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Stop Rabbitframe!


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Nothing is strange about not liking the way something looks, but it is very difficult to look at one work in progress video and form a sensible opinion on the matter. Like I said in my later post, we had practically no footage to base our opinions on when this topic was made and now we can look at the "Aim-glide," "Bullet-Jump," and double jump that Steve's showed off on his twitter and form a much more complete and informed opinion. 

I hear ya...but my only issue is with the way that warframes interact with walls and that hasn't gotten any better in any video I have seen.

The "aim glide" and "bullet jump" are all welcome additions in my book but they still have nothing to do with the weird wall bounding thing.


I don't like the way it looks interacting with walls. Id rather it was a smoother looking run


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The old way of climbing higher on walls that got removed was better IMO. I also think removing current aspects of parkour is the wrong idea. The so called changes should be additions to what we have rather than replacements. Removing stamina and coptering is also equally dumb.


The hopping up the wall indeed looked silly.

So hopping looks silly, but coptering looks okay?



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I actually really liked what I saw of this. I guess to me this looked more like "spiderframe" than "rabbitframe". Especially cool looking with the prisma skin.


What pulled me to Warframe originally was simply how unorthodox and strange its visual style was. This is certainly different than the overplayed concept of "wall running", and I really like what was shown.


Good job, DE. Launch that soon!

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With the new system, you can actually get diagonal movement rather than just linear movement. So... no to stopping it, I'll take the increased mobility options with the ability to bounce around the map like a Kung Fu Action Hero.

Edited by Ceryk
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Here is a short video of wall running; It may not be glitch free or very practical sometimes but it's just a whole lotta fun to do and I would really be heartbroken to see it gone.



You touched the wall for all of two seconds. And the dev's themselves have said wall running as is doesn't work because the way they make their tilesets doesn't give us those straight walls to do it on.


And for the rest of this thread, parkour 2.0 started with exactly what you nerds are talking about. Better wallrunning with directional control and sticking. Guess what, internal testing all agree'd it felt underwhelming and wasn't good.

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You touched the wall for all of two seconds. And the dev's themselves have said wall running as is doesn't work because the way they make their tilesets doesn't give us those straight walls to do it on.


And for the rest of this thread, parkour 2.0 started with exactly what you nerds are talking about. Better wallrunning with directional control and sticking. Guess what, internal testing all agree'd it felt underwhelming and wasn't good.

Exactly, wall running now is extremely limited and where can you get a wall run longer than two seconds? And afterwards you get flung a mile away or you can drop into a slide. It isn't effective but the actual wall RUNNING part *looks* good; it justs need functionality and fixed mechanics. It looks real and better than "wall hopping" and that is the point of this thread. I would like to keep WALLRUNNING in the game; not have it change to a wallhop animation; and improve the mechanics in the same way they plan to. It seems like a lot of people are agreeing; they'd really miss wall *running*.


Just so I am not misunderstood again; I like the new changes in Parkour 2.0 and am looking forward to the "coptering" fix, the double jump and the new aerial moves. (Although I thought the bullet glide was a little wierd; I like the feel of falling normal speed and gett'n them headshots but I can tell some people might need this slow-down handicap move and also it would make for some cool visuals I suppose)


However, this thread is about the wallRUNNING. In the beginning of "https://vine.co/v/evt9BAJKVlI" You can see the "hopping" on the wall. All the other moves I am not against; what I am saying is the wallhopping looks too wierd/unnatural. How can you hop off a wall over and over? Wall running just makes more sense and the original wallrunning animations were nice just lacked in functionality. I really enjoy *running* straight up a wall with an enemy chasing me, flipping over it's head and raining down bullets on'em. If I started hopping up a wall and the detach animation was justa jump it would really be a bummer.


There are a lot of people who seem aggressive in their replies; relax. This is a forum just to get the opinion of the WALLRUNNING vs WALLHOPPING animation. Me, personally, I think they could make it better; and more running (real parkour) oriented. So far; I see more positive feedback in this thread with a lot of other players who will miss it too; and a few people who are confused about what this forum is about; and some who are just calln people nerds and twiggn out.


Let's be constructive with our feedback; keep your unhandled emotions out of it and let's give DE some feedback they can consider. 


Just to recap: So far a lot of people are agreeing here that they'd really miss wall running. Again I am ONLY referring to the RUNNING vs HOPPING animation and no other changes. Infact if they could keep all the new functionality and somehow change the wierd hopping to a more smooth wall-running style animation; it'd be perfect.


You know; warframe may be in a futuristic fantasy style world; but it seemed like the goal of warframe was to make it feel realistic to a huge degree; and with the parkour it seemed like you were doing what a good parkour runner could do if he was wearing a suit that gave him near infinite strength to latch onto/launch off of/and jump/land crazy stunts. ---It wasn't just some magic metal suit that lets you move against all the laws of gravity and physics with no reasonings besides "Oh its okay your in a metal suit; you can practically slow-fall in a metal suit and hop n stick on walls like a weird spiderrabbit indefinitely"

Edited by Vorpal_Ocelot
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What if right when you landed on a wall you could just cling or you can "hop" straight off (the new hop) or grasp the wall with crouch button and aim your next hop; BUT if you hop back on the same wall once you begin wallrunning along that wall; if you +crouch while wallrunning you can grasp the wall stationary again and either hop to a new surface or hop to the *same* surface and continue wall running or jump off entirely. You could either release crouch to let go and drop out of "stationary wallgrasp"; or jump to hop somewhere else from a grasp!


