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My Concern After Seeing Parkour 2.0


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I like how people are reacting to OP when he's perfectly right. Gliding is stupid. And with those stupid capes they're working on, people will just look like @(*()$ Superman. 


Also, gliding already exists, it will just be more slow to allow people to 'properly aim at targets'. Translation for 'I can't play so I slow down the game to sloths speed so I actually can do something more'.

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No more revival when you teammates downed far away, because "Sorry but I am slow".

Enjoy your game of being one-shotted all the time.

That's what you get for going off and being a hallway hero if you die far, far away from your allies.


Sticking together is key.

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couple of "logic" things going out the window in u17


- non-visible weapons with capes

- huge archwing flying in out of thin air when you jump in water

- aim gliding

- sticking to walls like spiderman for all frames


All of these could be explained depending on how it's implemented. Aim gliding would be a stretch but we can just assume it's our space void magic that allows it to happen.

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All of these could be explained depending on how it's implemented. Aim gliding would be a stretch but we can just assume it's our space void magic that allows it to happen.

like someone else pointed out, all the Tenno can float when they meditate- so maybe when aiming they can tap into that same ability to an extent. They can use their Oro (chi? whatever) to make themselves defy gravity just enough to enable long jumps, wall running (hopping) and aim gliding. You do see them charging as they perform some of the moves. Maybe its a mind over matter thing they learn from practicing martial arts.


that said, i wouldve prefered if they used an arm to balance on the wall when wall bounding. It looks a little off with both arms at their side

Edited by Hypernaut1
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like someone else pointed out, all the Tenno can float when they meditate- so maybe when aiming they can tap into that same ability to an extent. They can use their Oro (chi? whatever) to make themselves defy gravity just enough to enable long jumps, wall running (hopping) and aim gliding. You do see them charging as they perform some of the moves. Maybe its a mind over matter thing they learn from practicing martial arts.


that said, i wouldve prefered if they used an arm to balance on the wall when wall bounding. It looks a little off with both arms at their side


Oh right, forgot we can float when meditating. Most things can work out and not seem out of place with the right explanation. I agree with the wall hoping preference but it seems fast enough to not notice. Kinda looks like the arm is touching the wall briefly but i can't tell.



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like someone else pointed out, all the Tenno can float when they meditate- so maybe when aiming they can tap into that same ability to an extent. They can use their Oro (chi? whatever) to make themselves defy gravity just enough to enable long jumps, wall running (hopping) and aim gliding. You do see them charging as they perform some of the moves. Maybe its a mind over matter thing they learn from practicing martial arts.


that said, i wouldve prefered if they used an arm to balance on the wall when wall bounding. It looks a little off with both arms at their side


Oh right, forgot we can float when meditating. Most things can work out and not seem out of place with the right explanation. I agree with the wall hoping preference but it seems fast enough to not notice. Kinda looks like the arm is touching the wall briefly but i can't tell.



I was the one who talked about the meditating, and although that may be the "logic' behind it its still weird. Imagine evens standing on Jupiter yet alone flying :P No logic. Even so, we jump on Jupiter all the time.

Also, just cause i said that doesn't mean it makes any sense, and as for the wall run, it will work WAY better on turns and bumps now but it looks way weird :P from what we have seen In My Opinion.




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I was the one who talked about the meditating, and although that may be the "logic' behind it its still weird. Imagine evens standing on Jupiter yet alone flying :P No logic. Even so, we jump on Jupiter all the time.

Also, just cause i said that doesn't mean it makes any sense, and as for the wall run, it will work WAY better on turns and bumps now but it looks way weird :P from what we have seen In My Opinion.





Makes sense to some degree. 

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I just think of it as if their Warframes help them with all this stuff. If the Orokin could create suits like this that amplifies their abilities even further, I'm pretty sure they had the technology to allow small about of gliding and magnets to stick to the walls and so on.

