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Greedy Pull Nerf Going To Be Too Much?

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Hey guys - encase you haven't heard, Greedy Pull is getting the nerf gun next hotfix.

They are making it so Mag's greedy pull only pulls for herself, and not anyone. They are doing this to fix 4 issues:

1.) Greedy Mesa combo. This combination is OP in all aspects. By having the mag supplying energy to the Mesa, the Mesa can focus on a maximum strength and maximum range Peacemaker build which essentially shuts down any and all enemies on low level to mid level tier missions. Most notably on Pluto/Ceres/Eris Dark Sector and on Draco T4 key farm. Too AFK. Too fast. Too much range. And also shuts out other players who would like to actually participate in some of the action.

2.) Prevents an issue in which Mag and carrier would actually sometimes pickup other players mods, making it unavailable to the other player.

3.) Prevent loot trolling, in which G-Mag's pull all the loot into areas in which cannot be reached, such as pits of death, or high areas that cannot be reached by certain Warframes.

4.) Removes the sort of forced role of being the "G-Mag person", in which if you are this roll, your only job is to stand next to people and mindlessly spam a button.

Removing these issues sounds great and all. But it also hurts Mag players, as now Mag has lost her group support ability substantially. There are instances such as long T4 survivals where G-Mag can strategically work great with greedy pull. Such as when you have level 150 enemies who one shot you and your team members, and your team runs out of ammo. That would mean to leave the safety of say Frost's globe or Volt's sheild walls. So G-Mag allows teams to never have to leave the safety of the room/bubble in which going down means they are essentially screwed. So I was thinking, there must be a way to appeal to both parties, because the current nerf will essentially remove any instance of Mag in endgame.

1.) Greedy Mag should work just as it is, but no longer pulls energy. This way prevents Greedy Mesa, but still strongly allows team support.

2.) G-Mag could work exactly how it does now, with no nerfs. But a cooldown could be added to Greedy pull. This would limit the group from having infinite resources at all times, but it would still give G-Mag group support and utility.

3.) G-Mag could function as the nerf intends to make her function (she only picks up her stuff and not anyone else's), but she could also pick up ammo for the team as well.

4.) G-Mag could function exactly how she functions now, except her Greedy Pull could have a corruption factor played into it. Through the act of using magnetic force, it could corrupt pickups by unstablizing them "as magnets will break phones, computers, TV, ect". Let's look at Energy. Energy gives 25 in its normal form. However, after a Greedy Pull Mag, the pull would corrupt it down to where it only gives 10 energy and changes the energy orbs color to orange or something to indicate corruption. The point of this is it would be a trade off. Less effecient pickups for the convenience of having the drops all in one location. This would help prevent OP greedy mag and infinite resources.

So that's just a few ideas I have thought of. None are perfect and I don't claim any of those will for sure fix the issue. But I do think it is a start as I believe needing greedy pull will kill Mag's utility. What ideas do you guys have for alternate nerfs that prevent the listed issues, but still allow Mag to be useful in endgame?

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Us lucky PC kids who get the updates first already went through all of this. And there are some important points here: 


Mas was useful in the end game before Gpull, and she still is, and no, not just against the Corpus. 


When it already happened on PC, there was a fair bit of whinging on the forums, but it all fizzled out pretty quickly, and people figured out ways to cope -- they played different combo's of warframes like they did just fine before Gpull ever existed. 


Mag does not need help to be useful. And in fact Gpull is still very useful for Mag, just not for her team. A solo Mag could benefit greatly. 


The sky isn't falling, really. Life will go on and Mag is just fine, and still very powerful. Hell, Mag still benefits just as much from Gpull as before, she hasn't been nerfed, groups that use her were nerfed. That's a big difference. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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Us lucky PC kids who get the updates first already went through all of this. And there are some important points here: 


Mas was useful in the end game before Gpull, and she still is, and no, not just against the Corpus. 


When it already happened on PC, there was a fair bit of whinging on the forums, but it all fizzled out pretty quickly, and people figured out ways to cope -- they played different combo's of warframes like they did just fine before Gpull ever existed. 


Mag does not need help to be useful. And in fact Gpull is still very useful for Mag, just not for her team. A solo Mag could benefit greatly. 


The sky isn't falling, really. Life will go on and Mag is just fine, and still very powerful. Hell, Mag still benefits just as much from Gpull as before, she hasn't been nerfed, groups that use her were nerfed. That's a big difference. 

This says everything that needs to be said very well.

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I've been around for the downfall of Rhino's Iron Skin, Acrid's absurd DoT damage, Nova's Molecular Prime nerf, etc. and here's what typically happens:


- Nice thing X gets taken away

- People complain about it in the forums

- While they're complaining, other people find the next big thing

- The whiners jump onto the next bandwagon, complaints steadily fizzle out

- DE eventually discovers this next big thing and may patch it for the good of the game's longevity


Rinse and repeat.

Edited by Stefe
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Shield Polarize still exists. Mag remains useful in end game.

Yea I love just wrecking the whole room in T4 interceptions when my friend goes down. Those corrupted might thing 5+ shield drones is a good thing to have but wait until they see a mag coptering flying in!

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Yea I love just wrecking the whole room in T4 interceptions when my friend goes down. Those corrupted might thing 5+ shield drones is a good thing to have but wait until they see a mag coptering flying in!

Seriously I think that shield ospreys exist purely to buff mag's shield polarize. What is that 200 shields do to help to protect any enemy outside of the lowest levels?

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The only thing I'm glad about the whole greedy pull thing is that players will most likely "actually" use her with all her usefull abilities.


However I'm still bummed it was nerfed because it provided us an extremely effiecient way of farming. After playing for about 2 years with the grind only increasing I found that a relief.


I get that was not the intended way DE wanted users playing. I also get nerfing mods/frames is easier than fixing broken gameplay. But really the broken gameplay must be adressed at some point. Its been too long now.

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Mag herself wasn't touched by the nerf only other players, greedy pull is still working as intended for mag

Most people complaining used her for camping and farming without actualy using her themselves

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Us lucky PC kids who get the updates first already went through all of this. And there are some important points here: 


Mas was useful in the end game before Gpull, and she still is, and no, not just against the Corpus. 


When it already happened on PC, there was a fair bit of whinging on the forums, but it all fizzled out pretty quickly, and people figured out ways to cope -- they played different combo's of warframes like they did just fine before Gpull ever existed. 


Mag does not need help to be useful. And in fact Gpull is still very useful for Mag, just not for her team. A solo Mag could benefit greatly. 


The sky isn't falling, really. Life will go on and Mag is just fine, and still very powerful. Hell, Mag still benefits just as much from Gpull as before, she hasn't been nerfed, groups that use her were nerfed. That's a big difference. 


This. So much this.

Please stop trying to get old G-Pull back.

Life will go on and Mag is just fine

Edited by PainisDeWitt
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