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Eurogamer Interviews Randy Pitchford. Oh, Boy.


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Shamelessly stolen from neogaf:


AHA- Lambda-


Some choice quotes

Eurogamer: In the case of Aliens, you must accept it's not as good as Borderlands. Surely you accept that.

Randy Pitchford: It depends on what criteria you're using to define good. It did not sell as much. It didn't receive nearly the scores. It wasn't even close. Borderlands has sold maybe 15 times as many units. And the scores are very clear. Aliens got destroyed by the critics.

Eurogamer: Did you not feel that was fair?

Randy Pitchford: I probably lost somewhere between maybe $10-$15m on Aliens, whereas I made a ridiculous amount of money on Borderlands.

Eurogamer: I absolutely accept that, and the footage was marked as work in progress and that's fair. What I'm curious about is why did this game change in the way it did?

Randy Pitchford: Which way do you want to talk about? Pick a way it changed. Do you have a specific example of something that changed?

Eurogamer: Yes! If we look at the E3 2011 gameplay demo for Aliens, there were certain graphical effects we didn't see in the launch version.

Randy Pitchford: We need a laptop. We can't do this.

Eurogamer: Oh come on. You must know what I'm talking about.

Randy Pitchford: I can't remember every effect. I can't possibly remember.

Eurogamer: Okay, but the general point is that it didn't look as good when it launched as it did in those videos.

Randy Pitchford: I think that's subjective. There was one demo that was done, there was basically the same environment that was the first map of the game, and they were trying to show, oh look how it changed. It was kind of hilarious because, the first thing was, you're walking down the umbilical chord and then there's a jolt and a shake and you look up and a body of a marine smashes against the glass and the glass shatters and there's blood and then the first-person player falls down and there's blood on the ground and then he pushes his hand off of it and stands up and you can see blood on his hand, and then he readies his gun and moves forward.

And then they showed, like, here's the final version. In the final version, the thing shakes, he looks up, the body hits the glass but it doesn't shatter. There's no shattering effect. And then when he falls there's no blood on the ground and he doesn't do the thing where he looks at the blood on his hand. And that's a scandal. Like, that is a scandal.

@(*()$ $&*^head >_>
The sad part is, as much as he doesn't care, he's a shrewd man who knows how to play media. Get himself in the spotlight and pick ld wounds, why? Cos he's got new Duke Nukem and BiA games to announce!




He's definitely doing this on purpose.


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I hate that dude. A:CM was so long in the making, on paper it sounded like some awesome tactic based 4 player co-op or something and I was really looking forward to it being the game which brought the Aliens franchise back from the dirt. Then it turned into some god-awful corridor shooter with laughable AI and more combat time vs. humans they may as well call it Humans: Colonial Marines. I'm now weary of anything Gearbox make in general. Borderlands is a no-go for me despite how much my friends praise it.


At least Alien: Isolation more than made up despite being somewhat padded.

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