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Another Severe Ducat Stealth Nerf. Why?


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Oohh, personal attacks!  Come on, scrappy little fellow like you, gotta have something better than that.  Where's the elitist jab? 



wow. Talking about personal attack :)


And i'm still having fun with the game, i don't know why you think we don't have fun with the game. 


That would be the part where I said they should have mentioned it in the changelog, which you conveniently chose not to include when "quoting" me. -_-


Again, change log come before or with the patch? Because if it's with the patch it's not what i asked. 


edit : just to be clear, i'm not here to start a war, got nothing against you guys :).

Edited by Gilmaesh
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More reason to not trust the changelogs.

Did your parents tell you when they decided to have another kid making him your little brother/sister, of course not(would have been weird and you as a kid would have been selfish saying i don't want one)

Did your parents tell you when they were sending you to school they wanted you to make good grades and make them proud(i hope so)

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Good information to have, thanks for bringing it up.


Everyone should chill out on telling people how to feel and how they should express that. People are allowed to have their opinions. If they are upset with the change, let them vent. If you don't like how they expressed themselves, move on. No need to start any arguments.


If this change sits well with you, fine. There isn't any need to get on other peoples cases for being a little tiffed. I mean, really, since the dawn of the internet, when has telling anyone how they should feel or talked ever work? If you REALLY want people to calm down...let them vent. Peoples hobbies are many things to many people. People are allowed to be passionate about what they are into. If they weren't...well, honestly we wouldn't have such awesome things to enjoy!


It takes people caring a great deal to create something fantastic. When you have something awesome like an Online game, it takes a great community and great developers to make it work. Players who hunt down changes like this and keep a watch on what the developers are doing and form strong opinions and reasoning for how they feel...we need them! Developers who will communicate and receive feedback to shape where they are taking the game...we need them too!


So please, let's stop attacking each other for how we feel. Agree to disagree if you must, throw in your 2 cents...but let's not get into big discussions about how the game "isn't a big deal" or is just a buncha pixels on the screen. Its the GAME FORUM, people are allowed to talk about the game. If you think it's not a big deal and you don't wanna see people discussing how they feel about the game...go outside? After all, in the end, peoples comments are just other pixels on the screen XD


Let's keep bringing each other up and bringing the game up.

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Did your parents tell you when they decided to have another kid making him your little brother/sister, of course not(would have been weird and you as a kid would have been selfish saying i don't want one)

Did your parents tell you when they were sending you to school they wanted you to make good grades and make them proud(i hope so)


um.... wat? o_O

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Did your parents tell you when they decided to have another kid making him your little brother/sister, of course not(would have been weird and you as a kid would have been selfish saying i don't want one)

Did your parents tell you when they were sending you to school they wanted you to make good grades and make them proud(i hope so)

I expect the changelogs to actually tell me changes. You know, like DotA's one? Especially since it'll impact the players? It's a game for pete's sake.

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If I was DE, what do I do to increase grind ?


Greatly reduce the ducat prime value of sabotage missions, survivals,  interception and defence.
Cos they are nearly endless in any half decent team (40 rnds/mins to 60 rnds/min is doable with any team with half a brain) while sabotages are just a little more time consuming.


And they reward so much, for just 1 key.

So nerf those first hell yeaaah !



But again, actual change logs will be nice.

Edited by fatpig84
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Good information to have, thanks for bringing it up.


Everyone should chill out on telling people how to feel and how they should express that. People are allowed to have their opinions. If they are upset with the change, let them vent. If you don't like how they expressed themselves, move on. No need to start any arguments.


If this change sits well with you, fine. There isn't any need to get on other peoples cases for being a little tiffed. I mean, really, since the dawn of the internet, when has telling anyone how they should feel or talked ever work? If you REALLY want people to calm down...let them vent. Peoples hobbies are many things to many people. People are allowed to be passionate about what they are into. If they weren't...well, honestly we wouldn't have such awesome things to enjoy!


It takes people caring a great deal to create something fantastic. When you have something awesome like an Online game, it takes a great community and great developers to make it work. Players who hunt down changes like this and keep a watch on what the developers are doing and form strong opinions and reasoning for how they feel...we need them! Developers who will communicate and receive feedback to shape where they are taking the game...we need them too!


So please, let's stop attacking each other for how we feel. Agree to disagree if you must, throw in your 2 cents...but let's not get into big discussions about how the game "isn't a big deal" or is just a buncha pixels on the screen. Its the GAME FORUM, people are allowed to talk about the game. If you think it's not a big deal and you don't wanna see people discussing how they feel about the game...go outside? After all, in the end, peoples comments are just other pixels on the screen XD


Let's keep bringing each other up and bringing the game up.

U made me crocodile tear,u my friend said words that made my heart think...Hearts don't think that's how deep they were(i will go get checked might have brain cells that decided to migrate their because well issues)But ur right Tenno.

This is for the kubrows

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I noticed this almost instantly when I went to sell some Hikou Prime Pouches after nabbing a double in a Sabotage, and seeing they were only a measly 30 ducats. I sell stuff almost right as I get it, but I work for a living, and unlisted changes like this annoy the hell out of me because it's not like we're dumb. With a community this large, we'll know instantly. I don't especially care much, as I have so many keys it's irrelevant, but I'm a high tier power player with tons of loot and basically every non-event maxed out except for Simulor, Hate, and Brakk. I don't expect the game to cater to my level of play, though, because that's unfair.


