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Bat Out Of Hell


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The perfect phrase to sum up my first experience playing PvP.


I think PvP in warframe has a good amount of potential, but the speed that players are able to move.....fly at across the map is scaled much too high. This actually makes me think that people use aimbots just to keep up! (JOKE). In any case, there are of course other balancing issues that need to be addressed, but after going a couple rounds, I'm convinced that this should be one of the top issues. 


There were several instances where I could not keep any consistent aim on a player or even keep pace with them in any way. An example of this is one Oberon frame that moved so fast that it could capture a flag and within fifteen seconds deliver it to the other side of the map without being stopped (I tried, the aimbot was looking pretty attractive at that point).


I also read though several pages of the feedback forums and was surprised to not see this issues really anywhere.


This post is to simply be taken as my feedback to the current state of PvP, the movement speed currently is fine, the coptering and sligshot mechanics need to be toned down.

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Coptering and air attacks need to be toned down slightly, but sling shots do not. Sling shots are like the only parkour maneuver that is actually skill based and gives you an advantage while being skill based. But parkour 2.0 is gonna ruin both so (says sarcastically ->) yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy.

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You have to realize that a game can be skill based without the excessive need for speed, it also ruins certain gun types like bows and maybe soon sniper rifles

i agree with u the ttk is just to high making it difficult to kill on the current speed of the game. ttk and movement have a direct relation to each other. by increasing the ttk they should have nerfed the copter and airmelee alongside. but hey DE employes are human i in the place of the devs wouldnt have probably see it comming too.

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You have to realize that a game can be skill based without the excessive need for speed, it also ruins certain gun types like bows and maybe soon sniper rifles

Uhhh, what if the kind of skill that fits Warframe the best is speed? Warframe is a very fast game, even with Parkour 2.0 Warframe will still be extremely fast compared to other stuff. You are acting like speed is a bad thing, it may be something you don't like, but speed is a valid form of damage reduction (or would you rather just have hp be the only way to reduce damage... because that sounds soooo fun). And what do you mean about speed ruining bows and snipers... sniper rifles/semi-auto was pretty much the go-to for Conclave 1.0 which was MUCH faster. 

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 speed ruining bows and snipers... sniper rifles/semi-auto was pretty much the go-to for Conclave 1.0 which was MUCH faster. 

Yes, but in 1.0 everything was able to 1 shot.

Warframes speed is not the problem, the speed that gives you the melee weapon yes.



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Yes, but in 1.0 everything was able to 1 shot.

Warframes speed is not the problem, the speed that gives you the melee weapon yes.



Then explain why everyone thought Lex was OP. It was two shot body or one shot head (how we assume snipers will be).

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Then explain why everyone thought Lex was OP. It was two shot body or one shot head (how we assume snipers will be).

Because (i think) with the current balance of weapons was op... If a Secondary can 2 shots, or 1 shot on head, why others cant?

About Snipers, i dont know.

Personal Opinions.

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After Parkour 2.0 players will still complain about getting wrecked, they will find another thing to blame the skill gap.


Getting wrecked is one thing, but finding a fun factor and/or depth in counterplay is another.  For example, getting one-shot by a sniper (don't turn a corner to get hit) vs. getting two-shot by a sniper that had a scope glint or laser pointer for you to get a heads up on him (keep an eye out for warning signs of a sniper).


Very few found it fun, on the release of PvP 2.0, to engage in countering the current "parkour" mechanics.  It's also unreasonable to expect players to have a sense of playing to win, in a largely casual PvE game.  At least Parkour 2.0 is going to make the gameplay less... ridiculous for the lack of a better term, and better to ease into for newcomers.

Edited by Sonitorum
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Getting wrecked is one thing, but finding a fun factor and/or depth in counterplay is another.  For example, getting one-shot by a sniper (don't turn a corner to get hit) vs. getting two-shot by a sniper that had a scope glint or laser pointer for you to get a heads up on him (keep an eye out for warning signs of a sniper).


Very few found it fun, on the release of PvP 2.0, to engage in countering the current "parkour" mechanics.  It's also unreasonable to expect players to have a sense of playing to win, in a largely casual PvE game.  At least Parkour 2.0 is going to make the gameplay less... ridiculous for the lack of a better term, and better to ease into for newcomers.

