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Why Don't You Play Archwing?


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1. Penta ranger easily blocked with some abilites

2. Try at uranus interception wave 8

1) Please reread what I said. I know abilities will stop Penta Rangers from shooting. You cant shoot the grenade and its harder to see was my point.

2) Ive been a lot further than wave 8 on Caelus, Uranus.


My main point was, people are complaining about nothing..... The damage is fine for both.

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It's plain boring and underdeveloped. Would be better if it wasn't standalone but part of a hybrid kind of mission where you could start on a planet / ship, transfer to space for a short moment and continue said mission with the same or new object. Obviously that's alot of coding and what not, sooooooooooo yeah. No time for that.

Edited by Vandole
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Spawning problems, like in exterminates you're sat around waiting ages for the last enemy to spawn.  At least when this happens in regular missions you can go open some lockers to get credits/resources, so it's not a complete waste of time.


Or when you get a host migration and spawns practically stop.  Just did Erpo and the host left after the 1st round leaving me alone, for the next 3 rounds the following enemies spawned and attacked the towers:


Round 2 - 0

Round 3 - 3

Round 4 - 2, and 2 left at the end of the round.

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Lack of things to do in it, with only one endless game mode that's pretty much just hoping a wave of enemies will actually come to your point.

Lack of rewards to get after you already have every single archwing mod. Said mods are needlessly high rank too, rank 10 crit mod, move speed, and efficiency, anyone? Even more of an archwing turn off.

Bugs such as getting kicked back to home screen due to "going out of bounds" when you're not remotely near the edge scares me out of the little drive to play I'd have left.

Add the fact that there's still an up and down, your camera can't go past either, and the map sucks for displaying anything except up and down, and... nope. 

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I'll just paste my response ona thread about the Archwing event in December.

AM-Bunny, on 18 Dec 2014 - 7:45 PM, said:

90% chance exclusive badge + Imperator Vandal.

This is a good chance to expand on Archwing and convince those that have largely ignored it to give it a chance. It may be repetitive, but aren't most events like this?

(And then this was my response)

Oh, yes, most events are repetitive. No doubt. But they always add something new to the game that is worth at least trying. Archwing needs a lot to be what I personally consider fun. For me, flying in one direction and shooting a guy for a couple of secs and realizing I'm not doing as much damage as the sword would give, whipping out the sword and mashing E (which if your sword does enough damage, you can kill everything in the area just mashing E), is not fun.

IMO Archwing is more mind numbing and never-changing (compared to ever changing) than how people describe Defense missions. Seriously. Fly In Straight Line to this place, mash E, fly to next place, mash E, rinse and repeat until the mission is over.

It is TOO disconnected from the rest of the game. There are hardly any similarities. Warframe is a different experience you play everytime because of the environment. Parkour over box A, duck under Bar B, do a flip. Archwing? Hold down W and Shift and you are good.

Besides that, an Archwing Event would be very catered towards late game players instead of the whole playerbase. What happens to the people that don't have Archwing and the missions for it, and the money and resources? They get a week to farm out the pieces and build it, THEN go do the event?

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't hate Archwing. I think it is a good idea that wasn't very well executed. IMO, it has potential. Potential that needs to be fleshed out before you can base an Event on it. Events that give people incentive to play. People who already dislike Archwing aren't going to think it is now good because they added some weapons, some archwings, a boss, and some gametypes. The people who have largely ignored it have done so because of the gameplay, not the content. I don't like Call of Duty, because of how the game plays. The guns are cool and the maps aren't bad. If they made the game play more like Battlefield, I might like it. But I'm not going to become fond of it because you add a new game mode.

Now, If they add something exclusive, I will do the event. No questions asked. I love mastery fodder. Do I love the method of receiving said fodder? No, but I would like to be a high ranking member of the community. I will pull out my archwing, dust it off, use it for a few hours, and then put it back in its' pretty box and leave it be until another piece of exclusive fodder comes around.

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The problem i have with achwing and probally sharkwing is that its the same missions that you can already play without it. There is so much more that can be done with archwing that hasnt happened yet. its a halfbacked concept that was put into motion and largely forgotten about. Personaly DE needs to stop all plans for U18 and makes U18 a massive update on things that they already have in place. Warframe has given us a wide area of things to do, now they need to work on depht. Right now we are as deep as a kiddie pool left out in the sun for aweek.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got like 5 mods total for all of my Archwing gear.


Leveling up that Archwing stuff is also a pain in the &#!.  Very few Archwing missions, ya know?

I think it would be ideal if Archwing stuff leveled up a bit more quickly to offset the lack of missions, and help mitigate the scarcity of modules.


At the very, very least, all the default gear (Odonata, Veritux, Imperatus) should level up faster.

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