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Ash Prime Access From Psn Australia--Includes Images


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Ash Prime looks BADA$$!!! I don't know what everybody else is talking about, but I think the yamako prime syandana looks better than all other yamako variants.


Way too much black. Someone needs to show that guy how to color Ash Prime, he needs more gold! :D

cant waiiiiiiiiiiit T_T

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aSH is wearing sandles :^)


Edit:  Holy Bloom..look at the Vectis...DE you guys really have to fix Bloom in WF, it's been over 2 years...its 2015..no game should have bloom effects to the point where an entire model is white :/

Edited by Ishki88
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No, I think it's the attached armor that they gave him. You know how like volt had his own armor, etc etc? Yeah I think thats ash's built in one.


I'm sorry, what? If there was another primed armor (which would be weird since we had a primed armor in the last PA) they wouldn't make a Syandana as well, and the armor would have been displayed in the Accessories pack then.

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Well, AUS players are usually the last to get contents, I'm honestly glad they're getting something first, for a change, even if it's on one platform only.


I really don't get all this arguing here, I'll wait patiently until the PA is released here, which will be soon enough, no reason to be angry cause others are getting it first..

Am I going to get it in a reasonable time? Yes? Then it's fine to me.

Edited by siralextraffo
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Always wondering why Prime Access has a "SKT" written in Orokin language on it.


Anyone knows ?





I noticed it as well with the release of the trailer on the site. Soon as I saw that tab, I immediately recognized the characters and was confused as hell.


I haven't bothered bringing this up because I figured no one cares. Usually the Prime Access tags say "Secret" but this just says "Skt". Is it short for secret? Maybe, maybe not, or maybe someone made a mistake.

Edited by LazerSkink
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I noticed it as well with the release of the trailer on the site. Soon as I saw that tab, I immediately recognized the characters and was confused as hell.


I haven't bothered bringing this up because I figured no one cares. Usually the Prime Access tags say "Secret" but this just says "Skt". Is it short for secret? Maybe, maybe not, or maybe someone made a mistake.


Orokin is phonetic so ... SKT, See Krr Et, Secret ... seems correct.

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Orokin is phonetic so ... SKT, See Krr Et, Secret ... seems correct.

I know Orokin is phonetic, I immediately began studying it when it was released. I'm not really leaning towards it being short for secret. I also don't think adding vowels that aren't there and an out of nowhere "r" is a good idea either. It was more of an input than an actual statement.

We need more than "skt".

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I know Orokin is phonetic, I immediately began studying it when it was released. I'm not really leaning towards it being short for secret. I also don't think adding vowels that aren't there and an out of nowhere "r" is a good idea either. It was more of an input than an actual statement.

We need more than "skt".


lacks a 'ee' + 'eh' vowels right.

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