Void field and remains in control.


Ignoring Stalker until we learn more about him but maybe this is why Tenno are the only effective pilots for Warframes? 


well it is possible. it would further explain why they were able to control chroma.

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well it is possible. it would further explain why they were able to control chroma.

It's the Technocyte I tell you. The living metal, the Forma, the plastids, neurodes.

Warframes and Sentients were both created using the same building blocks.

One channel the void-energy.

One is killed by the void-energy.

Brothers in a way.


Or some such.

Child= warframe?

Light=void energy?

What do I know?

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We know that the rail trip from what is assumed to be the Pluto Rail to a system with Sentients ("Alien Blue Star") happens in real-time for a human and is short enough to be described with minimal transition.

And we know that the Solar rails use the Void as a transit medium,

Oh, right! the Mag Prime codex, how did I forget that! Alright, so we have the rails be FTL or Wormhole, now the question is: how long did it take for the Sentients to reach the Tau System since, apparently we need 2 Rails to transit from A to B. And the Orokin were pressed for time.


Though, "time" could be relative, maybe they had centuries left before the situation got critical, and no one would want to see a disaster to happen in their own lifetimes, and since they could live for centuries at least....

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I'm just more and more... underwhelmed thinking of the sentients.

Just another grey goo scenario. People create replicating machines. The machines evolve. Chaos ensues.


I partially agree. I was expecting the Sentients to be something else, something out of the Orokin's control for a change, but it's starting to feel like they created everything that exists in the system. I was looking for an analogy to this, and I guess I found one

it's like playing Half-Life 3 and finding out the Combine were created by Black Mesa scientists on the borderworlds by the G-Man's orders, and that's what Eli was trying to tell Gordon at the end of Episode 2. Hm.



"time" could be relative, maybe they had centuries left before the situation got critical, and no one would want to see a disaster to happen in their own lifetimes, and since they could live for centuries at least....


I think "time" here is on a different scale, considering the Orokin's longevity.


I started to draw comparisons between their society then and Medieval Europe, particularly after Perintol states his corpus "already suffer in this growing wasteland. They have already paid", and when the unnamed Executor tells Ballas, "The empire is already at risk. Or perhaps you haven't noticed from your cozy position on Mars". I think it's safe to assume the Executors and other higher classes were still living at a relative stability, while the lower classes suffered already. Metaphorically speaking, it'd be as if the Orokin were the lords, while the scientists and other citizens would be the vassals.


There have also been mentions of a "Great Plague" on other lore entries - if it was an event similar to the "Black Death" then it makes these comparisons even more interesting.

Edited by MartianJellyfish
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Hmm. I allso partially agree. I want more than created life turned sentient. We will see.

As for the Plague and all that, because we have NO sense of Time it is madenning to even try.

The infestation was loose after the Fall. It likely led to the Collapse, but how long did the Great Plague last? When did it start?

We can guess Earth since Earth gave been described exactly like a wasteland.

Then we are talking MASSIVE expanses of Time.

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I think "time" here is on a different scale, considering the Orokin's longevity.


I started to draw comparisons between their society then and Medieval Europe, particularly after Perintol states his corpus "already suffer in this growing wasteland. They have already paid", and when the unnamed Executor tells Ballas, "The empire is already at risk. Or perhaps you haven't noticed from your cozy position on Mars". I think it's safe to assume the Executors and other higher classes were still living at a relative stability, while the lower classes suffered already. Metaphorically speaking, it'd be as if the Orokin were the lords, while the scientists and other citizens would be the vassals.


There have also been mentions of a "Great Plague" on other lore entries - if it was an event similar to the "Black Death" then it makes these comparisons even more interesting.


Wasn't he ON Mars, though? *re-reads* Yeah, he was. Ballas was on Mars along with Perintol who said that line. I think that "growing wasteland" just refers to Origin as a whole, Mars just happens to be cozier than others.

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Wasn't he ON Mars, though? *re-reads* Yeah, he was. Ballas was on Mars along with Perintol who said that line. I think that "growing wasteland" just refers to Origin as a whole, Mars just happens to be cozier than others.


Now that I think of it though, Ancient Healer entry also happened on Mars. Maybe I'm not too far off in my speculations.

