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Here Is What Will Happen Once Coptering Is Removed:


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i do not recommend inventing new words to make yourself seem like you know more than others. it's not a very practical discussion tool.

Grinding out 120 NM missions (Armored Agility) without coptering would not be fun.

this explains that you do not enjoy playing Warframe, just getting more stats to feel like you have more of them than someone else.

if playing Missions isn't fun, interesting and entertaining for you to do, then it's unlikely you will ever like anything in the game, because it all revolves around playing Missions.

Edited by taiiat
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i do not recommend inventing new words to make yourself seem like you know more than others. it's not a very practical discussion tool.


well i do know what he is talking about is very strange mechanic but is like coptering is much more faster then a normal copter not faster then a meant to be fast copter weapon.

But it revolves along the line that you wall run on the wall for moment and then richoche ,but works on the mechanic of wallrunning but i think is based on ur warframe speed instead of weapon speed here is a video of old pvp that were i learn to do what he calls WallTab


I didn;t know it had name but in the match you can see how the pvper when he doesn't copter he still flies out.like he copter but without having to copter.

It helped alot because once you copter you could no change the direction you were going but if u Like he called it WallTab then copter changing direction was not a problem.



Not that anyone asked my choice of weapon was snipetron vandal

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The complaining about Parkour 2.0 is getting annoying now. God knows how people were able to play without coptering when it didn't exist, am I right ? Back then people used the current parkour system and nobody $&*^ed so much about not going fast enough. This is the same as complaining about G Mag nerf, before G Mag happened everyone used Carrier and it was alright.


Look, if you really care so much about speed so you can rush, you have alot of frames you can choose from, I'll even list them:










Also, as I've said before, even the current parkour system can get you over a gap quickly due to momentum, just initiate a wall run and immediatly release your jump key and now you'll be slingshotted at an agle forward, hell even slide jumping can have momentum if you use it right even without it you can move rather fast.

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if playing Missions isn't fun, interesting and entertaining for you to do, then it's unlikely you will ever like anything in the game, because it all revolves around playing Missions.

Playing a mission is fun. Playing the same mission over and over* isn't. And you can't blame the player for that.


*and over and over and over and over and over ...

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user made a completely false claim then. Copter and Air Copter both are very superior to quickly timed Wall Jumps. Wall Jumps are great too, but not even close to the other two.

Well i am not sure what to say to change ur mind but i am going to have to at least stick up for him,u got Copter and air copter that sling u forward no control apart from where u were looking,But in  pve and pvp Wall Jump that is used properly can get u around better then copter and faster.Think of all the tile sets we have and how our mission works.I don't think he has false claim here if he is good and always does Wall jump as his form of transportation and the mechanic of wall jump is based on the warframe speed not weapon speed he could go faster then copter.I remember using my loki in pvp with rush when i would wall jump i would basically go across the map at high speed,and well my legs would have that $&*&*#(%& moment when they looked like i was air running or moving really fast.

If u compare copter of a player with something like a frost he is using the weapon speed to travel.Now if he were to wall jump he would move slower

vs now in the video i place you can see how the conclave player is pvping but his wall jump disengage is about as equal speed with copter and well he kind walks a little before he disengages to his wall jump making the trick kind of loose some speed.


Look at it this way if the guy is good at the wall jump disengage this is how a mission would go for him

he would start out with of course running but once he see everyone leaving him behind he would start to wall jump while he is moving and see the copter the copter would need to stop to continue traveling or could hit a wall and get stuck by momentum while he can just keep wall jumping and gaining momentum and getting ahead.Now sure he would be surpass by a pro at copter because they pro would not get stuck much ,but he still has better control and still moving fast.

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if Walljumps are faster in N situation, that'll be because his destination is behind a square edged 'curvy road'. where you need to make 90° turns several times.

if they're shallow turns, then it's not faster because your SpinDashes will retain velocity as you glance off of all of the walls. ending up at the end without even having your hands on the keyboard.

and just like any other Animation silliness, going the maximum speed in Walljumps and SpinDashes is entirely related to timing. time your input correctly and you can go good distances with Walljumps or teleport across three tiles with SpinDashes.