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With the addition of the glide in U17 I am concerned Warframe will start throwing logic out the window, yes I realize that the game is not exactly the most realistic thing out there and I understand it doesn't exactly have to follow reality but my fear is that if we throw logic out here who's to say we won't somewhere else, I don't want this game to be completely nonsensical,


what are your thoughts fellow Tenno?


I do not feel that bullet-jump, double jump, aim-glide are in any my less "logical" than wall-running, coptering or any of the long list of space-magic mechanics that Warframes utilize.


if anything I see Parkour 2.0 as enhancing the aesthetic theme of the game. Making it more "Warframey"

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I'm pretty sure they had the technology to allow small about of gliding and magnets to stick to the walls and so on.


I feel this way too. The wall latch could be very similar to the way spiders do it IRL by exploiting electrostatic using the nanofibers on their feet iirc.

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I want to know how it will be affect by sprint speed. Will slower frames be able to keep up with the faster ones, or will the faster frames just leave the slow ones in the dust again. As far as I am aware coptering is the great equalizer in mobility. It's what allows my 0.9 sprint speed frame to keep up with my friend's 1.2 sprint speed frame and some times out manuver him.

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Still don´t understand why they REMOVE wallrunning. I can´t get that in my brain why their "fix" for wallrunning problems is to completely remove wallrunning.


The removed the animation, the "wall hop" serves the same purpose but makes the "attachment points" further apart allowing the wall transit mechanism to animate smoothly across bumpy surfaces (that we have a lot of)


The mechanism is the same: hit wall at angle, transit-along-wall

Edited by SilentMobius
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Then why do i need to look like a bunny on wall sections where it´s not needed? It doesn´t make sense. If it would use wallhopping when you´re meeting objects in the way, fine, makes sense. But completely remove the running animation.. I dislike this heavily. And i call them lazy for doing this.


edit; and i really doubt it will work the way you said

Edited by VoidNomade
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Then why do i need to look like a bunny on wall sections where it´s not needed? It doesn´t make sense. If it would use wallhopping when you´re meeting objects in the way, fine, makes sense. But completely remove the running animation.. I dislike this heavily. And i call them lazy for doing this.


edit; and i really doubt it will work the way you said


Because you can't do animation prediction and terrain prediction X meters in front of you quickly.


Wall running tries to follow the line of the wall as if it was a floor, but with constraints on angle and gaps that knock you off. resulting in glitchy movement of uneven surfaces


Wall hopping only needs to project one hop in front and check the existence of a single landing point. Much easier and smoother to animate.


I have no idea why you "doubt" what I've said, it was well explained (to me) in the devstreams when it was demo'd. I'm just re-relaying it to you.

Edited by SilentMobius
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Because you can't do animation prediction and terrain prediction X meters in front of you quickly.


Wall running tries to follow the line of the wall as if it was a floor, but with constraints on angle and gaps that knock you off. resulting in glitchy movement of uneven surfaces


Wall hopping only need to project one hop in front and check the existence of a single landing point. Much easier and smoother to animate.


I have no idea why you "doubt" what I've said, it was well explained (to me) in the devstreams when it was demo'd. I'm just re-relaying it to you.


Thanks for contributing to what i said.

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So.. you are worried about a game featuring magical space ninjas not being realistic enough.


Ok, your entitled to you opinion.


I however strongly disagree.


I am not worried at all.


Bring on the space ninja fun and yes please ignore reality as much as possible because its a video game and that is exactly the sort of thing I play them for..

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Thanks for contributing to what i said.

Look man, if you want to go back and take a look at every single type of wall surface there is and ever will be in warframe and tweak it and or pathing on the Warframes to make it work, then go right ahead. However, I think that such a task was simply way to massive for them to cover in order to make it not too glitchy. You might call it lazy, but another might find it prudent, which is what I think it is in this case. This is after all not the only thing they are devoting their resources too, and at some point they are going to make cuts to somethings if they want to get to the others.

I too was disappointed when they removed wallrunning, don't get me wrong, but I think now I understand. In order for a better transition without having to completely revamp things (and thinking back you yourself should know how many of the current surfaces are not conducive to wallrunning), this was their best option.

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