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Over-Nerfed Nyx


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When Nyx's chaos first became toggle-able, I saw a lot more of nyx running around and when i was playing with her it felt like she had the same amount of power a nova had or even an ember, I hardly see her ever now and despite her being one of my favorites, I think she got a nerf that had good intentions but went over the top. 


As anyone will tell you, mind control can be nice. However I think it should be able to effect unto three targets. Could work with a small radius adding something more then one measly helper. 


Psychic Bolts -- needs to go the way of super jump -- or changed drastically. Damage is poor and no real purpose or utility. Personally I would like a rework to something along the lines of mind scream -- aoe that does moderate - initial damage with lingering damage over time and causes enemies to panic


Chaos -- This ability needs to be tweaked. Despite being very useful sometimes, It needs to affect enemies similar to how Banshee's sonar does -- effect certain enemies in an area and when in recast in a different area the effect ends on the previous enemies. Would be helpful if enemies became more aware of their ex-comrades and had threat level increased when under the effect of chaos. I would also add a frenzy effect where enemies attack faster when fighting another enemy. It needs something to bring it up to par with irradiating disarm. Maybe Add an effect where enemies under chaos do increased damage to other enemies under chaos.


Absorb --



This skill was nerfed too hard in too many ways. Partially for good reason but it just was too much. Absorb could take infinite amounts of damage and could share the damage with another nyx. Meaning just as long as they had the occasional energy break they could hold millions upon millions of damage and just keep killing everything near them. To fix this DE altered it so the more damage nix absorb took, the faster you would run out of energy -- also added that nyx's absorb would only absorb 10% magnetic damage -- so if another nyx had 1 million energy absorbed you would at most get 100k. Here's the problem thou, Its buggy, the damage is weak, the ability misses enemies it should otherwise hit and is just weak unreliable and needs some love. Nova has an ability similar to Nyx's absorb called anti matter drop. A similar idea except it actually damage. Nyx's ultimate should be able to match the damage or have greater utility then another warframes secondary abilities.



Magnetic Damage is a poor choice for this abilities damage. Regular Nyx is obtained from killing the infested and having this ability as magnetic makes no sense. It should be balanced like radial javelin to do equal amounts of all three so she'd not weaker fighting one group or another. At very least blast damage would be preferable with a guaranteed blast proc to knock down all enemies around you so you can have some breathing room ( the whole point of the ability is to help with nyx's poor survivability ) More often then not the ability will miss quite a few enemies ( especially when fighting infested ) or just do weird damage like not hitting an enemy that shoulda been sent flying back or atleast injured by 48k worth of damage. 


Bugs/other issues

It might just be a bug on the ps4 but it seems I can no longer inflict damage on my own absorb. Intended or a bug this makes absorb that much more useless as i have to wait till i think i have enough damage to kill something rather than laying down castanas on an enemy or near me and using the damage to benefit my needs. No matter what damage I set my weapons, None of my weapons - viral radiation or otherwise has no effect whatsoever.


To fix absorb I suggest a few tweaks. 

Allowing energy syphon to act like increased power efficiency

-changing the damage of it to be equally distributed between slash impact and puncture Or Be mainly blast damage

-Adding the effect that the more damage is absorbed the larger the blast radius ( kinda like how usually a more powerful explosion will have -- a larger blast radius )

Allow Nyx to absorb all enemy inflicted damage with no penalties -- 

Allow Nyx to absorb damage from her own weapons

Have Absorb be immune to absorbing the damage of other war frames abilities. 

Fix absorb radius to hit/effect all enemies in radius



I also suggest an augment mod that has absorb ignore all damage from allies for two reasons -

-so randoms don't waste all your energy and you unleash absorb prematurely

- so allies can be within your absorb and fire at enemies while you protect and return the damage your enemies would have done to your teammates. 


This is my two cents, I don't want Nyx to be op, but i don't want her to be weak either. She is at the point where every ability she has, a different frame does it better and she just needs some love.






Im one of those type of people who doesn't want nerfs. I want tougher content. Synoid gammacor never shoulda been nerfed (both times) -- It allowed one person to regain energy and do damage so they can use their powerful warframe abilities, without someone on the team getting stuck as trinity. Don't nerf my stuff, Instead bring me more, stronger enemies so that I may use my abilities and my weapons to my best ability. #unofficial petition to add original energy effect of synoid gammacor to all syndicate weapons

Edited by (PS4)UltraKardas
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True long time not seen any nyx... don't know much about her but some things like the low dmg etc.
+ 1 
I support Warframe Buffs, tweaks and reworks (not all need some but most of them)

Edited by Somi_xD
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Mind control suggestion is pretty good, being able to control up to 3 enemies at once is great and even more with the mind freak augment.


