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Here Is What Will Happen Once Coptering Is Removed:


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DE says everybody is using tipedo, therefore NERF coptor.  It's not the only time DE has complained that everybody is using something, somethign DE created which they know everyone will like, and therefore nerf what everybody is using.  Sounds like DE doesn't care what everybody thinks.


"We're not talking about that!  We're talking about something totally different!  So you shut up and play along!"  ROFLMAO.


If anyone else wants to talk about something else, go ahead.  Don't let yourself be distracted.  LOL.

The mental judgement of this men has been lost?Come on i am sure u can ask a DE person to give you a list of reason for the nerf and they will which will in terms show you that their is conflict with it.Not just an opinion of players.

Isn't the whole issue that Coptering is going to be gone and what will happend>i am sure i read the topic<And to be exact if we argue that the reason why DE doing to do the Nerf is because DE saw it being hurtful for the image of the game were you can just skip and leave your team behind.Yeah just like everyone who makes something new their is always something else that is lost tipedo that has a very fast swing speed,Which coptering is base about,DE didn't make a category saying this weapon are meant to copter.No they made a mechanic and someone said hey if you do this and that your swing speed will let you travel far distances.DE saw this and was like we are gonna leave it.Is not intended but right now is not an emergency to fix it.Then someone once they started to work in parkour said you guys remember that issue with coptering yeah since we are doing this overhaul lets just remove the unintended mechanic.


See it like this if all warframe were all using sprint how together will the team stick.Loki being the faster would see trouble coming,Rhino(not vanguard),frost,or chroma(not effigy) will prepare a defense mechanic to deal with the pertaining enemy that will be coming.The Frames with defensive capabilities are slow ,but if the fast frame that have speed and utility give the heads up the rhino can skin,and the frost can Bubble for the team to be protected.


^sure my example would never happend in the game cause no one really tries to do teamwork that requires more then 2 keys press.

Edited by Leavith
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DE says everybody is using tipedo, therefore NERF coptor.  It's not the only time DE has complained that everybody is using something, something DE created which they know everyone will like, and therefore nerf what everybody is using.  Sounds like DE doesn't care what everybody thinks.


"We're not talking about that!  We're talking about something totally different!  So you shut up and play along!"  ROFLMAO.


If anyone else wants to talk about something else, go ahead.  Don't let yourself be distracted.  LOL.


You made an absurd statement as the basis for your entire stance earlier in the thread. When you were called on it, rather than defending your absurd statement you started lashing out wildly, talking about entirely unrelated subjects as if they somehow offered a defense. NOTHING you have said on this entire page of the thread has defended or even had anything to do with your original statements, which were these: 


It's a fact that at one point, all weapons coptored like Zoren (before Zoren coptor got nerfed to).  People used to coptor with Fragor, Scindo, and Galatine, FFS

One more time, DE nerfed coptor on all weapons except specific ones.  DE created the problem so they could "solve" it.  That much is obvious.


And then you've actually got the temerity to accuse me of being off-topic. Holy crap.

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1 - The startchart will become even more empty because all of the non-endless missions will be taking 3x as long to complete while giving out the same rewards as before.


1)  Well, the reason why the majority of the Star Chart is empty now is because DE put the rewards in Draco, Cambria, Themisto (and not much else).  (That's another one of the many problems DE created so they can "solve" it with more RNGesus Grindcore.)  So, if people are going to abandon the last 10 nodes in the Star Chart, what else is there to play in warframe?  The void and derelicts?  To do what?  The same thing they would do in the Star Chart.  If they're abandoning the Star Chart (what's left of it), they're abandoning the game.


EDIT:  Oh, good, Sprint Boost is a getting a buff to 9000 to make up for the loss of copter.

Edited by ThePresident777
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That post does show how over reliant you have become on coptering really bro ,other are example you can still play the game and be good without being to coptor.Really i am not seeing why not use volt if u want speed use max speed power volt ,NOW that is an outrages number 9000 that will never even be decent speed that u can manage.

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No one has to justify or validate their fun to anyone.  No one is that important that they can demand someone else justify or validate their fun to them.  The entire basis for the nerf ideology is the arrogance that other people have to justify or validate their fun, that other people have to submit their fun for approval to the people calling for nerfs.  It's an erroneous view.

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The entire basis for the nerf ideology is the arrogance that other people have to justify or validate their fun


If something gets nerfed, it's because it was unbalancing the game. Nerfs should be carried out in such a way so as to avoid removing fun, but ultimately, balance is more important than fun. If it's fun to be overpowered, that doesn't make being overpowered any less of a bad thing.

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I only copter to catch up with other copter-users. It's not really a thing that I consider "fun". Speed is great, but not at the cost of control. As-is, I use directional melee far more than coptering since it has decent control.


I'm excited for Parkour 2.0, because they're removing Stamina and adding the ability to stick to walls proper. Popping enemies' heads open from high up places is something I consider fun.


And really, nuts to Capture targets. Their speed and firepower don't mean anything to me. They're just going to get Rip Lined onto their &amp;#&#33; before I feed them a bullet sandwich anyway.

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DE says everybody is using tipedo, therefore NERF coptor.

Too bad they've never said that.


Coptering is getting removed because we're getting Parkour 2.0 (and infinite sprint to go with it), and because it simply looks bad. Scott and Steve have said repeatedly that there's nothing "cool" or "ninja" about flinging yourself into walls over and over again. That, and it was initially a bug, and it's high-time it was removed.


