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Riddle Time


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Whitout further introduction, I will start posting some riddles. When someone will give the correct answer, I will post the next one and so on. If for some reason it takes too long for the correct answer to be found, I will give more hints.
I will also edit the first post with all the answered riddles and their correct answer.


There is also a thread where player can post their own riddles, so that other players can answer.

You can find it here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/48576-post-and-answer-riddles/'>Post And Answer Riddles


1. Lisa has a hobby of collecting used cigarette butts and re-rolling them. She can turn 7 cigarette butts into a new cigarette. While scavenging, she finds 49 cigarette butts. How many disgusting cigarettes can this filthy woman make?

Onorius gave the correct answer:


2. Mary's father abuses his 5 daughters - Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughters name?

Phoenix86 gave the correct answer: Mary


3. A senile old woman with no driver license goes the wrong way down a one way street and turns left at a corner with no left turn sign. A police officer sees this, but does nothing. Why?

Onorius gave the correct answer: Shes walking


4. Paulie goes to his crack dealer to purchase a crackrock. It cost him $41 and he handed his dealer 6 bills, none of which were $1 bills. How is this possible?

Ryoken gave the correct answer:$20+$10+$5+$2+$2+$2=$41


5. While in a rom, hobo Bill drops a book he was reading. Because he is insane he decides to jump over the book, but he can't. Why not?

Ryoken gave the correct answer: He dropped it in a corner


6. A recently deceased pop singer wants to see how many little boys he can put into his empty box. How many and why?
(note: he was alive when he tried this)

AscendantWyvern gave the correct answer: One, because afterwards, it wouldnt be empty.


7.Richard is a smuggler of narcotics. The only way that he can smuggle his drugs is over a bridge 800 ft above the ground. The bridge can hold a max of 95 Kilograms, a single milligram over that amount will cause the bridge to collapse. Richard weighs exactly 93 kilograms and is smuggling 3 bags of powdery white narcotics that each weigh exactly 1 kilogram. Richard knows that he is over the maximum yet is still able to cross the bridge with all of his drugs. How is this possible?

Onorius gave the correct answer: By juggling them.


8. A Woman was shot to death while in her car. A police officer came onto the scene. He notices that there isn't any gun powder residue on the woman's clothing, which indicates that the gunman was outside of the car. The windows were up and the doors were locked. The officer completely inspects the car and doesn't find any bullet holes entering the car, only the ones on the persons body. How did the murderer pull this stunt off?

Onorius gave the correct answer: the damn car was a convertible


9. Kristen lives in a crack house. She needed to make a purchase at a hardware store for her house. 
She asks one of the workers there "how much does one cost?" to which he replied "6 dollars". 
She then asks "how much does twelve cost?"
"12 dollars" said the worker.
Finally she says " Ok, I am going to purchase one hundred and forty four."
The workers replies "Your total comes to $18."
She hands him the money and leaves. What did she purchase?
Onorius gave the correct answer: The answer is house numbers. She bought the numbers 144 which equal 3 in total making it 6 dollars a number.
10. Jonny owns the only Indian restaurant in town that doesn't give people horrible diarrhea. Because of this his place is very popular, so popular that there is a bouncer at the door. In order to get in the bouncer tells you a number to which you need to respond with a number.If its the correct number he lets you in, if its not then he kicks you to the curb (figuratively, that is). 
The bouncer says to the first person in line "12" to which they replied "6" and were let in. 
The bouncer told the second person "6" to which they replied "3" and were let in.
The bouncer tells you "10". How do you reply to get let in?
Law_Abiding_Engineer gave the correct answer: You simply count the number of letters in the number that is said.  For twelve, its 6, and for six, its 3.  Thus, if asked ten, then you repsond with 3
11.I am the beginning of the end.
I am the end of time and space.
I surround every place.
What am I?
AscendantWyvern gave the correct answer: The Letter "E" But Law Abiding Engineer said it first.