"http://gfycat.com/Te...usedBarnswallow" This entire video will still be possable and look exactly like that! He uses the moves exactly how they'd be used even if this method was implemented. 


"https://vine.co/v/evt9BAJKVlI" Everything would still be exactly like this video; except the first couple of seconds when he hops on the same wall 4 times; he'd hop to the same wall once BUT THEN it would switch to a wallrun; AND at anytime he could jump from; grasp stationary from then continue wall running or begin wall running vertically or jump off or "drop" down.


"https://youtu.be/sRNdMg2VHVw" And these wallrunning animations would still exists! Except when you first hit the wall you'll "hop" and if you hop back towards the same wall you'll begin the wall running; which at anytime you could hit crouch to enable a stationary wallgrasp and you could commence hopping or running or even drop off or hang on stationary. It would open full functionality!


It would take away the weird "flinging inertia" to some moves that launch a player far away, improve functionality in a wider way, AND its a good mix between old and new!  


If you run straight vertically up a wall you would do the original wallrunning up to a point and backflip off like it is now; however, at anytime you could hit the crouch button and grasp the wall stationary again and either aim and hop to other walls, begin horizontal wall running by aiming at the same wall your on and jumping against it horizontally holding jump or do a vertical jump up on the same wall and hold jump to continue wallrunning upwards.


What do you think about these ideas? I feel like it would be the best way I could think of to compromise without giving up anything; only adding MORE functionality! A good compromise for the players who really enjoy/love and want to keep wallrunning and the new hopping animations and changes already in progress with the new system. Here are 3 major pros:


   1) If you want to hop up some close together walls you could hop then grasp, aim your next hop between the walls; eventually getting fast enough to hop without needing to grasp and aim; you'll just aim just enough and hop hop hop!


   2) Hopefully you could still do the original vertical wallrun/backflip +turn and continue wallrun on other side and repeat to get vertically up two parallel walls. Since it already has full function and works great every time when you get your skill right and players like how it looks; why remove it or change it? This would just upgrade it! You could climb vertically between two walls the old way AND a brand new way or mix the two together with grasping set as crouch button! You could either release crouch to let go and drop out of grasp; or jump to hop somewhere else from a grasp!


   3) It would open up multiple ways to tackle a climbing path. One tenno could be wallrunning vertically and flipping from wall to wall while another tenno is clinging to a wall and jumping off to the opposite wall; holding on to the wall to calculate his next jump. Watching both the tenno tackling the same climbing obstacle at the same time would be entertaining and you could see the players actual "style" come through more with more options.


I would really like considerations; this game is amazing and beautiful. After close to 1000 hours and over 100 bucks spent on just cool lookn stuff I only want the best for the game and it's unique and amazing gameplay! As an open beta I know this is the feedback DE wants; constructive, offering solutions and ideas and taking opinions. This idea came to me because a few posts on the same thread and other players opinion of wallrunning and hoping mechanics; someone said to mix them; and that guy hadda great idea and it got me thinking and hopefully everyone else thinking together!


Thanks for the consideration!

Edited by Vorpal_Ocelot
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more to the point, is that a bloody cloak hes wearing??!


I want a cloak!!!!!


Im not sure what you mean about bunny jumping.


the animation in the test set of him running side ways is clearly not finished. It makes no sense as his feet aren't touching the wall, theyt are just peddling the air. I really don't think that's anywhere near what its going to look like, especially when they already have a pretty nifty wall running animation.

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more to the point, is that a bloody cloak hes wearing??!


I want a cloak!!!!!


Im not sure what you mean about bunny jumping.


the animation in the test set of him running side ways is clearly not finished. It makes no sense as his feet aren't touching the wall, theyt are just peddling the air. I really don't think that's anywhere near what its going to look like, especially when they already have a pretty nifty wall running animation.

That would be nice; but in the devstream they made it clear they were trying to use it as the new animation to replace the wallrunning. That is what worried me  and why I made this thread.

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oh that is distressing then. the hippity hoppity of it doesn't work right on flat surfaces.


might look cool on rock faces but anything that's totally smooth is gonna look weird.


EDIT: just watched more parkour 2.0 gifs; honestly except for weird hopping it looks bloody amazing

Edited by Morianna
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oh that is distressing then. the hippity hoppity of it doesn't work right on flat surfaces.


might look cool on rock faces but anything that's totally smooth is gonna look weird.


EDIT: just watched more parkour 2.0 gifs; honestly except for weird hopping it looks bloody amazing

I agree; it looks good until its done on the same wall over n over; then things get weird. If it was one hop on the same wall would switch you to a wallrunning animation that then at anytime you could press crouch and go into a stationary wallgrasp leaving you free to either wallrun more, aim and jump off or simply release that'd be amazing. I started a new thread with this solution in detail after seeing so many good opinions and ideas from this thread.




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