You wanna keep making up nonsense to support your claims? I mean Vaugahn has you pretty well covered already, but still.

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Or you could spend 20 minutes to explore how Parkour 2.0 works and solve all of these problems. Stop being so butthurt because you are leaving your comfort zone. God knows how people could bare not having G Mag in their squad before G Mag was a thing.

You sir, I agree with. But that dev build Wallrun speed was abysmal to say the least.

We're cutting our speed to half and gaining single/double jumps.

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You sir, I agree with. But that dev build Wallrun speed was abysmal to say the least.

We're cutting our speed to half and gaining single/double jumps.

Because a dev build that someone has had mere hours to practice with can totally stack up against something that some people have been using for over two years.


People need to chill. Seriously. Wait until it actually GETS HERE and people get to use it before passing judgment.

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Which shows that coptor is popular.  If everybody is using tipedo to coptor then everybody is coptoring.  Which means that coptor is popular.  Nerf X because everybody is using it means nerf whatever everybody wants.  It's a minority position, and an extremely self important one.


A problem, which DE created, that could have been fixed by giving all melee weapons good coptor, instead of nerfing coptor.

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Which shows that coptor is popular.  If everybody is using tipedo to coptor then everybody is coptoring.  Which means that coptor is popular.  Nerf X because everybody is using it means nerf whatever everybody wants.  It's a minority position, and an extremely self important one.


A problem, which DE created, that could have been fixed by giving all melee weapons good coptor, instead of nerfing coptor.

Coptering started out as a bug, which DE begrudgingly kept. We're now at a point in which it can be removed, and they're (thankfully) going through with it. They're not doing it to "ruin fun", they're doing it because it looks horrible and it's outdated.


There's nothing ninja about flinging yourself everywhere simply because you swung your weapon. If you want to move fast, you gotta work for it (and sorry, but coptering is not skillful in the slightest).

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Which shows that coptor is popular.  If everybody is using tipedo to coptor then everybody is coptoring.  Which means that coptor is popular.  Nerf X because everybody is using it means nerf whatever everybody wants.  It's a minority position, and an extremely self important one.


You must know better than decades of game developers who have found that usage metrics are a really easy way to identify balance problems. It's not like we don't have mountains upon mountains of evidence that show that gamers flock towards the good options and away from the bad, and that fixing that will vastly improve the longevity of your game. I mean, we definitely don't have the experience of hundreds of games to tell us that leaving balance issues in harms replayability and player retention.


I'm sure you know better. 

Edited by vaugahn
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2 - if your Squad is on the other ends of the map from each other, you're playing Survival wrong to start with. it's a Co-Op game. stick with your Allies, everyone survives a lot better that way, everyone gets more XP, everyone gets more l00t, Et Cetera.

this doesn't mean abusing AFK camping. this means staying in the general vicinity of each other.

i.e. if you're all miles away from each other, you're playing the Game Mode wrong to start with. (same applies to Excavation)

i'll say it again. if Players are completely separated in Survival, you're playing the Game Mode incorrectly to start with. and using no strategy. if someone dies, you can't get to them because your Squad was a bunch of goofballs.

4 - i blame Interception. a Game Mode that's been designed for PvP games for more than 20 years, attempted in a PvE seting. worth trying to see how it works, and it doesn't very well, so.

- - - - -

most of the rest is conjecture, without a basis. because such things might happen. might isn't a very good source of information.

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Copter and Air Copter aren't being entirely deleted, but will certainly be less of a medium range teleport.

all that i, or any can hope, is that each Tool still carries a decent distance, for Combat and mobility reasons. being able to use them as bridgers between certain zones to allow longer strings of Parkour, i certainly like that.

but i also recognize how much of that is permanently trivialized if you warp past anything between here and Alpha Centauri.

like most, do i use Copter and Air Copter? yes. i use it a lot less than most do, and still reach destinations within a second or two of someone completely relying on it.

if mixing use of these tools to cross open areas or as bridgers in Parkour usable areas and using a lot of Parkour to move quickly works quite well, with improved Tools available and hopefully still useful Copter and Air Copter, things should hopefully turn out fairly well.

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Because a dev build that someone has had mere hours to practice with can totally stack up against something that some people have been using for over two years.


People need to chill. Seriously. Wait until it actually GETS HERE and people get to use it before passing judgment.

What does practice have to do with Wall run speed ? What ?

The speed is native to the engine, you can't change it with the player skill, only stats can change other stats. That's why Berserker procced with Volt Speed launches you further than normal copter.

The wall run speed has NOTHING to do with player skill.

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What does practice have to do with Wall run speed ? What ?

The speed is native to the engine, you can't change it with the player skill, only stats can change other stats. That's why Berserker procced with Volt Speed launches you further than normal copter.

The wall run speed has NOTHING to do with player skill.

Devs have stated that wallruns will carry momentum in between jumps. In all devstreams in which it has been shown, the person playing (typically Rebecca) has only had a few hours to practice.


You can't compare a few hours in a new system to months or years in a pre-existing one. It's not a fair comparison. It'd be like me driving automatic cars my entire life, then getting into a stick shift for the day and going "This sucks and isn't nearly as good as the old one". Can't really give a solid opinion on something you've never (or hardly) used.

Edited by Vargras
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