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How Is Greedy Pull An Exploit ? If Its Working As Intended

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Greedy pull isn't an exploit. It's how it is being used for farming that is exploiting. Gmag is usually accompanied by a nekros and a hydroid or mesa, this means the players are standing still using powers and trollolololing through the game not actually playing it. That is the exploit DE wants to nerf, and in that process it is likely DE will make greedy pull only work for the mag using it, not the other players to stop it being used as an exploit.


That is indeed a good way to get rid of this "exploit": make Greedy Pull only pull items for the player who used the ability. And everyone else who doesn't have a Mag will have to collect the items themselves.

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MSNBC: Greedy Pull is the answer for everyone to have unlimited loot, and is great for the community as a whole.

Fox: Greedy Pull is the answer for everyone to exploit and ruin the game for us which is not making us win the war any faster.

BBC: In other news, other warframe mods have still not seen the nerf but are still as bad as some of the mistakes made when they were put out into the game. 24 mods are still unaccounted for their super creep actions and are still at large.

Reading threads like this is reading the news, people just want to read or watch what they want and not give time to realize that something else is distracting for the bigger picture.



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working as intended? that's curious.

Pull is Constrained by LoS. on purpose, because being able to permanently CC all Enemies within 2.x Tiles in front of you was pretty Overpowered in the past. so LoS constrained.

Greedy Pull removes that. you can Pull Enemies through Walls again.

working as intended? do tell.

It is working as intended if you think about magnetism. No matter how far a powerful enough magnetic force can pull you towards it and no amount of obstruction can stop it from pulling you. Gpull is a magnetic pull becaus mag commands magnetism so it is working as intended if you truly think about it. It's like putting too highly powerful magnets on one item on both on the exact same spot either side except opposite side of the magnet so it will push away it will resist it. If you turn one around and they are powerful enough they can attract through the thickest of items. Sorry if this was a little blah.

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Actually it does. It increases how long you play the game and articially increases content and gametime. Also I have played games where you had to farm the same enemy thousands of times. If you have ever played Diablo, Dark souls, Terriaria, Dota, Borderlands. Then you will start to understand grind. Grind is a fundamental part of games, Warframe is no different. It may be annoying but it does increase gametime.


I actually loled at this. No, manipulating the games mechanics to increase enemy spawns is a exploit. Just because the DE put the ability in the game doesn't mean they wanted it used that way. They don't know how we will react to abilities. Exploitation doesn't equal team play. Also they aren't this huge triple A developer they are humans and small. They probably have a small team of 3-5 people who create the Augment mods. Their job is to make augments that the other devs like and make sure they work. Exploits aren't obvious to them because they spend more time developing then playing the game. 


It took them 2 years to create parkour 2.0, and melee 2.0. Do you know how long we asked for Melee 2.0, damage 2.0, and parkour 2.0?? DO YOU!?!?!?! The answer is MUCH MORE THAN 2 YEARS!




Content means anything new we can use. Meaning weapons, warframes, sentinals, kubrows, missions, syndicates, etc. So ya it has a good amount of content. The DE needs time to create more content so we don't have nothing to do. So grind is pretty necessary. 

Grind=/=content. All it does it delay you from getting said content.

Your logic is broken there. 

Go to this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grinding_(video_gaming)

That explains grind fairly well.


It also explains the consequences fairly well.


Do you really think two freaking years is an acceptable amount of time to fix game mechanics?


I am not going to excuse them just because they aren't a huge developer. If they need the manpower then they should get the manpower! What you see as content I see as a shallow stopgap measure! I have played this game for over two years and guess what. There isn't a single bit of content I have not done. Releasing new guns is not content. We need more quests, we need set rewards, we need a goddamn goal! What we need is real content. Not more goddamn grind. We have too much as it is and it seems to me that you are just asking for more. Know what happens when it takes 10 hours just to get one rare resource or gun? People get annoyed and when people get annoyed then people start to leave and when enough people leave this game will literally grind to a halt because no one will support it! I understand that they need time to release new content but I will leave this game if they continue to increase this goddamned grind. As far as I am concerned grind is essentially the "nothing to do" in this game. It is all we can do! We grind to get resources, grind to get prime parts, grind to unlock colors for the dojo, grind through boring weapons to increase mastery, and then grind through the star map that has little to no variation! There is so much goddamn grind! How can anyone be at fault for wanting to reduce the grind even by a little bit? Most people don't like grind so don't make them grind more!

Edited by Invalid_Infinity
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People are just psycho that want to see other people grind hard, because they bought everything with plat when new contents are out. They got everything maxed then started to whine the game is too easy for them, demanding DE for an enemie buff or a frame nerf.

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Please Explain?