Actually i think Parkour 2.0 will be awesome for PvP. All i'm trying to say is, players will continue to blame other things for getting killed, nerf this, nerf that, aimbot, game is too fast, etc.

Edited by RexSol
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I can't wait for Parkour 2.0 i hope it will be awesome for PvP. All i'm trying to say is, players will continue to blame other things for getting killed, nerf this, nerf that, aimbot, game is too fast, etc.

I can also understand the consistent complaints about any game mechanics that do not fair well with a particular player. I made my feedback in this thread based off the memories of playing Gunz and flying across the maps at moc 5, which is what PvP currently was starting to resemble. I believe that warframe can still be a game about speedy moves and acrobatics, but there also needs to be a cap so other players can have a viable chance to catch up with a veteran player without needing to know how to break the physics in the game.

But for players that think the gameplay now is viable I would love to hear why and how the current weapons can be used effectively against high speed opponents.

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But for players that think the gameplay now is viable I would love to hear why and how the current weapons can be used effectively against high speed opponents.

React fast, have good aim, make good use of abilities.

Doesn't matter if fast TTK or slow TTK, on PvP 1.0 or PvP 2.0, with copter or without copter...

That's all there is to it.

I think the PvP is pretty balanced right now (no sarcasm) there is nothing too powerful or too weak, there is nothing that can't be countered. I have no problems to deal with melee spam, i have no problem to deal with ability spam, and i have no problem to deal with coptering/directional in PvP. And i think its a shame to see a trademark maneuver of the game end - but hey, if its for the best then bring it on, coptering is kinda buggy and awkward to be honest, and the wall runs do need to be polished so i am not against parkour 2.0 at all.

In fact, i believe it will just make players with good aim even better, since people will not be able to immediately copter away when they take damage. And soon we will be seeing topics complaining about certain weapons that reward accurate players with good damage, such as Snipers and Bows as mentioned here. 

Edited by RexSol
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But for players that think the gameplay now is viable I would love to hear why and how the current weapons can be used effectively against high speed opponents.


Against players who actively avoid any fight whatsoever it's become really hard to deal the necessary damage in a short enough amount of time, unless your aim is godlike. Especially so if they're using the Bo Prime.


Sadly, my aim isn't that great and I like to go fast myself, so I guess I'm part of the problem as well. The recent mod and health orb changes didn't really help there, either (at least I made a thread about the former).


If you're having a lot of trouble against the speed demons, don't chase them and try gaining control over energy spawns instead, preferably using one of the following Warframes (in that order): Mag, Oberon, Frost, Ember, Volt, Valkyr.


The reasons:

- Bullet Attractor is extremely hard to get away from and survive

- Smite can't miss

- Frost's abilities slow down the coptering (but not the shooting)

- World on Fire doesn't need to be aimed and obstructs vision

- Overload is very hard to evade if used right - especially when your enemy has a lot of momentum

- Warcry is a death sentence if you can catch someone with it.


Anyway, the new parkour will probably change this a lot, so we'll just have to wait bear with it for the time being.

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Honestly, what made me play PvP in the first place is the movement speed, with or without coptering, the core of this game is speed and not clumsy sprinting like in competetive shooters, only reason why i played the PvP is because of the speed. It doesn't need toning down, what it needs is a diffrent way to achieve the speed, as if, you launch yourself from a wall and get a speed boost like, momentum. Let's hope Parkour 2.0 does wonders to the current pvp.

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Conclave 2.0 is certainly not too fast. People love coptering and stuff in PvE because they like the fast paced game. People rush missions all the time. Why would we slow that down for fighting each other? That just takes all of the fun out of it.

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You have to realize that a game can be skill based without the excessive need for speed, it also ruins certain gun types like bows and maybe soon sniper rifles

I love using Daikyu. The speed players can move at doesn't make it hard to use for me. In fact, if you copter in a straight line, I can just shoot my arrow which also goes in straight line and faster than you. If you get a bugged momentum boost that flings you instantly to a wall, I'll just shoot you while you're stuck in that wall.

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You have to realize that a game can be skill based without the excessive need for speed, it also ruins certain gun types like bows and maybe soon sniper rifles

To be honest, speed doesn't ruin snipers and bows I mean people were good with these snipers and bows in conclave 1.0 which was faster and more parkour related.

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