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if Walljumps are faster in N situation, that'll be because his destination is behind a square edged 'curvy road'. where you need to make 90° turns several times.

if they're shallow turns, then it's not faster because your SpinDashes will retain velocity as you glance off of all of the walls. ending up at the end without even having your hands on the keyboard.

and just like any other Animation silliness, going the maximum speed in Walljumps and SpinDashes is entirely related to timing. time your input correctly and you can go good distances with Walljumps or teleport across three tiles with SpinDashes.

i thought about all tiles have doors when changing to another one.....huh i might now be paying attention but usually i see doors,i am thinking phobos might be the only one who hates doors but still has door not sure how u will end up teleported but hey like i said it all comes down to how good the person is who using it.Not everyone is good at copter not everyone is good at wall jumping the disengage for speed ,but they can still attempt it i mean look.


Now since well i think this topic is done i think i will be unfollowing

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The only reason I am gonna hate this nerf is that I will  not only have to rely heavily on directional melee, but I will also have to always be looking for a wall just to move as quickly as I did when I had coptering... so this is certainly not something I'm looking forward to... now if I do get used to it, it will be like strafe jumping in Quake, except on a vertical plane instead of a horizontal one....

Edited by R3DBelmont456
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This actually is an entertaining read, and I can see why people will be having issues with getting away from coptering, but I never really learned how to until recently. I relied a lot on directional melee since Melee 2.0, and I don't really see many issues arising. Galatine/Orthos Prime have incredible reach, with both of the Orthos staves having hilarious distance and speed on their launches, and Maglev/Rush will still be a thing, I would imagine.


So I figure people just really need to wait and see. Sure, you won't be able to do all kinds of crazy speed-boosted runs and everything, but on the other side of things, you won't be restricted to just the floor anymore for combat space. Endless wall-hang is gonna be amazing and open differently-broken strategies, as will the ability to leap over enemies. So just breathe, calm yourself, and wait until DE releases it.


Learn to exploit the bugs in the jump mechanic.




Let's be honest, the Tenno are supposed to be shock troopers, moving in fast and dealing damage and disappearing. Finesse is fine but that much speed reduction is just abysmal IMHO.


The game outright advertises as having a subtle ninja theme. So, let's be honest: when were ninjas shock troopers and not slow, methodical and subversive? The game never once claimed that we had to be fast, and some frames are specifically built to move slow and take enemies out en masse, rather than teleport through a complex, obliterating everything in their path at Mach-2,000,000.


So just calm down and realise no one has any actual info on the new parkour system. Hell, it might actually be faster when the Tenno learn its quirks.

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Ill finally feel like a ninja

Pvp will be legit

My jat kitty wont hinder me

I will kill enemies that try to kill me

I will notice the details of this beautiful game

Infested wont stand a chance as we wall hang camp inside a frosty bubble that last forever and take pot shots with torids and tonkors

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I recently started playing this game, and honestly I would have already quit if I didn't watch this video, which features coptering and directional melee heavily:

Needless to say I was impressed and wanted to try it out.

Not only did coptering prevent me from the intense hand/finger discomfort but it also made the game a lot more FUN. My initial experience after around 12 hours of playing was all negative, but after learning to copter warframe became a game that I loved. This is one of those unintended "glitches" that makes a boring game in to an amazing one and even after watching the videos i've found of "parkour 2.0" I can't help but feel like I'll just quit when coptering is removed. The gameplay will be stale and boring, like another call of duty clone except with endless grinding and pay2win.

I wish DE would realise when they have something good going for them, even if it was accidental and just run with it instead of trying to ruin the game for everyone. They could have just did some work on integrating coptering in to the game more. Instead they are suddenly going to pull the rug out from under their playerbase, even after allowing its existence in the game for so long . It's almost as if they hate all of us.

Edited by Neviriru
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I recently started playing this game, and honestly I would have already quit if I didn't watch this video, which features coptering and directional melee heavily:

Needless to say I was impressed and wanted to try it out.

Not only did coptering prevent me from the intense hand/finger discomfort but it also made the game a lot more FUN. My initial experience after around 12 hours of playing was all negative, but after learning to copter warframe became a game that I loved. This is one of those unintended "glitches" that makes a boring game in to an amazing one and even after watching the videos i've found of "parkour 2.0" I can't help but feel like I'll just quit when coptering is removed. The gameplay will be stale and boring, like another call of duty clone except with endless grinding and pay2win.

I wish DE would realise when they have something good going for them, even if it was accidental and just run with it instead of trying to ruin the game for everyone. They could have just did some work on integrating coptering in to the game more. Instead they are suddenly going to pull the rug out from under their playerbase, even after allowing its existence in the game for so long . It's almost as if they hate all of us.


