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Honestly, everyone here insisting that lotus shouldn't be trusted because she's sentient is ignoring pretty much everything this quest as told us: That she saved us for Love. I mean, you are completely ignoring tons actions of protection and guidance, only to care for what she was born. You are ignoring merit for the previously conceived ideas you have of something. That's called racism in the real world.

Second, to call Lotus "Natah" is just being a terrible person. She abandoned what she was, what she was created to be (Natah) to be what she thought it was the best, to be the Lotus. She is not the same person/sentient/octopus/whatever she used to be. To call Lotus "Natah" is the same as calling a certain famous woman a certain male name that she used to use. We all know who I'm talking about.

To be honest, I didnt trust Lotus until this quest. To know that she betrayed her own family only to protect us, out of nothing but love, changed my mind. I mean, till now, she was just the person that awaked the tenno. She could be using us. But this quests told us that it was not that way.

Also, Teshin is a jerk. There. I said it. Lotus didn't told us anything to protect us. That guy used us to get to the toumb only because "why the hek not mess in business I'm not in?" AND had the nerve to be a jerk and call Lotus "Natah". That's a jerk in my country.

Plus, "lets lot trust lotus she betrayed her own, what a lack of principles. Lets side with the guy that makes dogs out of our corpses. He pays us better. Sometimes"


Racism: noun : 1.

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.

Last I checked, Tenno were MADE to kill Sentients and anything else that is a threat. A good chunk of the "deathtothelotus" didn't trust her before finding out she was a sentient and they still don't trust her after finding out she is. That is less racism and more just plain distrust. I can honestly speak for myself and say I didn't trust her before or care that she is a Sentient (She could have been a living orokin reactor for all I care). The fact that the Tenno seem to just "follow orders of whoever gives them" seems to make them less like living beings with actual thoughts and emotions and more like weapons that do as they are told.

Besides, every Sentient we have come across before (both in game and lore) has tried to kill us. You really think that having just one "turn good" would make folks jump on the "trust Lotus, because she cares!" bandwagon? Everytime I look at how DE is trying to make the Tenno and Lotus as the "good guys of the game", the old saying "The brighter the picture, the darker the negative." keeps playing on repeat.

Second, if folks call Lotus "Natah", they are going to do it. She may have abandoned that name, but I'm sure other Sentients will know her by that name and not the one she chose for herself. To compare it to that whole real life issue.... doesn't work out in the same sense. She still has "past sins" to possibly atone for if DE has the Sentients come back with a vengance. They won't care if her name is Lotus or Natah or "Mr. Squeaky clean bubbles MC fluffy duck", she betrayed them and will probably have to pay for said betrayal.

As far as Tenshin using us to find out the information, why not. We get used by almost everything in this game for missions and quests. Tenno are mercenaries that only care about getting paid in the end. So he found out information and we did too. Take it one step further, if the infested offered us goods for us to do missions, I'm sure we would take their payment too. As a whole, the tenno are the "village doorknob", every faction gets a turn.

If Tenshin decides (because DE feels like it) to keep calling Lotus Natah, then he will keep calling her that name.

And for the "side with the guy who turns us into dogs" line, yes most would work for Alad V. It is less about an overall trust issue and more of a "better the devil you know than the one you don't." Yes, you can bring up that she is barren and she decided to "adopt" the Tenno as her children all you want, but her mission was to kill us off. She may have abandoned it as some fantasy line of "I can't kill them, I love them too much.", but she probably knows how we can be wiped out en mass. In fact, I still want to know why would you put the Tenno in stasis if you decided that they are your family now? Would we still be in stasis if the Grineer and Corpus didn't meddle with us? Why not just keep the Tenno around to MAINTAIN the balance instead of "In case of no balance, break open tenno cryo"?

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just completed natah quest and my hate towards lotus is x1000 now


this system is corrupt,




We must burn away this corruption to begin anew.

And we should start with sentients

And by that i mean lotus-natah

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 Despite the recent revelation, I don't want to be with the Lotus. I want more of a sense of Independence. She may say that she views the Tenno as her children... The reality is that she has an army that do whatever she ask and wiped our memories... Basically killing the individual tennos personalities they had before. She couldn't manipulate/control the tenno without wiping out their memories. Screw her.

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1) But we know she didn't do it for the sake of resources, she did it for love.


2) See above.


3) She was definitely around with the Tenno while the Sentients were fighting the Tenno, remember Hidden Messages?


4) Did she ever claim power herself? No. Hell the rise of the Grineer, Corpus, would attest to that she never assumed any kind of rulership over Origin.