The plain and simple part is DE, despite what they claim, are not interested in people buying everything from Baro, because it doesn't support the platinum market or function as an adequate enough Prime sink for them. Baro exists purely as a credit / Prime sink, to pull more out of the community coffers so platinum costs rise for specific items and we have to play significantly more content to bolster credit coffers too. In turn, Baro's actual gear being better is beneficial for DE because it means those items, even if they're on recurring rotation, will be traded for high plat amounts in the meantime. This is also why new skins come out but no old skins or syandanas go away.

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I'm annoyed about this. To the people who glibly claim that it's just a game and that we shouldn't be annoyed: changing the rules in any game without giving a warning is generally annoying to the players, this simple concept shouldn't be all that difficult to grasp.

For example, if you were playing a game of Monopoly with a group of friends, and the owner of the set arbitrarily decided to reduce the value of the properties you owned, you would probably also be annoyed with the change in rules. Yes, it's only paper money in Monopoly, but Monopoly is so much more than just its paper money; it is a game. And in games, people generally don't like having the in-game value of the resources they've acquired in that game arbitrarily taken away from them.

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I'm annoyed about this. To the people who glibly claim that it's just a game and that we shouldn't be annoyed: changing the rules in any game without giving a warning is generally annoying to the players, this simple concept shouldn't be all that difficult to grasp. For example, if you were playing a game of Monopoly with a group of friends, and the owner of the set arbitrarily decided to reduce the value of the properties you owned, you would probably also be annoyed with the change in rules. Yes, it's only paper money in Monopoly, but Monopoly is so much more than just its paper money; it is a game. And in games, people generally don't like having the in-game value of the resources they've acquired in that game arbitrarily taken away from them.

Vent my friend vent ur frustration 

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wow. Talking about personal attack :)


And i'm still having fun with the game, i don't know why you think we don't have fun with the game. 



Again, change log come before or with the patch? Because if it's with the patch it's not what i asked. 


edit : just to be clear, i'm not here to start a war, got nothing against you guys :).

Calling you a scrappy little fellow isn't an attack lol


But I'm still in agreement that DE should have said something.  Before or after doesn't mean much to me, just that it's said.

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For me it´s not about the change itself but the communication. Or to be more clear the lack of information...


Like... DE we are your customers. Don´t you think that changes to your product should be communicate to us, your money givers? Well, i think so and this will certainly have consequences.

Edited by VoidNomade
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baro items are now at least 400 ducat each for mod, and 550 ducat for weapon, costmetic are 200+ ducat .. so happy grinding for forma bp in void


which means that by using only low level keys(which almost always give prime parts worth 10 ducats) you have to do 40 runs of non-endless for mods, 55 runs for weapon and 20 for cosmetics., there is less and less reason to do non-endless void missions especially low level ones, personally I think that no prime part should be worth less then 20 ducats.

Edited by Culaio
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"thanks", DE.


not only are you wasting my time by making me have to research all these stealth nerfs and have to edit my personal tables and lists - no, you also nerf my resources a second time (taking stuff out that i now can't possibly ducatify, and now nerfing the worth of what i have)?


a heads up would have been nice, you know. after all, ducats arent trade-able, prime parts are. or at least being upstanding and put this kind of stuff into the update patch notes? alongside drop location changes for the void?


what pisses me off is not that i am currently 1600 ducats in the red compared to last time baro showed up (and its not as if i wasnt running void either the past two weeks), but that this came out of the blue - and you of course won't bring the prices for his stuff down either, right.


damned if you're careful, damned if you go all out, i guess.


oh, and if anyone wants to mention "you dont have to buy everything", save it. i am not sitting here and waiting for when baro feels like re-running something i want in 4-6 months, if he ever does. i want it at my own terms, so i have to buy it when it shows up.


let me just add one more thing: DE? with crap like this, you are making my decision whether or not i'm going to buy more plat or the prime access very easy. not in your favour, of course.


edit: profanity

Edited by Fubukin
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May wanna photoshop out your plat there chief. 


But yeah, was bound to happen when the drop tables were updated.

Or maybe the Ducat converter machine in the relays is getting less efficient (?)

whats the point of hiding plat ? like there is a difference when people see that you have 15 or 200 or 23400 plat ?

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"thanks", DE.


not only are you wasting my time by making me have to research all these stealth nerfs and have to edit my personal tables and lists - no, you also nerf my resources a second time (taking stuff out that i now can't possibly ducatify, and now nerfing the worth of what i have)?


a heads up would have been nice, you know. after all, ducats arent trade-able, prime parts are. or at least being upstanding and put this kind of stuff into the update patch notes? alongside drop location changes for the void?


what pisses me off is not that i am currently 1600 ducats in the red compared to last time baro showed up (and its not as if i wasnt running void either the past two weeks), but that this came out of the blue - and you of course won't bring the prices for his stuff down either, right.


damned if you're careful, damned if you go all out, i guess.


oh, and if anyone wants to mention "you dont have to buy everything", save it. i am not sitting here and waiting for when baro feels like re-running something i want in 4-6 months, if he ever does. i want it at my own terms, so i have to buy it when it shows up.


let me just add one more thing: DE? with crap like this, you are making my decision whether or not i'm going to buy more plat or the prime access very easy. not in your favour, of course.


edit: profanity


Exactly. I was about to buy a paysafe card today for the prime accessories. Think i will invest the money elsewhere now.

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