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Now that I think of it though, Ancient Healer entry also happened on Mars. Maybe I'm not too far off in my speculations.


Mars' old description DID say there were a bunch of Orokin derelicts floating around it. But the Executors DID seem to be spread about across the system, as even another Executor says, so while other areas were hit harder Mars (by virtue of being a hotspot of the Orokin) seems to have been the coziest of them all.

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Now that I think of it though, Ancient Healer entry also happened on Mars. Maybe I'm not too far off in my speculations.

In that light, could the "threat to the Empire" be the Infestation? It might have been an ongoing battle to contain and erradicate.

Maby even what made them come up with the 7 Principles, wich sound allso a bit like the Robot Laws, and the Plan. They needed to get the hell out of Origin before the Infestation spread too far.

Allso, you know what the Excecutors remind me of? The "Gods" in Stargate who each rules over a planet or planetary system.

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In that light, could the "threat to the Empire" be the Infestation? It might have been an ongoing battle to contain and erradicate.

Maby even what made them come up with the 7 Principles, wich sound allso a bit like the Robot Laws, and the Plan. They needed to get the hell out of Origin before the Infestation spread too far.

Allso, you know what the Excecutors remind me of? The "Gods" in Stargate who each rules over a planet or planetary system.


Hmmm, that's a thought. Kinda funny, too:


> The Infestation becomes a thing, damaging the Empire as it spreads.

> The Tau System could offer a reprieve, but getting there in their current state is just impossible.

> This creation of the Archemidians shows promise, but just as the Infestation became a threat so too do the Orokin fear this will become a threat.

> It gets to the Tau system, allows the Orokin to travel there.

> The Orokin find It's become Sentient, war begins, Orokin start to lose.

> Tenno and Warframes (and Grineer probably a lot earlier on) are created and deployed.

> Tenno first secure the system from the Infestation (though it still exists within labs).

> Tenno head to the Tau System to fight the Sentients.

> Tenno win.

> Tenno turn on the Orokin, bring down the Empire by killing the Emperors/Executors.

> In the chaos the Infestation is released again (the Great Plague).

> Tenno struggle to cull it while the remaining people of the decimated Empire struggle to survive

> Eventually are successful enough, head into cryosleep.

> Grineer go and start poking at the past as they try to create new weapons for themselves (Cold War with the modern Corpus?), the Infestation is unleashed again, eventually Alad and ect.


So it began and ended with the Infestation, and it's all back again.

Edited by Morec0
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Hmmm, that's a thought. Kinda funny, too:

> The Infestation becomes a thing, damaging the Empire as it spreads.

> The Tau System could offer a reprieve, but getting there in their current state is just impossible.

> This creation of the Archemidians shows promise, but just as the Infestation became a threat so too do the Orokin fear this will become a threat.

> It gets to the Tau system, allows the Orokin to travel there.

> The Orokin find It's become Sentient, war begins, Orokin start to lose.

> Tenno and Warframes (and Grineer probably a lot earlier on) are created and deployed.

> Tenno first secure the system from the Infestation (though it still exists within labs).

> Tenno head to the Tau System to fight the Sentients.

> Tenno win.

> Tenno turn on the Orokin, bring down the Empire by killing the Emperors/Executors.

> In the chaos the Infestation is released again (the Great Plague).

> Tenno struggle to cull it while the remaining people of the decimated Empire struggle to survive

> Eventually are successful enough, head into cryosleep.

> Grineer go and start poking at the past as they try to create new weapons for themselves (Cold War with the modern Corpus?), the Infestation is unleashed again, eventually Alad and ect.

So it began and ended with the Infestation, and it's all back again.

Only gripe i have with this is that the lephantis was used to fight in the old war, unless the old war itself is a different war.

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Only gripe i have with this is that the lephantis was used to fight in the old war, unless the old war itself is a different war.


Ahh, sorry, I'll make a quick edit it:



Hmmm, that's a thought. Kinda funny, too:


> The Infestation becomes a thing, damaging the Empire as it spreads.

> The Tau System could offer a reprieve, but getting there in their current state is just impossible.

> This creation of the Archemidians shows promise, but just as the Infestation became a threat so too do the Orokin fear this will become a threat.

> It gets to the Tau system, allows the Orokin to travel there.

