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Pvp Dead?


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The only reason I ask is because I usually spend at least 30 minutes for someone to join or join a game in progress that's usually populated by 2 or 3 players.


It always ends prematurely for annihilation and capture and never a full pvp experience.


Does every tenno play FFA or something? Or is this PvP currently dead?

Edited by xenonox
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I mostly play FFA and Team DM and most of the games i join are full or 4-6 man inside. I can't say how many play CTF this days though.


If i happen to see "Waiting for players" on both modes, i jump to other regions.

Edited by Uzpian
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Probably depends on where you live/ your region setting and how you have set up the ping minimum. I am in Europe and usually find full/almost full matches through most of the day in evry mode except at night. Also never have had to wait longer than a couple of min (though I tend to switch modes around once waiting starts).


So I would say pvp isn´t so much dead as that not enough people are playing to gurantee matches through the entire day evrywhere.

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What region are you playing in?


I normally play US-East. I will hop on to other regions when necessary, only to suffer the same problem.


I use region and trading chat's slide bar to make an estimation on how populated the whole region is currently at that time.

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The only reason I ask is because I usually spend at least 30 minutes for someone to join or join a game in progress that's usually populated by 2 or 3 players.


It always ends prematurely for annihilation and capture and never a full pvp experience.


Does every tenno play FFA or something or is this PvP currently dead?

It was born dead. It doesn't suit Warframe. WF could use a PVP system, but not the way it made now.

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During the day here in europe Team Annihilation usually rocks quite a few matches and i always join up within 10-20 seconds.

They however don't usually last more than one round, unless the host is persistant.


I can't say if the other modes have as many players, but i can imagine why CTC don't have a whole lot. Catching a chephalon holder in that mode is near impossible.

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I see, so it was never alive to begin with.


Shame, but foreseen.


Does DE know of this sad truth or is DE going to continue to pour in resources into this PvP?

don't speak here......................believers will burn you and said only 4 DE stuffs doing this sh|T

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lol I can't believe there is still people with this mentality, after so much time of PvP being present in the game.

On topic, i have no problem finding games, try switching regions or increasing your ping limit. 

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lol I can't believe there is still people with this mentality, after so much time of PvP being present in the game.

On topic, i have no problem finding games, try switching regions or increasing your ping limit. 


I'll try that.

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Yeah it does have a pretty small player pool. --In June 1-15, only 60,000 matches were played globally. In comparison, in the first week after the launch of Evolve, 6,000,000 matches were played. 

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Yeah it does have a pretty small player pool. --In June 1-15, only 60,000 matches were played globally. In comparison, in the first week after the launch of Evolve, 6,000,000 matches were played. 

And Evolve have been count as "dead server" after second week. :P I believe Evolve still have more player than WF's PVP

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And Evolve have been count as "dead server" after second week. :P I believe Evolve still have more player than WF's PVP


Evolve : http://steamcharts.com/app/273350


Warframe: http://steamcharts.com/app/230410


About 2,5% of active Warframe players would need to play Pvp regularly for you to be wrong (at least just for pc).

Also Evolve is only considerd dead because it was a failure as a AAA title and had a massive player drop off - if it was a indie game (with a typical indie budget) people would call it a success with a decent player base.


Yeah it does have a pretty small player pool. --In June 1-15, only 60,000 matches were played globally. In comparison, in the first week after the launch of Evolve, 6,000,000 matches were played. 


Even though this comparision is idiotic anyways since on one side you have a optional mode in a f2p game and on the other the release week of a tripple A but fine lets enter speculation land with incredibly shady data:

According to a post here from march (https://talk.turtlerockstudios.com/t/how-did-evolve-sell/43574/20 ) Evolve sold 560K copies on consoles and 60k on PC - which would be about a 9.5 to 1. If we assume (shady data and shady assumptions!) that this split is representative of the player base from this week in question than we could extrapolate - according to steam charts in this week (10.2-18.2 according to this article http://www.gamespot.com/articles/evolve-nearly-6-million-matches-played-in-first-we/1100-6425430/ ) Evolve was averaging about 20k players the entire week. If we add the console players we would have about 200k (rounding down a bit since I rounded the previous average up a bit - sloppy math ftw) average player at any given moment. Now the matches between weeks was in a 200:1 proportion (after all the warframe date was about two weeks - just on PC by the way) which would lead to about a average of 1k Pvp players at any given moment on PC (if we make the last assumptions that matches played allows such a relation).

Outside of the shady assumptions/data the last three things to keep in mind. First steam chart probably also tracks players who are online in the game without actually playing (leads to the Zen question is a pvp player just waiting on the liset part of the online pvplers ? ), the average match time for Evolve game in that week was 9:46 mins according to the article which may be compareable to a Conclave match but it may introduce an additional 1.2-1.5x factor in on direction or another (also waiting times are ignored) and finally evolve needs 5 players per match which has the same issues as the time part.

So with errors (spoiler - just my gut feeling :p) we may have between 500 - 1,8k pvp players at any given time though to get ahead of any smartass: Yes those numbers are completly useless since too much speculation but I was bored and felt like attaching some numbers to the 6 mil vs 60k matches.

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The only reason I ask is because I usually spend at least 30 minutes for someone to join or join a game in progress that's usually populated by 2 or 3 players.


It always ends prematurely for annihilation and capture and never a full pvp experience.


Does every tenno play FFA or something? Or is this PvP currently dead?


try restarting your game, looks like the system sticks to a single evaluation of your regional ping, after restarting my matchmaking times goes from eternal to 5 seconds, also, the time when you posted is when theres less players afaik

Edited by rockscl
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try restarting your game, looks like the system sticks to a single evaluation of your regional ping, after restarting my matchmaking times goes from eternal to 5 seconds, also, the time when you posted is when theres less players afaik


I was trying 4 hours before I decided to post on the forum to check if I'm the only one that's having a hard time finding matches.


I was only able to find one match of 4v4, which it quickly disbanded due to one team overwhelming the other team. After that, just back to 1v1 or 2v1, which again, ends prematurely.


Ping limit set to 500.


I wish I could give more feedback on game balances when I could hardly play.


Thanks to all who have responded. I'll just give up on it in favor of other pvp games.

Edited by xenonox
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I was trying 4 hours before I decided to post on the forum to check if I'm the only one that's having a hard time finding matches.


I was only able to find one match of 4v4, which it quickly disbanded due to one team overwhelming the other team. After that, just back to 1v1 or 2v1, which again, ends prematurely.


Ping limit set to 500.


I wish I could give more feedback on game balances when I could hardly play.


Thanks to all who have responded. I'll just give up on it in favor of other pvp games.


Sometimes, it does not work. When I click accept mission, I wait 10 seconds if nothing shows then I cancel and re-accept the mission. by the 2nd or 3rd time it should work.


I choose No limits.

So i found matchs everywhere...

Yes you are a bit laggy, but still enjoy...

Laggy and Enjoy should not be used in the same sentence. Especially with P2P connections.

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Probably depends on where you live/ your region setting and how you have set up the ping minimum. I am in Europe and usually find full/almost full matches through most of the day in evry mode except at night. Also never have had to wait longer than a couple of min (though I tend to switch modes around once waiting starts).

So I would say pvp isn´t so much dead as that not enough people are playing to gurantee matches through the entire day evrywhere.

This. I mostly play on EU matchmaking if I have time to play in the morning (EST) and somtimes even later since I can find matches easier most of the time, US east/west don't tend to get populated til later in the evening.

Edited by Aggh
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