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Login Rewards : Plat Discount Is Not An Incentive To Play


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Something I've been thinking about as I find myself logging into WF less frenquently .. the login rewards do not act as an incentive to play, but merely as a throw of the dice to possibly entice you to spend money .. which I think could be updated.


Don't get me wrong, I still play WF for long entertaining sessions on the weekends and 'some' nights, but the need to login daily for what ever reason is waning to the point of being irrelevant. I used to log in every night, now I rarely do during the week.


Extractors were fun, but now I'm resource heavy and they're really not any sort of incentive as it's more about 'not' having them destroyed through an extended deployment rather then looking for what goodies they've discovered .. so the overall solution was to just 'not' deploy them.



What I'm thinking is some type of login reward that is in itself a reason to play the game.

For example I was originally thinking of a weapon, so it could be something like :

- A weapon which who's BP is reward only

- A weapon which requires parts dropped by various factions, and a component that is login only


.. but then I started thinking of a limited time or duration locked aesthetic item which a player could randomly gain when they login, and can then apply to their frame until it runs out. By aesthetic I mean a weapon or frame skin or helmet, badge or sigil, or armor style component. 


So a player logs in and for 24 hours gets one of a random assortment of unique aesthetic items. The item is purely login only, the player can not ever 'own it', but during the duration they can equip it and look totally unique during their time of play. 


To me there are enough weapons, and adding weapons always scales the existing one's and potentially causes lots of other issues .. but an aesthetic (skin, sigil, whatever) is there for the player and is made to make their time playing the game more entertaining. No scaling required. 


Getting a really cool looking item to equip on my frame for a period of time would be far more of an incentive to play, and to show it off in the game. Plus it introduces other players to the concept of skins and other items which itself should promote more market sales, and playing the game to hunt down other items like sigils. 



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heh, many players would argue against your thread title.....many hate the fact that all they get are useless xp rewards, credits, and BPs (how many gorgon and glaive BPs, not to mention warframe BPs do we REALLY need, especially if we have the weapon done already) and would prefer they get the discounts.


Especially 7 day+ logins where the plat discounts really should matter lol (its the only time i ever buy plat is if its 50% or the ultra rare (for me at least) 75%

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Extractors were fun, but now I'm resource heavy and they're really not any sort of incentive as it's more about 'not' having them destroyed through an extended deployment rather then looking for what goodies they've discovered .. so the overall solution was to just 'not' deploy them.


Extractors only take damage while they're actually extracting. Once they have the resources you can leave them there for as long as you like before collecting them and nothing will happen. You don't need to log in every day to use them.

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the plat discounts are for players who love the game but dont have alot of time to play it. They get plat discounts to lessen the gap between those that can  and do play everyday and those that can't.


Money=time, especially in a game that lets you pay for convenience

Edited by DarkArchon
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Free ___ isn't a good reason to play a game at all. I agree that the plat discounts are there to encourage players to spend money, which I think is fine. They need to make money to pay for all of their content. The limited nature of login rewards is fine as it is. It is a small bonus to a game that is otherwise broad in content.

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Something I've been thinking about as I find myself logging into WF less frenquently .. the login rewards do not act as an incentive to play, but merely as a throw of the dice to possibly entice you to spend money .. which I think could be updated.


Don't get me wrong, I still play WF for long entertaining sessions on the weekends and 'some' nights, but the need to login daily for what ever reason is waning to the point of being irrelevant. I used to log in every night, now I rarely do during the week.


Extractors were fun, but now I'm resource heavy and they're really not any sort of incentive as it's more about 'not' having them destroyed through an extended deployment rather then looking for what goodies they've discovered .. so the overall solution was to just 'not' deploy them.



What I'm thinking is some type of login reward that is in itself a reason to play the game.

For example I was originally thinking of a weapon, so it could be something like :

- A weapon which who's BP is reward only

- A weapon which requires parts dropped by various factions, and a component that is login only


.. but then I started thinking of a limited time or duration locked aesthetic item which a player could randomly gain when they login, and can then apply to their frame until it runs out. By aesthetic I mean a weapon or frame skin or helmet, badge or sigil, or armor style component. 


So a player logs in and for 24 hours gets one of a random assortment of unique aesthetic items. The item is purely login only, the player can not ever 'own it', but during the duration they can equip it and look totally unique during their time of play. 


To me there are enough weapons, and adding weapons always scales the existing one's and potentially causes lots of other issues .. but an aesthetic (skin, sigil, whatever) is there for the player and is made to make their time playing the game more entertaining. No scaling required. 


Getting a really cool looking item to equip on my frame for a period of time would be far more of an incentive to play, and to show it off in the game. Plus it introduces other players to the concept of skins and other items which itself should promote more market sales, and playing the game to hunt down other items like sigils. 


Also i get better rewards if i dont log in for 7days and longer, kinda strange but yea. all  i got for the past 4 weeks was item exp and one time a 20% discount.

I get blueprints ,50% discount and stuff id rather have alot more frequently on the 3day login bonus

Edited by Hellfire616
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You know why it isn't an incentive to play? Because the only way you'll see a discount come up is to NOT PLAY for a while!. We had to swallow that pill back in 2013. You got one discount when you start. If your EXTREMELY LUCKY you might get another one some time during your game play (6-12 months) - don't count on 50-75%, tho... it's going to be 20%. 


BUT... and this works to THIS DAY; take off 3 days to a week and you'll get rewarded with the big  (50 - 75%) discount! Works for me EVERY TIME, and I HATE not playing every day but sometimes I need plat and that's the only way to get bang for my buck.

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I guess the difference I have is that the plat incentive doesn't bother me.

Totally agree that not logging in for a couple days means you're more likely to get a 50% or 75% discount.


For months all I ever got was the odd 20%, but when my interest started to wane and I logged in less frequently I also noticed that I was getting more 50% and 75% offers (which I didn't use).


Hence why I thought adding in something like a skin or other visual item might be worth a try, because for me it'd be a reason to log in and play it a bit more .. and there are a ton of ultra stylized warframes wandering around in the game that look awesome, so I'd thought a few others might be keen on this type of thing too :)

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