5) As she said "she needed to cover her tracks", when it became apparent that she needed to act to stop the Sentients she took up the charge - Teshin argued that it would be better to let the Sentient get free and attack it then, but Lotus wanted to bury it again. That's not exactly being scared, that's arguably more practical than what Teshin wanted.


1, 2). Of cause you would love your excellent tools you use to force you will and power around.


3). If she already infiltrated Tenno why she allowed the Sentients to lose? She only betrayed them by not killing Tenno in the end. Before that she followed their instructions.


4). Maybe Grineer and Corpus broke from her grip and now she wants to punish them and restore her power. We don't know what happened since the Tenno went to sleep.


5). "became apparent"??? It was apparent to her that Sentients broke free after we scanned Occulist. She wanted to hide that truth, Teshin is the one who decided to investigate and prepare for Sentients invasion. If not Teshin Sentients would have been a complete surprise when they would attack. Now we have time to prepare.

Edited by igo95862
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So let me get this straight Louts was made to do a thing. She didn't do that thing cuz she wanted children. Then hid the children away so no one would know she didn't kill them like she was supposed to do and that no one would come looking for them. 

It's like a soap opera or a lifetime movie with space ninjas.


Not seeing how Lotus is evil though. At worst, she a neutral force put in a bad position who in the end just wanted some kids. No matter what she did someone was going to hate her. That like calling a dog evil because it was trained to attack but didn't kill a viscous flying squirrel because it wanted a children. 

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The Lotus was the last Sentient to leave. Why? Because she felt compassion for the Orokin's creations. She liked the Sentients as much as we did the Orokin. So she told us to kill the Orokin. To free us. Now all she wishes is for the Tenno to do their job and prevent the rise of another System-wide Empire.

Heretics, you will be hung by your entrails, and your corpses paraded through the Relays.

Steel yourself, Brother. For when the Journey out of this wretched hole begins, they will be left behind. And ALL who are loyal, will be SAVED!

Edited by Institute-Marksman
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1, 2). Of cause you would love your excellent tools you use to force you will and power around.


3). If she already infiltrated Tenno why she allowed the Sentients to lose? She only betrayed them by not killing Tenno in the end. Before that she followed their instructions.


4). Maybe Grineer and Corpus broke from her grip and now she wants to punish them and restore her power. We don't know what happened since the Tenno went to sleep.


5). "became apparent"??? It was apparent to her that Sentients broke free after we scanned Occulist. She wanted to hide that truth, Teshin is the one who decided to investigate and prepare for Sentients invasion. If not Teshin Sentients would have been a complete surprise when they would attack. Now we have time to prepare.


1, 2) That's more than just caring about your sword not breaking. She's demonstrated a deep caring for our well-being that is MORE than just a weapon. She's been deeply concerned about our well-being constantly.


3) It's not just that she let the Sentients lose, it's that she turned on them.  Why? Because the final part of the Sentients plans was killing the Tenno - killing those that she had come to see as her children. She refused to do that.


4) That's assuming where we had no previous indication of. You're assuming this 'great Lotus Empire" existed when we have NOTHING to say it did.


5) That Sentient could have meant many things - after all we had hints about it during The New Strange. It became apparent that the Sentients were heavily active only when she was able to determine that these were indeed Sentients. Hell, we know they've been changing, been evolving, these creatures are by FAR a stretch from the "worm ships" mentioned in Mag's Codex. Seems that even Lotus didn't recognize them. She thought they were 


If she knew that they were out, as you claim, after we scan Occulist and wanted to hide the truth, why send Tenno out to search for more? Why try to find more information about what's going on in the first place?

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The Lotus was the last Sentient to leave. Why? Because she felt compassion for the Orokin's creations. She liked the Sentients as much as we did the Orokin. So she told us to kill the Orokin. To free us. Now all she wishes is for the Tenno to do their job and prevent the rise of another System-wide Empire.


Steel yourself, Brother. For when the Journey out of this wretched hole begins, they will be left behind. And ALL who are loyal, will be SAVED!

So wishing free will is heresy?

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So wishing free will is heresy?

In this case, yes. Superweapons can't just go around doing whatever they like. That's considered ignorant.

Tenno free will = not equal to real life free will.

IRL, you can't just go around willy-nilly shooting people and get away with it.

Edited by Institute-Marksman
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Then we are agreed! A tactical decision like that will reduce the risk of Tenno roaming free! Learning to fight your own kind is a good way of preparing yourself for what's to come.

But i still think we should be able to go rogue.

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