If that's truly what you think, you should have probably never picked up Warframe in the first place. Not playing it would be a good thing for you to do.

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If that's truly what you think, you should have probably never picked up Warframe in the first place. Not playing it would be a good thing for you to do.

I should quit because I dislike the devs removing a mechanic that both makes the game more fun, but also prevents intense hand strain/pain caused by holding a key down 24/7? Depending on how bad their "replacements" for coptering in the new patch are I likely will quit, as stated in my original post. So why are you even telling me that?

But really, maybe you're the one who should quit if you hate pain free and fun games . You are ruining the game for everyone else by blindly supporting any decision DE makes. Why do you insist on supporting the destruction of this game instead of just satisfying your urge for bad games elsewhere?

Because let's be honest, coptering is FUN. and games are about FUN. Supporting the removal of coptering is like admitting that you hate FUN. We should all be threatening to quit if they refuse to revoke poor changes like this. If coptering was such a bad mechanic that was ruining the game for everyone, then why are we still playing it? Meanwhile, the removal of said mechanic that has been integral to the games success for so long is surely going to cause a split in the playerbase, and cause many to quit.

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Because let's be honest, coptering is FUN. and games are about FUN. Supporting the removal of coptering is like admitting that you hate FUN. We should all be threatening to quit if they refuse to revoke poor changes like this. If coptering was such a bad mechanic that was ruining the game for everyone, then why are we still playing it? Meanwhile, the removal of said mechanic that has been integral to the games success for so long is surely going to cause a split in the playerbase, and cause many to quit.

Coptering is going to die, and we're getting something far better to replace it. Also please stop overstating things -- removing coptering is not going to destroy the game. Not in the least.


In any case: bulletjump. You can still be speedy, except now it makes sense and looks a thousand times better. No need to complain any more.



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"Depending on how bad..." Wait a minute. You know, right now, that parkour 2.0 will be bad? How? It's equivalent to saying that a movie sucks because the trailer was meh. 


You don't get to say what is fun and what isn't. That's all subjective. You don't get to say what we all should do. The only thing we can do is give feedback. DE decides, how fun is had in their game, and what feedback is taken into consideration. Feel free to preach your very mature "cancel the update or I quit" rhetoric, but don't expect others around here to take you seriously. 



In any case: bulletjump. You can still be speedy, except now it makes sense and looks a thousand times better. No need to complain any more.




Newest move? Haven't seen it yet in any of the materials. Probably meant for gap crossing. 

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Newest move? Haven't seen it yet in any of the materials. Probably meant for gap crossing. 

Steve's been posting a bunch of Parkour 2.0 WIPs on his twitter, that being the latest one. Looks like we'll still be pretty speedy, but MUCH more acrobatic.

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Coptering is going to die, and we're getting something far better to replace it. Also please stop overstating things -- removing coptering is not going to destroy the game. Not in the least.

In any case: bulletjump. You can still be speedy, except now it makes sense and looks a thousand times better. No need to complain any more.


I've already seen this video, and I fail to see how this is a replacement for coptering, or how it "makes sense". Personally I never realised that doing barrel rolls and flips increased your jumping speed or distance while spinning 360 degrees didn't. Honestly, I fail to see how it even looks better than coptering. I find that the jump in to a midair barrel roll to look stupid. Also, it simply looks much slower and unexciting when compared to coptering which is exhilerating because of the sheer speed.

I suggest instead of these needless changes that only exist to dull the gameplay and make everything slow and unexciting work should instead be focused on creating new animations and lore for coptering. The best coptering weapons can have their own special animations, like small rocket trails coming out of the side of tipedo's pole or the blades of your dual zorens spinning around the handle like a propeller to generate thrust.

I will address some common complaints against coptering:

1. It looks stupid

-no it doesn't

2. I'm upset that I can't copter with my jat kittag.

-Using a big heavy weapon and suffering reduced mobility makes perfect sense. However perhaps more work need to be done. Coptering should be reworked so it's more consistent and tied to attack speed using Tipedo as the baseline speed for the fastest attacking weapons. This way we make the game more consistent with reality! Being able to sprint, and jump as fast/well with a giant heavy weapon makes absolutely no sense.