12. Another Indian restaurant poisoned the food at riddle 10's place and now are the only ones serving Indian food that doesn't make people violently ill. This place also has a code to get in. The bouncer starts a number and every preceding person must respond correctly to the person before them in line. 
The bouncer said to the first person 11.
The first person in line said 21 and was let in. 
The second person said 1211 and was let in.
The third person said 1231 and was let in.
The fourth person said 131221 and was let in.
You are the 5th person, what do u say to get in?
Law_Abiding_Engineer gave the correct answer: 132231 (Variation of Look and Say sequence)
13. A man has $1.19 in his pocket. He goes to the store to buy a drink. The drink costs exactly $1 but the man had to pay $1.05. Why is this? (Note: There is no hidden cost to the drink; no tax, no bottle deposit, nothing. The person behind the counter only charged the man $1)
Law_Abiding_Engineer gave the correct answer: Ok, he paid 1.05 because he did not have a dollar bill on him.  What he had instead was 3 quarters, 5 dimes, and 4 pennies.   3 quarters = $0.75, and since he had to pay atleast $1.00, he had to go over the cost and by using 3 dimes $0.30, totaling $1.05.  
14. A very wealthy businessman on his deathbed had 2 sons. Because of his cutthroat business nature, He decided to leave his inheritance to only one son. He decides that the 2 sons must have a camel race across the desert. However, whoever has the slower camel will be rewarded the inheritance. Both brothers wander the desert for days avoiding the finish line. After several more days they find a hut in the middle of the desert, inside is a cheiftain. The brothers tell the chieftain about the race and the chieftain gives them some advice. After receiving the advice the 2 brothers ran to the 2 camels and raced to the finish line. What advice did the chieftain give to these 2 brothers that made them charge to the finish line?
Onouris gave the correct answer: They were both given each others camels... they swapped camels. As the father said the slowest camel wins.
15. There was something that plagued the United States of America (this is important). The last know death caused by this was in 1951. What is it? (some research may be needed and remember, in the United States)
Onouris gave the correct answer: Old age could no longer be used as a cause of death on a death certificate as of 1951.
16. You are in a room with 4 plugs labeled a, b, c, and d next to 4 outlets. In the next room attached to the 4 wires is 4 light bulbs labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4. You are allowed to look in the room with the lights only once, however you can do anything to the plugs and take as long as you want. Only looking once, can you determine which plug is attached to which light?
Law_Abiding_Engineer gave the correct answer: You flip one switch on and leave it on, you take another switch and flip it on for a long time, and then flip it off, you leave the third switch on for a short time and then go check in the other room. One bulb will be on, one bulb will be off and very hot, another wil be off and warm, and the final bulb will be off and cold.
17. Surprisingly there is another Indian Food restaurant that is poisoning all other Indian food places.(What can I say? I lack originality) As such it is in high demand and they have a bouncer. To get past the bouncer you need to respond to his letter with the correct number. 
The bouncer said to the first person M, to which the person replied 0 and was let in
Bouncer "V", the second person replied "0" and was let in
the Bouncer said "E", 3rd person "1" and was let in
Bouncer "M", the fourth person replied "2" and was let in
The bouncer told the 5th person "J" to which they replied "67" and were let in
Bouncer "S" and the 6th person said "62" and were let in
Bouncer "U" and the 7th person said "27" and were let in
The Bouncer told the 8th person "N" and he replied "13" and were let in
You are the ninth person. What does the bouncer say to you and what do you say to the bouncer?
Onouris gave the correct answer: Its planets and corresponding moons, the bouncer would say P and i would respond 5.
18. Richard robbed a bank. While escaping the police he went into a movie theater. This theater had no windows or secret passages, just doors. Before he could escape the police arrived. The chief told the officers to guard all exits. how did Richard escape?
cedekane gave the correct answer: Richard left through the entrance.  As opposed to the "exits".
19. Latoya went into a shop to buy some goods. She bought some fruits that cost $9.40. She also bought 4 loaves of bread, 12 bars of candy, and 28 doughnuts. The total came to $24.78. She demanded to speak to the manager and got the cashier fired. how?
Edited by cristimirt
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This is the correct answer. She makes 7 cigarettes, smokes them, and then makes another one from the 7 buds left.

I know this is impossible to happen in real life, but bear with me :)


2. Mary's father abuses his 5 daughters - Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughters name?

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This is the correct answer. She makes 7 cigarettes, smokes them, and then makes another one from the 7 buds left.

I know this is impossible to happen in real life, but bear with me :)


2. Mary's father abuses his 5 daughters - Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughters name?

either you haven't told us or nunu derp never mind... (I am terrible at these :P)



Hmm.. not really.. you need 7 buds for one cigarette. She will run out of them eventually :p

yeah, thought about then thought "waaait... that doesn't make sense" As above, I'm always bad at these xD

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Correct. This was an easy one :)


3. A senile old woman with no driver license goes the wrong way down a one way street and turns left at a corner with no left turn sign. A police officer sees this, but does nothing. Why?

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