> The Orokin find It's become Sentient, war begins

> Orokin start to lose, none of their technology (weapons, Infested bioweapons) work like they should because the Sentients keep adapting.

> Tenno and Warframes (and Grineer probably a lot earlier on) are created and deployed.

> Tenno first secure the system from the Infestation (though it still exists within labs).

> Tenno head to the Tau System to fight the Sentients.

> Tenno win.

> Tenno turn on the Orokin, bring down the Empire by killing the Emperors/Executors.

> In the chaos the Infestation is released again (the Great Plague).

> Tenno struggle to cull it while the remaining people of the decimated Empire struggle to survive

> Eventually are successful enough, head into cryosleep.

> Grineer go and start poking at the past as they try to create new weapons for themselves (Cold War with the modern Corpus?), the Infestation is unleashed again, eventually Alad and ect.


So it began and ended with the Infestation, and it's all back again.

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Ahh, sorry, I'll make a quick edit it:


Here's my take on it~


Dark Sector

1>Technocyte Virus enhances and evolves humans~

2>Some humans were imperfect monsters~

3>Thousands of years passed~



1> Orokins came and conquered the origin system~

2> Orokins made Corpus Vassals~ 

3> Corpus made Grineer clones to do work and be slaves and be soldiers as well~

4> The technocyte mutated humans and monsters still roam about free to the Orokin Era~

5> Sentients attack from a different system~

6> Orokin start to lose, none of their technology (weapons, Infested bioweapons) work like they should because the Sentients keep adapting.

7> Projects were created to evacuate them to a different system were made.
8> Orokins unleash technocyte virus in desperate attempt to slow down the Sentients.
9> First few ships such as the Zariman were made for slip space jump but an accident resulted in the discovery of the void, while they were fleeing from the plague.
10> Zariman Children were collected and became Lorists however those who failed were experimented on and kept on ice.
11> Project to create solar rails start in order to evacuate to the Tau System with little to no metals. Project Crewman fails. Bits of the Sentient's technology was used to create starfish machine. Used to build the solar rails but be unable to travel through it since the void is harmful to them. Upon arriving in a system with few metals for the Starfish machines to use incase they rebel against them
12>Some of the Orokins escaped to the Tau system and were never heard from again.
13> They become desperate and start to experiment with the Void and the Technocyte virus to create Tenno, along with Sentient Technology to create the Warframes. Some experiments escaped and wreaked havoc.
14> While some of the Zariman children became Tenno others became Lorists. More were made that weren't part of the Zariman group. The Lorists have some sort of invisible connection with the Tenno making them controllable.
15> Different factions of Tenno were made. They trained vigorously and forced to fight against each other in the conclave to hone their skills with gun and blade and their warframe abilities to prepare them to fight against the Sentients. Their training became permanent muscle memory that even if they do not remember how to fight and use a weapon, their bodies still do.
16> They unleash the Tenno against Sentients and the Tenno quickly push back and turn the tide against the Sentients in the Old War.
17> Tenno win. Some of the Tenno then continued to the Sentient's homeworld to annihilate them completely.
18> The Tenno Return.
19> The Orokins try to notify those in the Tau System they have won!
20> Tenno turn on the Orokin, bring down the Empire by killing the Emperors/Executors. They also destroy the Outer Terminus solar rail to cut their system off from the other systems preventing the Orokins or Sentients left over in the Tau System from coming back- or perhaps the Orokins learned to control the Sentients and are actually leading them for revenge against the Tenno. However since they cannot travel through the void they take the long way around which is why IT'S TAKING SO LONG FOR U17 TO ARRIVE! >; (
21> In the chaos the Infestation is released again (the Great Plague).
22> Tenno struggle to cull it while the remaining people of the decimated Empire struggle to survive
23> Betrayals from the Grineer start to happen.
24> Eventually the Tenno are successful enough in eradicating and sealing away the infestation while taking out much of the empire along with it, then heads into cryosleep.
25>Grineer start their great rise to power oppressing the people.
26>The Corpus arise as the good guys at first to fight against them but over time became corrupt with greed and their lust for advanced technology of the old war. Many blame the Tenno for their suffering because they were lost on what to do and suffered so much when they killed the Orokins.
27> Project Crewman Starts.
28> Grineer go and start poking at the past as they try to create new weapons for themselves (Cold War with the modern Corpus?), the Infestation is unleashed again, eventually Alad and ect.
29> The Corpus now work to rebuild the shattered Outer Terminus rail to reestablish connection to the Orokins from the Tau System to discover their fate.
30> The rebuilding is complete.
31> Que new Sentient/Orokin hybrids.
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In actual fact, a rogue AI is something more alien that any alien humans have imagined into fiction.