&& also this is a game, people are going to find efficient ways to play the game. So even if they get rid of radial javelin excal , he WILL be replaced by peacemaker mesa. && if they do Nerf greedy mag , she WILL be replaced by EV trinity. Efficient ways to farm/play doesn't equal 'Exploit.'

Btw I do not use Gmag or peace mesa and do not use this any of these methods mentioned, I'm just wondering what kind of mindset do the devs have.


I get the feeling no one on the Dev team plays the game himself. Ofc, if you normally have to run around the whole map after each wave or two compared to standing still and getting all the loot, people will prefer the later. I dont know who anyone would even this that it wouldnt be this way.


The thing is though - this is not how they want the game to be played, so they change it.

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Actually it does. It increases how long you play the game and articially increases content and gametime. Also I have played games where you had to farm the same enemy thousands of times. If you have ever played Diablo, Dark souls, Terriaria, Dota, Borderlands. Then you will start to understand grind. Grind is a fundamental part of games, Warframe is no different. It may be annoying but it does increase gametime.


I actually loled at this. No, manipulating the games mechanics to increase enemy spawns is a exploit. Just because the DE put the ability in the game doesn't mean they wanted it used that way. They don't know how we will react to abilities. Exploitation doesn't equal team play. Also they aren't this huge triple A developer they are humans and small. They probably have a small team of 3-5 people who create the Augment mods. Their job is to make augments that the other devs like and make sure they work. Exploits aren't obvious to them because they spend more time developing then playing the game. 


It took them 2 years to create parkour 2.0, and melee 2.0. Do you know how long we asked for Melee 2.0, damage 2.0, and parkour 2.0?? DO YOU!?!?!?! The answer is MUCH MORE THAN 2 YEARS!




Content means anything new we can use. Meaning weapons, warframes, sentinals, kubrows, missions, syndicates, etc. So ya it has a good amount of content. The DE needs time to create more content so we don't have nothing to do. So grind is pretty necessary. 


What are you basing that argument on? You haven't even played the game for two years, not to mention "much more than 2 years" to know what the community wanted back then.


This is what is known as making things up to suit your argument and it's not going to work.


As for the rest. It's too funny. You're actually saying it's okay for DE to implement terrible game design and that it's our fault for using what we're given (terrible game design).

Edited by f3llyn
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What are you basing that argument on? You haven't even played the game for two years to know what the community wanted back then.


This is what is known as making things up to suit your argument and it's not going to work.


As for the rest. It's too funny. You're actually saying it's okay for DE to implement terrible game design and that it's our fault for using what we're given (terrible game design).


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Love how this word "Synergy" or claims of "efficient method of farming the game" get thrown around. Every other mmo requires play in some way even when farming. The fact that you can stand there and do next to nothing just pushing a button is stupid. GP needed to be shanked hard, and actual play encouraged. God forbid you actually have to work for something, that never happens in online games right? DE is obviously the only company with loot tables based on RNG, shame on them for using such a method nobody else does... Ridiculous

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Love hour this word "Synergy" or claims of "efficient method of farming the game" get thrown around. Every other mmo requires play in some way even when farming. The fact that you can stand there and do next to nothing just pushing a button is stupid. GP needed to be shanked hard, and actual play encouraged. God forbid you actually have to work for something, that never happens in online games right? DE is obviously the only company with loot tables based on RNG, shame on them for using such a method nobody else does... Ridiculous

The thing is that we really don't want this game to be like other MMOs. 


I know I play this game because it is different (somewhat). GP being nerfed wont change the farm at all and the fact that it is the scapegoat in this issue is hilarious.

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It's too bad that so much valid feedback about the broken loot/affinity system is being used as a silly argument to keep gpull the way it is.  We just need one mega cry thread where all the gpull addicts can get it out and reassure each other.  Oh well, at least DE are showing a little sanity in doing something about the problem.  Hopefully they can soon move on to the separate problem of affinity and loot rewards.  Please DE, move this up on the list.

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you can grow up now.

like any other Developer, any released version is tested. you'll always miss things (or see things from a different angle). that's how it works.

or you can stick your foot in your mouth with your lack of back knowledge as to what you're talking about.

any game you might reference that you think is 'perfect', could be taken apart in a few hours with tons of problems that were still around.


I wonder how they missed the bugs that came with excalibur's new 4th power. 4 different patches to finally fix one ability.


And what's more, these bugs were not minor bugs, mind you. 


This is not the only instance of DE not testing their content at all. Rembember new UI problems preventing people from joining games? (U14) Remember archwing? I am confused how anyone can defend DE after their history with every new content update.

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DE not testing their content at all.

you can grow up too.

every release version is tested. does QA test it for 6 months before release? no. if another game you're thinking of has updates without lots bugs or mistakes, that's what they've been doing. QA play testing for 6 months or so.

that'll be great for Development speed, eh?

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