3. I hate coptering because people run ahead and beat the mission without me / die alone / whatever.

- Even without coptering certain mods and frames allow players to be faster and split from the group. Players also simply have the option of ignoring objectives or enemies and running ahead. Coptering isn't at fault for this.

If anything coptering should remain in the game alongside the new "parkour 2.0". If parkour 2.0 was as fast/useful as coptering or in some way even better, coptering would get phased out naturally. If it isn't, or it was somehow implimented in a way that coptering could be a useful tool alongside the new movement techniques then those who liked coptering won't be dissapointed over the changes.

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 Being able to sprint, and jump as fast/well with a giant heavy weapon makes absolutely no sense.


but sure makes sense to carry a heavy missile launcher but being able to move at sound speed because you have a stave between your hands hanging from your back in your aresenal`s melee slot, its not like your feet have anything to do with movement in real life, +1 10/10 


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I've already seen this video, and I fail to see how this is a replacement for coptering, or how it "makes sense". Personally I never realised that doing barrel rolls and flips increased your jumping speed or distance while spinning 360 degrees didn't. Honestly, I fail to see how it even looks better than coptering. I find that the jump in to a midair barrel roll to look stupid. Also, it simply looks much slower and unexciting when compared to coptering which is exhilerating because of the sheer speed.


I suggest instead of these needless changes that only exist to dull the gameplay and make everything slow and unexciting work should instead be focused on creating new animations and lore for coptering. The best coptering weapons can have their own special animations, like small rocket trails coming out of the side of tipedo's pole or the blades of your dual zorens spinning around the handle like a propeller to generate thrust.


I will address some common complaints against coptering:
1. It looks stupid
-no it doesn't
2. I'm upset that I can't copter with my jat kittag.
-Using a big heavy weapon and suffering reduced mobility makes perfect sense. However perhaps more work need to be done. Coptering should be reworked so it's more consistent and tied to attack speed using Tipedo as the baseline speed for the fastest attacking weapons. This way we make the game more consistent with reality! Being able to sprint, and jump as fast/well with a giant heavy weapon makes absolutely no sense.
3. I hate coptering because people run ahead and beat the mission without me / die alone / whatever.
- Even without coptering certain mods and frames allow players to be faster and split from the group. Players also simply have the option of ignoring objectives or enemies and running ahead. Coptering isn't at fault for this.


If anything coptering should remain in the game alongside the new "parkour 2.0". If parkour 2.0 was as fast/useful as coptering or in some way even better, coptering would get phased out naturally. If it isn't, or it was somehow implimented in a way that coptering could be a useful tool alongside the new movement techniques then those who liked coptering won't be dissapointed over the changes.

have you watch cinemasin i know it is just off topic.But on topic something being something to people is different.

I find coptering stupid you telling me is not does not change my mind.

I can copter with my jat kittag fury and besker and sometimes quickening just to watch peoples reaction as they are surpass

oh i am usually ahead already and i love to send the copterers back with switch teleport(the trolls are real)

if anything it shouldn't is based on swing speed and only that it needs to be rework for momentum.

Think of this way u swing a sword on ice the sword will make you move forward more then if you swing a knife on ice.

Now a stave consider the stance and the way you are using it with 2 hands at 2 differents points making is actaull swing smaller unless u were swinging it at the end like a sword i am not seeing it why the huge amount of monetum.

In all honesty the lightest thing and things that are light with 2 hand swing faster but don't have the most weight to carry momentum and adding rockets would be the a viable solution to giving you momentum but if anything they will just make you spin. your momentum from the rockets will only make you spin more then travel more.This of it as a top it got rope and you trow it forward the rockets would basically be the rope the top will spin and spin but it won't keep traveling anymore after the momentum of the trow.

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Or you could spend 20 minutes to explore how Parkour 2.0 works and solve all of these problems. Stop being so butthurt because you are leaving your comfort zone. God knows how people could bare not having G Mag in their squad before G Mag was a thing.

but if people paid real mone yfor plat to buy her and the augment , what about the refund, DE just ripped ther players off... ---lighter nerfffff.  This is my first MMO ive ever played and actually brought ingame content for. u might have stuffed it for me.

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Are we keeping slide attacks? What does "no more coptering" mean? I like slide attacks. Weapons like the Kronen and Boltace are supposed to have that spinning guillotine feel. Just because the functionality is broken for some weapons doesn't mean it should be removed from every one.

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