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Here Is What Will Happen Once Coptering Is Removed:


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Or you could spend 20 minutes to explore how Parkour 2.0 works and solve all of these problems. Stop being so butthurt because you are leaving your comfort zone.

If we get what they showed in the last Dev Stream then we don't need to. Also, flinging ad hominems at him doesn't invalidate any of the points the OP made.


11 - People will start using weapons that didn't originally copter.

No, they won't. Everyone will just start using the same weapon, the one with the highest single hit damage, and it will only be used as a heal stick with life strike.



Directional melee, as I understand, is fully intended to go hand-in-hand with Parkour 2.0. And, from what we've seen of parkour 2.0, it'll compliment it well(better than coptering, imo).

Wrong. Coptering and wall sticking would have been a match made in heaven.

Edited by (PS4)DesecratedFlame
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Coptering is useful..and that's just a flat out fact of the matter. So far there is not really any real reason to not rush a map. But there are ones for doing it instead. Plus it makes slow frames able to keep up and not feel like they are lugging two tons of "good lord go faster ffs!" 




Being able to copter 2 rooms distance is just a bit much. But besides outrageous distance that's about all I can think of.

Edited by Haldos
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2. Ive never had to copter to someone to save them, they never said slide / front flipping would be fixed or lowered

6. This doesnt even make sense, most people do simaris for his rewards or for the lore

7. Rolling is still a thing you know

8. These are meant to grab you down, not to grab you for a second then you fly away

9. Stamina is being removed to you know, not just your favorite 5 mile jump that makes no sense

Edited by SoIaris
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Not seeing a problem with its removal.


In fact, it'll be a bit of a relief. Like most, I'm used to it, but it always looked bloody stupid and was inconsistent in results when used.


Good riddance and I'm looking forward to the new system.

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Runing + slide + jump + melee already launch you far than coptering...

I only wish rolls to be faster in parkour 2.0, coptering looks ridiculous and everyone know it...

If ppl are down many rooms away on a survival, they deserve their death, cause stay with all team or on 2 couples are the essence of survive on a survival mission

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What?! I sure do enjoy getting 1 shotted by a detron crewman because I wasn't fast enough.

if you get 1shot by a detron crewman you need to get good.

Also you do realize that you will be able to move the same distance in the same amount of time? The new parkour is just meant to make it flow better and be more useful, and to also promote the use of verticality. I.E both forward and up/down.


Also you cant complain about something that you yourself have not used. The devs play this game for a living and they say they enjoy the new system a lot better. And the the augment of removing coptering will make the game "boring" is just a lie for you babies that cant stand to see your precious bug being taken away. DE understands this and they are not gonna take S#&$ from you whinners. They are smarter than some game companies such as blizzard who give into you low life internet scum.

Edited by williamwatsonMH4
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Detron Crewman are definitely a problem, but that's not parkour's fault.

Detron crewman are not a problem. Its so easy just to walk around with a lex prime in jupiter and shoot them. They are not hard to kill and do small amounts of dmg.

EDIT: its why i was saying that you cant use 1 simple enemy on 1 planet as an excuse to keep an old in game bug the DE has long been wanting to get rid of.

Edited by williamwatsonMH4
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Detron crewman are not a problem. Its so easy just to walk around with a lex prime in jupiter and shoot them. They are not hard to kill and do small amounts of dmg.

EDIT: its why i was saying that you cant use 1 simple enemy on 1 planet as an excuse to keep an old in game bug the DE has long been wanting to get rid of.


Detron Crewman exist on every Corpus planet, and in Corpus void sabotage missions. At level 50+, it's extremely easy to die in one shot, or at least in less than a second due to their insane fire rate. Their damage output is far higher than every single other Corpus enemy, surpassing Techs in many situations. You would have to have never played a high level Corpus mission ever to think they're not a problem.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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At least conclaves will finally be fun, only thing that makes them un-fun now is the insane amount of coptering, I'm a coptering god myself, but when faced with an equal opponent, all we do is fly around the map to where if we're both good enough, there's no real window of opportunity to shoot each other for more than a fraction of a second, so I'm happy that coptering gets removed from conclaves.

