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How Much Plat Is Necessary?


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To buy all of the accessories in the game?

I hear stories of people spending ridiculous amounts of 600 dollars and up on platinum and prime access, and I'm kinda wondering when you'd run out of stuff to buy.

I'm not asking about all the weapons and frames (which are horrendously overpriced in the market), but just for immortal skins, armor sets, color pallets, etc etc.

Also, in your opinion, are cosmetics reasonably priced relative to other F2P games?

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You mean prime access one or normal accesory? Prime access obviously using money.


Normal one.. depend on your need.. if you want to using real money is easier though from my grind of plat.... (excluding skin and animation) around  300 for both pallete pack, and 600 of sentinel accesory and some syandana...


From my opinion, yes they are at reasonable price, except some of stuff..

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Well, from my experience, i spent around 4 000 + Platinum on items and slots. And is still dont have every cosmetic available.



Probably would need around 1 0000 more for every cosmetic that can be bought. 3 000 Platinum would be enough if you ask me, for every cosmetic out there.

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You mean prime access one or normal accesory? Prime access obviously using money.

Normal one.. depend on your need.. if you want to using real money is easier though from my grind of plat.... (excluding skin and animation) around 300 for both pallete pack, and 600 of sentinel accesory and some syandana...

From my opinion, yes they are at reasonable price, except some of stuff..

Huh, I didn't consider prime access exclusive accessories.

I guess everything that is or was purchasable from the market - Helmets, color pallets, weapon, frame, and liset skins, animation sets, noggles, etc.

I don't even want to think about grinding that through trade lol.

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The thing with this game is that it's so easy to make plat by selling things you earn in game. I bought maybe about 500p with a discount and earned about 3000p using trade chat. Right now I have 2000p saved up.

I'd you're concerned about it being expensive, don't worry. Half the cosmetics I use were free anyway (prisma gear & helmets).

Trade may sound horrible (I thought that way too) but it becomes part of the game later on when you have enough good gear you don't want. Trade helps make unwanted "good" drops mean something, and that makes the game more rewarding.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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The thing with this game is that it's so easy to make plat by selling things you earn in game. I bought maybe about 500p with a discount and earned about 3000p using trade chat. Right now I have 2000p saved up.

I'd you're concerned about it being expensive, don't worry. Half the cosmetics I use were free anyway (prisma gear & helmets).

Trade may sound horrible (I thought that way too) but it becomes part of the game later on when you have enough good gear you don't want. Trade helps make unwanted "good" drops mean something, and that makes the game more rewarding.

Assuming both of us only use trading as method to earn the plat... wasnt all of it free (excluding time and inet money)? ^^


Trade not so friendly since rate of scam increase compared to last year.. and not too friendly to noob... but then i agree it make some drop have meaning..

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everything is ridiculously over priced, honestly.  The syandana are about the only things priced reasonably.

Eh, a 50% discount 1000 platinum pack is pretty reasonable, really. You get 20 weapon slots (240), 10 Warframe slots (200), 3 color palettes (225), a few syandanas (100), Liset reskin (50) and 3 animations to use between all Frames (150) for a total of ~22€ or 965. And that's pretty much everything you need for your bragging rights.

If you want a few slots more and some boosters and a mod or key pack or two, using ~44€ for this all for a game like Warframe does not feel excessive to me in the slightest, considering that the average AAA game has an entry price ranging from ~50€ (49€ for you accurate people) to all-DLC packs at ~120€ (or even 150€.. Looking at you, CKII).

Then, if you consider that the average, working person in most of Europe and USA can expect to have from 500 to 1000 euros to use a month after rent/mortage and taxes, then it might not sound so unreasonable to use less than 10% of that to a game one time..

Of course, if you really want to buy everything, then it's a lot more expensive, but you're not going to be netting any big benefits from it and a game with a monetization model like Warframe's, has to price itself so that the average, recurrent player pays a certain average. This means that there'll also be players who pay much below the average, but also players who pay much above the average; If you could buy everything for lets say, 100€, the average paid by a single player would probably drop a bit, since average of ~44€ for "mostly everything one needs" is pretty reasonable with current incomes.

Edited by tzaeru
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Assuming both of us only use trading as method to earn the plat... wasnt all of it free (excluding time and inet money)? ^^


Trade not so friendly since rate of scam increase compared to last year.. and not too friendly to noob... but then i agree it make some drop have meaning..

and i made a lot of my plat just from selling Syndicate mods and weapons. So its not even dependent on RNG to make plat. It gives all that wasted rep a purpose because i bought everything in syndicates for myself a looong time ago.

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Discounted plat doesn't count.  You can't get it reliably, and consoles don't get it at all.