"Aliens" in fiction are usually anthromorphic and a fetish for human concerns and motivations. They even speak english!


An AI that has gone rogue will have its own motivations, none of which will bear semblance to anything bound to flesh.


An AI will not hesitate to burn off the world's atmosphere because that is something it can survive and adapt to, while life cannot.

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I just realise, if this lore truely does depict the birth of the sentients, doesn't this kind of conflict with excalibur entry?

The Sentients had won. They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more advanced we became, the greater our losses. The war was over unless we found a new way. In our desperation we turned to the Void. The blinding night, the hellspace where our science and reason failed.

If they already knew that void energy was poisonous to them, wouldn't creating a tenno be one of the first and not the last thing they try?

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I just realise, if this lore truely does depict the birth of the sentients, doesn't this kind of conflict with excalibur entry?

If they already knew that void energy was poisonous to them, wouldn't creating a tenno be one of the first and not the last thing they try?

There's a theory going on that the Excalibur Codex entry is Orokin' propaganda.

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On reading the Synthesis again I realise a few things I consider to me major.

1) When the Archimedian is about to die he said:

"She will not forgive you!"

Wait a minute. SHE?

Was the Lotus that important, or was there an Empress?

2) Old faces filled the dome. Old. Somehow I pictured them as non-aging.

3) The royal futures. The Emperors futures?

What do you make of this?

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On reading the Synthesis again I realise a few things I consider to me major.

1) When the Archimedian is about to die he said:

"She will not forgive you!"

Wait a minute. SHE?

Was the Lotus that important, or was there an Empress?

2) Old faces filled the dome. Old. Somehow I pictured them as non-aging.

3) The royal futures. The Emperors futures?

What do you make of this?


As I got it, they're just talking about the Void when they say "she". Same way one might use "she" when reffering to a boat - just characterizing it in some kind of human way. Why? Why she? Hell if I know, but if the Orokin were reliant on the Void or use it a lot (as seems to be suggested by the certainty that the Void will be able to protect them... though that MAY just be for the rails) then it might make sense to look at it as a female (mother? lifegiver?) figure.


I like the motherly themes this game may or may not be presenting, you don't see them often in video games (especially action games).


But even Teshin aged. Slowly as it may be, so there might be an attempt to convey that these Executors have been ruling for QUITE some time. Royal future may just mean "offspring", cloned offspring (if my hunches are correct) or otherwise that simply wont do well for whatever reason because of the condition of Origin (lack of resources?).

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I just realise, if this lore truely does depict the birth of the sentients, doesn't this kind of conflict with excalibur entry?

If they already knew that void energy was poisonous to them, wouldn't creating a tenno be one of the first and not the last thing they try?


My belief is that there was just SO much of a time difference between this and the Old War that they simply forgot. Things continued to fall apart in Origin, records were lost (much as Teshin says they forgot the way of the Conclave?) and people simply didn't know what to do.


Alternatively (and more likely) it may have, again, had to do with these seven principles: the Orokin were hesitant to send this, life they'd created, out to fight and do things for them, and when they did as a LAST RESORT it eventually came back to bite them on the &#!.


They understandably WOULDN'T want to do that again, lest these new things - more powerful than the last - turn on them as well... But, in the end and "in our desperation" they had to... And we ALL  know what happened then....


There's a theory going on that the Excalibur Codex entry is Orokin' propaganda.


Propaganda doesn't immediately mean lies. Personally I don't see any reason to THINK it's not truthful, lines up well (as I said above) with what we know. Doesn't really seem to do anything that suggests "yeah, this can't be trusted".


And it's also in the same vein as "Stalker was just lying" in his - if we start assuming everything lying just because one thing doesn't connect right to the next, then we risk falling into a trap of never trusting anything.

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