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My feelings about coptering going away can be described in 3 stages:



Why would remove it? It was a bug, yes. But one made offcial becuase the players liked it.



I started to notice that I've never use my Jat Kittag, Galatine, Hate, Venka, in a long time because I had to keep up with those players that just rush ahead, there's no time to use ANY of the mechanics of the game aside from "Spam 4, Nuke everything and copter away", I wasnt enjoying the game, it was a shore! And I could only imagine of those players we leave behind and have no way to play because they will be too  preocupied following us and they would have the same realization I had: they are not having fun and might leave the game because of it.



DE said coptering has to go away, I will accept it, the new Movement 2.0 has to live up to the expectations, I seems slower than just coptering your problems away but its new and I WILL give it a chance and my feedback.

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Whatever happens, I just really hope they don't try to slow the game down.

When they nerfed the Stamina before, it was a nightmare and they almost immediately had to unnerf it.
I mean, imo, if we are supposed to be space ninjas, the game should be as fast paced as possible, so fast parkour and melee combos that allow you to cover ground quickly would be dope af. They can take away coptering, but just do parkour in a way that it is actually practical and allows you to cover ground instead of just mindlessly jumping around for no reason.

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I think removing coptering will just make the efficient grind, longer...  and give less rewards for speed runners... Never had a problem with coptering I use it when I find it the most convinient,and sometimes it's very usefull.
For some of the boring grind I don't even use melee...
I don't understand the people who hates it and most of their arguments, since when to apreciate a map as something to do with coptering... you can do it anyways.. with or without it...  I see another argument that is mindless jumping and rushing, wich isn't true.. it's just way to move faster... the most efficient way to move faster... and to reach high places, and most efficient way to dodge groups of enemies that block small doors, or avoid enemies one shot you in ridiculous sitiuations. Other argument is that Parkour 2.0 will grant you this anyway and that it's better... and as far as I know theres no obstacle course with parkour 2.0 running... so nobody tried it , and they defend it without even knowing how it is...
And in my opinion from what I saw this new wall bumping is really worst than wallrunning or coptering, because you just have to run looking to walls..losing awareness of the field\map\enemies and if theres no walls, you just lose a lot of mobility,speed and dodge capacity...

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Personally I run everywhere. I play with my friends and we like to enjoy being in the game and savor the experience. I haven't came across one of those "coptering" players that seem to have ants in their pants but HEY! if they like doing that that's their business.


I think everyone in here should stop taking the matter so personally and just wait for the change to happen. There will be a lot of time to complain and defend about it when it does, no worries there!

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The first time they showed the initial new parkour it looked great, running and jumping on a wall pretty fast and shooting toward enemies to use them as a platform seemed great fun... okay, awesome...


Then they showed it a second time on a recent devstream and to be honest, it was nothing like the first time they put the thing into practice, now it looks slow as hell, that bunny jump on the wall is dumb, hanging still in the wall is a good feature but those double jumps are just dreadful.


I mean, to every player who wants to enjoy the map, walk around slow, enjoy the scenery etc... you can still do that in the current game state. What i first liked about this game was the wide variety of weapons / frames and the approach you and your friends would give to any given mission.


I will surely give it a chance but to be honest i am not looking forward to that.

Edited by orvos
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Again, enjoy your revive when you face those overpowered enemies.

Detron Crewman: 13 magazine Detron, high damage, 0.5s reload.

Bombard: Seeking missile, high AOE damage, 0.5s reload.

Ancient: Seeking ripline, insane health, team damage reduction, AOE toxin aura, AOE energy aura, AOE fire aura.

Manic: Stupid invisibility, dispel your buff, one-shotting players who walk slow, spawn in every-single-fking-mission.

Juggernaut: Large slowing tar, then one-shot you with a charger because you can't even move.

Player: no defensive skill, low health, roll and jump like a monkey, die eventually. git hud, forum elitist said.


Loki master race, so let's remove other frames because they'll be useless and slow.

Adapt or leave, so let's nerf, bully and ban other players from the game.

You don't have those problem, huh? Incoming Update 20: Elitist's Victory.

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