Psychic bolts needs an extra CC effect without the augment or a completely new ability.


Chaos should work better if we can recast the ability but only the unaffected units get the initial stun.


Absorb needs a better type of damage, magnetic is just bad and doesnt fit nyx, the damage fall off over distance needs to be removed.

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Long before Nyx was able to ping pong damage between Absorbs, when Nyx was no more popular than any other Warframe, DE nerfed the F*** out of Absorb's radius.  Absorb was never the number one reason why people used Nyx but it did give her another alternative to Chaos at high levels.  Players complain that Warframes have only one useful ability so out of no where at no one's behest DE nerfs Absorb's radius, making sure that Nyx players have only one power worth using.  And, again, this was before DE made Absorbs ping pong damage between them.

Edited by ThePresident777
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Mind control suggestion is pretty good, being able to control up to 3 enemies at once is great and even more with the mind freak augment.


Psychic bolts needs an extra CC effect without the augment or a completely new ability.


Chaos should work better if we can recast the ability but only the unaffected units get the initial stun.


Absorb needs a better type of damage, magnetic is just bad and doesnt fit nyx, the damage fall off over distance needs to be removed.


 I never liked psychic bolts, but something like Valkyr paralysis would seem nice to me, just my own opinion

Edited by (PS4)UltraKardas
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Your suggestion sounds to me like Terrify (Nekros 2), which is fine, it works, it makes a lot more sense than psychic bolts and would be useful. I agree with the Chaos suggestion, not sure about the MC one (I'm picturing like a little Nyx shield drone type thing that grabs 2-3 mobs within X range, is that what you had in mind?).


Absorb nerfs should just be reverted, make it not gain power from other Warframe abilities and not drain energy at 100/s when getting shot with something other than a MK1 Braton. The damage type being funky didn't matter when you could build up a ton of damage with it, but the way it is now it's an unnecessary extra hindrance. I don't understand why it's magnetic, 2 of the 3 other abilities in her kit are basically radiation procs, why isn't her ult radiation too? They already nerfed the ability to get energy from plates and Trinity while in it, and with the removal of GMag there is really no reason for it to be the way it is now anymore. I also like your augment suggestion for it.

Edited by Racter0325
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I have a ideea for Psyhic Bolts here it is :

Any enemy hit by Pshyhic Bolt that not die are put under Mind Control for 4/6/8/10 sec.

Problem solved

Terribad idea. If the killing blow has to come from the Bolts, you'll never MC anything with them past level 10. And Power Strength builds wouldn't change much. Not to mention no one in their right mind builds Nyx like that...

And what's the point, we already have Mind Control for that! We need a BRAND NEW ability that isn't damage based, at least not directly. Nyx should be the ultimate CC frame.


Problem still there, since the ability still is.

Edited by Marthrym
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Terribad idea. If the killing blow has to come from the Bolts, you'll never MC anything with them past level 10. And Power Strength builds wouldn't change much. Not to mention no one in their right mind builds Nyx like that...

And what's the point, we already have Mind Control for that! We need a BRAND NEW ability that isn't damage based, at least not directly. Nyx should be the ultimate CC frame.


Problem still there, since the ability still is.

Reread what you quoted. He said anything not killed by Psychic Bolts (which is everything past level 5 or 10 lol) will automatically be MC'd for some short amount of time.

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Reread what you quoted. He said anything not killed by Psychic Bolts (which is everything past level 5 or 10 lol) will automatically be MC'd for some short amount of time.

My bad! Feeling stupid right now! Okay gotta go!


EDIT : Still a bad idea to me though. Pointless Bolts are just Nyx's Super Jump.

Edited by Marthrym
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We just ran eight waves of a T4 Interception today. Nyx kept the enemies under control the entire time, using Chaos. We never even struggled. And I have done the same myself. 


The key: Shorter Duration. Use Fleeting Expertise to improve her Efficiency and reduce Duration. Shorter Chaos is better. Though, a toggle would be better still. 


As for Psychic Bolts, yeah...its useless.

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We just ran eight waves of a T4 Interception today. Nyx kept the enemies under control the entire time, using Chaos. We never even struggled. And I have done the same myself. 


The key: Shorter Duration. Use Fleeting Expertise to improve her Efficiency and reduce Duration. Shorter Chaos is better. Though, a toggle would be better still. 


As for Psychic Bolts, yeah...its useless.



And A nova could easily do a better job, Heck, Nova with enough power str you don't even need to kill them

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