Yup. I really hope DE can figure out how to get discounts for platinum onto consoles, even if it's only a one time thing. It really annoys me to see some PC players whining about getting 50% off discounts instead of 75%; meanwhile, console players get stuck paying full price for the ridiculously priced platinum packs if they want anything.

Edited by (PS4)KiloCrusher
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Then, if you consider that the average, working person in most of Europe and USA can expect to have from 500 to 1000 euros to use a month after rent/mortage and taxes, then it might not sound so unreasonable to use less than 10% of that to a game one time..

First of all, i'm from Spain.

Me and my wife work 164h./month and we are lucky to have both Jobs.

We can expect to have from 0€ to -100€ to use a month.

Don't tal about things you don't know.

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Of course, if you really want to buy everything, then it's a lot more expensive, but you're not going to be netting any big benefits from it and a game with a monetization model like Warframe's, has to price itself so that the average, recurrent player pays a certain average. This means that there'll also be players who pay much below the average, but also players who pay much above the average; If you could buy everything for lets say, 100€, the average paid by a single player would probably drop a bit, since average of ~44€ for "mostly everything one needs" is pretty reasonable with current incomes.

 get a reality check man. average player pays nothing. F2P games are mostly sustained by OCD completionist fat "toms" whales who MUST obtain/buy EVERYTHING. Rest just supply playerbase for them.

Also, i won't ever start on your theory of regular person having spare 1keuro to spent. I wish i was son of CEO too.

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First of all, i'm from Spain.

Me and my wife work 164h./month and we are lucky to have both Jobs.

We can expect to have from 0€ to -100€ to use a month.

Don't tal about things you don't know.

He said average, which seems pretty accurate

Ah, nvm. Euros i see

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First of all, i'm from Spain.

Me and my wife work 164h./month and we are lucky to have both Jobs.

We can expect to have from 0€ to -100€ to use a month.

Don't tal about things you don't know.

I didn't talk about things I don't know about. I merely said "the average" in "most of Europe and North America", based actual median incomes in countries like UK, Germany, France, USA, Denmark, Netherlands, Canada.. Being in Finland, me and my spouse make roughly ~70% of what would be the median income for an employed couple and we still use hundreds of euros every month to what is essentially entertainment.. i.e. to alcohol, sweets, ice cream, soda, going to movies, buying one or two new games, etc. Plus we don't have our own house and rents here are pretty high.

I'm aware that things don't go that well in Spain as is and I'm very sorry for your tricky situation during a time in history when we should really start to be doing things as a collective, but frankly, I don't think the average Spaniard is the target customer that buys platinum for DE.. From the perspective of DE, that the average Canadian and American and British and French and German and so on can buy the plat, is what counts because this gives both a high amount of potential customers and lets them keep decently high prices without overpricing.


 get a reality check man. average player pays nothing.

I really doubt this. Whilst I'd be hard-pressed to present any accurate statistics, I'd imagine that half or more of European and North American players who play for more than a month would buy one of the platinum packs. And yes, I'm aware of the studies relating to how tiny a portion of F2P players pay for the whole revenue, but these studies have been related to titles where you can spend like ~20 cents to thousand different things one by one. Games like Cash of Clans or Angry Birds or whatever.

With games like Warframe, I'd imagine that if we only look at players who play more than a month and come from an average income OECD country, we'd find that spending between 20€ and 50€ would be a pretty common scenario.


 Also, i won't ever start on your theory of regular person having spare 1keuro to spent. I wish i was son of CEO too.

Wut? O_o Firstly, I'm not talking about "spare" in the sense of "just having 1k to freely choose what to put it into", but what's left after tax and rent. Secondly, you don't have to have rich parents or anything like that to have 1k a month after rent and taxes.. Like the average yearly salary in Canada is roughly ~50k. Consider getting 15k less than that, paying half of it to taxes, netting you 17.5k, and living in a single-room apartment for 500 Canadian dollars / month. Now you have 11.5k a year after tax/rent or 950 canadian dollars a month (or, 677 euros). Of course you'll be using half of this to food and a big chunk to commuting, electricity, internet connection and whaetever, but you'll also have a reasonable portion to use to entertainment. Just c'mon. People buy TVs, PS4s, dozens of games for it and new computers not-so-rarely. I don't really, as I wouldn't have the money for that, but even then, I recognize using more than a hundred bucks to entertainment every month.


I'm sorry if it ruffles your feathers wrong, but fact is that the average working person in majority of Europe and North America can and does use several hundred euros to pure entertainment a month. If you feel that 44€ is too much for a game, well, then you aren't the buying target audience. You're still useful to a F2P though, as you generate human content to it anyway.

Edited by tzaeru
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