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U17 Hype Threadnaught [Queue The Mariachi Band Edition]


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the moves in the announcement trailer are totally different then in the dev stream from last friday


i like the moves in the announcement trailer and would like to be able to move that way ,-)

Edited by 3QUINOX
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the moves in the announcement trailer are totally different then in the dev stream from last friday


i like the moves in the announcement trailer and would like to be able to move that way ,-)

it is the trailer of the last big update and also the old parkour is shown, just more spectacular since it is a trailer

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Yeah, i think it was Wednesday in Canada when he posted this. IMAO, they even can possibly release it during morning. 


Yea, that's what I thought. I assume they have some more tweaks to do in the morning, but I figured they might be able to pull a late release tonight :/

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the moves in the announcement trailer are totally different then in the dev stream from last friday


i like the moves in the announcement trailer and would like to be able to move that way ,-)


They did implement that fluent wall running, there was a demo where they demoed it on smooth walls. But then, it didn't turn out to be feasible on random wall features, it seems. I'm glad that they found a way to make it work the way they did, and who knows, maybe one day they will improve it and make it more fluent.

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* New quest called **"Natah"** - Is the strange drone scanning Tenno just an upgraded piece of Corpus technology or are there more sinister things stirring in the Origin System?
       * **What should you know:** The mystery drone will randomly seek out players with a mastery rank of 3 or higher. After encountering this drone, the Lotus will initiate the quest.

* New Warframe called *"Equinox"* - Split between day and night. Equinox manifests aggressive and defensive forms at will. Equinox's powers include:
    * **Power 1** - Metamorphosis: Switch forma between Day-Form and Night-Form.
          * **Day-Form:** Grants bonus damage and speed.
          * **Night-Form:** Grants bonus shields and armor.
    * Power 2 - Rest and Rage
          * **Day-Form:** Enemies in a small targeted area become vulnerable to damage.
          * **Night-Form:** Enemies in a small targeted area are put to sleep.
    * **Power 3** - Pacify and Provoke
          * **Day-Form:** Increases the Power Strength of nearby allies.
          * **Night-Form:** Reduces damage dealt by nearby enemies.
    * **Power 4** - Maim & Mend
          * **Day (Maim):** Nearby enemies are bled and thus subjected to a wave of slashing force.
          * **Night (Mend):** Allies are healed with each nearby enemy killed.

* **Parkour 2.0**
      **-**This complete overhaul of Warframe's parkour system brings a dramatic change to one of Warframe's core elements, environment. Please be aware further adjustements may be made as we continue to refine these improved mechanics that shape oour experience of what it is to be a Space Ninja. We will continue to monitor Parkour 2.0's effect on Warframe long after release, including it's unique interaction with enemies and level design.

* There were changes to Chroma.
* Something about the Uranus tileset.
* Seems like 13 mods are available for the utility slots. From what I can read: Rush, Heavy Impact, Master Thieft, etc.
* 9? new enemies for the Uranus? tileset. May be related to archwing. Seems like some of the current ones were modified.
* 3? new weapons.
* 15? new mods.
* Improvements to Mobile Defense, Capture, Earth Sabotage and Vor's Prize key mission.

Will continue later.


Edited by Dimbreath
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Warm coat is on the bottom of that list of utility mods; weeeee.

I'm sure others with more patience will find more.


I rarely agree with Q-Vier, but that brat speaks the truth!

Edited by Feuerbrand
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